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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Ace
May 14, 2008
First... Ike is powerful and and has disjointed hitboxes, but he is slow enough to give squirtle a chance to punish everything ike has, and grab (squirtles grab range is as good as marths, and becomes better when hydrograbing) Overall, shellshifting is pretty good against ike
Ivysaur has faster attacks with the same range, and shes gonna bullet seed when your attacks are shielded or evaded, and SDI out of the first doesnt happen very often, so its not reliable
Charizard's grab game gives ike some trouble, you can space but charizard too and the risk will always be there, and charizard can take ike offstage pretty easily for an edgeguard
This is becoming chaotic, i suggest doing one pokemon at once, how about squirtle first??


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Yeah, I was... tired. I was thinking of the normal shield. Sorry. Anyway, powershielding Bullet Seed can be done if you predict it, but I don't see why Ivysaur would be spacing it in such a way that he's not right on top of Ike and using Bullet Seed. That's usually the way you beat shields. If Ivysaur is relying on that one hitbox and if it is absolutely true that there's enough time to Fsmash, then fair enough.

A retreating fair is hard to punish, but the point I was making there is that Squirtle should be aerial approaching that and staying away from the jab. If Ike can hit with the tip of the sword while retreating, then he's not really gonna get punished. I believe that fair, when it comes to defending against Squirtle, only works up to a certain point. Squirtle should be moving faster in the air than on the ground. 18 frames is quite a bit of time to start-up. That's enough time to react to it, air-dodge, and punish, even if Ike is spacing himself effectively. It's obviously not a 100% chance to punish, but it's noticeable.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
uhh Ike is not so slow that you can punish everything he has with squirtle. Ike has safe on shield moves what is so hard to believe about that? With power and range comes a lot of shield stun and space to cover.

I seriously can't under stand how squirtle has trouble with characters with range or disjointed hit boxes but when the 2 things come together he all of a sudden has an advantage. Ike is not as slow as you think for example he can punish Ivy with Fsmash as it was just mentioned. Also squirtle won't be killing Ike till like 170% since Ike isn't floaty at all it is very easy to come back down from a d throw and kill ivy out of the switch with a tilt.

Ivy has the same range as Ike? *face palm* Maybe thats why you think he can punish him with a shield and then bullet seed though. You also don't SDI the first hit just regular DI towards the direction it sends you in to avoid the rest of the move.

I don't really have anything to say against zard's grab range it actually is really good. but as you said lets stick to squirtle.

18 frames isn't actually enough time to react to it reliably especially if you have something else on your mind like trying to get inside Ike. Yes you could watch out for it but Ike could easily just mix it up with Nairs which you can't air dodge trough. Well it doesn't really matter since you said its not 100%, hopefully no one goes o its not 100% but its like 99.999%.

Does squirtle actually have true combos? I'm not sure why else being inside of Ike could help.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Does squirtle actually have true combos? I'm not sure why else being inside of Ike could help.
I believe his ftilt combos right into his jab, and his utilt combos into another utilt. Both at certain %'s, of course. I can't think of any more off the top of my head. D:


Smash Ace
May 14, 2008
Squirtles combos normally are:
Jab to stuff (ftilt,utilt, grab,dtilt,)
ftilt to the smae stuff
second jabs hit( specially if trip happens) to waterfall
utilt chains to uair chains to fair if lucky
Nair to tils,jab or grab
Those are the most important
The utilt ***** heavy characters like ike
Squirtle does have a trouble killing, but he can gimp (not so much, but its not like ike wont ever be killed by squirtle)
Oh.. and grab release to jab, its pretty efective


Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2008
Utilt chains at under 50%, PT needs to be good enough to read DI as they can't mindlessly spam utilt (most do). If they are smart enough, squirtle can just follow SDI/Tap DI by walking if you go to the side. If you DI up, squirtle follows with uair.

Charizard has bthrow -> fthrow at start of the match (meaning Ike is close to 0%). Very sure this is unavoidable. Watch out for this because it will get you off the stage very quickly and set you up for fair and dair. As I said earlier, Charizard can gimp Ike at epically low percentage if you aren't weighing your options. The gimp is avoidable but it will take people by surprise and many will lose a stock to it.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2008
idk about the damge those combos do... you can DI utilt chains, but squirtle can follow like infernovia said, all the other combos work at pretty good percent, and they rely more on squirtles attacks with low postlag,prelag and knockback...


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Well I always knew squirtle could combo good just didn't know what these combos actually where.

Any idea of what he can combo to like Ike's best combo is probably around 30% with an Nair to a jab cancel combo.

I still think Ike has the advantage on squirtle though. He is still going to be building up damage faster and he has safe attacks that squirtle will have a hard time getting around. He is going to be killing early and I think that a grab at 40% at the edge of a stage like FD will lead to squirtles death because by the end he will probably be at 70% which is a percent where a walk off Fair should kill squirtle. Actually I think that it might kill squirtle with a simple gimp at low percents since he has a pretty bad recovery.

Even with out this Ike can still build up damage against squirtle easily and kill him with a Tilt at a low percent. An Fsmash will probably kill at 30% and there is always a chance of landing this being slow doesn't make it a non factor.

Besides gimps squirtle won't be killing Ike soon either. The easiest kill move I can see landing is Dthrow but with DI you can survive that up well into 170%. I've heard that hydro *line* they are easier to land but if your at 150% and a squirtle approaches with a hydro *line* then its pretty obvious whats coming. If you try the Dthrow to ivy well Ike falls fast enough to come back down and kill her.

The Derrit

Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2006
Somerville, MA
The easiest kill move I can see landing is Dthrow but with DI you can survive that up well into 170%. If you try the Dthrow to ivy well Ike falls fast enough to come back down and kill her.
Everything in this is somewhere between heavily questionable to wrong. Ike does not fall fast enough nor have the horizontal aerial movement to get back to squrtle after about 80-90 which is a padded estimate at that. And fresh dthrow will kill you a good amount before 170.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
to bad I survived a Dthrow from steeler at around 150% and came back to kill him. I'm not making that up go ask him.

edit: it was at the edge of smashville to the move really isn't that strong.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Makes me think that Squirtles Dthrow just has high knock back at low percents but evens out once it gets higher. Ike's Dthrow has about the same knock back, it can kill at like 140% with no DI with DI it would probably be at 180% unless your at the edge.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2006
Bay Area
I'd argue that that certainly isn't the case, considering Ike has a giant 5 foot long ***** shaped sword and he still isn't top tier.
Your right his sword is huge.... could he be trying to compensate for something?

oh and heres a hint.... thats not squirtles tail.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico

wait a minute I'm not gay!

Anyways the reason Ike has that sword and is so attached to it is because it's what was needed to circumcise him because nothing else was big enough. Now just imagine what has happened in 17 years...

Deleted member

Ike ***** ivysaur and charizard, he's just better than them.

squirtle on the other hand definitely has the tools to not get grabbed and to annoy him. I think squirtle does significantly better than the other two.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
This probably is totally obvious, but PT is a very offensive character thanks to his Pokémon who suffer from fatigue. Ike can abuse this and play gay defensively, then going offensive when they are fatigued. PT cannot change Pókemons until you are out of the field, and that would be something really hard to do considering Ike’s weight and their reduced knockback. And then there is Squirtle. I’ve researched a little and it seems that the time required to change Pókemons varies depending on the Pókemon being loaded, with Squirtle having the longest loading time. Maybe we can QD him after being returned to the field (after being KO’ed)?


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
squirtle was likely fatigued in our match, arturo. try a fresh dthrow (since squirtles save it to kill) on a non-fatigued squirtle vs ike at 150% at the same spot as our match. you will very likely die regardless of your di. dthrow near the edge is way too good for squirtle. :D

charizard's dthrow, on the other hand, is pretty ****ty. a 'guaranteed ko' for zard, at the edge of any normal stage, has to be like 160% because the knockback isn't as great as squirt's, and the trajectory is more horizontal.

anyway how many safe moves does ike have that is outside of jab range? because ivysaur has a lot of pretty safe moves at that kind of distance.

ps punishing bullet seed is kind of a dumb argument because everyone in the game can punish a missed move like that. so you can get fsmashed. big deal. power shield something ike has and ivysaur can immediately bullet seed or fsmash. ivysaur should be using bullet seed infrequently, and to punish one of ike's tilts or smashes. bullet seed is fast enough to interrupt ike's jab combo. naturally at lower percents since i'm assuming jab's hitstun grows as the opponent's percent does.

edit @ guilhe. just because the pokemon are fatigued doesn't mean that ivysaur's bair can't space an aggressive ike, or squirtle can't use his incredible mobility to avoid something and then punish, or charizard can't grab/flamethrower/rock smash/tilt/whatever. fatigue's biggest effect?

weaksauce. pt should be bottom of bottom. he's horrible. every character in the game can run away from them because the pokemon totally lack speed or range or all of the above. fatigue means the pokemon can't do anything. they suddenly become worthless. one time squirtle got fatigued and he just sat in his shell and fell asleep. that's how bad fatigue is.
it's horrible. but assuming the pokemon don't go to sleep, all it REALLY means is that a fatigued pokemon can play exactly the same way as if they weren't tired, and when the pokemon lands a move that would ko when fresh but not fatigued, they switch to the next fresh pokemon. it simply forces a switch if the pt has trouble killing while fatigued. that's IT. zard's still pretty **** strong even in fatigue, squirtle's usmash still kills average characters at 120%, squirt's dthrow gives plenty of time to switch at ~110%, and ivy's bthrow/uthrow (depending on whether the opponent is aerially quicker horizontally or falling) do the same thing at about 130%.

fatigue is incredibly overrated and opponents playing to abuse the timer will probably put themselves in a worse position than before. squirtle and charizard are both fast (in different ways) while ivysaur has enough range and a projectile to punish people trying to hit him once and then run away.

fatigue's not a good thing but people who don't play trainer don't realize that it's not a big deal. most trainers are able to completely avoid the fatigue anyway. use a kill move a little early and switch if the pt is really worried about it. it's the same thing.

and ike is definitely one of the worst characters for trying to 'gay' trainer's stamina out. lol.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
squirtle was likely fatigued in our match, arturo. try a fresh dthrow (since squirtles save it to kill) on a non-fatigued squirtle vs ike at 150% at the same spot as our match. you will very likely die regardless of your di. dthrow near the edge is way too good for squirtle. :D

charizard's dthrow, on the other hand, is pretty ****ty. a 'guaranteed ko' for zard, at the edge of any normal stage, has to be like 160% because the knockback isn't as great as squirt's, and the trajectory is more horizontal.

anyway how many safe moves does ike have that is outside of jab range? because ivysaur has a lot of pretty safe moves at that kind of distance.
ftilt and fair. Ftilt out ranges all of Ivy's ground moves, minus the unsafe fsmash where they share the same range. Fair out ranges Ivy's grab. What are Ivy's safe moves???


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
bair, ftilt, dtilt, jab. all four are faster than ftilt.

and up close, nair is very effective and leads into utilt or bullet seed.

is ike REALLY going to be using ftilt to space? that move is basically an average smash attack and about as safe as one.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Ftilt, dtilt, jab, may be faster, however are badly outranged and out prioritized. Bair is really the only move that will beat out ftilt. However, fair beats out bair in both mobility and range. A retreating fair will leave Ivysaur with no options to punish Ike.

Up close, nair is not safe on block as Ike will shield grab it 100% of the time on block. Ivysaur does not have the mobility to get out if its blocked either. Just how do you plan to get up close to use nair too? Ivysaur's mobility is the 3rd worst so Ike normally has enough time to react before Ivysaur gets in.

Ike will definably be using ftilt to space. Ftilt is the reason Ike ***** people who lack range on the ground. Ivysaur may have range, but its not as much as Ike's ftilt.

Ivysaur's best bet in hitting Ike is getting in the zone where Jab is out ranged but Ivy's ftilt, dtilt, and jab aren't. Then Ike really has no option.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
how are they "badly" outranged? this isn't ivysaur's utilt we are talking about here lol. dtilt and jab are both disjointed. fair v bair argument is pretty even, but only if they come out really close to the same time. bair comes out quite sooner than the fair and has noticeably less cooldown, so ike cannot fair ivy to punish a bair. ivy, however, can use bair to punish ike fair if ivy airdodges or something.

as for fair, ivy can shield/dodge, and just walk a little bit into that lil comfort zone. ike cannot jab or he'll miss, ftilt is not fast and since ivy is walking, it'll be able to shield on reaction. once ivy is in that comfort zone, it can use a tilt or jab to pressure ike. and razor leaf before slowly approaching can make things a little easier.

nair shieldpokes fairly well, and can angle it to land behind you, where a utilt or bullet seed can come out immediately after ivy lands. there will be situations where both characters are pretty much overlapping for one reason or another. naturally ivysaur is going to space normally but my point was that if it finds itself in that kind of situation, ivysaur has some good options. ivysaur should not intentionally try to get right inside, it's a bit too risky. unless ike is vulnerable somehow.

range isn't everything dude. it's why squirtle can totally dominate characters like ddd. range, particularly ike's fairly laggy range, isn't going to keep all intruders out of ike's face forever. all it takes is a perfect shield or a sidestep while in range for a counter attack.

your last little paragraph pretty much sums up why i think ivysaur has an advantage on ike. it's pretty easy for ivysaur to space into that range. if you want to rely on ftilt at max range, ivy can easily dodge/shield an ftilt, walk a step or two, and then ftilt/dtilt. or just dash grab. ftilt's range isn't going to reliably keep ivysaur out of its comfort zone, because ike can't spam it. thus, he has some vulnerable cooldown that ivy can take advantage of.

something else to mention is that ike's jab puts him right in range for a bullet seed. ivysaur shouldn't be using it to punish every single little jab because predictable bullet seed = bad, but even using and hitting with it just once is good enough to make a big difference in the match, for someone as heavy as ike. and ike is one of the easier characters in the game to land it on, due to his lack of mobility and lack of quick options.

The Derrit

Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2006
Somerville, MA
ftilt and fair. Ftilt out ranges all of Ivy's ground moves, minus the unsafe fsmash where they share the same range. Fair out ranges Ivy's grab. What are Ivy's safe moves???
Ivy's fsmash is faster than ike's ftilt. Explain how fmash is the one that's unsafe.


Smash Lord
May 15, 2008
Why do people insist on saying that a retreating Fair is unpunishable?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
how are they "badly" outranged? this isn't ivysaur's utilt we are talking about here lol. dtilt and jab are both disjointed. fair v bair argument is pretty even, but only if they come out really close to the same time. bair comes out quite sooner than the fair and has noticeably less cooldown, so ike cannot fair ivy to punish a bair. ivy, however, can use bair to punish ike fair if ivy airdodges or something.

as for fair, ivy can shield/dodge, and just walk a little bit into that lil comfort zone. ike cannot jab or he'll miss, ftilt is not fast and since ivy is walking, it'll be able to shield on reaction. once ivy is in that comfort zone, it can use a tilt or jab to pressure ike. and razor leaf before slowly approaching can make things a little easier.

nair shieldpokes fairly well, and can angle it to land behind you, where a utilt or bullet seed can come out immediately after ivy lands. there will be situations where both characters are pretty much overlapping for one reason or another. naturally ivysaur is going to space normally but my point was that if it finds itself in that kind of situation, ivysaur has some good options. ivysaur should not intentionally try to get right inside, it's a bit too risky. unless ike is vulnerable somehow.

range isn't everything dude. it's why squirtle can totally dominate characters like ddd. range, particularly ike's fairly laggy range, isn't going to keep all intruders out of ike's face forever. all it takes is a perfect shield or a sidestep while in range for a counter attack.

your last little paragraph pretty much sums up why i think ivysaur has an advantage on ike. it's pretty easy for ivysaur to space into that range. if you want to rely on ftilt at max range, ivy can easily dodge/shield an ftilt, walk a step or two, and then ftilt/dtilt. or just dash grab. ftilt's range isn't going to reliably keep ivysaur out of its comfort zone, because ike can't spam it. thus, he has some vulnerable cooldown that ivy can take advantage of.

something else to mention is that ike's jab puts him right in range for a bullet seed. ivysaur shouldn't be using it to punish every single little jab because predictable bullet seed = bad, but even using and hitting with it just once is good enough to make a big difference in the match, for someone as heavy as ike. and ike is one of the easier characters in the game to land it on, due to his lack of mobility and lack of quick options.

However, if you walk into the little zone Ike CAN continue his jab sequence as his 2nd jab has more range. If anything, it'll clank with Ivy's moves, still open to shield grabbing.

Competent Ikes, such as myself, are able to dash PS projectiles as slow as razor leaf. Its the same scenario as Ivysaur PSing Ike's laggy attacks, so this is a moot point.

I know range isn't everything. Range however, makes up for Ike's slow speed. Other characters like Jiggypuff use their mobility to make up for their lack of range. It goes hand in hand.

BS can be DI'd the first hit. And I DI out of the first hit 50% of the time so I'm sure I can work on my reaction time to make it better.

It was a sentence not a paragraph.

If you shield ftilt, you WILL be pushed back. You must PS it as spot dodging does have after lag frames.

Why do people insist on saying that a retreating Fair is unpunishable?
Explain to me how you will punish it?

Ivy's fsmash is faster than ike's ftilt. Explain how fmash is the one that's unsafe.
Tell me, what are the frames for Ivy's fsmash? I could not find anything on the PT boards.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
However, if you walk into the little zone Ike CAN continue his jab sequence as his 2nd jab has more range. If anything, it'll clank with Ivy's moves, still open to shield grabbing.
true, but not as much range as ivy's ftilt/dtilt/jab/grab.
Competent Ikes, such as myself, are able to dash PS projectiles as slow as razor leaf. Its the same scenario as Ivysaur PSing Ike's laggy attacks, so this is a moot point.
competent anyones can PS projectiles like that lol. my point there was that ivy would be razor leafing as ike lands from fair, so ike has to put up his shield/sidestep to not get hit. ivysaur can take advantage of ike's momentary pause with a dash grab or by being able to more safely walk closer to him.
I know range isn't everything. Range however, makes up for Ike's slow speed. Other characters like Jiggypuff use their mobility to make up for their lack of range. It goes hand in hand.
true, but slow range < fast range, even if the range is slightly inferior. ivysaur has fast range.
BS can be DI'd the first hit. And I DI out of the first hit 50% of the time so I'm sure I can work on my reaction time to make it better.
also true, but the initial hit comes out in less than 5 frames (no one knows the exact frame) and after punishing something like a jab or tilt, ike may not have enough time to react to it. bullet seed can be unexpected.
It was a sentence not a paragraph.
i actually thought about what word to use there, and decided to use paragraph since you decided to make a new "body" there. and to counter(nit)pick, it was two sentences, not one. :bee:
If you shield ftilt, you WILL be pushed back. You must PS it as spot dodging does have after lag frames.
spot dodging does not have as much lag as ike's ftilt does. ivy's dtilt comes out on like...frame 4, and ftilt on about frame 8. ike can still be punished from it. naturally it'll be really difficult if ike perfectly spaced ftilt's tip, but ivysaur shouldn't be letting ike use it at max distance.
Tell me, what are the frames for Ivy's fsmash? I could not find anything on the PT boards.
unfortunately i don't think any of the pt's have the equipment necessary. however, for estimates, a frame data thread in tactical states that ivy's fsmash comes out about frame 15 and ike's ftilt about 17. so ivy's appears to be slightly safer on startup.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
razor leaf so ike has to do something to avoid getting hit, and then go from there. O:


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
haven't read everything but I decided to test the Dthrow. I'm at 155% with DI at the edge of the stage and still coming back with out a problem. Fresh squirtle and fresh Dthrow.

edit: you die at 160% if you DI up with Ike at the edge of the stage. This throw gets affected by DI a lot of if you are grabbed at the edge of the stage facing inside then you can DI to the right or left and probably survive to like 200 lol.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
You would have to learn to talk first umbreon. This match up has actually had 2 posts from you its a record!!!

squirtle was likely fatigued in our match, arturo. try a fresh dthrow (since squirtles save it to kill) on a non-fatigued squirtle vs ike at 150% at the same spot as our match. you will very likely die regardless of your di. dthrow near the edge is way too good for squirtle. :D

charizard's dthrow, on the other hand, is pretty ****ty. a 'guaranteed ko' for zard, at the edge of any normal stage, has to be like 160% because the knockback isn't as great as squirt's, and the trajectory is more horizontal.

anyway how many safe moves does ike have that is outside of jab range? because ivysaur has a lot of pretty safe moves at that kind of distance.

ps punishing bullet seed is kind of a dumb argument because everyone in the game can punish a missed move like that. so you can get fsmashed. big deal. power shield something ike has and ivysaur can immediately bullet seed or fsmash. ivysaur should be using bullet seed infrequently, and to punish one of ike's tilts or smashes. bullet seed is fast enough to interrupt ike's jab combo. naturally at lower percents since i'm assuming jab's hitstun grows as the opponent's percent does.

edit @ guilhe. just because the pokemon are fatigued doesn't mean that ivysaur's bair can't space an aggressive ike, or squirtle can't use his incredible mobility to avoid something and then punish, or charizard can't grab/flamethrower/rock smash/tilt/whatever. fatigue's biggest effect?

it's horrible. but assuming the pokemon don't go to sleep, all it REALLY means is that a fatigued pokemon can play exactly the same way as if they weren't tired, and when the pokemon lands a move that would ko when fresh but not fatigued, they switch to the next fresh pokemon. it simply forces a switch if the pt has trouble killing while fatigued. that's IT. zard's still pretty **** strong even in fatigue, squirtle's usmash still kills average characters at 120%, squirt's dthrow gives plenty of time to switch at ~110%, and ivy's bthrow/uthrow (depending on whether the opponent is aerially quicker horizontally or falling) do the same thing at about 130%.

fatigue is incredibly overrated and opponents playing to abuse the timer will probably put themselves in a worse position than before. squirtle and charizard are both fast (in different ways) while ivysaur has enough range and a projectile to punish people trying to hit him once and then run away.

fatigue's not a good thing but people who don't play trainer don't realize that it's not a big deal. most trainers are able to completely avoid the fatigue anyway. use a kill move a little early and switch if the pt is really worried about it. it's the same thing.

and ike is definitely one of the worst characters for trying to 'gay' trainer's stamina out. lol.

whats with this punishing bullet seed with Fsmash not a big deal? It means that if Ivy is above like 40% and a bullet seeds gets shielded you can kiss your *** good bye. Not even charizard can kill as early as Ike's Fsmash. Since the move is so slow it might be possible to charge Fsmash a bit to kill even earlier. Being punished by Ike's Fsmash is not the same as being punished by samus or wolf. Only ones that could compare are Snake's and DDD's.

Not sure how much fatigue lowers knock back but I think that a fatigued squirtle won't kill Ike at 180% with Dthrow. Since you can survive Squirtles Dthrow by DIing up then Ike can fast fall back in time to kill ivy with a Ftilt or eruption just to add some extra knock back.

Ivy might have a better chance Throwing him towards the edge as Ike doesn't move very fast trough the air but for squirtle you might as well kill your self to change pokemon that way you get to use ivy.

Also lol @ pokemon falling asleep I didn't know that happened. If it does well it just means your dead.

Since PT doesn't have a good approach Ike actually won't have much trouble gaying PT's stamina. Like I said before Ike's defensive game is much better than his offense.

bair, ftilt, dtilt, jab. all four are faster than ftilt.

and up close, nair is very effective and leads into utilt or bullet seed.

is ike REALLY going to be using ftilt to space? that move is basically an average smash attack and about as safe as one.
I don't think Ivy's jab is safe on shield. It looks to me like you could drop your shield take 7% damage SDI out of it and hit him afterwards because IIRC it takes a while to end. (this is just theory crafting though don't know if it works.)

Another thing that doesn't look safe on shield would be Ivy's Ftilt. Ivy steps forward and it doesn't look like that thing has much range.

Ike isn't going to be using Fair to punish fast moves. Ike will probably use his own Bair to punish Ivy's. The move actually kills 20% lower than Fair and it has a worse trajectory for ivy to recover from which could lead to a very easy kill.

how are they "badly" outranged? this isn't ivysaur's utilt we are talking about here lol. dtilt and jab are both disjointed. fair v bair argument is pretty even, but only if they come out really close to the same time. bair comes out quite sooner than the fair and has noticeably less cooldown, so ike cannot fair ivy to punish a bair. ivy, however, can use bair to punish ike fair if ivy airdodges or something.

as for fair, ivy can shield/dodge, and just walk a little bit into that lil comfort zone. ike cannot jab or he'll miss, ftilt is not fast and since ivy is walking, it'll be able to shield on reaction. once ivy is in that comfort zone, it can use a tilt or jab to pressure ike. and razor leaf before slowly approaching can make things a little easier.

nair shieldpokes fairly well, and can angle it to land behind you, where a utilt or bullet seed can come out immediately after ivy lands. there will be situations where both characters are pretty much overlapping for one reason or another. naturally ivysaur is going to space normally but my point was that if it finds itself in that kind of situation, ivysaur has some good options. ivysaur should not intentionally try to get right inside, it's a bit too risky. unless ike is vulnerable somehow.

range isn't everything dude. it's why squirtle can totally dominate characters like ddd. range, particularly ike's fairly laggy range, isn't going to keep all intruders out of ike's face forever. all it takes is a perfect shield or a sidestep while in range for a counter attack.

your last little paragraph pretty much sums up why i think ivysaur has an advantage on ike. it's pretty easy for ivysaur to space into that range. if you want to rely on ftilt at max range, ivy can easily dodge/shield an ftilt, walk a step or two, and then ftilt/dtilt. or just dash grab. ftilt's range isn't going to reliably keep ivysaur out of its comfort zone, because ike can't spam it. thus, he has some vulnerable cooldown that ivy can take advantage of.

something else to mention is that ike's jab puts him right in range for a bullet seed. ivysaur shouldn't be using it to punish every single little jab because predictable bullet seed = bad, but even using and hitting with it just once is good enough to make a big difference in the match, for someone as heavy as ike. and ike is one of the easier characters in the game to land it on, due to his lack of mobility and lack of quick options.
Like I've said before Ivy or any PT can not shield or spot dodge and walk into a comfort zone to punish Fair with a razor leaf a jab a grab w/e. Plus Ike's second jab probably does have the same range as ivy's ftilt/dtilt/jab/grab. Ike could actually just combat walk into Ivy is the second jab where to miss but since Ivy is walking forward I doubt it will.

If all else fails he could always just walk alway.

Half of the things I'm replying to from here are just things about punish Fair when you clearly can't. So I won't bother going trough everyone.

true, but slow range < fast range, even if the range is slightly inferior. ivysaur has fast range.
Ivy's range isn't better than Ike's adding aerial mobility its actually easier to hit with Fair than Bair. The reason Ike's second best move is because it is a reliable way of building damage. Not to mention Ike has fast range with to with his Bair which probably has the same range that Ivy's does and it comes out on frame 7.

also true, but the initial hit comes out in less than 5 frames (no one knows the exact frame) and after punishing something like a jab or tilt, ike may not have enough time to react to it. bullet seed can be unexpected.
Ike being punished after a tilt or jab by bullet seed doesn't mean he won't be able to react. DI is done after the hit happens and when someone is hit it cancels out the lag of w/e move was going on. Plus Ivy won't be able to punish one of Ike's tilt with bullet seed it doesn't have enough range.

spot dodging does not have as much lag as ike's ftilt does. ivy's dtilt comes out on like...frame 4, and ftilt on about frame 8. ike can still be punished from it. naturally it'll be really difficult if ike perfectly spaced ftilt's tip, but ivysaur shouldn't be letting ike use it at max distance.
Spot dodging doesn't have as much lag as Ike's ftilt but you still won't be able to reach him. It has lag and then you have to walk up and add the start up lag of what ever move you want to use to hit Ike. All of this is bigger than Ike's Ftilt.

Also It's up to the Ike using his max range or not. How the hell is ivy going to stop this? soak ragnell in warm water hoping that it shrinks? Ivy isn't a fast character.
unfortunately i don't think any of the pt's have the equipment necessary. however, for estimates, a frame data thread in tactical states that ivy's fsmash comes out about frame 15 and ike's ftilt about 17. so ivy's appears to be slightly safer on startup.
No move is safe on start up they can all be out sped even by slower moves if they just start sooner (except for squirtles jab and those other 1 frame moves). A safe move is one that if it hits it can't be punished. Range, speed, shield stun, how far it pushes someone, and IASA frames all have to do with this not just how fast the move comes out.

Plus about 15 could be 17 it might not even be faster. I'm not sure you guys know what safe moves are once again.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
@Arturito: Your last post rocked hard.

@ Steeler: Sorry, but I can't understand how this matchup looks like in your mind. I mean, with Ike’s punishing game and having a timer before you get significant nerfs being “no big deal”.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2008
Spotdodging ike's ftilt will finish in ike getting a ftilt,dtilt,jab,grab,or even bullet seed if ike doesnt tip it, and ivy can space pretty well so that wont happen very often.. really guys, ikes ftilt doesnt work very well against ivy
Normally, a well done bullet seed will get you when you are still in hitlag, so no SDI stuff
Did you know the razor leaf is fast if you smash the control stick instead of tilting??? that makes harder for ike powershielding it
Oh, and ike doesnt gimp ivy, ivy gimps ike


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
The only reason Ivy can space well is because she outranges people but that isn't the case with Ike. Ivy can space well but Ike can space better.

If Ike where to be in hitlag then it would mean that ivy just got hit so she would either be in shield stun or in just plain old knock back. Other wise there is no hitlag so yes SDI stuff.

Yes I knew that if you tilt the razor leaf it speeds up slows down goes up down and all that fancy 11 dimension stuff. Going faster does not make it fast though. Ike still has time to PS it and after Fair he could just hold the shield and not have to bother with the PS timing. It's not like razor leaf starts a frame trap does it?

that video is seriously stupid.

1. Everyone gimps Ivy even olimar and solo IC
2. That Ike could have gone towards the stage.
3. The Ike could have fallen a bit to hit ivy with aether and killed him instead.
4. I could make a 10 minute video of every character speed hugging ivy.

edit: actually I think hitlag are the frames where you can SDI lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2008
Brazil, São Paulo
Spotdodging ike's ftilt will finish in ike getting a ftilt,dtilt,jab,grab,or even bullet seed if ike doesnt tip it, and ivy can space pretty well so that wont happen very often.. really guys, ikes ftilt doesnt work very well against ivy
“If Ike doesn’t tip it” is key. You seem to be underestimating Ike player’s ability to abuse the range of their attacks.
Did you know the razor leaf is fast if you smash the control stick instead of tilting??? that makes harder for ike powershielding it
It better be, or it would be pretty hard to land it.
Oh, and ike doesnt gimp ivy, ivy gimps ike
Do you really think competitive Ike players are going to recover like that?
First thing you learn when you main Ike: QD (Side-B) sucks for recovery, thou shall not use it if not in extraordinary cases (Search for Hero Mystic’s Forbidden Language thread for more details). Aether should always have priority.

Second thing you learn when maining Ike: Time well you Aether, or you will be edgehogged.

Then you learn the meaningless “rest”…

So that Ike managed to commit two fatal errors in a row. That’s a lot for “real” Ike players, don’t you agree?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Spotdodging ike's ftilt will finish in ike getting a ftilt,dtilt,jab,grab,or even bullet seed if ike doesnt tip it, and ivy can space pretty well so that wont happen very often.. really guys, ikes ftilt doesnt work very well against ivy
If we aren't tipping ftilt, we're jabbing you.

Did you know the razor leaf is fast if you smash the control stick instead of tilting??? that makes harder for ike powershielding it
Do you know how a match up discussion goes like? DIFFICULTY MEANS NOTHING IF ITS DOABLE.

Oh, and ike doesnt gimp ivy, ivy gimps ike
Both Ivysaur and Ike have horrid recoveries. Its not hard to gimp either of them.
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