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in the early days


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
I used to go the cave in Hyrule Temple with Link and up-throw people into the ceiling, who then bounced off back down and then I'd spin attack. I was so proud of that combo LOL
that actually still sounds cool. haha
(well i guess i would just tech it these days but... yeah haha)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Orlando, FL (or at least close enough)
My favorite memory was when a bunch of friends and I entered into a Melee tournie. When thought we were the real beasts of the world (able to destroy Lv9's ftw xD) and then got our ***es handed to us. After that, I kinda took it upon my own liberty to grow and study the game while my friends pretty much quit <_<.

I also remember every game had to be played at Temple. I was Young Link (now Marth main), a friends was also YL (now mains Ganon), and his bro playing Marth (now an IC main).

Jeeze, it nice to look back and see how far you (as yourself) have come. Good times....


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
Gloucester County, NJ
I argued that marty was better than Roy and maimed marth and sheik. Also my brother and I always played on a team against lv9 capt falc and samus


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
I used to thought I had a pro falco since I ***** my friends all the time in melee.
Then I found smashboards :(


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
In my early days of melee, I frequently played the current neutral stages, with the addition of Hyrule Temple with Fire Emblem music.

I mained Fox and Link. My friends mained Shiek, Marth, Pikachu, and Peach.

We were all pretty sure Mewtwo was the worst character at the time, and we also knew that Marth was significantly better than Roy back then.

We vaguely knew about L-Cancel, mostly because it was obvious with link.

We knew things such as characters alternative return methoods (Bomb Return with Link. Forward+B with Marth/Pikachu.) We also knew how to Float Cancel with peach.

There were some obvious chain grabs we were aware of, such as Marth, and Pikachu's.

To be honest, back then, myself, and my friends were probably significantly better than most of the players at that time.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2008
Oakland, CA
10 stocks anyone?
hyrule, always.
who needs to SHL, infact, who needs to SH :laugh:
i found this nifty thing called the c-stick, if unleashed massive amounts of knockback when i used YL and pushed it down.
so down on the c-stick it was.
flying and rocking with kirby is obviously inescapable.
ooo and i had this really cool combo, it went like this.
fsmash>roll>fmash>roll - im quite aware my mindgames could break even GWs bucket.
what an unbreakable bucket.
falco is obviously faster than fox because hes a secret character.
jiggz sucks because shes pink.
firebird is my ko weapon of preference.

hey i was 8 come on.

god this was an amazing walk down memory lane.
this thread has my respect forever.

o yea and u can unlock the awesome digimon from that one movie.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
lol I used to think I was good bacause I beat all of my friends with sheik. Now I know I won because sheik is noob killah
lol NICE!!!!
haha my friend was always the best. who would've thought sheik was better than roy and link. wtf?

p.s. your avatar used to be my myspace picture. haha


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I used to get pissed when I lost to lvl 9 comps on Hyrule Temple.

Heh, heh, this same situation would happen to me back when I played my older cousin, yeah I was showing all my n00b skills at it's finest, yup, those were some good ol' days.


Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2006
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Link: thought his dair was broken, spammed it without Lcancel, played him lots at first cuz my friends decided that items were gay and Link made his own items

Fox: thought the shine was the most useless thing ever, couldn't ever connect it; it was all firefox around the stage

Falco: roll and fsmash to travel; also his laser sucked LOL

Puff: thought her rest healed LOL cuz i was so into pkmn, had no clue what it did cuz I never connected it LOL.... and WTF upB takes you nowhereee

Corneria: best stage ever because FD was so boring and plain

Falcon: sideb -> upb BEST combo ever

sidestep: wtf is this for? LOL

marth: impossible to play with LOL, also thought getting out of sheiks dthrow was impossible until you were at 100+%

sheik: "why on earth do you dthrow?" LOL

Also: "who's ken? who's mew2king?" LOL


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2006
Aha, great post. I have to say when I used to main Link/Roy. I would spam Links dair and B-moves. And with Roy, I'd run away from everybody and then kill-steal them by spamming smashes. XD
Aha, the good ol'days.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
that was exactly how i played after i got marth, before that i would go on link and stand next to a wall and up b as soon as someone came.

i used to think up b was the best.
You mean it isn't?

I remember arguing with someone that Marth was better than Roy. He was like "BUT YOU NEED MARTH TO EVEN UNLOCK ROY, THEREFORE ROY IS BETTER."



Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
New York City
Back when I started I thought Captain Falcon was gay and liked screaming cuss words as he punched and kicked.

Boy was I wrong.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
me and my older brother wanted to find out who was better, link or marth what we did was set 2 cpus on level 9 and had them play a match. link won, i was convinced


Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2008
Albany/Ithaca NY
flying and rocking with kirby is obviously inescapable.
I was pretty convinced Kirby was one of the best characters in the game because of this and his up+b. Aside from that I couldn't beat my friend's Ice Climbers with my Sheik soley because of their fsmash. At first I thought Roy was better than Marth. Samus was also god tier due to her missiles. Poke floats was my favorite level. Marth's usmash -> fsmash (was this the hylian combo? lol) was an AWESOME combo. Items were the ****, so was 4 players. Marth's counter was why I won with him at one time. Idk, I'm guessing that everyone probably did/thought the same things and evolved in the same direction.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Kirby 's stone, stone, stone

That's all I ever did, because it was fun
Before I realized that being good at smash was much more fun than playing like crap at smash


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2007
Spearfish, SD
I used to main Bowser and my friends mained Samus, pikachu and marth. They always told me i couldnt be bowser because he was to hard to kill/hurt, he was 2 powerful, and he had the best up b recovery in the game and thats the only reason i kept winning.................the irony lol. Then i started being link and sitting back shooting arrows and throwing boomerangs and i had a combo i though was amazing it just consisted of his double forward smash then up b...

The Kenth

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008
Northern Norway (T_T)
Ahh, those old times. I played Link, putting myself in the corner and spamming arrows all day, and when my opponent got close, i rolled all the way over to the other side, or I'd pick up a bomb and throw it, usually missing, then start rolling. good times good times


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Really, I started on 64, I remember starting with Link, then finding Ness.

First game, I played, decided that items were horrible (even before my first f-smash into a bomb that just spawned, which happened in that game). From then on, items were banned in my house, and it was my game so nobody could say anything different. For similar reasons, a number of the stages stopped being played in my house.

By the time melee hit I already despised items play (seriously, some competative players do it in friendlies for fun, but I can't stand it at all), I remember actually playing on hyrule temple for a while, and then discovered circling... we banned Hyrule in my house that day. First static stage added to the ban-list.

Mainly played Roy in the old days, but after I got into college I started meeting awesome players, so I moved more towards Marth, who I couldn't use cause my spacing was horrible, but first... picked up Zelda/Shiek, and somehow managed to do pretty well with Zelda, but as they advanced I moved more to Shiek, but I would switch freely.

I dunno, I was a weird kid, me and my siblings were always very competative about everything, so I hated random factors "robbing me of my victories", I also was never afraid of doing "cheap stuff" to win.

I basically always had the competitive mindset, so my stories of FFAs on Hyrule with all items on high basically involve me camping in the little platform on the bottom right with Roy. And after it was over saying, "see guys, this is why Hyrule sucks".


i also mained mewtwo first two years of melee, fun fact!
Lol, I remember that, you mained mewtwo and stubbornly insisted that he was top incredible, and then decided to prove it by compiling data about all the melee characters. Then you figured out that he sucked in Melee.

Which reminds me, what happened to your data, your site is down and it would be a shame if it's lost.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2008
Tampa, FL
I'd be Ness and **** scrubs, then declare Ness as top tier. I'd also beat top tier scrubs with low tier chacters and thought I was good even though I didn't tech at all. Hyrule Temple with Fire Emblem was epic, it had to be playing for me aswell, or I'd John and say it was because the music sucked.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
I used to Mash B LIke crazy with falco/fox right when the match started.
*ready....go* then the lasers would like hit them. yeah broken!
and also spam running attack with falco and fox to juggle them in the air, then forward smash XD
those were the days


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
I first picked Bowser because he was so bad-@$$. I have a younger brother and sister, so I was always used to inventing games to entertain us, and hence playing the bad-guy. Naturally, I was drawn to Bowser. I flopped around a lot, thinking that I had at one point mastered Bowser, Link, Marth, Roy, Samus, Ganon, and C. Falcon.

My best friend got the game first, but I played it when I went over there. I brought my own memory card to get a headstart on my data, knowing I would get that game, and loved Marth when I unlocked him.

I had epic Marth vs. Roy battles with my siblings and friends. We all thought Roy was better because he was stronger, but I was always one to favor speed. I still liked Roy's green costume better.

Though I never discovered Wavedashing or L-Canceliing on my own, I did use triangle jumping, and I discovered many other little tricks alone, like the extra jump after Falcon Kick or Wizard's Kick. I was very naive about the Smash universe then, so stuff like this made me feel like a top-class player.


Smash Fence
Mar 24, 2008
Berkeley, CA
I thought Game and Watch was the best character cause he was the last character I unlocked lololol.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Hampstead, Maryland
I started out as a pikachu guy. My pro tactic was B -> run jump over them -> Down B.

After a while I began using falco. my friend and I would talk on the phone and see who could defeat the computer in the fastest time. Unfortunatley I didn't know anything about advanced tactics and what not until later in 2007.... so I'm still trying to get better at this game. Eff brawl.

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
Chapter 1, Seing the Light

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth my friends (who were twins) owned an interesting game I hadn't seen before. I've played their Red and Blue versions of Pokémon on their Gameboys, Mario Party and Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on the Nintendo 64, but not a game like this. When I first played the game, I typically 4 player free-for-alls (items almost always on) with the twins and my brother. After playing that game for a couple of days, I decided to purchase a Nintendo 64 for myself, and that game would be the first on our system, this great game called Super... Smaaaash Brotheeeeeers!

When we purchased the equipment, my two brothers and I played for many months without playing a different game. What fascinated me was that I recognized some characters, but others I had no idea who or where they were. I soon learned some backround and new franchises made by Nintendo, of which I enjoyed playing after discovery.

In the days of late elementary school, I would go from school directly to another friend's house, who was home-schooled. We would always play for no more than 2 hours everyday, playing the game which we both loved. We played 1 on 1, pitting each other for a showdown (most of the time with items off), in stock matches that would range from 4-10. (Sometimes, I would get scrutinized by his older sister for making too much sound from the controller)

He loved playing as Fox, he rarely played as any other character. But as for myself, I couldn't choose a designated favorite, so I chose between Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, and Ness. Though I didn't have a main at the time, I did have favorites and least favorites, based on the character's gameplay that suited me, or made me feel more comfortable.

My typical strategy was controling the ground game, mainly through grabs and forward smashes. But as I continued to play, they were too slow, and countered. Later, I turned to leading with a projectile, jumping and lead with a dair, press a, and grab. This was my lead for a while in 64, and hardly used airials other than a dair.

(To this day, I still do not have a set character. I have favorites and least favorites, but never one true main.)


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
pssh. does anyone remember how broken link's dair was?
man... it hit like... every time! haha


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2008
Jackson, Tennessee
Actually, I first played Melee over at a friend's house.
He destroyed me, and I mained Mewtwo.
Back then, items were awesome, and added depth to the game.
It also gave me a chance at winning, which I rarely did.

I finally got the game about two years later.
Roy was the awesomeness.
I actually tried Marth, but I liked Roy better because his sword had fire.

After a year of casual play, I decided to try competitive.
It didn't take me too long to learn wavedashing.
It was applying it to regular play that got me.
I dropped it totally, using Pichu as my lead.

About half a year passed.
I decided to try out competitiveness again.
I SHL'd with Falco, but I was way off, and my lasers never hit.
I thought that was the way it was supposed to be, so I thought it was to prevent people from jumping.
It did, but all they had to do was walk toward me >_>
I got my tail handed to me.

After awhile, I dropped it.
I felt like I sucked, so I didn't want to try.

Here I am now, about one year ahead of then.
I've been playing competitive (unlike before, seriously) for about 3-4 months now, and I can consistently pull off JC shines (but I haven't tried to see how many I can do).
I can also consistently shorthop -> aerial -> fast-fall (I guess, since my thumb is already ready to do another shine after the aerial) -> l-cancel -> shine -> JC (as a shorthop) and repeat.
Basically, SHFFLJC with no problem, doing every aerial there is.

I'd say I've vastly improved from about a month ago, since I couldn't down-waveshine consistently to save my life.
Pulling off combos with Fox was too hard for me.
And now, it's almost too easy.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
in the first days of smash my favorite stage was Hyrule Temple and choose mario

and the tourneys with mt friends only 1 Stage: hyrule XD
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