What is your point? Smash receives plenty of positive recognition. Who cares if how smash is represented in the fighting game community? Most people are like me in that they play smash because they like it, not because it has any sort of rank.
Why did you even enter this discussion?
Mostly to see the rationale of the "Serious!" Smasher, the "Casual" Smasher and see if it's changed any in the 3-4 years since I dabbled in the scene of "Serious" play.
Time flies, and it still seems like there's plenty of the same ol, same ol...
MookieRah said:
Who cares about the Japanese scene? Last time I checked we aren't in Japan.
Most fighting game fans make it their business to be concerned with the corresponding Japanese scene and its players, as it's usually the basis for how well the game is received, if it's got a good following, what the top players for each character use as strategies, what glitches need to be avoided, y'know, rather rudimentary things to insure that the game is healthy.
Japanese players are usually the power players that are able to break down the game, get the frame data and figure out other facets of the game months or even years before their "gaijin" counterparts would. For instance, chances are, we would have found out about Wave-Dashing YEARS ago (I'm talking like, very soon after the release of the game), if the power gaming JP players were on the case.
If there's no scene, than that usually goes a long way to setting the tone for everyone else in the hardcore fighting fanbase. And the little to no Japanese involvement has been a factor in what's hurt Smash to that same fanbase...
Ideally, now that there will be online facet for this game, maybe those lines of communication stand to be opened, and there just might be more interest in the Japanese side of the equation for competitive Smash with people all over. But we'll have to wait and see about that...
Secondly, the scene is large in the US, and Brawl will more than likely make it larger. It's slowly garnering more and more respect from the traditional fighting game community, but it's still a ways to go before it's considered as serious as Street Fighter or Guilty Gear.
The fact that Smash was at EVO means things are definitely looking up. IRONICALLY, the competitive scene of traditional fighters think we are too lax on some of our rules, and they laughed at us for using items and the like for a long while.
I can think of more reasons why they mock Smash for more than just the item usage...some have merit, a majority don't.
But any way, my thing is, if the "Serious!" Smashers want to be to truly get more respect, come Brawl, it would behoove them greatly to get to work on a universal, bona-fide "rule book" as much and as soon as possible. The last thing the Smash scenes needs is another inane thing like the "East vs. West" format war to happen all over again, only this time, perpetuated by the likes of the Smash Balls as this time's "hot topic".