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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
Good **** kage, peach/ganon is ****.

NOOB3 was yesterday, got 4th in singles and lost to hbox/colbol. I felt like I was getting used to hbox but I needed at least a best of 5.....

Won teams with colbol though,twas pretty sick, look out for us ****** at pound haha


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Good **** kage, peach/ganon is ****.

NOOB3 was yesterday, got 4th in singles and lost to hbox/colbol. I felt like I was getting used to hbox but I needed at least a best of 5.....

Won teams with colbol though,twas pretty sick, look out for us ****** at pound haha
Nice, seems like we are still not far from each other. =P I will keep on moving forward! You better too!

Edit: First match uploaded from our team set.


G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007

I couldn't agree more!

Dude, so I recorded for the first time in months the other day, and we added probably a full minute of quality footage to Devour 2. I'm stoked, this is gonna be legit I think. It should put Devour 1 to shame...hopefully.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
I couldn't agree more!

Dude, so I recorded for the first time in months the other day, and we added probably a full minute of quality footage to Devour 2. I'm stoked, this is gonna be legit I think. It should put Devour 1 to shame...hopefully.
You and ihsb are probably the most flashy / fun to watch of your respective characters imo =]


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
So I finally have some vids up. I'm not going to show too much of whats up now because I was a little rusty and trying some things out that you guys said but here is a cool match. The first stock has a "the kupo" or w/e lol

I find that my play style is much different than you guys. I think I tend to be a bit more campy, keep away ganon and deliberate with my moves instead of flashiness. It takes me a little bit to get inside someone but I feel that once I do my combos can be rather powerful (especially with my playstyle which revolves more around zoning instead of quick aggression.) Idk. Anyway, here is a quick one:

Ganon vs fox

And this one isn't too bad either I guess

Ganon vs Marth


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
First match is falcon. I'll watch the other one later. Good stuff though kupo. I did notice that the one time you went for a usmash it got you combo'd and then ko'd ;) Nice vid though man, are you looking for advice?

I need to record some vids asap.


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2010
sup guys.

does ganon's n-air have much use? I've used it on occasion in some combos, but the hitbox is weird.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
First match is falcon. I'll watch the other one later. Good stuff though kupo. I did notice that the one time you went for a usmash it got you combo'd and then ko'd ;) Nice vid though man, are you looking for advice?

I need to record some vids asap.
Thanks man! Sure, I'll take comments but I mean, that was me a little out of practice and trying new things. Perhaps some things you noticed are things that I do when I'm more in practice so yea.

I swear the usmash is awesome when used correctly hahaha ;)

I wanted to get something of me up for you guys and I'll def show you some more when I get some of my in shape ganon recorded
wut duz kupo mean
I was referring to the Wall tech down b spike from the falcon. Its basically the rockcrock except with the down b instead haha

I also found something really useful. If you can get just the first dsmash hit off close to the ledge against spacies, its pretty much insta death cause you can run out with a free uair like this. This clip also shows the beauty of ganon haha



Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2010
another question

how do i fight a campy link? my roomy's been playing link lately, and on open stages like FD he just projectile camps me, bombs boomerangs over and over and over. how do I get around this gayness

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
another question

how do i fight a campy link? my roomy's been playing link lately, and on open stages like FD he just projectile camps me, bombs boomerangs over and over and over. how do I get around this gayness
Shield the bombs, and the boomerang you can hit(jab/bair/fair/ftilt) and close the gap between you and him, forcing him to do something else when the time comes. Just don't stay in the air any amount of time that's not necessary. If you're in the air and you get hit by that boomerang, it could lead to bad, bad things. Especially if you use your double jump.

Also, Ban FD as Ganon if you can. I hate that level.


Kupo. Watched a couple of your vids. I think it would be a big, big help if you would devote some time to mastering the L-cancel on the stomp. Lots of times you are planning to use it right, but you mess up the timing of the L-cancel, and it leaves you a sitting duck. Besides that, work on utilizing Ganon's range to the fullest. It's not a bad thing to be able to trick the opponent into missing and hitting them as you will, but it's another thing when you're not using every inch of Ganon that's usable. Ganon needs every last one of the many inches that comprise him to have a chance in lots of matchups, Marth being a key one. So maybe try to not get so close if not needed. Besides that, put your own twist on things. My ganon relies on tricks and tech skill to get hits. Do your kupown thing man. Hope I was able to make sense in the least.

Also, when edgeguarding, it's to your advantage 99.9% of the time to have your back to your opponent. Bair/Reverse UAir is the way to go, UNLESS you have a trick or something planned. Just my 2 cents.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
FD is money against link imo, but I also just like fd in general. It gives you ample room for spacing attacks and the chaingrab is good till 70+. But yeah, what zane said is pretty much spot on.


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
use platforms, full hop fair is pretty nice too. I'd put in more thought but i'm tired and someone in my apartment complex is either getting killed or has anger management issues at 3am >_>

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
How do you approach Falco?
You don't. Having a decent powershielding game is good, but since it doesn't happen just a whole you really have to space the crud off this guy. Pressure shield, force him to roll and capitalize off his horrible recovery.

I shouldn't be giving advice on this matchup, I'm horrrribleee at it.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
you don't was my first thought too. If he's got techskill, he'll rush you down, so your obective should be dealing with that with platforms and good shield usage.

fullhop dair is amazing though. It's hard to know when to use though


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
How do you approach Falco?
I would say the best way is it learn his laser patterns and be a pro at jumping in and out of them. The best thing you can do in combination with that is being able to start walking towards him when you land and PS the laser that comes then continue on. Facing direction is up to you. Most people underestimate the power of the first uair hitbox which hits below horizontal and is his fastest aerial.

So basically I would say play a safe keep away game while dodging every laser. If he can't hit you, then there isn't much he can do

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
So basically I would say play a safe keep away game while dodging every laser. If he can't hit you, then there isn't much he can do
If you're dodging every laser, and he's doing it right, you may dodge, but you'll never hit him either. I don't believe there's much an option at times. I think it's time and place, depending on the situation. Sometimes you dodge them, sometimes you powershield them, sometime you tank. Time and place man.

If you're wanting quality advice on Ganon vs Falco, you gotta talk to Linguini. He's the falco matchup guru here.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Dekalb, Il
Ganon Olympics:
hurdle low lasers
powershield middle lasers
dangerously side-b under high lasers

Forcing an approach out of your opponent?
look extremely slow and look like punishable combo fodder but cc, live forever and ko at 17 percent.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
If you're dodging every laser, and he's doing it right, you may dodge, but you'll never hit him either. I don't believe there's much an option at times. I think it's time and place, depending on the situation. Sometimes you dodge them, sometimes you powershield them, sometime you tank. Time and place man.

If you're wanting quality advice on Ganon vs Falco, you gotta talk to Linguini. He's the falco matchup guru here.
Idk about that. If you get close enough with dodging, then you can dodge and throw out like a bair and hit him. Or force him to approach and CC the laser or something.

Not hitting him is fine as long as your not getting hit either while positioning yourself better IMO


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I think baiting a nair to CC jab is a good first step. Likewise, not being afraid to CC the nair and bair as well even to an extreme extent until he learns when he can get away with it. Its something I'm learning how to do now

G. Vice

Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2007
So I got with my video producer aka Crew Mate, Arbustos. It's official and I'm stoked.

Devour 2 is currently in production, to be released as soon as it's finished. We have awesome music lined out, and awesome combos for you guys. Hope that everyone here gets pumped about another Ganon combo vid! I hope to not disappoint you guys!


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I think baiting a nair to CC jab is a good first step. Likewise, not being afraid to CC the nair and bair as well even to an extreme extent until he learns when he can get away with it. Its something I'm learning how to do now
Dude, you do not want to purposely get hit by a fox nair!!! lol!! CC jab is cool but this should not be your "go to" strat for keeping fox out.

You have to play solid defense vs fox. Retreating sh uair's are great for a quick hitbox right in front of Ganon. They help you maintain space and don't limit your options badly since you can dj afterwards. Retreating fair is also good but less safe when in close. When fox is approaching, if he hits your shield with an early nair, you can buffer a roll (usually through him). If you PS you might be able to get a grab (you might be able to get a grab anyway lol, if you're lucky... just wait until right after the shine if he's in front of you). You can also mix in a few buffered sidestep dodges but don't get predictable. If fox nairs through you, bair oos (it must be close to frame perfect since fox is so short).

KK, tell your friend to stay in motion and try to keep fox guessing. Solid defense will help keep fox out as well. Try to remain safe but punish hard when the opportunity arises.

Defense vs campy fox:

Playing vs an aggressive but smart fox:

G. VICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for this vid Zane, I'm sure it will be sick.
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