You got to take it all one step at a time. Wavedashing won't make you instantly better. Neither L-Canceling. Infact, these new techniques may actually hinder your performance (initially) because you aren't used to them and they throw off your normal play style.
I like that you've accepted this, that you are a newbie and you don't know what you are doing, but now you must also acknowledge your capability to learn and progress as a player.
Now that you understand that you can get better and you aren't somehow handicapped from being good at the game, you need to give yourself that personal incentive to get better (to beat friends, perform at local tourneys, see yourself improve, etc) and you need to chase that goal with determination, with dedication. Don't let yourself stop you, since you are capable of whatever you want to achieve in this game with the appropriate time, effort, and thought.
Now, the only question is, are you willing to take that first step? To learn how to l-cancel, wavedash, to put your effort into the game? If the answer is yes, than that's all the help you really need to gain a basic understanding of the fundamentals of the game.
BTW, find a training partner who is a level above you to practice with. You mentioned you wanted someone to talk you through the game, and it is best to do so with someone else who is able to identify your flaws and help you excel.