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I want to main Falco but. . .


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I can't overcome my scrubbiness. And I was wondering if you guys had any advice on how to deal with that. Let me explain.

I feel this pull to Falco. I want to make him part of my identity in tourney play. There's just one problem. . . I can't break from the scrubby way I'm using him. He's the only character I act like a scrub with (well, there's Lucario, but he's not important to me).

I'm too enamored with the way I use him intuitively. I can't seem to break from my jumps and aerials, to entertain less 'flashy' moves like, say, chain grabbing. (I'm not saying chain grabbing is boring. It's just my point that I know I should use it, but I'm telling you guys I can't figure out why this infatuation with certain of his attacks has this hold over me.)
I know I can't shut off venues to success if I want to achieve my full potential, but there's this schism in my desires.

Moreover, I'm not sure if I want to play Falco ultimately because I want to see what I can prove, or because I just like the style I have with him right now. That is, I don't even know if the source of this desire to main him competitively stems from anything other than my attraction to the certain way he feels to me. But I thought maybe I should open up to you guys, see if you have any counsel.

Thanks for reading.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Orange County
in a sense i kinda feel the same way, i know that falcos NOT the best in brawl considering snake is higher tier anyways, i say you should play falco simply because you like him. look at gimpyfish for example, he plays with bowser knowing that bowser isnt good but he plays because he likes bowser, i in a sense can relate and i play with falco simply because i enjoy playing with with him. so i say you should just do whatever you want, play however you want its just a friendly game after all


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
in a sense i kinda feel the same way, i know that falcos NOT the best in brawl considering snake is higher tier anyways, i say you should play falco simply because you like him. look at gimpyfish for example, he plays with bowser knowing that bowser isnt good but he plays because he likes bowser, i in a sense can relate and i play with falco simply because i enjoy playing with with him. so i say you should just do whatever you want, play however you want its just a friendly game after all
Change your play a slight bit just to make it work, it shouldn't be too hard to get used to.
I appreciate your replies, very much, but. . . I don't know if Gimpyfish's case is like mine. I actually watched his "tips" vids today (well uhh... yesterday technically XD), and he said he wanted to show Bowser could win games. But he didn't go in with a preconceived idea of how to do so. He did have the revelation of accepting that, still, Bowser had flaws, which focused him, but that focused him into realizing what he had to do and not to do to be his/Bowser's best.

If I had to make the parallel, it's like the way I use Falco maps to the notion "everyone" had of Bowser's limit (which they thought sucked, so they reasoned Bowser = flawed). The weirdness is I myself map to "everyone", and another part of me maps to Gimpyfish. "I" have to do something to show "everyone" (me) that Falco need not have the limitations that "everyone" (I) have imagined.

Gimpyfish, and generally any person, can distinguish himself from a group that is dubious of his position, and harness that context of disagreement to find the proof that group is wrong (it's dialectic, folks). How can I focus, when literally I have to set two parts of myself against each other?

I'ma put in a [/drama] here. The preceding is just the way I write; I can't tone down the bare and pure way I see the problem, abstractly. :dizzy:

Dark Crimson, I'm not sure I get what you're suggesting. Changing my playstyle in increments? Simplistic, don't know if it would work, and could leave me worse off.

I do want to just take the chill pill route and "play him how I want," but I think I would care if I reach a point where, in the tougher the scrape, the brighter I do not shine. [/fanboyism, if the corny hasn't killed you]
If I want to see Falco's best, then it's gonna feel bad when a Falco in my hands is one that at the outset isn't as well-adapted as another player could pilot him.


Smash Rookie
Apr 21, 2008
Interstella 5555
I guess I can help you with your aerials.:

N air: good combo starter do this with a short hop then follow up with a AAA combo and the break it off with the reflector

U air: Really good attack if at low percentages then it can be linked to a B Air

B air: reall good here's what I usually do. I Bair then I fast fall and get them with it again.

D air: My favorite move with Falco. It takes a little while to get used to (especially cause I use Wiimote + Nunchuck). Excellent spike/ metor smash. Master this it's a MUST.

Side air: Not much use besides following enimies off the screen and attacking with it.

Hope that helped sorry if it didn't.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
You're wondering about how to improve your smash game then, but you're also doubting that you want to/are motivated enough to do so, am I right?

There isn't an argument that I can make that can "convince" you to deal with your motivation issues. I improve because I've developed good habits and I have challenges to overcome; I need to beat the best in Vegas before I'm done. Maybe that can lead you somewhere.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
just dont be a noob. go into pract mode, get used to his attacks, grabs and then face a lvl 7, then 8 computer then start facing real friends. stick with your style and change whatever is not working


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2006
i find my drive when i lose, nothing puts me in a better mood to increase my game then when i lose. but i played with samus for awhile, and i hated her, i just tried to stick to it cuz i mained her for two years in melee, then i decided to make a switch to someone else. find someone that fits your playstyle, not the other way around.

thats my two cents


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
just dont be a noob. go into pract mode, get used to his attacks, grabs and then face a lvl 7, then 8 computer then start facing real friends. stick with your style and change whatever is not working
I think you've misunderstood. I am used to his attacks. I can beat my friends. I actually beat them too easily, they're not enough pressure - one is competitive but improves only slowly, the other is a really good scrub.

You're wondering about how to improve your smash game then, but you're also doubting that you want to/are motivated enough to do so, am I right?

There isn't an argument that I can make that can "convince" you to deal with your motivation issues. I improve because I've developed good habits and I have challenges to overcome; I need to beat the best in Vegas before I'm done. Maybe that can lead you somewhere.
I feel flamed somehow. The suggestion to 'bite it' is acknowledged respectfully, though.

i find my drive when i lose, nothing puts me in a better mood to increase my game then when i lose. but i played with samus for awhile, and i hated her, i just tried to stick to it cuz i mained her for two years in melee, then i decided to make a switch to someone else. find someone that fits your playstyle, not the other way around.

thats my two cents
Yeah I was thinking this just as I finished writing the last post. I need to play a difficult field, use the WiFi, and lose some games. Perhaps wanting not to suffer defeat will help me change.

Ganon matches my playstyle, he's the other guy I was thinking about, but. . . I don't care so much to personally be godly with him. If he ends up bottom tier I'm so going to pull a Gimpyfish XD, but otherwise, meh, I'll be alright smacking people in friendlies, and seeing what other people can make him do but enjoying beating those Ganons myself.

. . . heh, I think this thread will finish running its course soon.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2005
Warner Robins, GA
The concept of competitive play is to use whatever means necessary to win. Falco has a vast amount of tools that allow him to do so, and if you plan to use Falco effectively you need to capitalize on his advantages and utilize what objectively makes him above average.

I use Falco partially because the character does hold a bit of nostalgia for me, although that affinity is more related to Fox. I use Falco more because he suits my style to a greater degree (THE greatest degree, actually), his gameplay flows easily in my hands. My own uniqueness only compliments his basic metagame.

Use whatever character flows right, feels the most comfortable, and one that you can use effectively on a competitive level without any hesitations.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
I hated falco in melee, he just didn't feel right to me. Marth was perfect for me, and though I still love marth and he is good in this game falco is my main just because he fits my particular playing style and he's changed to this game well enough to suit me.


Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2008
Orlando, FL
in a sense i kinda feel the same way, i know that falcos NOT the best in brawl considering snake is higher tier anyways, i say you should play falco simply because you like him. look at gimpyfish for example, he plays with bowser knowing that bowser isnt good but he plays because he likes bowser, i in a sense can relate and i play with falco simply because i enjoy playing with with him. so i say you should just do whatever you want, play however you want its just a friendly game after all
Same with me and MK. I love him because of the way he plays. With every character comes practice, you're not going to be good with them right off the bat (I know thats not what you're saying, but just thought I'd get that out there.) MK is closest to my playing style. Fast and highly aggressive. I love being fast and having the ability to put my opponents under high pressure. If you want to main Falco, just give it some practice and you'll get better over time.

When I was playing Halo 2 competitively, I had some REALLY bad habits. What you have to do though, is constantly think about them, and do all you can to avoid them. Tell yourself "no, thats definitely a bad move." Also, watching of videos of good players helps.



Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
Yeah, okay, I think I know what I have to do. Thanks everybody.

Except what Jem. said. "Apply"? As in, "apply myself"? *confused*


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
He means apply the information you just gathered to your actual playstyle.
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