Like a mad scientist, I have been cooking up something special in my lab that's almost ready to take over the world:
The Level 11 CPU!
(We skipped 10 and cranked it straight to 11)
For anyone that wants to play it, I'll be at Genesis III this weekend showing it off. I'm not completely sure where I'll be, but look for me in the friendlies section if there is one. I'll be the one with a laptop and laughing maniacally.
You can find the source code and instructions on how to get it running here.
Sample Features
(All taken from a live match)
Frame-Perfect Powershielding
Punishes Laggy Moves
Flowcharted Edgeguarding
Short-Hop Double Laser
Plus way more!
The Level 11 CPU!
(We skipped 10 and cranked it straight to 11)
For anyone that wants to play it, I'll be at Genesis III this weekend showing it off. I'm not completely sure where I'll be, but look for me in the friendlies section if there is one. I'll be the one with a laptop and laughing maniacally.
You can find the source code and instructions on how to get it running here.
Sample Features
(All taken from a live match)
Frame-Perfect Powershielding

Punishes Laggy Moves

Flowcharted Edgeguarding

Short-Hop Double Laser

Plus way more!
- What character does the AI play?
Fox, of course!
- Does the Level 11 CPU cheat?
The short answer is: No.
The long answer is that the CPU only interfaces with the game by pressing buttons on a virtual controller. There isn't anything it does that you couldn't do in principle. It just so happens, however, that a computer is much faster and more reliable than you, so it's able to do things that a human realistically can't.
- Are there any current limitations to the AI?
Yes, right now the CPU is limited to playing against Marth only, and on Final Destination. Support for other characters and stages will be added soon.
- How is the AI designed?
The level 11 CPU makes decisions on a 4 tiered hierarchy of objectives: Goals, Strategies, Tactics, and Chains. Each objective inspects the current game state and decides which lower level objective will be best to achieve it.
Goals are the highest level objective, and inform the AI what the intended overall outcome should be. IE: Beating our opponent in a match, or navigating the menu to select our character.
Strategies are the highest level means that the AI will use to accomplish the overall goal. For instance, the level 11 CPU will typically take the strategy of baiting the opponent into a poor move.
Tactics are lowish level series of predictable circumstances that we can realistically flowchart our way through. For instance, if the enemy if off the stage we may choose to edge guard them to keep them from getting back on.
Chains are the lowest level of objective that consists of a "chain" of button presses that Smashers will recognize, such as Wavedash, Jump-canceled Upsmash, etc...
- Can I play it on a regular Gamecube or hacked Wii?
For right now, the level 11 CPU only runs on a PC as a normal computer program. (Meaning that Melee has to be in an emulator) But I do want to get it running on actual Gamecube/Wii hardware. If you'd like to help with this, let me know!