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[Major] "The Power of One" ~ Vid Channel links 1st post + Montage by Dekar

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Oct 29, 2004
also rob, corneria lasers aren't random -- they're expected and arrive in relatively determined intervals. only *******es like chu dat dont expect lasers/planes in corneria: (2.54) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA2wG0KOxmU

also, with randall in ys, you can use the timer to precisely determine when and where the cloud will appear (if you're good enough)

and thirdly, i agree with ryan -- more stages plz, otherwise z~


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
The stage list is fine... If you can only play one character these days you deserve to lose on your opponents counterpick.
and the current champ (cao) plays only one character (peach) and probably has the best options for stages out of anyone here

the amount of characters you play does not matter (unless youre ng), but larger stage numbers should really have some alternative to stupid cps (less stages or more bans plx)

also bo5 for all semis and up plx

fix ur tourney bru


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia

DIdn't get anything out of the last thousand pages of sheit cept:

Wtf with everything being best of 3.. thought it was standard for all semis and finals to be best of 5

Too many lame CP stages.

I want MM everyone.
One of the first amendments I'll be making. Never you mind.


The ruleset I have being an adaptation of the MBR ruleset I never realised that it said all sets should be Bo3. Rofl. Just dumb. But yeah, it's good to throw this up early to have it hacked to pieces like this.

My only other john is that I've had a few other more important things on my mind in the last few days.


How many sets should we have Best of 5? Considering that Melee is running by itself for a whole day, we could afford to make more than a few matches Best of 5.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
One of the first amendments I'll be making. Never you mind.


The ruleset I have being an adaptation of the MBR ruleset I never realised that it said all sets should be Bo3. Rofl. Just dumb. But yeah, it's good to throw this up early to have it hacked to pieces like this.

My only other john is that I've had a few other more important things on my mind in the last few days.


How many sets should we have Best of 5? Considering that Melee is running by itself for a whole day, we could afford to make more than a few matches Best of 5.
Winners Finals, Losers Finals and Grand Finals should be Bo5.

That's the bare minimum.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
thats uhhh sorta what i said sd
but it's correct
anyway how about best of 5 for all sets, best of 7 for semis onwards


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
You're on Beast.

This'll be interesting.

So, this money match is final? No going back? I'm talking to R.O.B. and Beast here.

I was joking when I said that, by the way.

Like I said, I don't expect to win.
rofl rofl rofl... ahhh, the faults of our youth.

basically grim, in all seriousness, heres why everyone is disagreeing with you.
every so often, we get some new guy show up, who hasnt played in a proper scene (yes SA, is not a proper scene, just ask nova) and that new person thinks he's the ****, and that he knows heaps about the game because he's looked around on the boards and uses logic and theory.
then that person comes to a proper tourney, gets ****ed up, and sooner or later comes back with "wow I was wrong and you guys were right"

it happens every time, why is this time gonna be different?

its not, because of my orginal arguement all those pages back which is, you cannot substitute anything for experiance.
you do not have experiance, plain and simple, you have never played in a proper tourney.
captain yeast, for all his **** talking, has playing in proper tourneys for years and years, and he knows exactly what he's talking about from years of playing at the top level (in aus at least)

your done son, your not achieving anything here except making enemies and losing alot of money.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
rofl rofl rofl... ahhh, the faults of our youth.

basically grim, in all seriousness, heres why everyone is disagreeing with you.
every so often, we get some new guy show up, who hasnt played in a proper scene (yes SA, is not a proper scene, just ask nova) and that new person thinks he's the ****, and that he knows heaps about the game because he's looked around on the boards and uses logic and theory.
then that person comes to a proper tourney, gets ****ed up, and sooner or later comes back with "wow I was wrong and you guys were right"

it happens every time, why is this time gonna be different?
Buuuut... I DO know heaps about the game. I don't see how "getting ****ed up" would change that fact :/

its not, because of my orginal arguement all those pages back which is, you cannot substitute anything for experiance.
you do not have experiance, plain and simple, you have never played in a proper tourney.
captain yeast, for all his **** talking, has playing in proper tourneys for years and years, and he knows exactly what he's talking about from years of playing at the top level (in aus at least)

your done son, your not achieving anything here except making enemies and losing alot of money.
Why do I need tournament experience to know that Wobbling isn't broken and doesn't deserve to be banned?

Why do I need to be an amazing player to realize that the lay-out of Poke Floats lends itself to extreme camping?

EDIT: In regard to those quotes, when I said "no going back" I was talking about our money match where he said that it'd be any amount of money on any stage ($999999 on Temple, for example). It was a poor attempt at a joke because of Rob's poor choice of words.





Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
you dont know **** about the game because you havnt really played the game properly.

thats like if I was 12 years old, and played little league baseball for 1 year, then I rock up, 13 years old thinking I'm hot **** and go to the major leagues in america and start telling them how to play their game and that they should change all this stuff they do because its stupid.

do you think anyone would take me serisouly? of course not, and nobody is going to take you serisouly either.

also thats **** yeast, you could have at least come up with puke shatyeo

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
you dont know **** about the game because you havnt really played the game properly.
I DO know **** about the game because I have watched videos of it, played it (at a low level) and discussed it for quite a few years now.

thats like if I was 12 years old
15 ;)

, and played little league baseball for 1 year, then I rock up, 13 years old thinking I'm hot ****
I don't think I'm hot ****.

and go to the major leagues in australia and start telling them how to play their game and that they should change all this stuff they do because its stupid and because the majority of other areas that play baseball at a high level have adopted these rules.
Fixed that for you.

do you think anyone would take me serisouly? of course not, and nobody is going to take you serisouly either.
It isn't just me. There are professional players who would say the exact same thing as me, I bet if you asked M2K at Robocop he would've said something along the lines of "Poke Floats is gay".


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Grim are you trying to say you've watched more videos of high level players then us? Also if you do that it actually counts towards your opinion more then actually playing the game at a high level?

This is all i'm posting now, nothing else needs to be said really

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
Grim are you trying to say you've watched more videos of high level players then us?
No, I'm not. If I was trying to say that I would have actually... you know, said it.

Also if you do that it actually counts towards your opinion more then actually playing the game at a high level?
Again, if I thought it actually counted towards my opinion MORE than playing the game at a high level I would have said: "Watching videos counts more towards my opinion than playing the game at a high level".

I was just saying that I do know stuff about the game, that's all. There is no deeper meaning in my post.

This is all i'm posting now, nothing else needs to be said really

Do I have to mention again that this isn't just the opinion of some nooby 15 year old, it is an opinion held by MANY professional players. I couldn't care less if you think my opinion doesn't matter, but saying I need to be good at the game to know how the game works at a high level is just ignorant.

EDIT: You can ban everyone if you want now, Cao.

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
scrub :
A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a "noob" or "newb," which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.

source - urban dictionary - the peoples dictionary.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
scrub :
A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a "noob" or "newb," which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.

source - urban dictionary - the peoples dictionary.
scrub :
A dude who act like a playa or like he sumthin but really got nothin. A broke guy with no job, no car, no girl..etc

A loser with nothing to offer a woman.

source - urban dictionary - the peoples dictionary.

A freely editable dictionary isn't a good source for definitions.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Actually if you look really hard you might notice that I haven't posted my opinions on any of the topics you've brought up, just pointing out the faults in your bad posts :awesome:


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
It's pointless to try and push an argument when both sides have perfectly legitimate arguments for different reasons. You guys should knock it off because it's like watching two people forced by their ego's to bash their heads against opposing sides of a wall and then claim they have the softer side so they're smarter and will win.

Seriously, take the competitive philosophy talk out of this thread. Especially because any discussion is doomed to be talked to for an eternity until people such as yourselves realise that differences of opinion of what makes a game competitive will forever fuel the debate.

Might start revising the ruleset. But maybe not since I'm at Aika's atm.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
It's pointless to try and push an argument when both sides have perfectly legitimate arguments for different reasons. You guys should knock it off because it's like watching two people forced by their ego's to bash their heads against opposing sides of a wall and then claim they have the softer side so they're smarter and will win.

Might start revising the ruleset. But maybe not since I'm at Aika's atm.
I realize that I won't change anyone's opinion.

But everyone is responding to my posts with their condescending, irrelevant bull-****, and if I don't respond to Luke/Beast's posts, they'll never get off their high-horse. :bee:
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