Yes there is. LEGALITY:
-Using this channel will void any valid warranty agreements with Nintendo.
-Nintendo will block you from playing online if they catch you cheating there (offline is OK, they can't do anything).
-Using Homebrew to play bootleg, ISOs, or installing WAD copies of games are illegal (also because they are illegal, even WiiBrew, a Homebrew community, doesn't support this, as do I).
I am not responsible for anything that happens to your wii/wii u. Once getting the hombrew channel, you can never update again. I suggest you do it on a wii since there are no more updates.
- go to wii settings and write down your mac adress
- go to and eneter the mac adress
- select your system menu version(check in the settings)
- select bundle hackmii installer for me
- enter the correct captcha and cut either the red or blue wire it odesnt matter
- extract the zip folder downloaded
- copy and paste the contents of the extracted zip folder into a 2 gig or more sd card
- restart wii
- put in sd card
- go to messages and click on the letter with the red bomb in the today section, yesterday section, or tomorrows section
- let the screen scoll
- press 1 when prompted
- hit continue(hit a)
- go up and select install the hombrew channel
- hit yes continue
- hit continue when it says success
- select exit
- now you have hombrew channel.
hope this helped