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So right now, DDD is in a bad spot. He is undeniably one of the worst characters in the game thanks to the nerfs that happened in the beta. Dair nerf was something that was over done with barely any compensation for it. It no longer combos at low %, people get out of it easier, starts up much slower, and if people hold away, we cannot follow up on it.
this tells me a few things. the most important being that the PMDT don't want DDD to be good in the air. His positional advantage was opposite to that of normal characters and they gutted it.
What I don't believe the DT realized was that DDD absolutely sucks on the ground and yet they are forcing a playstyle that isn't good. So with that in mind I've thought about some buffs to his kit for a grounded DDD that is usable AND fun (imo). most of these changes have been tested with the help of Joe!.
1. Jab 1. needs to come out IN FRONT of DDD on frame 6. Its a worthless jab as it stands right now coming out on 8 and not being able to hit someone until 9. upping the speed will actually encourage something that isn't as risky as grab.
2. Jab 1, 2, and Rapid jab and f-tilt become transcendent. The whole reason I adopted the aerial camp game was because clanking with projectiles and moves actually puts DDD in a really bad spot. Since DDD has nothing fast at all on the ground besides d-tilt and grab, both which are both laggy as hell, it essentially let opponents near him for free. With these moves now being unclankable, it will promote trading with moves instead of direct avoidance.
3. Rework D-tilt. D-tilt SUCKS right now, its nearly unusable. It's clearly not an edgeguard move. it doesn't hit below the stage at all and it has terrible knockback, and has tons of end lag. its also clearly not a GTFO move as its too weak. my suggestion
Angle 361 > 30
BKB 20 > 35
KBG 100 > 91
DMG 10 > 9
1-6 start up
7-11 Strong hitbox
WEAK HITBOX REMOVED (god, it was awful)
12-25 cool down
NOW this move actually has a use and I loved using it. This helps SO much getting people off stage and adds a move that doesn't have a ton of commitment to it.
4. Speed up f-smash
it currently starts on frame 42. 42.... Ike's, who's f-smash does 4 less % and is nearly as strong hits on frame 30, just like bowsers. by buffing the speed of his f-smash you are once again promoting grounded play. not as much but you still are, you could now tech chase platforms with it if extremely lucky. I will absolutely NOT accept a power decrease on this move, like bowser's f-smash
suggestion start up 42 > 36
4.5 up-smash KBG increase. 79 > 84.
I can see why they didn't want it doing so much damage but in that process we lost kill power. even with this buff, it is STILL weaker than fox up-smash. a move 10 frames faster and with less cool down.
5. Spot dodge cool down 32 > 29 AT LEAST.
even by buffing his grounded defensive options, you are still encouraging grounded play. He currently has the worst spot dodge in the game (tied actually). and buffering spot dodge is still too slow to get away from people who just mash grab. that is something unacceptable to me.
6. Rolls invincibility start up 4 > 3. no one's should start on 4. thats so bad.
7. FIX INHALE beyond the glitch
inhale is terrible, the other command grabbers get something great off of it and DDD doesn't. just 10%.
here is inhale right now
1-16 start up
17-19 Big grab box comes out.
20-57 inhale actually comes out and you are forced into this animation for this long
58-77 cool down.
over a FULL SECOND of commitment if you miss, and if you land it you get 10% and nothing more.... the risk vs reward is skewed beyond reason.
reducing the numbers on each of those would actually make this not AS bad
The only real suggestion I have is to at least double the size of the small grab box once inhale is actually out. the reason for this is because inhale basically trades with any move thrown out right now. even with the size doubled, it still trades with shoulder tackle from wario. (which I absolutely don't like)
I also really want to inhale windboxes to be stronger than before. something like a 40/50/60 spread. I Know exactly why this move was nerfed and its one of the stupidest reasons I've ever heard.(but I don't want PMDT "secret" exposed) all I have to say is that if you clearly see that my inhale is out and youre playing falcon AND i'm at the edge of the stage, you should not just run at me and attempt to knee me without expecting the wind to affect you.
8. grounded waddle toss not taking 63 frames to complete. If the intention is to make DDD more grounded then the move taking this long is dumb considering I can just jump and then throw one to make it take so much less time. I feel as though waddle dashing is TOO situational right now because I can't throw stuff on the ground unless its a landing mix up.
9. waddles dee walking slower. I suggested this forever ago, but it would a MUCH better pseudo trap that I can walk up to instead of run up to it. the cool down on grounded + their walk speed basically makes dashing too situational like I said before. if you could make ONLY waddle dees not walk at all, that would be perfect.
10. Revert dair final hit Knockback values. (90 BKB, 50KBG)
The move was murdered in every way. at least fix this part
Overall I think that these changes would be immensely beneficial for DDD players and wouldn't encourage taking to the air to an extreme degree.
this tells me a few things. the most important being that the PMDT don't want DDD to be good in the air. His positional advantage was opposite to that of normal characters and they gutted it.
What I don't believe the DT realized was that DDD absolutely sucks on the ground and yet they are forcing a playstyle that isn't good. So with that in mind I've thought about some buffs to his kit for a grounded DDD that is usable AND fun (imo). most of these changes have been tested with the help of Joe!.
1. Jab 1. needs to come out IN FRONT of DDD on frame 6. Its a worthless jab as it stands right now coming out on 8 and not being able to hit someone until 9. upping the speed will actually encourage something that isn't as risky as grab.
2. Jab 1, 2, and Rapid jab and f-tilt become transcendent. The whole reason I adopted the aerial camp game was because clanking with projectiles and moves actually puts DDD in a really bad spot. Since DDD has nothing fast at all on the ground besides d-tilt and grab, both which are both laggy as hell, it essentially let opponents near him for free. With these moves now being unclankable, it will promote trading with moves instead of direct avoidance.
3. Rework D-tilt. D-tilt SUCKS right now, its nearly unusable. It's clearly not an edgeguard move. it doesn't hit below the stage at all and it has terrible knockback, and has tons of end lag. its also clearly not a GTFO move as its too weak. my suggestion
Angle 361 > 30
BKB 20 > 35
KBG 100 > 91
DMG 10 > 9
1-6 start up
7-11 Strong hitbox
WEAK HITBOX REMOVED (god, it was awful)
12-25 cool down
NOW this move actually has a use and I loved using it. This helps SO much getting people off stage and adds a move that doesn't have a ton of commitment to it.
4. Speed up f-smash
it currently starts on frame 42. 42.... Ike's, who's f-smash does 4 less % and is nearly as strong hits on frame 30, just like bowsers. by buffing the speed of his f-smash you are once again promoting grounded play. not as much but you still are, you could now tech chase platforms with it if extremely lucky. I will absolutely NOT accept a power decrease on this move, like bowser's f-smash
suggestion start up 42 > 36
4.5 up-smash KBG increase. 79 > 84.
I can see why they didn't want it doing so much damage but in that process we lost kill power. even with this buff, it is STILL weaker than fox up-smash. a move 10 frames faster and with less cool down.
5. Spot dodge cool down 32 > 29 AT LEAST.
even by buffing his grounded defensive options, you are still encouraging grounded play. He currently has the worst spot dodge in the game (tied actually). and buffering spot dodge is still too slow to get away from people who just mash grab. that is something unacceptable to me.
6. Rolls invincibility start up 4 > 3. no one's should start on 4. thats so bad.
7. FIX INHALE beyond the glitch
inhale is terrible, the other command grabbers get something great off of it and DDD doesn't. just 10%.
here is inhale right now
1-16 start up
17-19 Big grab box comes out.
20-57 inhale actually comes out and you are forced into this animation for this long
58-77 cool down.
over a FULL SECOND of commitment if you miss, and if you land it you get 10% and nothing more.... the risk vs reward is skewed beyond reason.
reducing the numbers on each of those would actually make this not AS bad
The only real suggestion I have is to at least double the size of the small grab box once inhale is actually out. the reason for this is because inhale basically trades with any move thrown out right now. even with the size doubled, it still trades with shoulder tackle from wario. (which I absolutely don't like)
I also really want to inhale windboxes to be stronger than before. something like a 40/50/60 spread. I Know exactly why this move was nerfed and its one of the stupidest reasons I've ever heard.(but I don't want PMDT "secret" exposed) all I have to say is that if you clearly see that my inhale is out and youre playing falcon AND i'm at the edge of the stage, you should not just run at me and attempt to knee me without expecting the wind to affect you.
8. grounded waddle toss not taking 63 frames to complete. If the intention is to make DDD more grounded then the move taking this long is dumb considering I can just jump and then throw one to make it take so much less time. I feel as though waddle dashing is TOO situational right now because I can't throw stuff on the ground unless its a landing mix up.
9. waddles dee walking slower. I suggested this forever ago, but it would a MUCH better pseudo trap that I can walk up to instead of run up to it. the cool down on grounded + their walk speed basically makes dashing too situational like I said before. if you could make ONLY waddle dees not walk at all, that would be perfect.
10. Revert dair final hit Knockback values. (90 BKB, 50KBG)
The move was murdered in every way. at least fix this part
Overall I think that these changes would be immensely beneficial for DDD players and wouldn't encourage taking to the air to an extreme degree.