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Little green men come to steal brainstems! - Crypto (Destroy All Humans) Thread


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
This is the support/speculation thread for Crypto from the Destroy All Humans series.​


What is Destroy All Humans?
Destroy All Humans is an open-world action-adventure video game series that was originally published by THQ and created by Pandemic Studios. The series is now owned by THQ Nordic who acquired the rights to the series after THQ went under and sold the rights to their games. Destroy All Humans first appeared on the PS2 and Xbox in 2005. The games have you play as Crypto, a member of the Furon alien race who travels to Earth to steal human brainstems that aid in the cloning process of Furons that is gradually becoming unstable.

Destroy All Humans has five games: Destroy All Humans, Destroy All Humans 2, Destroy All Human Big Willy Unleashed, Destroy All Humans Path of the Furon, and the upcoming remaster of the first game coming sometime in 2020. The gameplay consists of Crypto walking around or flying in his saucer to complete objectives, such as retrieving important files, kidnapping people for information, disguising himself as a human, assassinating or sabotaging his enemies, or straight up going on a killing spree and wiping towns off the map.

Crypto's Moveset
Crypto has obtained over 15 weapons throughout his games (25 including the saucer weapons). He has his trusty Zap-O-Matic which shoots electricity that frys anything. The Disintegrator Ray shoots hot balls of plasma that disintegrates humans in seconds and can blow up vehicles quickly. The Ion Detonator is a grenade thrower that shoots a red plasmic ball that explodes with a wide radius, disintegrating humans and blowing up vehicles. Crypto also has his iconic Anal Probe that shoots a probe into people's butts which goes up to the head, exploding it and revealing a brain that Crypto can obtain. Yeah, with this one I can't see Sakurai being able to implement it due to its disgusting nature.

Thankfully, Crypto has plenty other weapons. The aforementioned ones appear in all the games, but wait! There's more! Crypto has the Disclocator Ray which shoots purple discs that latch onto objects and makes them fly all over the place in various random patterns. The Superball shoots rainbow balls that attach to objects and makes them bounce all over the place, dealing damage with every bounce. Crypto also has a gun that can shoot a probe of another Furon, Gastro. He is a separate entity who has a rapid fire gun and explosives. And the list goes on.....

As for Crypto's play style, he would be a glass cannon. He is a long-ranged fighter that relies on his guns to get the job done. He also has psychokinesis (PK) powers that he can use to lift and throw objects and people, magnetize objects together, and he can even temporarily stop time. In Destroy All Humans, Crypto is a bit fragile. He has a shield to protect him, though it can't handle a lot of bullets and one shot from a tank can almost completely drain his shield. In Smash Bros, Crypto would have to avoid close combat with his opponents and out-range them to survive. He has a lot of range and fire power, but he can die easily. His ground speed is average, but he has a jetpack which gives him a lot of air time and mobility, which gives him an advantage when it comes to air combat. It's also important to note that Crypto does get damaged from his own weapons, most notably from the Ion Detonator if he gets close to the blast radius.

Now onto his moveset:

Dash Attack - Headbutt assisted by jetpack.

Jab - Zap-O-Matic fires a medium-ranged stream of electricity that stuns and damages opponents, then stops after a couple seconds. Requires a brief recharge period.

Side Tilt - Crypto uses PK to push back the opponent. The opponent has to be in close proximity for this to activate.

Down Tilt - Crypto uses the Superball to fire a rainbow ball that bounces across the stage for a good while. If it hits an enemy, that character will be latched onto it and they will be bounced once. They will take damage upon the one bounce. Crypto can attack the enemy while they are latched onto the Superball projectile, but his attack will result in the projectile letting go of the character. Only two Superball projectiles be can active at the same time.

Up Tilt - Crypto points the Disintegrator Ray upwards and shoots pellets of hot plasma.

Neutral Air - Same as Jab

Forward Air - Points Disintegrator Ray forwards and fires pellets that have medium range distance.

Back Air - Same as Side Tilt

Down Air - Fires a lure that once it drops onto the floor, it will summon the Burrow Beast which comes out of the ground beneath the lure and bites anyone close to the lure. It will then retrieve into the ground with the lure. The lure itself does a tiny bit of damage if it hits someone during its fall. Crypto can also get bitten if he's too close. The lure can be picked up during its fall and then thrown. The beast will only appear when the lure touches the ground.

Up Air - Fires Zap-O-Matic upwards with medium distance.

Side Smash - Crypto uses his magnetic PK to lift up matter from the ground and bind it into a ball that he throws. The longer you charge, the more matter that goes into the ball, making it bigger and more devastating.

Down Smash - Crypto creates a small anti-gravity field around him that affects everyone except him. Allowing him to follow up with a powerful attack. The longer you charge, the longer the anti-gravity effect will last.

Up Smash - Points the Ion Detonator upwards and shoots a ball of plasma that explodes. The longer that you charge, the higher the ball will go. If the ball doesn't touch anything, it will drop down to the ground and explode, damaging anyone including Crypto.

Neutral Special - Ion Detonator will fire a ball of plasma in an arch. The ball explodes after 10 seconds or when the player presses the B Button again. It can be picked up and thrown. The explosion can hurt Crypto as well. The button can be held down to have the ball go further.

Side Special - Crypto uses the Ball Lightning to fire a ball of lightning that stays in the air for 5 seconds. It will do chip damage to everyone (except Crypto) who goes near it. Only one ball can be active at a time.

Down Special - Crypto uses the Meteor Strike gun to summon a very small meteor several feet in front of him. The gun requires a moment to aim and activate, but the meteor does a ton of damage.

Up Special - Crypto uses his jetpack to boost himself upward. It's similar to R.O.B's recovery in terms of mobility and distance, but it's a little faster.

Final Smash - Crypto gets into his flying saucer and uses the Quantum Deconstructor, which fires a thermonuclear cloud that has a huge blast radius and does massive damage.

Side Taunt - Pulls out the Anal Probe and spins it around like a pistol.

Up Taunt - Crypto uses telekinesis to lift himself up.

Down Taunt - Crypto pulls out the Black Hole Gun and gestures to the opponent to approach him.

Stage and Music
Destroy All Humans has plenty of potential stages to choose from. From the Fourth Ring of Furon, to Area 42, to the very 1950s Rockwell. But the stage that would probably best fit Destroy All Humans is Turnipseed Farm.

Turnipseed Farm is the first invasion site of the first game. Making it one of the most iconic locations in the series. Turnipseed Farm has a lot of potential to be a cool and stand-out stage. First, you can have farmers be stage hazards as they try to shoot or hit the characters with pitchforks. You can have policemen and even tanks come from the forest and attack the combatants. There is plenty of things they can put in the background like Crypto's saucer, farm animals, cameos from Harold and Martha, the first people to see Crypto, Majestic agents, and maybe other UFOs flying in the sky. We don't have a farm stage in Smash, so Turnipseed Farm would certainly be different.

As for the music, a lot of it is licensed music, but there is still a good amount of original tracks to choose from:
  • Destroy All Humans Main Theme
  • Destroy All Humans 2 Main Theme
  • Destroy All Humans Big Willy Unleashed/Path of the Furon Main Menu Theme
  • Rockwell Hunted (Destroy All Humans)
  • Area 42 Hunted (Destroy All Humans)
  • Santa Modesta Hunted (Destroy All Humans) (Also used for Turnipseed Farm)
  • Union Town Hunted (Destroy All Humans)
  • Capital City Hunted (Destroy All Humans)
  • Bay City Normal (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Bay City Hunted (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Albion Hunted (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Takoshima Hunted (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Tunguska Normal (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Tunguska Disguised (Destroy All Humans 2)
  • Tunguska Hunted (Destroy All Humans 2)
There are other tracks that could fit with the tone of battle, but I thought these were the most memorable.


Harold and Martha
General Armquist
Colonel Kluckin
Big Willy
The Master
Emperor Meningitis

Alternate Costumes

1 - Normal Crypto
2 - Crypto with Farmer Hat (from Turnipseed Farm title card as seen above)
3 - Dark Purple Crypto (to match the Crypto from the front cover of the first game)
4-8: Various color alternatives

Chances of Crypto being in Smash

Destroy All Humans does have Nintendo presence (Big Willy Unleashed being on Wii)
Destroy All Humans getting renewed interest due to new remaster.
Destroy All Humans is one of THQ Nordic's most popular series.
The remake is now on the Switch!

Niche series
Not requested that much
Competition from other THQ Nordic games like Darksiders

I hope you all enjoyed this breakdown. Crypto isn't looking likely, but it would be a dream come true to see him make it into the biggest crossover in gaming.​
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I just beat the remake. Had a blast with it and it improved the gameplay even more so than I expected. Some of the weapon upgrades are insane and the weapons are much better than ever. I loved this remake and while there were some glaring annoyances like the low camera angle when you are on the saucer and the Sonic Boom doesn't blast cars into oblivion anymore, it still was an improvement on the original in almost every way. The particle effects are jaw dropping, especially when you use the Quantum Deconstructor in a city block and the screen gets filled with flames and debris. The final boss was improved in some ways and was a great balance of difficulty but not ********. Silhouette was a bit bullet spongy though. The new challenges are nice, but I don't think I will bother completing all of them.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with the remake and throughout it all, I couldn't stop thinking about how great the second game would be if it had the gameplay and graphics of this game. I couldn't find the sales numbers but with all the videos and discussions I've seen and heard, I think there is a solid chance that THQ Nordic will also remake DAH 2. That game is still my favorite DAH game and I'm so psyched whenever it gets the remake treatment. And after that, I would like them to make their own DAH games. Big Willy Unleashed and Path of the Furon do have potential if they ever got the development time they need, but after two I think the series would need to move on to new games if THQ Nordic wants to keep this franchise alive and relevant. Plus I can't wait to see what creative weapons the developers could come up with, especially with current technology.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2020
Hmmm, yeah. I know this thread is pretty dead but Crypto would be pretty cool. I've only played the remake and the original, but I had a pretty fun time. It will most likely never happen, but would still be really cool.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Hmmm, yeah. I know this thread is pretty dead but Crypto would be pretty cool. I've only played the remake and the original, but I had a pretty fun time. It will most likely never happen, but would still be really cool.
That's because he's not appeared on a Nintendo console since the Wii, though a port of the remastered game on the Switch would be nice to see.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
I just beat the remake. Had a blast with it and it improved the gameplay even more so than I expected. Some of the weapon upgrades are insane and the weapons are much better than ever. I loved this remake and while there were some glaring annoyances like the low camera angle when you are on the saucer and the Sonic Boom doesn't blast cars into oblivion anymore, it still was an improvement on the original in almost every way. The particle effects are jaw dropping, especially when you use the Quantum Deconstructor in a city block and the screen gets filled with flames and debris. The final boss was improved in some ways and was a great balance of difficulty but not ********. Silhouette was a bit bullet spongy though. The new challenges are nice, but I don't think I will bother completing all of them.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with the remake and throughout it all, I couldn't stop thinking about how great the second game would be if it had the gameplay and graphics of this game. I couldn't find the sales numbers but with all the videos and discussions I've seen and heard, I think there is a solid chance that THQ Nordic will also remake DAH 2. That game is still my favorite DAH game and I'm so psyched whenever it gets the remake treatment. And after that, I would like them to make their own DAH games. Big Willy Unleashed and Path of the Furon do have potential if they ever got the development time they need, but after two I think the series would need to move on to new games if THQ Nordic wants to keep this franchise alive and relevant. Plus I can't wait to see what creative weapons the developers could come up with, especially with current technology.
I would love a remake of DAH2


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
It does make me wonder why a port to the Switch hasn't happened. I don't think the game is that demanding but it is quite damning that we have not gotten any news on a possible port. It doesn't make me confident that the next game (Most likely a remake of DAH 2) will be coming to the Switch either. Which is a shame because Switch ports could be the catalyst to forming a Smash fanbase for Crypto. That is my dream right there.

The good news is that the remake did surpass expectations so we will most likely see a new game.
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
It does make me wonder why a port to the Switch hasn't happened. I don't think the game is that demanding but it is quite damning that we have not gotten any news on a possible port. It doesn't make me confident that the next game (Most likely a remake of DAH 2) will be coming to the Switch either. Which is a shame because Switch ports could be the catalyst to forming a Smash fanbase for Crypto. That is my dream right there.

The good news is that the remake did surpass expectations so we will most likely see a new game.
The Switch still has plenty of life in it yet, so don't give up on port news. They would probably need to recoup costs


Banned via Administration
Aug 5, 2015
I won't support unless there is a Shama llama spirit. Just kidding I support but I loved that fight in destroy all humans 2. Maybe a hippie representing Shama Llama can accompany Arkvoodle. I think villager would make a good hippie, and the Disclocator Ray sounds like it could be vary unique in smash bros. I've yet to see a move with random knockback.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
AYO! Destroy All Humans is coming to SWITCH! leeeeees goooooooo
This is excellent news. Hopefully THQ Nordic will continue to support the Switch and more people will become familiar with this series. I might just double dip on this game for the portability and to support it so DAH 2 can be on Switch as well.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2020
I spammed Destroy all Humans in the Nintendo eShop search. You have partially me to think. I'm so happy happy for this news. I worked hard for this.
Yeah! Soon we can play DAH on the go, which is pretty cool!

Also, the Switch port could turn Crypto's unlikely chances into still-unlikely-but-better chances, and raise them very slightly. Just a thought.
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