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I'm Sold On It: Ravio For Smash 5


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY

The Mysterious Merchant of Lorule has...stumbled into the fray?

Alright, alright, let's be honest, the chances of Ravio actually being part of the new Smash game are infinitesimally small, as he wasn't even all that well received in his own game. Yet, despite him taking over my house and making me rent key items to progress in the game, there's just something about Mirror Universe version of Link that I love. He's brimming with personality and his own silly, but unique style. I can't be the only one who would enjoy playing as this lovable coward in a game centered around fighting people, am I?

But what moves would Lorule's resident con-man bring to the party?

Well, just about every item from A Link Between Worlds! But if we want to go more unique, I'd love to see him using some of the more esoteric items. Say:

B: Magic Bow. This can be held, but instead of increasing the distance of the arrows and the impact, it instead adds arrows to the attack, up to a maximum of three. If released at the precise moment just before the end, all three arrows become Light Arrows, dealing increased damage and knockback! However, hold the button too long, and Ravio's bowstring snaps, dropping the arrows to the ground. Oops.

Up+B: Wind Rod. Once again, this can be held for increasing effects. Letting go right before the very end causes Ravio to rocket into the air quickly, bringing any unfortunate soul near by up with him and into the air! Too long, and the Wind Rod only gives a small bounce before Ravio plummets to the ground below...

Down+B: Sand Rod. You know the drill (The whole charge thing could be his unique mechanic.) A pair of pillars of sand form up on either side of Ravio, knocking foes away from him, as well as temporarily protecting him from projectiles. The longer the charge, the more knockback the pillars deal and the longer they stick around for. Too long, however, and a small wave of sand will lap at your opponents ankles...who will most likely proceed to kick poor Ravio around. :(

Side+B: Ice Rod. Ravio waves a rod before him, causing a block of ice to drop down directly in front of him. Like all of his other moves, this can be held for increasing effect; in this circumstance, up to three ice blocks drop in front of him, causing damage and knockback (spiking potential, maybe?) If let go at the right moment, the ice blocks cause a fairly long freeze time (1 sec? 1.5 sec? I'm a casual player so I'm afraid I'm not really up to snuff on what would constitute a fair freeze time). Too long however, and Ravio freezes...literally!

As for his A attacks, I can see Ravio using his Rental Hammer like he did in Hyrule Warriors, with his Forward Smash making the hammer bigger and dealing heavy damage, but also taking a bit to swing. You'll want to set it up before trying to pull it off.

Alas, I'm not entirely sure what his throws would be. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Hopefully I'm not the only crazy person who loves this silly merchant, and would enjoy seeing him on the big screen! C'mon, Mr. Hero! It'll be fun!

Fellow Merchants:

1.) LaughingLefou
2.) Aussie The Naturist
3.) fogbadge
4.) Sailor Waddle Dee
5.) MrReyes96
6.) THE 6r
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Ravio is one of my favorite new Zelda characters honestly, I would love him in Smash.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
i think i made a support thread for him back for smash 4, so id love to have him

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
there's just something about Ravio that made me instantly love him.
i know his chances of getting into smash are next to none. but I'd love to see it happen.


Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2018
I don’t think he’s likely to be playable, an assist trophy at best.
I love him though so I hope we a time least get a ravio alt for Link and a Hilda alt for Zelda


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY
I don’t think he’s likely to be playable, an assist trophy at best.
I love him though so I hope we a time least get a ravio alt for Link and a Hilda alt for Zelda
I doubt it too, but hey, you never know! Stranger things have happened. I mean, c'mon, they added Bayonetta. I never would have seen that coming.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY
To necromance a abandoned thread, I give this humble offering;
How about Ravio being a Link/Young Link Echo for obvious, spoiler-treading reasons.
I wouldn't mind that, honestly. My only issue is that Ravio never used a sword in anything he's been in. Now if they changed the sword into a Hammer...

THE 6r

Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2015
Fairfax,VA + Los Angeles, CA
Switch FC
Ravio is my boy. I have to support my boy. He can't just be a Link/Yink/Tink echo, he doesn't neatly fit into any of their movesets.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY
Woo! More supporters! By the way, does anyone know how to link to People's profiles? I just have it as a list for now, since I'm not familiar with BBCode.

how would you all feel about a mega Zelda reveal that reveals Impa, Demise, Ravio and Hilda as echo fighters and Skull Kid as unique all while playing to the 2017 Botw trailer theme https://youtu.be/GJm2k1yI-Zw

Something along the lines of this, but obviously with better direction https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/76959525
I would splooge out my eyeballs.
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Deleted member

Been going through the list of support threads lately that I'd want to join. And I've been finding a few characters that fall into the category of being so, so unlikely, but I have to call myself a supporter anyway because the idea is just too good.

First I found Gengar, then I found Itsuki, and now I've found Ravio.

Like I said, unlikely. But the idea of a Zelda character that fights with a moveset made from the entire Item list of one particular Zelda game is just too good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2018
Love everything Zelda and I loved Ravio, with that being said, I'd like to be added to the support list :)


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
So Ravio doesn't have a spirit...

Not sure if I should feel happy that it might give him a shot or snubbed that he didn't even get a spirit lol

EDIT: just kidding I missed him on my first go though
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Does anyone have cool Ravio stuff for your signature? I saw he unfortunately doesn't have a stock icon in the other thread.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Hey idk if anyone still comes to this thread anymore but I've been working on a moveset for Ravio (that I'll probably post later today) but I wanted to get some imput.

I had an idea for a new gimmick, since most fighters have something that makes them unique, where he would collect rupees that spawn on the stage to increase his knockback. It would function similar to Lucario's rage mechanic but would scale on the rupees collected instead of damage. Similar to Bard or Thresh in LoL since the opponents would know you want to collect the rupees there would be an element of risk-reward in going for them where your opponent could try to bait or take advantage of your movement.


Edit: I decided against it.
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
To start I had two main goals when designing this moveset, make sure he didn't end up too similar to the 3 Links and stay as faithful to the rental items from ALBW. I figured he would be a zoner who plays defensively and keeps their distance between them and the opponent while racking up damage.

Ravio’s Moveset
Walking Speed:
Running Speed: 6/10
Jump: 5/10
Weight: 4/10

Neutral Special (B):
Rental Ice Rod. Drops an ice chuck straight down in front of Ravio. Charging the attack creates a larger chuck, fully charging freezes the opponent. Ice lingers briefly after the attack ends and will affect the opponent as if they were hit if they touch it.
Forward Special: Rental Fire Rod. Shoots a pillar of fire straight forward. Charging the attack shoots it further out.
Up Special: Rental Tornado Rod. Causes a gust of wind below Ravio to launch him up. Opponents caught are carried up and damaged by the wind.
Down Special: Rental Sand Rod. Sand pillars appear on each side of Ravio while charging (similar to Pits shield.) When released sand moves away from Ravio (similar to Isaac's move.) Longer charge pushes sand further.

Jab (A):
Two flailing hook punches followed by lobbing a rental bomb just in front of him which explodes for minor damage and knockback on contact with opponent or stage.
Forward Tilt: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer down over his head.
Up Tilt: Ravio "collects" a rupee and holds it over his head in the classic Zelda item collection pose.
Down Tilt: Ravio rolls a Rental Bomb on the ground which explodes on contact with opponent.
Dash Attack: Ravio trips and his bag of rupees falls forward hitting the opponent and spilling the rupees.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash:
Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang forward a short distance (similar to Mega Man's F-smash.)
Up Smash: Ravio uses the Rental Sand Rod to push himself up into the opponent with an uppercut.
Down Smash: Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang so it spins around him on each side.

Aerial Attacks
Neutral Air:
Ravio spins in the air with the Rental Sand Rod in his hand, sand spins around with him holding any caught opponents close (similar to Zelda's neutral air.)
Forward Air: Ravio uses the Rental Tornado Rod to blast air forward pushing him back and damaging anyone hit.
Back Air: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer in a horizontal arc behind him doing high knockback and damage.
Up Air: Ravio points the Rental Fire Rod up and a blast of fire appears above him (similar to Zelda's up air.)
Down Air: Ravio points the Rental Ice Rod down which drops an ice chuck straight down. Spikes opponents hit.

Pummel (Grab then A):
Ravio grabs with the hookshot (also a tether recovery). His pummel has Sheerow attacking the opponent while Ravio hangs on to them.
Forward Throw: Ravio pushes the opponent forward then shoots them with the Rental Bow.
Back Throw: Ravio throws the opponent behind him onto a Rental Bomb Sheerow had placed.
Up Throw: Ravio throws the opponent up and shoots the Rental Bow at them.
Down Throw: Ravio throws the opponent down and then sets his heavy rupee bag on them.

Final Smash
Final Smash Name:
Yuga's Rampage. Ravio tackles forward, if he connects the scene shifts to Hyrule Castle where Yuga shows up to blast everyone into paintings. Ravio pops back out of his painting after Yuga flys away thanks to his bracelet and runs away leaving a big bomb to blow the rest of the paintings up.

Up Taunt:
Sheerow circles around Ravio while he watches her.
Forward Taunt: Ravio turns his back to the screen and pulls his hood up to wipe his forehead off, he then gives a slight look back before pulling it down again.
Down Taunt: Ravio pulls out his rupee bag and gazes into it with Sheerow looking over his shoulder.​
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
So I've been thinking about it and here is about the only way I can see Ravio making it in for DLC.

We know there is something Zelda coming 2019 and that it isn't a Skyward Sword remake, so potentially we have a new Zelda game coming next year. Our two most likely options are a new top down Zelda for the 3DS or a BotW sequel. If we get a new top down Zelda they have frequently shown to do sequels with the top down ones so that would be a continuation of the aLttP/ALBW world which Ravio would potentially still be a part of, making him a possible pick for Zelda DLC. If they do a BotW sequel the only 3D game sequel we have to compare to is Majora's Mask, which saw the same Link from OoT end up in a weird parallel world. This allows them to reuse many of the same assets without having to find some way to continue a story that has already been finished. If they decide to do this one way they could have Link end up in a parallel world is through the use of Lorule, which would most likely bring Ravio to a prominent role again.

Now obviously neither of these things are terribly likely, and even if they do happen that doesn't mean anything for Ravio's chances for DLC, but it's kinda fun to think about the possibility that our favorite shopkeeper might return again.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
So I've been thinking about it and here is about the only way I can see Ravio making it in for DLC.

We know there is something Zelda coming 2019 and that it isn't a Skyward Sword remake, so potentially we have a new Zelda game coming next year. Our two most likely options are a new top down Zelda for the 3DS or a BotW sequel. If we get a new top down Zelda they have frequently shown to do sequels with the top down ones so that would be a continuation of the aLttP/ALBW world which Ravio would potentially still be a part of, making him a possible pick for Zelda DLC. If they do a BotW sequel the only 3D game sequel we have to compare to is Majora's Mask, which saw the same Link from OoT end up in a weird parallel world. This allows them to reuse many of the same assets without having to find some way to continue a story that has already been finished. If they decide to do this one way they could have Link end up in a parallel world is through the use of Lorule, which would most likely bring Ravio to a prominent role again.

Now obviously neither of these things are terribly likely, and even if they do happen that doesn't mean anything for Ravio's chances for DLC, but it's kinda fun to think about the possibility that our favorite shopkeeper might return again.
well you never know, but it does seem unlikely


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY
So I've been thinking about it and here is about the only way I can see Ravio making it in for DLC.

We know there is something Zelda coming 2019 and that it isn't a Skyward Sword remake, so potentially we have a new Zelda game coming next year. Our two most likely options are a new top down Zelda for the 3DS or a BotW sequel. If we get a new top down Zelda they have frequently shown to do sequels with the top down ones so that would be a continuation of the aLttP/ALBW world which Ravio would potentially still be a part of, making him a possible pick for Zelda DLC. If they do a BotW sequel the only 3D game sequel we have to compare to is Majora's Mask, which saw the same Link from OoT end up in a weird parallel world. This allows them to reuse many of the same assets without having to find some way to continue a story that has already been finished. If they decide to do this one way they could have Link end up in a parallel world is through the use of Lorule, which would most likely bring Ravio to a prominent role again.

Now obviously neither of these things are terribly likely, and even if they do happen that doesn't mean anything for Ravio's chances for DLC, but it's kinda fun to think about the possibility that our favorite shopkeeper might return again.
Weren't the DLC characters decided a while ago, though? I mean, depending on the time frame from which Nintendo/Sakurai are choosing from, he might have a chance.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Weren't the DLC characters decided a while ago, though? I mean, depending on the time frame from which Nintendo/Sakurai are choosing from, he might have a chance.
Yeah but we already know they "held" a spot for a Pokemon rep so in this scenario they knew the Zelda game was coming and "held" a spot for someone to promote the new game.

Again, unlikely is probably underselling it lol but its about the only way I see him getting in at this point.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Has anyone seen Ravio's spirit battle yet? I haven't run into him yet.
im sure i have but for the life of me i cant remember it to well

believe it was a purple young link with a bunny hood, tough that might have been part of hilda's, but im sure he was "distracted by items"
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
im sure i have but for the life of me i cant remember it to well

believe it was a purple young link with a bunny hood, tough that might have been part of hilda's, but im sure he was "distracted by items"
Yeah I did Hilda's fight last night and it had a Young Link in it


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
adult link seeing as hes meant to be about the same age as the zelda from albw so itd makes sense for them to be the same size
I had been thinking Toon Link but your logic is pretty sound. Plus if he was an echo for Link instead of one of the Link clones he would be at less risk to get cut if they were to lol.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
So one of the rumors I've seen is that ALBW might be getting a Switch re-release due to several reviewers being contacted to use parts of their reviews by Nintendo. Would be cool if we got a BotW sequel and ALBW port.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2018
I'm absolutely sold on him. His Moveset could represent 2D Zeldas. I'd add a Sword Beam as His Side Smash and the Thunder Medaillion as his Final Smash to LaughingLefou LaughingLefou 's Moveset.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
I'm absolutely sold on him. His Moveset could represent 2D Zeldas. I'd add a Sword Beam as His Side Smash and the Thunder Medaillion as his Final Smash to LaughingLefou LaughingLefou 's Moveset.
Hey cool thanks for stopping by!

I agree that he should have a moveset to showcase the 2D Zelda items, I had made one and posted it earlier if you're curious.
To start I had two main goals when designing this moveset, make sure he didn't end up too similar to the 3 Links and stay as faithful to the rental items from ALBW. I figured he would be a zoner who plays defensively and keeps their distance between them and the opponent while racking up damage.

Ravio’s Moveset
Walking Speed:
Running Speed: 6/10
Jump: 5/10
Weight: 4/10

Neutral Special (B):
Rental Ice Rod. Drops an ice chuck straight down in front of Ravio. Charging the attack creates a larger chuck, fully charging freezes the opponent. Ice lingers briefly after the attack ends and will affect the opponent as if they were hit if they touch it.
Forward Special: Rental Fire Rod. Shoots a pillar of fire straight forward. Charging the attack shoots it further out.
Up Special: Rental Tornado Rod. Causes a gust of wind below Ravio to launch him up. Opponents caught are carried up and damaged by the wind.
Down Special: Rental Sand Rod. Sand pillars appear on each side of Ravio while charging (similar to Pits shield.) When released sand moves away from Ravio (similar to Isaac's move.) Longer charge pushes sand further.

Jab (A):
Two flailing hook punches followed by lobbing a rental bomb just in front of him which explodes for minor damage and knockback on contact with opponent or stage.
Forward Tilt: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer down over his head.
Up Tilt: Ravio "collects" a rupee and holds it over his head in the classic Zelda item collection pose.
Down Tilt: Ravio rolls a Rental Bomb on the ground which explodes on contact with opponent.
Dash Attack: Ravio trips and his bag of rupees falls forward hitting the opponent and spilling the rupees.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash:
Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang forward a short distance (similar to Mega Man's F-smash.)
Up Smash: Ravio uses the Rental Sand Rod to push himself up into the opponent with an uppercut.
Down Smash: Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang so it spins around him on each side.

Aerial Attacks
Neutral Air:
Ravio spins in the air with the Rental Sand Rod in his hand, sand spins around with him holding any caught opponents close (similar to Zelda's neutral air.)
Forward Air: Ravio uses the Rental Tornado Rod to blast air forward pushing him back and damaging anyone hit.
Back Air: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer in a horizontal arc behind him doing high knockback and damage.
Up Air: Ravio points the Rental Fire Rod up and a blast of fire appears above him (similar to Zelda's up air.)
Down Air: Ravio points the Rental Ice Rod down which drops an ice chuck straight down. Spikes opponents hit.

Pummel (Grab then A):
Ravio grabs with the hookshot (also a tether recovery). His pummel has Sheerow attacking the opponent while Ravio hangs on to them.
Forward Throw: Ravio pushes the opponent forward then shoots them with the Rental Bow.
Back Throw: Ravio throws the opponent behind him onto a Rental Bomb Sheerow had placed.
Up Throw: Ravio throws the opponent up and shoots the Rental Bow at them.
Down Throw: Ravio throws the opponent down and then sets his heavy rupee bag on them.

Final Smash
Final Smash Name:
Yuga's Rampage. Ravio tackles forward, if he connects the scene shifts to Hyrule Castle where Yuga shows up to blast everyone into paintings. Ravio pops back out of his painting after Yuga flys away thanks to his bracelet and runs away leaving a big bomb to blow the rest of the paintings up.

Up Taunt:
Sheerow circles around Ravio while he watches her.
Forward Taunt: Ravio turns his back to the screen and pulls his hood up to wipe his forehead off, he then gives a slight look back before pulling it down again.
Down Taunt: Ravio pulls out his rupee bag and gazes into it with Sheerow looking over his shoulder.​


Best Smasher in North Pole
Dec 16, 2018
North Pole
Switch FC
Ravio would be such an amazing character to see as a DLC. One of the best character Zelda ALBW had in it. I would absollutely love to play as him. The idea to play him as an echo fighter to young link or toon link wouldn't bother me either.
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