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how i easy edgeguard - An Edgeguarding Guide


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Ganon's most important feature is his off-stage game: **** some *****es son. This is a list of characters and what moves to use on them. If you got something to say about it, say it. I'm not expert on every character, so say something if it bothers you.

MK is hard to edgeguard, but if you can get him, reverse uair (multiple) and dair work. Fair is often too slow. It's not really a good idea to edgeguard him... You might be better off just letting him come back.

Reverse uair. No contest. Fair and dair are usually too slow/risky, but still possible. Hit him when he's charging up for the up-b.

<your favorite aerial> Really though, reverse uair is probably the best. I've had a nair gimp one time so just do whatever you like. Oh yeah, ftilt can work too, from on-stage.. Link goes too far and can't recover sometimes >_>

Sonic is a tough cookie. Reverse uair does NOT work, up+b goes too high. Go out there with a fair, it will just kill him off the edge. If you can dair him out of up-b... good ****. He can uair out of it, though, which can clash with or beat our dair.

Marth is also tough, but reverse uair and dair can work... Once again, fair is usually too slow. Reverse uair is mostly the way to go, or kill him off the sides with uair.

According to SmashBrosForce, you can hit him with dair at the top of his up-b recovery.

Hit him out of up-b with dair. No, really. Do it. It looks epic. Otherwise, space a fair or use uair. Multiple jumps negates reverse uair for the most part unless you hit it multiple times.

Dair is a beast... If he recovers low, go for it. Otherwise, fair and uair can work. Reverse uair is useless though, can't hit through cypher as far as I know. Or you can Flame Choke his Cypher for extra sexyness. Snakes usually recover high, so whack him back off-stage with uair (or, alternatively, fair). If he uses the C4 recovery, stand by the edge and use utilt so that the wind is over the edge. If Snake hits the wind, this will spike him, effectively called the Barrier Spike (Zigma's discovery).

As with most characters, you can hit him with reverse uair, when he's using PKT1.

Dair, usually. Super armor on up-b is a *****...

I think you can dair and reverse uair through his up-b if spaced right. If so, reverse uair would certainly lay a number on him.

Reverse uair can work if Sheik hasn't used up-b yet. Otherwise, hang on the ledge and react to whatever he does (not unlike Melee).

Use reverse uair against him, multiple times if possible. Try and get the timing right. I assume you could also dair him out of his up-b.

Unlike the other multi-jumpers, reverse uair can work on Charizard. Up-b is dangerous though, it has super armor and it's a nasty kill move. If he recovers low, hit him with bair/reverse uair before he can use up-b.

I've heard somewhere that you can hit him with reverse uair and dair through his up-b. If anybody could confirm this - that'd be great. Otherwise, let him get to the edge and react to what he does. Ledgejump? Fair or uair. Roll? Fsmash/ftilt/thunderstorm. Attack? Fsmash/ftilt.

R.O.B. will usually recover high, avoiding your spike. Not much you can do about it. If he does recover low, watch his positioning. You can use reverse uair if you're quick, or go for a really quick bair stage-spike if he's looking at the stage. I think ROB's uair will plow straight through our dair...

Good luck (:

ZSS can use her down-b to get around a lot of stuff, and spike you in return. I don't play ZSS often, though. Which is to say - I never do. However, I do know she's relatively light, so you can probably kill her with uair or fair. If anybody could give input on this... That'd be nice.

If they recover low (which is usually), you probably can't him them. SA and flying airdodge suuuuck. If they recover high, hit them back with uair or nicely spaced fair. I need more playtime against Yoshi.

Reverse uair and bair are your best bets. Edgehog cleverly, make sure to avoid those leaves.

Zelda can be hit with anything. When she uses up-b, she's EXTREMELY vulnerable. When she's disappearing or even when she's already gone, you can still hit her. And that's awesome since she can't do **** about it. Most likely though, she'll move far away intentionally, in which case you can attempt an edgehog. Before her up-b, you're best off doing fair or uair to kill her. She can still recover from reverse uair, dair and bair.

Samus is hard to edgeguard... I don't play Samus much, but I believe you can hit her up-b with dair, in which case she'll start using tether. You can try a quick bair stage-spike... But I'm not sure how often this would work. Ah well.

Ike is a ***** to edgeguard... Hard to hit, SA frames and possibility of getting spiked. If he's far off and not able to use up-b yet, use reverse uair. Otherwise, lure him to use up-b onto the stage, shield (or move away) and attempt to punish. If Ike side-b's (probably not), you'll probably be far away. Wizkick over the edge and hope he hits you. >_>

Reverse uair works, Wolf has a lot of start-up time before his up-b that you can use to hit him. Not sure if you can hit him through his moves, though.

No clue!

GDub is another ***** to edgeguard... Invincibility frames anyone? If he recovers high, you can hit him with fair/uair and kill him. If he recovers low... Good luck.

To be honest, I have no idea.

If you see the up-b, you can spike him when the animation ends. You can probably hit him off his bike as well. If he jumps off his bike and is still low, use reverse uair. Up-b doesn't go very high, remember?

Pit will usually recover high, so like Snake, hit him with uair and fair. Pit is quicker than Snake though, so good luck. If he recovers low (not often), he'll spam arrows to you. Wait until he uses up-b and hit him with whatever feels right. This doesn't happen often, if at all.

Jump into his Thunder, please? Otherwise... Reverse uair, like with Lucas.

Reverse uair is cool. I think her parasol outprioritizes everything we have though. Ah well. It's not Melee, so this should be easier... Too bad not a lot of Europeans play her.

Reverse uair isn't as good as it may seem, Fox's up-b still goes very high. If spaced right, you can still dair him out of his up-b. If he chooses to not grab the ledge and go onto the stage with forward-b, watch his movement and smash him.

Reverse uair after his double jump, or dair after the top of his up-b. Not sure if you can dair him in the middle of his up-b.

Unlike his adult counterpart, Toon Link is a bit harder to edgeguard. Try a nicely spaced dair, or reverse uair him out of one of his double jumps. Alternatively, fair to go for a kill off the edge, or edgehog to a bair.

If you can get him off the stage, use reverse uair or bair if he recovers low. There's no need to go for the spike. If he goes high, try uair, or fair if you space it right.

Reverse uair does work if you time and space it right. It can also work against you, though. If he goes high (probably not), try a (reverse) uair. Dair can also work when he does the 'curl' part of his up-b.

Luigi can be hit with reverse uair or spiked out of side-b... However, he still has tornado and up-b to take care of his trouble. You can attempt another spike. If he goes high, you can of course fair and uair.

Reverse uair one of his double jumps. His up-b doesn't exactly go very high.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Amazing Stuff FD !

Im a good Spiker as @HomE and I think I can help you with 3 characters for now.

Diddy: I think the Best way to Edge-Guard is D-air, when he goes up after his Up-B.

Ness / Lucas: U-ar is the Best way, because when you perform, Lucas or Ness can go out so far from the stage and cant get back with Up-B. D-air is a good way either, since the Up-B charging is slow.

Lucario: I use Reverse U-air many times to humiliate this guy and not let him return to the Stage. MwHaHaHaHa.

Wolf: You're pretty right about your description about Wolf (U-air is too good). I like a lot spike Wolf. I use D-air, Because I know the direction of his Up-B (Fire Wolf), since his Up-B has a POOR Accuracy.

Thanks For your Help Flying Dutchman.
We need help Ganon;)


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Um about MK, i would advise NEVER to edgeguard an MK.
I've been told by my brother never to edgeguard an MK, it just ends up with u taking damage.
I guess u should just let him on stage, ganon can't edgeguard him, but then who can?

Lol @ description of Ness, u gotta be really quick to jump into his pk thunder with ganon though.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Diddy: I think the Best way to Edge-Guard is D-air, when he goes up after his Up-B.
Force said:
Ness / Lucas: U-ar is the Best way, because when you perform, Lucas or Ness can go out so far from the stage and cant get back with Up-B. D-air is a good way either, since the Up-B charging is slow.
Reverse or normal uair?

Force said:
Lucario: I use Reverse U-air many times to humiliate this guy and not let him return to the Stage. MwHaHaHaHa.
I'll put it in there. Can it hit through his up-b?

Force said:
Thanks For your Help Flying Dutchman.
We need help Ganon;)
No problem, let's all fight for Ganon.

Ant1 said:
Um about MK, i would advise NEVER to edgeguard an MK.
I've been told by my brother never to edgeguard an MK, it just ends up with u taking damage.
I guess u should just let him on stage, ganon can't edgeguard him, but then who can?
Hm! I'll put it in there. I just put my own experiences against stRIP's MK in there, though. I guess you're right, might not be a good idea.

Ant said:
Lol @ description of Ness, u gotta be really quick to jump into his pk thunder with ganon though.
It's not impossible with the Wizkick (Edge)Cancel, though. Also, I don't really know what else to do against Ness. >_>


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
FD my Friend:

Ness / Lucas - Reverse U-air.

Lucario - Reverse U-air. When Lucarios has 60%, I try to grab him and throw him out the Stage and when he perform his Up-B (Extreme Speed) I use Reverse U-air, 2 - 3 times I guess and works perfectly =]
You should make your tests with Lucario FD;)
You just need to get the Timing.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
I never play against Lucario. A friend of mine mains him but he likes Ike and Luigi a lot more. Ah well.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2008
Springfield, OH
You can edge-guard MK, although never advised, but if you want to go for the glory there is an option. Sometimes when feeling lucky and a MK is below the ledge, Shuttle loop range. hang on the ledge, and predict the shuttle loop, DI away from the ledge going into a short hop Dair, If you catch it correctly they will get spiked right after their invincibility frames, and anything above 10% is death for MK from a Ganon spike. If you get hit by the shuttle loop and DI'ed properly it will push you up, and out a bit. which leads into a bad gimp situation for Ganon, but not impossible recovery. it also avoids the stage spike sometimes. BUT if you do it correctly it's glorious for Ganon.

You can also Dair them out of the Drill, but its tough as ****.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Edgeguarding is a great way to KO even in Brawl. Ganon's moves, especially the ones that KO consistently are a little hard to hit. It's been said that the best smash players never let anyone back on the ledge once they get them off.

That being said, I'm going to add some expansive thoughts on each character so as to add on to your guide. You can put in some of them in your post, or people can just read this one when they scroll down, either way I'm convinced it'll be a pretty good thread with everyone's additons sooner or later.

I agree, never edgeguard MK. I always get stage spiked. I have heard and seen however that he can get hit out of his shuttle loop. More testing is necessary, but I do believe it's possible to gimp an unsuspecting MK. It is just waaaay harder. you should add a disclaimer that says try it anyway :p We need test subjects

Marth is easy as heck, tipmans work wonders. Turn your back to him, short hop and fastfall that tipman on his head. He will then Immediately up B, so unless you're quick on the jump + recovery thing, be ready to tech the ledge. That's the only tricky thing about edgeguarding marth. His up B is fast, so he can mix it up and surprise you with it sometimes, despite having horrendous landing lag when he lands.

Diddy is **** easy. I haven't had much luck trying to gimp him out of his side B, - he's got a hitbox and I it looks like invincibility frames (he flashes, idk xP). but if you got him with a F tilt or something, go out and tipman that sucker during his charging just like marth.

Lucario is friggin easy, do the tipman, Dair if you're fancy. Easy gimp, unless you miss. Then you're looking to get stage spiked by his Dair from the ledge, be ready to tech.

I have no idea on ZSS either, sorry.

Nice info on Zelda, she must be more vulnerable than I thought. I've never successfully gimped a sheik, too many invincible frames on that *****. I'll leave that to you.

Alright, Samus. I freaking loathe trying to edgeguard samus. It's not like in melee - her up B has crazy priority this time around. It's definitely one of the anti-gimp up B's in this game. Tipman doesn't hit through it, neither does Dair I don't think. Could be wrong, though. Try to hit her BEFORE she up B's, meaning before she can get to the edge with it, given the situation she's recovering low. It's definitely easier to edgeguard when they use tether.

Love your stuff on Ike, tipmans all the way brah.

No idea on Ice climbers, either. Up b has amazing priority, not to mention it's capable of KO'ing off the top. Gimp nana with tipmans when they're separated, like after an F tilt. Up B has some startup lag you can take advantage of. In edgeguarding the ice climbers, I think what you should really be looking for it to gimp nana so you can take popo yourself. Gimp them both if you can, of course, but it isn't necessary. If you've gotten rid of that stock's nana, you've won it. SoPopo is a lot easier to fight.

haven't had much experience trying to gimp warior or Pikachu, GL on those ones.

I play against probably the best Ness in Colorado. I need to get in some more friendlies with him, cuz he's an absolute beast with him. I got knocked out of losers' by him my last 2 tourneys, and he is surprisingly hard to gimp if they start away from the stage. I'll be updating how to fight him in extensive detail on your matchup thread, just in case someone else in the US or beyond actually starts maining him too. (lol, ness sucks. But he's also a beast)

mario has invincibility frames all the way through to the top of his up B, I believe. not sure on this one though.

That's the extent of my knowledge, in all its noobish glory. I've only been to a few tournaments so far, but I've fought a variety of characters. Take is as you will.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
I never play against Lucario. A friend of mine mains him but he likes Ike and Luigi a lot more. Ah well.
You should play with him and practice some abilities against him like U-air Edge Guard, I think is the same trick as Signature move of Finns7;)

I like a lot to fight against him and my combos and tricks work well.

U-air Edge-Guard works perfectly with Lucario, since his Up-B doesn't Inflict any Damage.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Flying Dutchman,

I think we need find a way to explain How to Spike and Edge-Guard Jigglypuff.

I'll make some tests to help you dude.

"Good Luck"



Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
Nice idea, FD.

:metaknight:: Don't challenge him with reverse Uair gimps; you'll just get gimped yourself.
Dair is pretty much the only weapon that can kill MK at low %'s. Stomp him!

When MK has 50%> you should feel free to attempt an Uair Stage Spike, when the opportunity shows itself.
Uair Stage Spike attempts when MK has <50% will only get yourself gimped.

WKC -> DJ Uair works wonders, when he's recovering high.

One good tactic (especcialy againt MK) is to ledgedrop -> regrab right before MK comes in range, and then ledgedrop -> Bair or Dair, while you're still in your imortal frames.
You'll even beat his Shuttle loop's invincibility frames - hitting him the first frame possible after those invincibility frames.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Nice idea, FD.

:metaknight:: Don't challenge him with reverse Uair gimps; you'll just get gimped yourself.
Dair is pretty much the only weapon that can kill MK at low %'s. Stomp him!

When MK has 50%> you should feel free to attempt an Uair Stage Spike, when the opportunity shows itself.

WKC -> DJ Uair works wonders, when he's recoverying high.

One good tactic (especcialy againt MK) is to ledgedrop -> regrab right before MK comes in range, and then ledgedrop -> Bair or Dair, while you're still in your imortal frames.
You'll even beat his Shuttle loop's invincibility frames - hitting him the first frame possible after those invincibility frames.
Z1GMA is pretty right,

One of the Best way is D-air. If you perform U-air, the opponent can use Shuttle Loop.

I have a friend who mains MK and when I use F-tilt or Grabs to throw him out the stage, He always use all the Jumps and Goes High enought to escape of my Spike, But I use one Reverse U-air when he fly and he get KnockBack again out to the stage and Finally its possible to STOMP him !

MK isn't easy to Spike I guess...

By the Way I always try to STOMP him;)


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
You may want to mention Reverse Uairing Diddy's Monkey Hump if he recovers high.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
D3's super armor should mean you can get him with two hits of nair, if just for damage. But the only situations I see for that, are ones where you give him dair against you.... or even worse (perhaps), the chance to spike you with the Up-B itself. But maybe some opportunity could arise. Maybe.

Against Zelda, you definitely want to edgehog. If you threaten the edgehog, she has to either try to screw your timing so she can steal it from you, and if she can't, she has to aim for the stage, for which she has terrible landing lag that all Zeldas dread.

Thing is, Ganon is slow enough that he may not be able to punish that lag, so she might just go for that..

But whatever the case, your objective is to pressure her into a bad angle. She has more degrees of freedom than 16, but it's still painfully limited, for recovery. Once she's lost the second jump it should be easy to avoid any aerials she would employ for defense (which she won't), so all her concentration is on getting a good spot to teleport from. It's always worth it to go out there and try to create a mistake, even if nothing happens.

Don't go out so far that you'll need the ledge, obviously. But give her the chance to make a mistake.

For Zamus, you'd definitely have to exploit the peculiar "rules" here recovery moves have. Down-B can become an attack, but if she does that, then she's committed for quite a time. Side-B won't be a hitbox if it is a tether.... and is the only one that works when Zamus is above a certain line, AND this line is itself below the edge level.

I know that Zamus can try to recover high. But it would be good to try to keep her low, since she has few options down there. Is ftilt guaranteed from Choke?

If she comes in level at the side, I don't see anything. Spike is super dangerous and has invincibility, and Ganon doesn't have enough air time to try to bait it and react.
There's only one situation I do see, and it is very particular. If she uses down-B, and gets to a point where she then has to use side-B or up-B still, it would be advantageous if you could somehow be waiting around there with your second jump, to deliver a spike.

But that would require avoiding being where the spike hitbox could be... so, yes, it would be a very particular sort of situation.


Ooh, but for R.O.B.: If it goes low, you've got to try a stage spike. From below (uair). It's crazy, but we know it's susceptible to this, and if you can just avoid an nair / fair on the way down, there's pressure.

As for high, this is totally speculation, but what about using FoG and trading a little yomi?
You fall much faster (I checked), and it has no quick descent hitbox, so this gives each of you one shot to hit the other.

Should you start above its level or below (think about Robot's nair)? If Robot goes higher than FoG then that simplifies things.
You can predict nair with air dodge... (or if Up-B had hitstun you could fast fall into that >_>). If you're coming from above you've got nair and stomp.
If it has fair .... trade hits? C-stick a uair while flicking down for DI.

And if it air dodges, there's nair (or up-B... >_>).

Against ICs, if you even get them offstage, just try and gimp Nana when she's in FallSpecial, I guess. They do have a vulnerable moment out of Squall Hammer.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Flying Dutchman,
I think the best way to Edge-Guard Jigglypuff is using D-air.

I made some important tests here. Is a little bit Hard to get the Jigglypuff Timing, if you want to Spike her. Jigglypuff can Glide very well in the Air. so... U-air isn't the best choise, once Jigglypuff can Avoid the U-air, But is another way.

FD, you Should make your tests with her either, using D-air to Spike. It's Hard... But, we can do.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Flying Dutchman,
I think the best way to Edge-Guard Jigglypuff is using D-air.
Offstage maybe, but if you try the whole "Sh Dair" routine while onstage, Puff can just Pound through, tech the hit, and she's safe (plus she's in a position to Bair yo' *** offstage). Honestly, Tipmans are your best option, though you're going to have to land around three or four to put us in a bad position. "Hard" Uairs won't work due to the lovely angle that it sends Jiggs at, in which she can Rising (or Falling LOL) Pound back onstage.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Offstage maybe, but if you try the whole "Sh Dair" routine while onstage, Puff can just Pound through, tech the hit, and she's safe (plus she's in a position to Bair yo' *** offstage). Honestly, Tipmans are your best option, though you're going to have to land around three or four to put us in a bad position. "Hard" Uairs won't work due to the lovely angle that it sends Jiggs at, in which she can Rising (or Falling LOL) Pound back onstage.
U-airs not work right ?

By The Way...

I will begin to test my Spike Abilities against some Jigglypuff mainers in offline matches to see what Happens...

@HomE we should test our Spike Abilities against Jiggz.

MwHaHaHaHa !;)


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
U-airs not work right ?
Not right. You have to use Soft reversed Uairs (Tipmans).

By The Way...

I will begin to test my Spike Abilities against some Jigglypuff mainers in offline matches to see what Happens...

MwHaHaHaHa !
Chase her offstage, you'll either get Nair gimped, Fair stagespiked, or Baired into oblivion.

Take your pick.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2008
Noob are you forgetting my very recent brutal 3stock with some nasty nasty spikes?? I'm really living up to that award :)

But as for spiking Jiggs.... no point... I'd rather get a stomp on stage and kill @ like... 80ish then go offstage vs jiggs and at the VERY least get hit, and/or gimped/stagespiked/somethingelsegay..

yea just stay on stage and hit her with a fresh DA..



Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Noob are you forgetting my very recent brutal 3stock with some nasty nasty spikes?? I'm really living up to that award
Are you forgetting my recent 0-deaths, ledge canceled Sing-Rests, and lulzy edgeguarding? I'm living up to my non-existant award.

But as for spiking Jiggs.... no point... I'd rather get a stomp on stage and kill @ like... 80ish then go offstage vs jiggs and at the VERY least get hit, and/or gimped/stagespiked/somethingelsegay..

yea just stay on stage and hit her with a fresh DA..

This. Ganon can already kill Jiggs in like 4 hits, so let her keep her offstage domain (since Ganon isn't the one to even attempt to usurp her Royal Throne).


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Noob are you forgetting my very recent brutal 3stock with some nasty nasty spikes?? I'm really living up to that award :)

But as for spiking Jiggs.... no point... I'd rather get a stomp on stage and kill @ like... 80ish then go offstage vs jiggs and at the VERY least get hit, and/or gimped/stagespiked/somethingelsegay..

yea just stay on stage and hit her with a fresh DA..

@HomE, try to Spike Jiggz is a bad choise right ?

I think Ganon's D-air has a good Priority against Jiggz N-air, F-air, B-air.

Anyway... I like a lot face challenges in trying to Spike someone.
I do everything to honor my Best Spike Award.

Wizkick Spike can be Useful ? lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Holy crap Force, do you have to announce to the world like 50 times that you have the best spiker award.

Personally when I faced you I didn't think you were a good spike at all, moderate at best.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Holy crap Force, do you have to announce to the world like 50 times that you have the best spiker award.

Personally when I faced you I didn't think you were a good spike at all, moderate at best.
I just said that I honor my awards son ... I dont announced 50 times my friend. I think we have to honor the good things.

We should get more battles when I buy my internet Stuff.

@HomE is a Best Spiker too my friend.

I think Koskinator is the Best Legde Spiker.

You should have some purposes in the Ganon Tier List, before say something wrong...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Just saying that all I really read when I see your posts are that
1) you wanna help the gerudo community (Seen that alot)
2) your a good spiker.

I mean your intentions are good but still.

Dont wanna start a flame war here tho.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
No Tier *****ing in mah thread kthnx

EDIT: Basically, Jiggs can do anything she wants off-stage, she can pound through almost anything, avoid everything... You're better off just letting her back and using her light weight to get early kills.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
Just saying that all I really read when I see your posts are that
1) you wanna help the gerudo community (Seen that alot)
2) your a good spiker.

I mean your intentions are good but still.

Dont wanna start a flame war here tho.
So.. Let's back to the real Discussion.... I didnt get angry with you my friend.
I liked a lot to fight against you, was a Honor for me.

Noobicidal I think D-air have a good priority against Some aerials of Jiggz.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Noobicidal I think D-air have a good priority against Some aerials of Jiggz.
Whether or not Thunder Stomp has any priority against Jiggly's aerials is irrelevant; she's using Pound to get back on stage and there's not a **** thing you can do to compete with it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
Even with that priority jiggz can just float back/away from the dair and then gimp ganon's bad horizontal recovery. Home got it right. Keep to the ledge.



Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2008
hey Qerk chill a little, hes just a very excited dude and very enthusiastic about spiking mofos (In case you are unaware we have 2 of the strongest spikes in the game) and he happens to say my name in almost every sentence so I can't hate on that either. if Z1GMA says he is a good spike... he IS a good spiker, Z1GMA is a monster and is not to be doubted. If a player who LOVES to spike (Like Me, or SBF) gets an award recognizing his abilities they would probably be pretty thrilled about it (like an Actor at the Oscars). your post served no purpose besides hating, please keep the posts respectful so we dont end up like the Sonic boards.

Edit: i'm at work it took me a long time to post, just imagine this happened like 5 or 6 posts up :)


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
your post served no purpose besides hating, please keep the posts respectful so we dont end up like the Sonic boards.

Edit: i'm at work it took me a long time to post, just imagine this happened like 5 or 6 posts up :)


Side note, anyone up for discussing a character that can be edgeguarded? I'm all for preaching the Wonder and Beauty that is our Lordess and Mistress Jigglypuff, but the usefulness of it is lacking.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
You can actually gimp a handful of these characters by simply doing run-off upairs after they'd already double-jumped. It's a good mixup and has a bigger window to work than the reverse up airs (as you can hit them with the start of it, or when it sweeps around Ganondorf the toes will hit again below him).


Smash Hero
Sep 10, 2008
Hey, FD! The "Barrier spike" works wonders if Snake is C4-recovering.
If he doesn't die right away, he'll be very easy to Stomp or stage spike.

It'd be nice if you added that to the OP :]


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2009
hey Qerk chill a little, hes just a very excited dude and very enthusiastic about spiking mofos (In case you are unaware we have 2 of the strongest spikes in the game) and he happens to say my name in almost every sentence so I can't hate on that either. if Z1GMA says he is a good spike... he IS a good spiker, Z1GMA is a monster and is not to be doubted. If a player who LOVES to spike (Like Me, or SBF) gets an award recognizing his abilities they would probably be pretty thrilled about it (like an Actor at the Oscars). your post served no purpose besides hating, please keep the posts respectful so we dont end up like the Sonic boards.

Edit: i'm at work it took me a long time to post, just imagine this happened like 5 or 6 posts up :)

"hes just a very excited dude and very enthusiastic about spiking mofos"

"If a player who LOVES to spike (Like Me, or SBF) gets an award recognizing his abilities they would probably be pretty thrilled about it (like an Actor at the Oscars)."

Oh man ... I liked a lot;)

Thanks to explain important things to Qerk.

That's The Truth.


Whoa ! Z1GMA,

Barrier Spike from Utilt Trix !
FD, this Trick is amazing !
You should put in the Description.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
You can actually gimp a handful of these characters by simply doing run-off upairs after they'd already double-jumped. It's a good mixup and has a bigger window to work than the reverse up airs (as you can hit them with the start of it, or when it sweeps around Ganondorf the toes will hit again below him).
I definitely see this for tether-reliant characters (or if they character's in a position in which they MUST tether), or characters who prefer/have to recover low.
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