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Marth vs MK (What are MK's weaknesses?)


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2006
Austin TX
I'm a Marth main and I want to hear what the weaknesses of MK really are. I've played this matchup against my friend about 100 times and I think I've won about 5-10 matches total. It's disgustingly sad. Here's my outtake.

His dash attack / grabs... I can forward b combo them every time if I know they're coming. Oh wait, they're so fast that unless he's on the other side of the screen, I can't pull the sword. I can't shield or I get grabbed. Ground dodging is probably the only choice but like I said its really hard when he's within a short distance of you.

MK's down air... I can't get back from the ledge unless I just play mindgames. For the most part, he jumps on the edge and swipes his down air over and over again. I just have to time it with an up air to hit him out of the way. When I'm off the ledge, the only thing I can do is hopefully psyche him out with a forward b to gain some extra time so he can't judge when I'm going to get on the ledge. If he can space the ledge grab right, I'm either missing the ledge or landing on the platform where I'm gauranteed to get hit.

All his spam moves come out faster and have more priority than mine. If I ground dodge a move, he can get a second one out in time before my dodge is finished and hit me with it. (This is so annoying). Rolling is totally not an option as marth's roll blows.

I've managed to handle the drill and tornado pretty well. There's enough lag that I know to counter a drill or tornado or i'll just shield the tornado completely (but not the drill).

What are some serious problems you guys have against a Marth player? Any move I miss, I'm punished for. People say to smash them off the screen. Up smash doesn't kill early enough, forward smash is way too punishable. Neutral air hardly works against his short ***.

Sigh... I have no clue on what to do.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2005
Metaknight can't zone, if he approaches on the ground, dodge (sheild + down) than side b him up. if he comes at you aerial there are only two types of meta's: chase down spam, which you can simply up b through until they get the point or die and wall of pain meta's who try to pressure you off the stage, which you can out zone his air with fox trotting and dash dancing then punish appropriately. When being hit always DI away from meta since he can't combo more than two or three hits until he has diminished his attacks (which can happen quickly if you don't pressure). Try not to block as meta will hit through your sheild consistantly. Most of meta's b moves are safe most of the time but only his neutral be will hit through your sheild. Meta beats marth on equal ground but marth beats meta on opposites: ie, meta's air game beats marth because good meta's bait aerial than punish and meta's dash attack/grab two way option beats out most of marths moves from farther reach, but marth's short hop goes over meta's ground game while his aerial swing so wide they can still hit meta and marths fox trotting out maneuvers meta's air control (insert f smash here). You can used old edge guard tricks from melee to gimp our little flyer and since meta has to drop before he can rise, an early up b usually mean demise from predictability and a well placed back air. I can give you more but that should help you out for now, if you have anything specific you want to ask, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge and experience from loosing to and defeating various marths.
Plus read the cons for meta on the main thread and try to abuse them with the pros from the marth main thread.
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