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How to beat dodge roll spammer?


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2009
Hi everyone. Just wanted to ask one thing. I play brawl with two of my friends mostly. One of them is a dodge roll spammer. You know, the kind that uses something like side smash and then rolls away many times in a match. It's not as bad if we are having a free-for-all match, but in one-on-one situations it sucks. Any ideas how to punish that? :confused: By the way, I main Meta Knight, Lucas and Marth.

Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
Well you can just predict which direction they roll based on their habits and punish with...any move really.
Try using Downsmash for your MK, Fmash for Lucas, or...Dancing Blade/Up B/Downsmash for its coverage on both sides/etc with Marth.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
They're forced to use the "laggier" roll to evade in such a way sooner or later.
Lucario has no laggier roll. The frame data both ways is the same. Lucario has the best distance, the best invincibility ratio, and aside from MK's froll are the fastest rolls in the game in terms of duration.

The only way to beat it is with xtreme mindgaemz.

Or just follow him to the ledge and charge fsmash the other way.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2010
if MK nado', lucas i have no idea and marth just let them go for the side smash and parry it


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I used to have this problem as Marth when I played vs my friend's Pit b/c his forward roll is very quick and has good distance. The way to beat it I found is to space myself with more distance (so I'm attacking with the end of my sword or slightly beyond) and consistently mix up my attack approaches. For example sometimes I would double Fair, first one towards, second one retreating so if he forward rolls he'll roll into my Fair. If you do that too much he'll just time himself and dash attack, so occasionally I'd throw in a SHFF Fair and sometimes FF Fair into Dtilt. Then I'd mess with him by Dancing blade with only the first attack of DB, and then retreating to where he'd forward roll immediately and DB him there. I've found that people who use characters with good rolls will do it in advantageous positions so once you understand that you're out of position you can almost bait them into it. Here's 2 matches where I have examples I what I was talking about, hope that helps.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK7iNNVCP78 - Fyi, my friend is much better since this but this is when he used to abuse the roll (and Fsmash), he learned after awhile to stop. Anyway you can watch for what I'm talking about on the first stock.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Learn to predict their moves. Take a step back from the game, view what their strategies are, and find out how repetitive they are. Chances are your opponent isn't anything amazing (sorry if I'm judging you off your one post and you're actually pro-status! XD), and is very repetitive. If it's very repetitive, simply wait for them to roll, the strike with a powerful attack (but not one that takes like 2 seconds to hit; a smash attack or strong B attack would be preferred). If the powerful attack misses or they block it or roll away, maybe try timing it better. If that doesn't work, do a quicker move.

Chance are, they will repeat their mistake for a while.

Remember: one of the most important things in smash is to adapt to your enemies strategies, and to stop using or minimalize your use of strategies that aren't working.

To be more specific, I'll give you examples of what to do with the three characters you listed:

For Meta Knight, use your down smash (it covers both sides and is a great kill), up B (sends them flying and is a great set up move), or grab them right after they dodge roll (make sure to time it right).

For Lucas your down smash or side smash would make great counters. Not sure what else to use as I don't use Lucas that much.

For Marth, his down smash covers both sides and is strong, his forward smash is also good for this situation, his neutral air probably has the best chance of hitting if you aren't use to hitting your rolling foe, and of course his grabbing and forward air are great moves as well.

Basically, predict where your foe is, and destroy them like yesterday's news. :) Hope that helps! :grin:


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Biglou tells us to just walk up to them and they will roll behind you. Give them the shoryuken!


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2009
Thanks for everyone who answered. With these tips, I should be able to beat him a little more often. :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2009
if u can expect to roll, then u'll react to the roll and should probably be able to nair w/mk in time or something, unless theres imput lag on the tv, it might not work then.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
If you play MK, Mach Tornado eats all dodges amazingly. Actually, Mach Tornado completely destroys lower levels of play like you're describing (and still puts a number in on higher level play, lol).

I'd heavily recommend learning to use it well.


Smash Rookie
Jun 16, 2009
If it's Lucario you're ****ed.

I know this situation quite well. I play against a rollspamming Lucario often, and it honestly is harder than it sounds to punish effectively. The frame data supports this.

I can get a few punishes in, but eventually, I fall into the trap of getting grabbed and thrown while the Lucario retreats to the other side of the stage. His short-hopped Fair>Dair can also catch me off guard. It is really annoying knowing how easy this SHOULD be to punish.

In my case, the Lucario rolls all the way to one side and stands on the ledge, aura-spamming, and every camping strategy except Snake's (or diddy's nanners) becomes useless. He WILL NOT approach, no matter what, and this get's annoying. I can easily predict his forward-roll that occurs 90% of the time I approach, but it is very hard to hit him before the second roll, as he makes his way to the other side of the stage.

The only movement style he uses is rolling. I used to have the problem of only rolling or running, and have since learned to walk (especially with Marth). It's a pitty though, knowing that if I mained Lucario, I wouldnt have to. It really comes down to character-advantage here. Lucario's roll is stupid, and impossible to guarantee a punish, unless you're metaknight and whorenado.

I am still trying to find a way to deal with this, but for the most part, it works to just predict and punish. When you miss, it's because he rolled twice consecutively, and unless you do something dumb, he can no longer counterstrike. With Marth, try approaching with a short hopped just-past-tip-range Fair, followed by a retreating Fair (back on control stick, forward on c-stick for best results). This will keep you always in either a neutral or advantageous position; but it relies on the Lucario's approach as he reacts to your "approach." Mix it up.

Try these mix-ups with Marth:

shorthopped Fair>retreating Fair

SH Fair> dancing blade (one hit, unless you make contact) This can be done backward if he rolls behind you, or forward if he stays put.

SH Dancing blade (sideB as soon as you leave the ground) > Fair/Bair/Uair as you land. Uair will be the best for you, for it's autocancelling, but it is limited in it's hitbox. The sideB's momentum cancellation helps mind-game, but only when it's mixed up with other approaches.

My favorite is SH fair, or dancing blade > shield breaker. But only do this if you notice him staying put and shielding often. You can be smart and have it tip perfectly, and follow up with a Fsmash the other way as he will most-likely start roll-spamming towards the other ledge to regain his shield. It's not guaranteed that you'll even make contact with the Fsmash, but if you do, and he doesnt power-shield, this WILL BREAK HIS SHIELD if it doesnt just hit him anyway. It's a long shot, but it's relatively non-punishable, since he will be in retreat mode, not counterstrike mode. DON'T BE PREDICTABLE WITH THIS. Try it only once or twice in a match, and only follow through with the whole thing if it's going your way.

Also try full-hopped Fairs once in a while, especially if he tries going to the air. Marth's Fair vs Lucario's Fair is kinda stupid and can go either way sometimes, but I think Marth technically has the advantage. Just don't find yourself in the air against a standing Lucario. Space smart, and you'll do fine.

But long story short. If you main MK, JUST WHORENADO AND YOU WILL BE FINE, NO MATTER WHAT CHARACTER. A rollspammer will lose to whorenado every time.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2009
The Netherlands
i believe the problem with lucario isnt that his roll is hard to punish, thats a fact, but its worse that if you are trying to space yourself just right to punish the roll he can mixup with an Fsmash and kill you at like 90% (if hes at high percentage of course)
if my opponent would only roll behind me without mixing it up with fsmashes, aura spheres, fairs then punishing rolls would be really easy


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
DSmash spams and multi-hit attacks do wonders against them, but if they're becoming overly predictable just land a quick fsmash where they will be going.


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
If they spam it, its very very very easy to predict and punish.

So just predict the easily predicitable, and strike hardz.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
The easiest way to beat roll spammers is to break their habit. Once you get the lead, never approach. Time them out every match if you have to, until they stop rolling excessively. If they have any delusions of wanting to become better at the game, continue to do so until they learn how to play properly.
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