Ally went into ladder chat the other day, and we did a CA vs CA crew match.
Cali vs Canada.
Cali ended up winning :]
Line up was
Cali -
Canada -
Every match was on Jungle Japes, and Ally used Metaknight. Choconannerz took off 1 stock, then I was up. I went Fox, and Ally did NOT wait for invincibility to wear off, then went ahead to attack me. Completely thrown off, I sd'd and lost my first stock. 2nd stock I got clap trapped after I spawned. So it was my 1 stock vs Ally's 2 stock. Being the awesome person I am, I managed to mind game Ally to fall into a clap trap, therefore taking a stock off before he killed me :]
Finally, Ally's 1 stock mowed through Truth and Shiro, until Vato finally finished off the last stock.
Cali's too good :]