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Kashakunaki's Wolf *Videos*


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
These have been a long time in the waiting. Thanks to you *******s (and I say that with as much love as possible) instead of doing homework and chores today I worked on putting videos of myself up for your personal enjoyment.

Note: I had one of me ****** Isaacard's Pikachu, but I don't know what happened to it.

So without further wait, enjoy (please comment):

Most Recent Videos
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs D4BA (Lucairo) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MrhZVM71_s
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs Overgames (Luigi) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WkEt3zNXfk

Older Videos
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs Sliraobe God (Ike) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ieEfhTkHGk
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs GoldenGlove (Donkey Kong) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSIrIPOWyZE
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs GoldenGlove (Ike) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nozLGC4Ix4s
Kashakunaki (Wolf) vs GoldenGlove (Ike) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3G6flqZeGE <-- To prove that I'm human

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Galveston, Texas
Seriously, another bad match up for Wolf is DK. Firsthand. I've always had trouble with DK vs Wolf. DK's ground game is just more solid than Wolf's.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You have a decent Wolf, Kash. I liked the way you used fair.

What bothered me, was the fact that you often didn't make use of bairs good range. You could space a lot more gay with it, especially i you move around like mad in the air (god bless Wolfs mobility)...

I also don't think your opponents were very good :/


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Seriously, another bad match up for Wolf is DK. Firsthand. I've always had trouble with DK vs Wolf. DK's ground game is just more solid than Wolf's.
I used to think Wolf vs DK was a bad match up, as well. I think it is relatively even, now, though, and I just have SO MUCH practice against DK that I more or less destroy any DK I fight now.

Just keep moving and mix up between grabbing and attacking. The number one thing to remember is to get Donkey Kong in the air. You can easily do 80% to a Donkey Kong before they even can THINK about touching the ground as long as you attack below and in front of them. There is literally nothing they can do. Literally.

You have a decent Wolf, Kash. I liked the way you used fair.

What bothered me, was the fact that you often didn't make use of bairs good range. You could space a lot more gay with it, especially i you move around like mad in the air (god bless Wolfs mobility)...

I also don't think your opponents were very good :/
Thank you. After watching myself play I noticed that I do the cross over Fair more than I realized.

Thank you for the advice. However, I am much better at abusing my mobility and range with Bair now than I am in those videos. The most recent one is against the Luigi which was about three weeks ago. The rest are more than three or four months old.

As for my opponents, I mainly put the videos up where I destroyed my opponents (if you couldn't tell), so that way you might get a better feel of how I play now. Anyone getting destroyed is going to look like ****. For example, me vs. that Ike in that one video. I know and you know I'm good, but he nearly three stocks me and it looks like I'm playing like piss. Everyone has their off days and good days.

To be perfectly honest, though, Sliraobe God is decent (much better at Melee) and Overgames is just starting to get into the competitive scene, but he is doing very well for himself.

GoldenGlove placed 9th in AZ12Step and took out two of Arizona's best players. He's one of my good friends and he is definitely very good at Brawl. I promise you. Our matches may look different because due to the fact we play each other so often, we know each others play style very well.

D4BA is a Texas Smasher who came here for an out of state tournament. He is very, very good. Destroyed Wobbles and is becoming much more popular. He plays a very smart game. He had a very bad time that match. The other matches were either very close or him wrecking me. I lost a money match to him.

I only watched one video, but I think you've got a pretty decent Wolf.
Thank you.

I'll definitely make note to get up to date videos to put up here. I'm going to three out of state tournaments in November, so there should be plenty of eye candy for everyone then.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Nice videos. I see what you mean about the whole 'pressuring' your opponent with the wall, nice job with that. You made great use of your SHs too. Be sure to post up any vids you get at the tournaments in November, I'm interested to see what you'll come up with in an unfamiliar environment.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Definitely not bad. Smart, though your Bair spacing was off sometimes, namely when the opponent was grounded, but when they were in the air you had pretty good spacing there. THat's something I would work on, and probably something I need to work on as well. But, your Fairs were nice, I'm liking that move more and more, if you throw out a retreating Fair, odds are, it's not getting punished. But yeah, you generally played safe, took a risk every once in a while, and played smart. And those Usmashes... I did that once too, spammed them, going for the 18% reward, but it's high risk, and overall you don't hit it as much as you get punished for it, so I don't use it all that much except for punishing. And a Boost smash for punishing Short hops =D

But yeah, nice Wolf, definitely impressive. But.. I wouldn't mind something more recent, my entire playstyle has changed within a week, few months ago? Forget it, I didn't watch those, I was only interested in the most recent ones.

Tl:dr Nice Wolf.

And does D4BA main Snake? I saw matches of him vs Dojo using Snake, so I was wondering if he was picking up Lucario or something.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
The nair to pivot grab approach is cool. You wolf looks good, seemed a bit predictable with dsmash at times and you spaced bairs into the shield several times and got away with it.

I have played D4BA several times online and he always played mk and sometimes snake. The lucario match was very sloppy from him. He is a beastly mk by the way constant offensive barrage and always tornados fair approaches and running attacks into pivot grab. A buffering mk nightmare for wolf and a great player.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I hope I'll get the chance to put on some vids of mine too <_<

I just hope that there'll be any made in the tourney I'm attending in Nov...


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Definitely not bad. Smart, though your Bair spacing was off sometimes, namely when the opponent was grounded, but when they were in the air you had pretty good spacing there. THat's something I would work on, and probably something I need to work on as well. But, your Fairs were nice, I'm liking that move more and more, if you throw out a retreating Fair, odds are, it's not getting punished. But yeah, you generally played safe, took a risk every once in a while, and played smart. And those Usmashes... I did that once too, spammed them, going for the 18% reward, but it's high risk, and overall you don't hit it as much as you get punished for it, so I don't use it all that much except for punishing. And a Boost smash for punishing Short hops =D

But yeah, nice Wolf, definitely impressive. But.. I wouldn't mind something more recent, my entire playstyle has changed within a week, few months ago? Forget it, I didn't watch those, I was only interested in the most recent ones.

Tl:dr Nice Wolf.

And does D4BA main Snake? I saw matches of him vs Dojo using Snake, so I was wondering if he was picking up Lucario or something.
Thank you for the advice, and I agree. I considered even videos from two weeks ago trash because of how much I think I've improved, lol. It's why I don't have very many videos up of me because I either delete them or just won't put them up because I think they're too old.

I think Up Smash is much better than given credit for. At what points did I get punished for it? Nearly every time I did it it either propped them into the air, or pushed them far away enough to avoid getting attacked/shield grabbed.

As for D4BA, when he came to NM he was in a state of indecision as to who he used. His better characters were Falco and perhaps Snake, but he was using Lucairo and a couple others as well. He was decent with all of them. His Lucairo wasn't AMAZING, but it was good.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
D4BA is a living counterpick.
I am not even kidding. If you don't double blind with him, your gonna get counterpicked.

Davis, we need to tape some of our matches and put them up.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
D4BA is a living counterpick.
I am not even kidding. If you don't double blind with him, your gonna get counterpicked.

Davis, we need to tape some of our matches and put them up.
Quoted for Truth. It's hilarious. Good stories he shared with me.

Agreed, Sinz. Are you going to be at the Smash fest this weekend?
I need someone professional to play in Brawl. Zman and them don't cut it...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Philadelphia area
I was gonna say something about the upsmashes. You really didn't get punished for them when they were shielded and I was kind of surprised by that.

How unpunishable, in your experience, is this move really? I have to admit I never even thought about the amount of pushback it has when shielded. It seems like perhaps those players might have been able to do something about it if they were more prepared but you seem to indicate they play you regularly.

Anyway I don't have much to add that wasn't already said. Good Wolf, I enjoyed the matches and like others would like to see some more even ones. Hoping for some good material from that tournament.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thank you very much, teekay.

I'm glad to see you took note of the Up Smash. The match where I do it the most with is against D4BA, who is from TX and I only played when he came here for a tournament.

It is actually a very safe move given that the opponent doesn't have a grapple grab or super long grab range such as DK.

Often times the opponent will try to shield grab you without realizing they've been pushed too far back. You get a free hit off them if this is the case. If they do anything OTHER THAN shield, they're going to take a nice 18% and be sent in the air for more abuse.

I really think the Up Smash is underused.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I used the usmash agsint a freind yesterday. He DI'd out after the first hit and punished me during the 2nd. Usmash sucks -_-


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Okay, did a little bit of testing: If you space it incorrectly (As in, the edge of the first hitbox hits the opponent's shield) the second hitbox will miss them and they are free to punish.

And they can roll out of the way before the second hitbox comes out, so anything out of shield will get Wolf, and a jab after the roll might get Wolf.

So, it all comes back down to lack of matchup knowledge, and risk/reward, that's what Usmash is, high risk (Albeit not very known) and high reward move.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I can agree with that. It's not necessarily knowledge of the match up, though, but ability to act appropriately in general.

That is, knowing what to do given a certain circumstance (or knowing what BEST to do). Until someone decides to punish my Up Smash, though, I will continue to abuse it.

Some of the noobs rag on me when I try to critique them on playing predictably and say, "Oh yeah? Well you're SO predictable with your Bair to Fsmash."

Well, if it is so predictable why don't you punish it? I'm not going to stop doing it if you either A) Don't know how to or B) Just flat out don't.

When playing lesser skilled people I often don't think when I play. I simply go on auto pilot. This has annoyed a lot of people, but when I explain why it makes since to them and they don't mind, then. They often times even agree with me. Why think when your opponent is incapable of thought? You wouldn't try to best a caveman or lion with logical thought processes, would you?


Smash Cadet
Oct 11, 2008
Usmash sucks -_-
Usmash doesn't suck. I think it's a very useful move. It's a pretty strong smash with two hits.

I enjoyed your videos very much and your Wolf is pretty good.
As I can see, you Bair alot. You're kind of unpredictable as well.

Anyway, good matches. :)


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Siiick wolf dude, love the mindgames you played in both of the new matches :D ur freaking aggressive with that bair, but i would say careful with nair, its priority isnt really that good and if the first hit doesnt connect, the other tiny hits deal no hitstun.

other than that, sick wolf.
i need to put up vids of my wolf soon....


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Usmash doesn't suck. I think it's a very useful move. It's a pretty strong smash with two hits.

I enjoyed your videos very much and your Wolf is pretty good.
As I can see, you Bair alot. You're kind of unpredictable as well.

Anyway, good matches. :)

usmash isnt really bad, but wolfs other smashes outclass the usmash in terms of usefulness :\. its a pretty good move but there are better options with his other smashes. its cool to see it work tho :D


Purple Yoshi Double Dunker
Mar 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
Nice wolf =), although I prefer to play him more aggressively you do a great job showing that your way is also a really good way to play him.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
I can agree with that. It's not necessarily knowledge of the match up, though, but ability to act appropriately in general.

That is, knowing what to do given a certain circumstance (or knowing what BEST to do). Until someone decides to punish my Up Smash, though, I will continue to abuse it.
Agreed, if it continues to work, then why stop? However, I think the reason people fail to "Act appropriately" is because they don't KNOW the second hit can be punished. I guess you're in a lucky boat, because in NorCal, when I play against the good people, they punished my Usmashes to no end, I used it a lot like you, but after going to one of the tourneys and playing against one of my PR members, I realized that Usmash is only great for punishing, it shouldn't hit a shield, otherwise (If they know that you're able to punish it) then they'll punish it.
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