Learn its hitboxes, learn the timing, learn when it's good to use it. remember that eggroll has a hitbox on exit
Examples of use:
makes recovery a ton better because it allows for more horizontal movement
- you can control the trajectory of the roll to snake around people's followups
- you control when you exit, which keeps your ability to do aerials and airdodge.
not a good approach, but it's still an approach
- very fast, most have difficulty punishing it unless you give them practice (don't use it too much)
- Gets safer the higher percentage you are.
- what I mean by this is, when/if people punish an eggroll, it's rarely something that will kill. Unless you're a tard and eggroll right into someone charging a smash attack or something, rolling at them at mid/high percents can be good in context
- if you roll off a platform, eggroll will destroy/ignore all physical projectiles while it's in the air. (transcendent projectiles like falco's laser won't)
- this includes samus missiles
- you can eggroll to the ledge and reverse ledge grab it for a safe escape or positioning
- eggroll has no hitbox when started in the air, if someone is making a move at you, try to catch them with the exit hitbox
- if you turn around eggroll on the ground, you lose hitboxes on it for a hefty amount of time, maybe 30-40 frames of nothing.
- you can start eggroll anywhere, but if you're hit out of it while you're in the air, you won't have any jumps.
- eggroll loses horizontal trajectory if you use it more than once in the air.
- when you start eggroll from anywhere, you can reverse it, control the decent, and when you hit the ground, you can reverse the direction you were originally facing. Doing this well will give you some interesting movement and can confuse your opponent.
If there's anything confusing in here or if you need additional tips, don't hesitate to ask