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Ideas for a collectahlon Kirby game!

How Many New Abilitys Should Kirby The Return! have?

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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
We all want 3D kirby its the best change they could make!
Lets all speculate who the Villain could be and other things!

Nf (not Finished)

3d Kirbys:

Kirby The Return! / Kirby The Return... Flashes Between the 2 on the Title Screen! (but the first one is more Noticable!)

Yeah this Game can be described by one Word: Direct!
Its more too the Point then other Kirbys the Story/ Hard Modes/ True Ending cannot be hidden Anymore if this Game should be regarded as Good!

first secne Dedede steals Food followed by a short montage of all bosses beat after that the food gets returned
second scene Kirby and Meta Knight scenes from Adventure
DedeDe inviting Kirby for their final grudge match only one picture of all the bosses is shown before their cossed out and Kirby runs through the castle with dede and BWD watching, BWD gets beaten and DDD gets beaten
After this a Picture showing The Gang peacefully taken by Magolor (his Hand is in it) is Shown!

This should get everyone Up too speed right?
DDD is not evil anymore, BWD Exists and is important and Meta Knight is a Corb! also Magolor is good...Maybe?

Then the Game starts with a small scene with Kirby Awakening going outside his House and noticing he cant fly!

his house is in a little Crater surounded by some Challenges (there are 7 of Them you need to beat 3 to have enough Flying to progress the others only give you 1 more Flight if you beat every other one of them)

after you flew out of the Crater you enter Dee Town (its a bit inspired by z town but with less Cappys and Anime Chars) and are greeted by Bandana Dee
who says this: Kirby ive got a bad feeling, i dunno seems like its tuesday Again! "Kirby Speaks" What you cant fly hmm something bad must have happend Dedede is behaving Evil Again seems like some evil has got a hold of him but you cannot reach him i think you would need to make like 25 Extra Jumps to reach him also you need the 3 Keys to his Castle that are in posession of Baddys!(its a skipable textbox but there is voice acting in form of a disabable Narrator ya know for the Kids that cannot read every textbox works this way)

Reddish Rosefields (the Grass World)
Electric Evening (the cloud World)
Terribble Tragedy (a Ghost World)

Open Up

Kirby the Return!.png

Reddish Rosefields
Theme: Green Greens with Red Roses
Boss: Whispy Woods (maybe Flowery Woods but hes not in Dreamland Hmmm...) Holds the Red Key

Flight Stars: 7
Star Shards: 25
Ability Tokens: 20
Same for every World

Quirks: is fully explorable as soon as you enter it you can run straight too Whispey if you want too! (but you need to get some of the Flight Stars Later)

Waddle Dees
Waddle Doo
Sharpe Knight
Bronto Burd

1st: Enemy Arena (dark):
Defeat 10 waddle dees and 5 Bronto burds

2nd: Enemy Arena (Meta Knight):
Suggests you sword (makes the fight easier) defeat 5 edge knights you need to time your Sword hits Right to beat them or you can just spit Stuff at them and then suck them up!

3rd: King Doos Secret
Defeat him then Grab his ability (or just use your own Beam) then whip your self over a Big hole

4th: On the Mountain
You need 15 Flight stars to get this Flight star

5th: Blast the wall Away
get Crash then Burst a Wall Away then Grab the Flight Star!

6th: The Canyon of Roselys
Dodge them and you get the Flight Star

7th: Bandana Dee is ready!
Play as Bandana Dee and climb a Tree To get the Flight Star!

Ability Sword :
B : Slash
BBB: Multi Slash
A > B: Sword spike Attack you know Downwards
Running > B: Sword rush
Running>A>B: Sword air Spin
Charge B then Release: Spin Attack
Charge B then hold A Release: Rising Sword With the Followup Attack if youz press B again
Ability Tokens: Elemental swords

Can Cut / Elemental (if Embewed)

Next World Electric Evening

Electric Evening
Theme: Bubbly Clouds during Evening with a bit of Nutty Noon mixed in
Boss: Kracko

Flight Stars: 7
Star Shards: 25
Ability Tokens: 20
Same for every World

Early/ 7 Flight Stars

Parasol dee
Parasol Doo
Shield Enemy? (you can design it Otoad64 if you want too)
Flotzo (works like a 3d Oktorock in this Game)

Flight Stars before the Barrier:

1st: Meta Knight Arena
As always a Sword is offered
1st Wave: 7 Edge Knights
2nd Wave: 2 Axe Knights
3rd Wave: 2 Javelin Knights

2nd: Color the mysterious Canvas
A message (later someone) tells you to color the Canvas
You can reflect the ink of the Flotzos to do so or use some othjer way of Painting!

3rd: Draw
Hm who would that be seems we didnt unlock this char by now maybe after we beat Dedede?

Flight Stars after the Barrier:

4th: Enemy Arena (Dark)
1st Wave: beat 7 Parasol Dess and 5 Parasol Doos
2nd Wave: King Doo

5th: Miniboss Battle followed by using his ability but what Boss should we use (well probably need to decide how many new abilitys we wanna have!

6th: Dangerous Flight:
you need 20 Flight Stars to get this flight Star (or 18 if you have the Parasol ability)

7th: Some Obstacle
Suggest a obstacle Parcous that keeps in mind the fact that kirby has probably 12 Flight Stars by now!

Also you can suggest ideas for a Whispey and Kracko fight
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
so here are some of my ideas!

Basic details:

Story is told Through Textboxes because a lot of people still think Meta Knights Revenge and Squeak Squad Have the Best Story so lets change That!

It would be a Collectathon! it would work by the villain taking away Kirbys Flight At the Bieginning and per "Star/ Moon Whatever" you get one extra Jump and with 100% you get infinite flight!

It wouldnt Have Multiplayer but the Dream Friends would be Playable in certain Sections

The Villain could be Zero 3 because this game should combine the most Popular Kirby Things to finally give kirby the Respect he Deserves!

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I always imagined a 3D Kirby would kind of be like Super Mario 3D World in terms of level design, but with all the normal Kirby elements obviously
Also a Good Idea i do have some Prolouge Levels Planned to get The player aware of the Current Status Quo and zero they could be in this Style!

Edit: lets put them Here!
Edit edit: i split the Backstory Levels into two Chunks the first one Being at the start Of the Game also i put most game info here! (atleast for now!)

Kirby The Return! / Kirby The Return... Flashes Between the 2 on the Title Screen! (but the first one is more Noticable!)

Yeah this Game can be described by one Word: Direct!
Its more too the Point then other Kirbys the Story/ Hard Modes/ True Ending cannot be hidden Anymore if this Game should be regarded as Good!

first secne Dedede steals Food followed by a short montage of all bosses beat after that the food gets returned
second scene Kirby and Meta Knight scenes from Adventure
DedeDe inviting Kirby for their final grudge match only one picture of all the bosses is shown before their cossed out and Kirby runs through the castle with dede and BWD watching, BWD gets beaten and DDD gets beaten
After this a Picture showing The Gang peacefully taken by Magolor (his Hand is in it) is Shown!

This should get everyone Up too speed right?
DDD is not evil anymore, BWD Exists and is important and Meta Knight is a Corb! also Magolor is good...Maybe?

Then the Game starts with a small scene with Kirby Awakening going outside his House and noticing he cant fly!

his house is in a little Crater surounded by some Challenges (there are 7 of Them you need to beat 3 to have enough Flying to progress the others only give you 1 more Flight if you beat every other one of them)

after you flew out of the Crater you enter Dee Town (its a bit inspired by z town but with less Cappys and Anime Chars) and are greeted by Bandana Dee
who says this: Kirby ive got a bad feeling, i dunno seems like its tuesday Again! "Kirby Speaks" What you cant fly hmm something bad must have happend Dedede is behaving Evil Again seems like some evil has got a hold of him but you cannot reach him i think you would need to make like 25 Extra Jumps to reach him also you need the 3 Keys to his Castle that are in posession of Baddys!(its a skipable textbox but there is voice acting in form of a disabable Narrator ya know for the Kids that cannot read every textbox works this way)

Reddish Rosefields (the Grass World)
Electric Evening (the cloud World)
Terribble Tragedy (a Ghost World)

Open Up

Kirby the Return!.png

Reddish Rosefields
Theme: Green Greens with Red Roses
Boss: Whispy Woods (maybe Flowery Woods but hes not in Dreamland Hmmm...) Holds the Red Key

Flight Stars: 7
Star Shards: 25
Ability Tokens: 20
Same for every World

Quirks: is fully explorable as soon as you enter it you can run straight too Whispey if you want too! (but you need to get some of the Flight Stars Later)

Waddle Dees
Waddle Doo
Sharpe Knight
Bronto Burd

1st: Enemy Arena (dark):
Defeat 10 waddle dees and 5 Bronto burds

2nd: Enemy Arena (Meta Knight):
Suggests you sword (makes the fight easier) defeat 5 edge knights you need to time your Sword hits Right to beat them or you can just spit Stuff at them and then suck them up!

3rd: King Doos Secret
Defeat him then Grab his ability (or just use your own Beam) then whip your self over a Big hole

4th: On the Mountain
You need 15 Flight stars to get this Flight star

5th: Blast the wall Away
get Crash then Burst a Wall Away then Grab the Flight Star!

6th: The Canyon of Roselys
Dodge them and you get the Flight Star

7th: Bandana Dee is ready!
Play as Bandana Dee and climb a Tree To get the Flight Star!

Ability Sword :
B : Slash
BBB: Multi Slash
A > B: Sword spike Attack you know Downwards
Running > B: Sword rush
Running>A>B: Sword air Spin
Charge B then Release: Spin Attack
Charge B then hold A Release: Rising Sword With the Followup Attack if youz press B again
Ability Tokens: Elemental swords

Can Cut / Elemental (if Embewed)
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Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
Does anyone have an Idea how to shorten this much info Down?
Perhaps you need not say as much if the battle conditions were categorized. For example (and just an example), each condition is assigned a numerical/alphabetical code based on an easily remembered pattern. Then just assign the code to each battle/enemy. How detailed this code is depends only on your imagination.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Perhaps you need not say as much if the battle conditions were categorized. For example (and just an example), each condition is assigned a numerical/alphabetical code based on an easily remembered pattern. Then just assign the code to each battle/enemy. How detailed this code is depends only on your imagination.
No i was talking about story info because all of this is a sort of recap of the story of Kirby/ Zero
but i do have an Idea! the Exposition/ levels would be split into 2 Sections!
Also add any Ideas you Want! you can even make your own 3d Kirby

Dreamland 2 Recap level:

1st: the cloud level (i forgot the Name)
Quirks: only 1 attack per Ability only Spark, Boomerang, fire, ice, stone, parasol (did i forget any?)
Boss: kracko 2 hp

2nd: Dark matter Battle
Quirks: same as the last level
first possesd dedede then Dark matter
Dedede 1 hp, Dark Matter 3 hp

Dreamland 3 Recap Level:

1st: ice berg (because we already had Cloud)
Quirks: same as before + broom Ability
Boss: Adoreenu (Adeline) summons:
mr Shine and mr Bright (both 1 hp) and Ice dragon he has 2 hp then the angry suicide attack

2nd: Dark castle
Level without Boss to break up the formula it combines the look of 2+3s versions of it!

3rd: Zero
Quirks: is a Quicktime event battle

64 Recap level:

1st: Popstar
quirks: Brooms gone but now you have Bomb
Boss: Waddle Doo (but hes purple Now to look more distinct)

The others are shown in a cutscene


Ripple Star:
Quirks: same + Enemy rush
Boss: Zero Two
i cut this down later!
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
No i was talking about story info because all of this is a sort of recap of the story of Kirby/ Zero
but i do have an Idea! the Exposition/ levels would be split into 2 Sections!
Also add any Ideas you Want! you can even make your own 3d Kirby

Dreamland 2 Recap level:

1st: the cloud level (i forgot the Name)
Quirks: only 1 attack per Ability only Spark, Boomerang, fire, ice, stone, parasol (did i forget any?)
Boss: kracko 2 hp

2nd: Dark matter Battle
Quirks: same as the last level
first possesd dedede then Dark matter
Dedede 1 hp, Dark Matter 3 hp

Dreamland 3 Recap Level:

1st: ice berg (because we already had Cloud)
Quirks: same as before + broom Ability
Boss: Adoreenu (Adeline) summons:
mr Shine and mr Bright (both 1 hp) and Ice dragon he has 2 hp then the angry suicide attack

2nd: Dark castle
Level without Boss to break up the formula it combines the look of 2+3s versions of it!

3rd: Zero
Quirks: is a Quicktime event battle

64 Recap level:

1st: Popstar
quirks: Brooms gone but now you have Bomb
Boss: Waddle Doo (but hes purple Now to look more distinct)

The others are shown in a cutscene


Ripple Star:
Quirks: same + Enemy rush
Boss: Zero Two
I feel like we don't really need a story recap
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I feel like we don't really need a story recap
I mean we dont but this Game is there too finaly convince more People to get into Kirby

But dont worry it will be automaticly skipped if you choose the Im expirenced with kirby Option or if you click twice on Skip the Intro (with a little warning)


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
I mean we dont but this Game is there too finaly convince more People to get into Kirby

But dont worry it will be automaticly skipped if you choose the Im expirenced with kirby Option or if you click twice on Skip the Intro (with a little warning)
I mean, how much would this game rely on past events?

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I mean, how much would this game rely on past events?
it does have Zero 3 in it and of course the status quo would need some explanation so it relys on
Dremalnd 1+2+3, 64, adventure (just a quick non possesd metaknight fight), and Revenge of the King
I did split up the exposition into a Basics and a Zero part tho the Introduction (until the first 3 world Open up is done you can see it above! (where i put the Exposition Originaly!)

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Lets have hmmm 20 i think thats a good number (these are only the main abilitys)

these Abilitys where in the shmoumura Games so they need to be in in this one!

these are the Other big Main Stays

we now have 7 Left how many of Them should be New?

1st new ability: Shield!

The other ones (they dont count):
and a final Boss ability maybe Light Matter?
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
here's an idea I have for an ability: Shield Kirby.

he has a shield that will protect him from enemies and hazards in front of him.
Lets have hmmm 20 i think thats a good number (these are only the main abilitys)

these Abilitys where in the shmoumura Games so they need to be in in this one!

these are the Other big Main Stays

we now have 7 Left how many of Them should be New?
we gotta have sleep in there too

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
here's an idea I have for an ability: Shield Kirby.

he has a shield that will protect him from enemies and hazards in front of him.

we gotta have sleep in there too
dont worry if sleep is nearly useless (you know like it normally is) it wouldnt count as one of the 20 abilitys same with mike, crash and cook and final boss abilitys


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
it does have Zero 3 in it and of course the status quo would need some explanation so it relys on
Dremalnd 1+2+3, 64, adventure (just a quick non possesd metaknight fight), and Revenge of the King
I did split up the exposition into a Basics and a Zero part tho the Introduction (until the first 3 world Open up is done you can see it above! (where i put the Exposition Originaly!)
I feel like that doesn't really need explanation. Kirby 64 didn't need a big exposition dump, why does this?

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I feel like that doesn't really need explanation. Kirby 64 didn't need a big exposition dump, why does this?
Hm i guess you right but an Optional Lexikon with lore that gets Updated During play would be nice!

I do think that some short clips could be used instead of long ass segments! like 5 Minutes of some Clips would be just Right am i Correct!


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Hm i guess you right but an Optional Lexikon with lore that gets Updated During play would be nice!

I do think that some short clips could be used instead of long ass segments! like 5 Minutes of some Clips would be just Right am i Correct!
maybe there could be like an in-game Kirby encyclopedia or something like that? It could even add in additional lore!

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
maybe there could be like an in-game Kirby encyclopedia or something like that? It could even add in additional lore!
you can make it if you want too :) !

Reddish Rosefields is up next

Reddish Rosefields
Theme: Green Greens with Red Roses
Boss: Whispy Woods (maybe Flowery Woods but hes not in Dreamland Hmmm...) Holds the Red Key

Flight Stars: 7
Star Shards: 25
Ability Tokens: 20
Same for every World

Quirks: is fully explorable as soon as you enter it you can run straight too Whispey if you want too! (but you need to get some of the Flight Stars Later)

Waddle Dees
Waddle Doo
Sharpe Knight
Bronto Burd

1st: Enemy Arena (dark):
Defeat 10 waddle dees and 5 Bronto burds

2nd: Enemy Arena (Meta Knight):
Suggests you sword (makes the fight easier) defeat 5 edge knights you need to time your Sword hits Right to beat them or you can just spit Stuff at them and then suck them up!

3rd: King Doos Secret
Defeat him then Grab his ability (or just use your own Beam) then whip your self over a Big hole

4th: On the Mountain
You need 15 Flight stars to get this Flight star

5th: Blast the wall Away
get Crash then Burst a Wall Away then Grab the Flight Star!

6th: The Canyon of Roselys
Dodge them and you get the Flight Star

7th: Bandana Dee is ready!
Play as Bandana Dee and climb a Tree To get the Flight Star!
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
If something is written like This that means you can Suggest Ideas Here!

New Ability shield Kirby:

🛡 Ability Shield:
B (holding): Shield
Shield>moving: Shield Control
Running>B: Shield Ram
Targeting + Shield : Shield Walk
Ability Token: Mirror Shield reflects Elemental Attacks

Based on an Idea from: Otoad64

Next World Electric Evening

Electric Evening
Theme: Bubbly Clouds during Evening with a bit of Nutty Noon mixed in
Boss: Kracko

Flight Stars: 7
Star Shards: 25
Ability Tokens: 20
Same for every World

Early/ 7 Flight Stars

Parasol dee
Parasol Doo
Shield Enemy? (you can design it Otoad64 if you want too)
Flotzo (works like a 3d Oktorock in this Game)

Flight Stars before the Barrier:

1st: Meta Knight Arena
As always a Sword is offered
1st Wave: 7 Edge Knights
2nd Wave: 2 Axe Knights
3rd Wave: 2 Javelin Knights

2nd: Color the mysterious Canvas
A message (later someone) tells you to color the Canvas
You can reflect the ink of the Flotzos to do so or use some othjer way of Painting!

3rd: Draw
Hm who would that be seems we didnt unlock this char by now maybe after we beat Dedede?

Flight Stars after the Barrier:

4th: Enemy Arena (Dark)
1st Wave: beat 7 Parasol Dess and 5 Parasol Doos
2nd Wave: King Doo

5th: Miniboss Battle followed by using his ability but what Boss should we use (well probably need to decide how many new abilitys we wanna have!

6th: Dangerous Flight:
you need 20 Flight Stars to get this flight Star (or 18 if you have the Parasol ability)

7th: Some Obstacle
Suggest a obstacle Parcous that keeps in mind the fact that kirby has probably 12 Flight Stars by now!

Also you can suggest ideas for a Whispey and Kracko fight
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Suggest me stuff Post:

Suggest New/ Returning Abilitys

Ideas for Whispy and Kracko

Ideas for the Boss of Terrible Tragedy (the ghost World)

What could the Shield Enemy be?

5th Flight Star of EE being a miniboss with Abilty of him using afterwards (ialready did King Doo)

7th. Flight Star of EE that being some obstacle parcous while Kirby has arround 12 Flight Stars

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
I would add a feature where Kirby can hug anyone.

Edit: My idea of a 3D Kirby game would be open world sandbox where you can roam everywhere.
Hm maybe make a Option too hug Npcs because hugging certain Enemys would be weird!

My game is a 3d Collectahon ala Mario 64 but if you want to make a full Openworld Sand box you can create your own game
(but my game has some free roam too off course for example on a Open place there are no load times!)
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