Rollout: B (18%)
Jiggly launches itself in a rolling attack, similar to Yoshi’s Egg Roll. Holding the B button down will increase the speed and strength of the attack. Unlike smash attacks, you can hold this attack for as long as possible. This move can be used for edge guarding. Jigglypuff gains a small amount of air after making contact and can hit opponents close to the edge but still air born to knock them away again. though it shouldnt be used for it is risky to do obviously. I wouldnt recommend it...But it is good though on certain occasions besides that of edge guarding. The opponent can also sweet spot the edge forcing you to totally miss and well...bye bye. However this would be good to do at Mute city for you dont have to worry about the edge and will have a better chance of landing rollout on your opponent.
Sing: B + Up
Jigglypuff sings a lullaby to send the opponent asleep, rendering them hopeless and leaving them at your mercy. Does not work on opponents in the air.
This move isnt used much due to how hard it actually is to land it on an opponent. Of course though there are times that this move is used and can put an opponent to sleep and stop Jigglypuff from singing that **** song right when you put them to sleep >_< This move is known as Edge Canceled Sing. Basically the move is cancelled by grabbing on to the edge during the move. However I would only use this move as a suprise attack for most of the time you will get a smash to the face.
Rest: B + Down (28%)
Jigglypuff sends itself asleep for around three seconds, but lets out an intense energy force at the second it drops off. One of the moves that Jigglypuff players love to use. This move can be used to kill off opponents at high percentages considering it has the power of a baseball bat. This is also a move that can be easily comboed into. This will be covered in the Resting Section
Pound: B + Forward (13%)
Jigglypuff slaps its opponent viciously, knocking them back slightly. This is a move that all Jigglypuff players use as a recovery. This move can also be turned into a pound where in air jigglypuff can go forwards up or down. A great move for recovery. This move though should only be used in the air for the player can get extra range. And now a good explination that came from Takalth with his presentation the power of pound *presents Takalth on a brightly lit stage.*
Takalth said:
The power of pound:
Jigglypuff's forward B is constantly underestimated, even by skilled players, because the animation is so unimpressive, but this move is absolutely key to mastering Jigglypuff.
First, the hitbox is massive. Both the horizontal and vertical reach are substantially more than the animation would suggest, and the prelag is negligible. Even opponents accustomed to Jigglypuff will frequently underestimate your reach with this move, so spam it mercilessly. This is particularly useful against edge guarders because it has more reach than most moves that are used for edge guarding.
Second, it does incredible damage to shields. Opponents will be forced to use their shield rarely for fear that you will break it (since a broken shield against Jigglypuff is almost guaranteed death). Use high pounds that barely nick the shield to evade shield grabbers, if necessary.
Third, it's a great setup. Depending on your opponent's percentage and the exact angle you hit them at, you can frequently follow with an u-air or b-air. One of the best uses is if somebody is edge guarding, you can hit them with a pound, which knocks them behind you, then chase them with a b-air or two (sometimes even a full wall of pain if you have enough jumps).
Jab: A (3%)
Jiggly punches it’s opponent.
Id just stick to Double jab on this one.
Double Jab: A, A (5%)
Jiggly punches it’s opponent twice.
Two Jabs. This is a pretty decent move. For after you can follow it up with a grab and then maybe into a rest combo. Careful on where you use this move for it has a lot of lag behind it and will give the opponent more then enough time to retaliate.
Headbutt: Up Smash (19%)
Jiggly launches a headbutt.
This is a great juggling move. Knocks the enemy into the air and can set up some juggling, and start some combos. This is nice to KO after a lengthy juggle. This in addition can also be used on fast fallers for a simple jump up and rest and like all moves can be jump cancelled into it straight out of your shield.
Spin Splits Kick: Down Smash (16%)
Jiggly kicks on both sides.
This knocks the enemy off their feet, more to the side than upwards. A great Edge-Guarding move. When the opponent is hit with this move they are sent downwards at an angle if this move connects when edge guarding an opponent. Once again a great move for edge guarding
Furious Kick: Forward Smash (23%)
A fierce kick.
This is a surprisingly quick attack with decent damage, for Jigglypuff anyway. Has a decent reach, especially compared with Jiggly’s other attacks. This is nice to clear a little space, and a good KO move. This move can be used for edge guarding for a good amount of reach out over the edge. This can also stop a fox illusion or falco phantasm thats coming from off of the ledge.
Vertical Kick: Tilt Up (9%)
Jigglypuff kicks backwards, hitting enemies above and behind it.
This is the most universal move that can be done into rest. This shall be covered more in the Resting Section of the guide.
Low Kick: Tilt Down (10%)
Jiggly ducks and kicks.
Has surprising reach, useful for stopping dash attacks or smacking those lying on the ground. I wouldnt recommend it for it has little knock back.
Spin Kick: Tilt Forward (10%)
A spinning kick.
Has a nice knockback, can clear some space and which can be used for an assult into a beloved Rest combo.
Flying Headbutt: A While Running (12%)
Running headbutt.
This a good move when the opponent is trying to escape from the Wall of Pain for it clears the little space and knocks them back up for another Wall of Pain. This is also another great move that can be used for edge guarding since it has not only vertical reach but horizontal reach as well.i
Aerial Kick: A (In the Air) (8%)
A kick in the air.
This move has very little knock back but if done right can fend off moves such as Samus's charge shot [WOAH! O.o] and other projectiles. An alternate to this would be pound.
Vertical Punch: Tilt Up (In the Air) (12%)
Jigglypuff punches in the air.
This move is a good move that can juggle opponents into the air. Also another great set up move for Rest.
Aerial Spin Kick: Tilt Down (In the Air) (1-4%)
Jigglypuff kicks a number of times on its way to the ground.
As seen in The King's Rollout Video, This is a good move to keep your opponents off of the edge. It is greatly under used and can be used to make your opponents drop closer to the floor and maybe if the opponent DI's the way you want them to you might be able to fair or bair them right after and then make your way back up to hog the edge.
Double Kick: Tilt Forward (In the Air) (10%)
Jiggly performs a dropkick in the air.
This is a great attack. For as an alternative to recovering you can use this besides pound for a faster way back up onto the stage. This is also one of the essential moves to Wall Of Pain and will be covered more in the Wall of Pain Section.
Single Kick: Tilt Back (In the Air) (12%)
Jigglypuff kicks behind itself.
Another great move for it has increadible knockback and is another essential to the Wall of Pain and will also be covered in the Wall of Pain section of this guide.
Forward Throw (12%)
This is a great move for making space between you and your opponent in addition to setting them up for another Wall Of Pain. Works just as well if you throw them off the edge and intercept them by using fair.
Backward Throw (10%)
This is the highest knockback throw and well is used for the same reason the Forward throw is used.
Downward Throw (8%)
This move is great for racking up damage for you have the ability to combo into it. If the opponent doesnt DI as far away you are able to perform a F-Smash or if they DI a little bit out of your reach you should be able to Wavedash towards them into a F-Smash instead.
Upward Throw (11%)
Good for setting up juggling, A great move to perform on the fast falling characters for it can be done into rest or if they are to high you will be able to perform a uair into rest or just another uair.
IMO this isnt the best dodge in the game but with some good mind games can be a good part of setting up the opponent for rest.
Jigglypuff’s roll is great for a more offensive player. You don’t roll too far away so you have a chance to attack, which is severely needed. This rolls a fifth of the length of Final Destination. As long as it gets Jiggly out of the firing line, it’s great, but the chance to counter-strike quickly makes it even better. Along with Pound, Furious Kick, Downward Throw and Rest. Be warned that just because Jigs has a good roll doesnt mean you should over use it. You will get too predictable
Air Dodge
More defence for Jigglypuff. This is great, especially compared to other character’s air dodges.
This can be used as an alternative to up B if you ran out of jumps on your way back. If your low you can use this to launch yourself back up since Jigglypuff's air dodge has a great distance.