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Kowns Thread.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Nope, met him at Apex, never played him. First time we've played was in tourney. He lives in Michigan, I live in philly.

25/150 I think.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI
Rogue Pit is the craziest mother****er I've ever met LMAO.

But it was cool meeting you. You ****ing weirdo XDDDD

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
We need more angels.... However, school is keeping some of them occupied.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2008
City of Champions(really)
In the Leitan Sea there are a pair of brothers - Ping and Pong - who live on separate islands. Due to shoddy workmanship, Ping's clock is now off by an unknown amount and he has no clue what time it is. Luckily, his brother Pong has a clock that is still accurate. But the bridge that connects their houses is also a victim of shoddy workmanship, and has deteriorated to nothing more than a band spanning the gap, and cannot support a man's weight.

However, Ping and Pong have at their disposal a gratuitous supply of paper and rats. Ping is able to write a message, tie it into a neat little packet on a rat's tail, and send the rat across the bridge to his brother (who is able to do the same). Using this method, Ping can send a query to Pong for the time, and Pong can send a reply via rat.

However, the times it takes for the rats to cross the bridge are unknown. Furthermore, because of the difference in elevation, the time it takes for the rat to cross is different going up from going down.

The goal:
Using only the messenger rats and the clocks, is it possible for Ping to synchronize his clock to Pong's? And if not, what is the smallest margin of error one can achieve?

This is not a trick question - do not think outside the box. Use the clocks only as time references and the rats only as postal creatures. The rat is only capable of running from one point to the other without stopping or changing direction, as it is a magical rat. Ping and Pong can send any number of rats at any time without worry of the bridge breaking, as they are magical rats. Rat magic also allows them to read/write letters instantaneously and without ink.

-The clock is huge and built into the house. Don't move it.
-Ping and Pong cannot see each other's houses nor the progress of the rats, as there is a thick sea mist between them.

Anyone want to have a go at it? :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2008
City of Champions(really)
Magical rats isn't outside of the box because it was in the puzzle xD if you're suggesting something like for them to take a sundial to get the time that's thinking outside of the box because no sundial was mentioned in the puzzle.

The goal:
Using only the messenger rats and the clocks, is it possible for Ping to synchronize his clock to Pong's?


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2009
a cold dark place north of aurora
i meant when the sun comes up ping checks the time and pong sends a rat with the actuall time so when it arrives ping can figure the difference and fix his clock

how bout pong sends a rat to ping who immediatley sends it back so when pong gets it he divides the time by two and can tell ping what to set his time to


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2009
Sunshine State ;D
I <3 Puzzles~

-writes down time he starts and ends the letter.
-adds directions to immediately send back in exactly one minute
-does this about 5 times, to get an idea of amount of time it takes for rat to cross there/back (subtracts the 1 minute Ping took)
-6th time: write ending time of letter, and tell ping to add x amount of minutes (the avg time of rat travel calculated)

time won't be exact :<
but it's pretty ****ing close, not all watches are perfectly synchronized..


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2008
City of Champions(really)
if they are so isolated and can't talk to eachother why does ping need an accurate clock?
what does he need to get to
When you divide it by two it won't be the right time because going from Ping to Pong is different than going from Pong to Ping because there's elevation between the two. So it can be the rope is going up from Ping to Pong or it could be going downward. Going down doesn't take the same amount of time going up.

And boom its been said that the messages sent will be instant to eachother as they are magical rats that don't take anytime to read or write your note xP And all you were able to find out from your solution is how long it takes to go there and back, not from Ping to Pong OR Pong to Ping as they cannot see when their rat reaches the other side =o


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2009
Sunshine State ;D
And boom its been said that the messages sent will be instant to eachother as they are magical rats that don't take anytime to read or write your note xP And all you were able to find out from your solution is how long it takes to go there and back, not from Ping to Pong OR Pong to Ping as they cannot see when their rat reaches the other side =o

However, Ping and Pong have at their disposal a gratuitous supply of paper and rats. Ping is able to write a message, tie it into a neat little packet on a rat's tail, and send the rat across the bridge to his brother (who is able to do the same). Using this method, Ping can send a query to Pong for the time, and Pong can send a reply via rat.

Rat magic also allows them to read/write letters instantaneously and without ink.
them - Ping and Pong

Ping and Pong can send letters to eachother, and they can read them as well. although its without ink, they can still receive the message.
my theory works,
i win.
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