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I need help countering snake with metaknight.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
hes not really an advanced player but its pissing me off he keeps spamming like all his projectiles making it hard for spacing. His dash attack would always hit me up and allow him to fsmash i have a good DI but sometimes it would fail on me. I won against him but just by barely how would i eliminate this?

Deleted member

haha dont let it upset you that he spams because thats only making you do what your opponent wants.

you could sheild snakes projectiles but not often due to shield reduction wich isnt too big of a problem in brawl but just dont shield up close,snakes missles can dish a long enough shield stun for him to get in on you especially if droppend on your shield.

as for the dash attack having good di is important but its better just to counter it and punish him.mach tornado(nuetral-b)is a good answer to this if you want to attempt to out-prioritize him.

if you want to try to beat him out then f-tilt is a good option.d-tilt is ok too but f-tilt his at a much better angle against snake.

even utilizing this may not always prove successful,snake just works against meta well in general =0


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
I really haven't had a problem aganist snake as meta knight as far as projectiles go. Of course that could just mean the players I play haven't mastered him. But I just simply fly around them while moving towards him and then it depends on what the situation is on what I do from there. youtube can be your best friend on seeing what other people do ;)

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
Well if you can read his moves then you can beat him. Air dodging is your friend. Air dodge has to be the greatest tool to countering projectiles or combos that launch you into the air. You can quickly short hop, air dodge to the ground and dodge his missle then use this time to gain distance on him.

I also don't know if you are playing online, but if you aren't you shouldn't worry too much.

Here a vid vs my bro( not one of his better games ). Video shows very well how to keep yourself safe when fighting an opponent with range. You can see mostly how a simple airdodge can set you up at an advantage to punish your opponent.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008

Well he only really has two projectiles that you need to worry about. His forward special and his Usmash.

His neutral special can be seen as one, but unless it explodes on you, it causes no flinch AND you can catch it and throw it back. For his grenades, you can just walk right through them(or float) and pressure the hell out of him.

For the most part, Snake's attacks are slow and powerful except his tilts and his neutral A combo, and MK is fast enough to blow through that with enough practice. Not only that, but if you use MK's air game on Snake, you can push him off the ledge pretty quickly, and from the air, Snake is pretty useless against a fast attacker like MK.

This is with enough experience and reflexes anyway. So merely a "theory" that is dependent upon the player to make it work.

MK is a man of pressure. Ignoring all else and pressuring the hell out of his opponent.

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008

Well he only really has two projectiles that you need to worry about. His forward special and his Usmash.

His neutral special can be seen as one, but unless it explodes on you, it causes no flinch AND you can catch it and throw it back. For his grenades, you can just walk right through them(or float) and pressure the hell out of him.

For the most part, Snake's attacks are slow and powerful except his tilts and his neutral A combo, and MK is fast enough to blow through that with enough practice. Not only that, but if you use MK's air game on Snake, you can push him off the ledge pretty quickly, and from the air, Snake is pretty useless against a fast attacker like MK.

This is with enough experience and reflexes anyway. So merely a "theory" that is dependent upon the player to make it work.

MK is a man of pressure. Ignoring all else and pressuring the hell out of his opponent.

I agree, Snakes attacks are rather slow so if you put the pressure on him he should crumble. Making sure he cant get distance is key.

xS A M U R A Ix

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2003
Raleigh, NC
Hmm.....beating snake takes a lot of patience. Just work your way in. Get him in the air where he sucks. Don't attack him when he's holding a grenade unless it's from far enough away, use mach tornado / drill rush / air dodge to go through nikitas. Look out for his disjointed hit box. Remember that AAA and f.tilt on both hits are punishable. Don't approach from above him if he's standing since u.tilt kills you, and just pressure pressure pressure.

Also don't forget that grabbing the cypher when he's recovering from below the stage kills him.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
Wow, I was just wondering how to beat Snake =3
Now Ike is my only problem~
I only fear for his great power =.=
Ike is essentially the same except that you don't need to fear letting him have range. However the strategy remains the same in that pressuring him and using relentless combos removes all opportunity for him to use his slow, powerful attacks on you. I'd recommend coming from the air with Dair to get him started fairly often as his neutral A combo can still hurt like hell.

Chain throwing Ike is also remarkably effective.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2005
My problem with snake isn't so much closing the distance on Snake while avoiding his projectiles... I've had success avoiding projectiles using a combination of (hopefully unpredictable) multiple jumps, spot dodges and air dodges (easier said than done in laggy online games, though).

My biggest problem is connecting with attacks once I get to him, when playing against people who rely heavily on Snake's tilts. It seems like Snake's relatively fast tilts out-prioritize everything I've got, both from above or on the ground.

Any suggestions for how to deal with Snakes who spam tilts when you get close?



Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Mach Tornado or possibly even Drill Rush. Get him off the ground so he can't use tilts. Eventually he'll use something else on the ground so the Tornado won't continue to get him.

Or learn the hit boxes on his tilts and how to attack while being outside of them. MK can attack from basically any direction/angle.

Elemental Knight

Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2006
Urbana, IL
My brother's an MK main and I main Snake. Mach Tornado gives me absolute hell when MK gets in close quarters, and when I want to spam tilts, that's all he has to do to punish me. That forces me to try to stay away, but MK is so fast that that's hard to keep up. *shrugs*


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
trip mines remote mines projectiles WHAT DO YOU DO ?
I always think of snake as being usless up close you gottah keep the pressure on ..... but remember MK does have a sword so remember to space properly ....and if you have him off the edge you can gimp his recovery(UpB) by throwing .......also.....your shuttle loop is strong enough to knock him off the fan thing (i dont know what its called)
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