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How did you pick your current main charater?


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2006
i use just about every character decently at least but i main link i always have even back to those dreadful 64 days when my friend always went to his kirby to my link. but i pretty much second everyone else


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2005
Oakland Ca
Fox was the first character i used in melee, i then moved onto doc and mained him for a long time but eventully moved back onto foc after being inspried by shined blind and zelgadis dbr vid lol. I now main fox and I feel that i've gotten pretty **** good with him. =]


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2007
My friends and I had just gotten into watching SSBM videos and we stumbled upon "All Wessed up". From that point on, my main was Samus. *thumbs up*


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2006
well, i change my char too much now, so i've kinda stopped using a main, and now i use just about every char.


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2006
I've played nearly all the characters, except mewtwo that is, and never really had much of a main. But then about half a year ago I saw a few jigglypuff battles and I was completely hooked. I just love the feeling of being so **** annoying and making a losing game a winning one with a few rests :p.


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2004
My main is, was, and always will be Samus. Not only am I a huge fan of the Metroid series, but Samus just fits my play style. She was the first character I used in SSB64, the first character I used in SSBM, and will prolly be the first character I use in SSBB (although I can't wait to try the Meta Knight). My favorite character to play is DK all the way. It's just plain FUN to use him. I also play Zelda (not Shiek), Mr. Game and Watch, and Marth.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Even though Game & Watch is my favorite character, I don't use him in tournaments anymore except against C. Falcon and Ganondorf. I used to go 100% GW in tourneys but it just wasn't working out. My current tourney characters are both Samus and Peach. I just like using them.

I like using Samus because of all the tricks and weird stuff she can do. She had good CC and missiles pwn everybody. Awesome recovery. It's fun to blast someone with a charged shot when they least expect it. :chuckle:

Peach just *****. Period. When I was a noob, I used to use Peach and spam dsmash. It was fun for a while but after seeing SuperDoodleMan's Peach (and getting pwned by it) I decided to learn how to play Peach with talent, and not just rely on the downsmash. I learned about DJC aerials and now I use them a lot, they have added quite a bit to my game.


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2007
Palm Coast (Flagler Beach), Florida
Before I sold the game I used captain falcon every single match. A month or so ago I played my friend using all different characters. He has been playing for a while now, and somewhat serious. I was actually able to beat his fox with IC. When I obtain the game today, I'm going to play pichu, doc, and IC until I decide.

I like pichu's un-predictability. My little deadly ball of sunshine.


Smash Rookie
Jan 10, 2007
My main is Marth of course but I also use two others. Marth became my favorite when my friend played a Roy and kept beating me. I then didn't want to copy him so i switched from Link to Marth. After this I kept winning and then played other people and learned his WD and combos. Yoshi is one of my others just because of how hilarious it is to see people get taunted after a Boot Juggle MS. My third is Fox, originally I didn't want to use him because he is the best in the game and I didn't want to use him just for that reason alone. Then watching some Ken videos I began to appreciate him more. But when i really got into Fox was when I saw Zelgadis' movie "Shined Blind" it was so good, and the stuff he did was sick. From now on I am practicing with Fox to be my 2nd.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Actually, when I first started out, I mained Dr. Mario and seconded Peach.

When I first started, I was in equal skills with Dr. Mario and Peach. Dr. Mario was a stronger character then Mario himself, while Peach was really my most favored female Nintendo character. Doc was the character I got serious with, but Peach was usually just for fun. After a year or so, I slowly stopped playing smash as I couldn't find smash tourtuments at the time.

When I regained the interest of Smash again (thanks to my friends) I found out I've gotten worse with Doc, but my skills remained the same with Peach. Infact, I think it improved a bit. So, after that time, I began maining peach and been gaining victories with her as well. Mario was then my second.

One day, on October 2006, I went to MLG and face M2K in a friendly match. We played 3 rounds, which he won on all. The 2nd of the match, he picked Mewtwo and I picked Mario, which was a BIG midstake on my part. He ***** my Mario so badly, with the glitch and all, I stopped playing Mario in tourtuments ever since.

So Peach will always be my most favored character. Because she's my favorite female, and within the right hands, she could dominate anyone. =D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2006
Sussex County NJ
I picked Jigglypuff for more reasons than I can honestly list;

First off when I was a kid, Pokemon > God himself. When I started playing I had to choose between Pikachu, or Jigglypuff, and since in Pokemon Yellow, Pikachu always was the first Pokemon I threw in Bill's PC, Box 10 (replaced by Nidoran (MALE)), Jigglypuff was the best choice. She just clicked with how I played, and she is such an annoying character to play against. After I realized Rest actually did something it was history from then on. Once Melee came along, I just kept playing her, learning the new techniques as I progressed, I always considered going Top Tier, but Jigglypuff is Top Tier everyone is just scared to admit it. If Jigglypuff is in Brawl she will probally be my pick.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2007
Pittsville, MD, USA
Oh man, I've had several mains.

In SSB, I played as Pikachu, basically because I was young at the time and Pokemon was everywhere. When SSBM came out, I naturally started with him. After a while, I realized that his speed and attack had both been weakened somewhat, and he was just a little too hard to control.

Next, after a little while of experimentation, I picked Link. I used him for quite a while, stabbin' people is fun in games.

I finally picked Falco a couple years ago just because I was experimenting and going through his alternate costumes and thought the last one looked kind of cool. Then, after playing as him, I realized how fast and powerful he was, and I've been using him since.

Right now, my main is Falco, and my secondaries are Roy, Yoshi, Link, and Mewtwo. Skilled in that order.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
The reason why I picked samus goes way back to the release of metroid prime. I already had melee but only played as pikachu. I slowly got more and more interested in metroid and samus as I exposed myself to more of those games. When smash started to rise up again in my life, I tried playing as samus. I loved the way she played and ended up playing against my friends as her. Because of my decision to choose samus, one friend started playing as fox, to reflect everything. This trained me not to rely souly on projectiles when fighting as her and lead to me being a great samus. I needed a name though. I looked to Metroid Fusion and decided on the parasitic life form that inhabited her suit...SA-X


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2006
i main with link and i'm basically the same as cg, i got really interested in the legend of zelda series and i liked link more and more:) i try not to rely mostly on his projectiles because when i did that i began to spam with them so now i use his sword probably 3/4ths of the time in one whole battle.

M Zero 00X

Smash Rookie
Feb 19, 2006
I chose Fox b/c he was my main in SSB64. Initially I used Link b/c I just love the Legend of Zelda series but I was getting my @$$ kicked b/c he was too slow and had the worst recovery ever. Switching to Fox made me unbeatable among my friends. And I kept w/ him when Melee came out. I just fear the possible changes he might undergo in Brawl.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Picked Link because I liked The Legend of Zelda. Stayed with him because when I try to use other characters (even after practice) they all end up doing terrible.


Smash Cadet
Jan 8, 2007
I main Falco and Marth because those are the two characters I felt natural with. I love link thou... down air hmmmm.....

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Ah, the nostalgia.

In Smash 64, the two characters that I played as the most were Fox and Kirby. They could never die, I tell you. Never. I'd have to say that out of the two that I had picked Kirby for the sake of loving a particular series; the only reason why I ever played as Fox was because I liked his play-style.

In SSBM, I have had a convoluted history of mains and secondaries. I jumped from hither to thither, picking just about every character on roster. My best friend in Ohio picked up the game, and we had tons and tons of friendlies. While there, I mained Bowser and Yoshi for a long, long time (Yoshi being the better of the two; my poor Bowser still can't compare today, even though I can perform most of the advanced techs). Obviously for the sake of rekindling the love in Smash 64, I then tried going back to Kirby and Fox as well, but that fell flat as SSBM changed each character fundamentally (for the longest time, I couldn't stand Fox being a fast-faller, and I also hated Kirby's bloody dash attack and 'hammer; the former character I can tolerate and actually like playing with now that I've grasped the game, but the latter character I still can't stand). I actually played Marth for a while, too (that was a disaster, I found out later, as my friends in Florida schooled my happy ***).

Then, I found Sheik as a main. 'Nuff said about that one. In the past, I played as her before and scored many wins. I don't know why I drifted away from Sheik to begin with (since she fits my playing style very nicely), but I'm happy to have rediscovered her courtesy of my peeps in Florida (wave "hi," Asper, or however ya spell yer Latin name on here).

The hunt for secondaries began, and I soon found myself deliberating between numerous characters. I discovered Peach quickly; something about floating in the air in the middle of a jump and pounding the hell outta people with F-airs and other attacks clicked with me. Then came the Ice Climbers. Before, I never even touched the Ice Climbers because I thought they sucked horribly. Now, I love them almost as much as I love Sheik (it is regrettable that they got the yank for Brawl, but oh well). Finally, there was Young Link. I picked Young Link because he had the one thing that Adult Link didn't have: A little bit of speed.

And that's where I'm at today.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Well for SSB64, i have a quick character and a heavy/overall best character, Kirby is my quick charater, i use him against pikachu and C. Falcon, and my overall best is Link, i can hit anyone, no matter where you are with the boomerang or bomb

as for SSBM, im not nearly as good at that as i am on SSB64, but i think my overall best character is Falco, then after that is Ganondorf for some damage dealin


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I picked Mario because people often made fun of me for maining Shiek. Also, Ka Master playing Luigi influenced it a little, because I thought it would be dynamic if we were the mario brothers.


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2007
At first, I only played with Marth because he was so kickass. I still play with Marth actually :p


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Meh I've gone through a couple mains but Link was the only one that I played as a co-main. I only recently picked hiim up as a full time main, and I'm pretty good with him. Unfortunately, I can't find time to go to tournies. Instead I play agains my friends and brother.


Smash Cadet
Jan 30, 2006
Ice climbers because it's easy to do pro tricks with him (if you play recently with him)
desychning is easier than you think!!!
I even know how to do it when I didn't have internet(adsl)(the grab desychning tricks)
and they are irritating (i mean every pro player is fixed on the enemy, now he has to fix on two enemies!!! very irritating)
And they have the best mind tricks in the game


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist

I liked grabbing, plus I wanted a good counter pick against spacies and sheik.

little did I know at the time, marth gets mauled by sheik but its definatly alot more even then link vs sheik LOL


Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2007
I ended up using Roy by just playing with all the characters until I found one that I liked the best. My second and third choices are Fox and Young Link.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I used Link when I first played ssbm. I played alot (noobishly this was when the game first came out) with friends and such and kept moving around characters until I found one I was comfy with. I went from link..to Roy..To marth..and I stuck with marth from 2001 until 2004(might have been 05) Where I went to a gamecrazy tourny with my friend..He got first and I got second...this got us intrested in other tournaments and I saw someone asking what wavedashing was on gamefaqs and I had no idea so I found out what it was and started learning the advanced tactics. I still really sucked but I thought I was godly because of the small crappy tournament so me and my friends went to 3rd Coast Gaming Invitational at UT in Texas. I pretty much got last place. We got slaughtered horribly.

So I decided to learn advanced tactics more with marth..After about a year or maybe 6months I knew how to shffl double fair, ken combo and a bunch of other stuff with marth..I went to a tournament and beat a fair amount of people instead of getting last this time..So I went and looked at videos online (I had picked up fox as a secondary at this point) and I saw a samus video where the samus SWD'ed and got hit off to the bottom of Fountain Of Dreams and did the wall jump recovery. I swore that samus was dead but she made it back. I immediatly turned on my gamecube and learned that with samus..I had an obsession with learning every techniqe and at this point I dropped fox beacause I could not waveshine to save my life. Samus was a secondary and marth was still my main.. After playing for awhile I eventaully just randomly picked fox and found out I could waveshine for some reason. So fox became my secondary and Samus became my name due to me wanting to SWD non-stop..

Right now I would say I am a Fox/Samus main because I play them both the same amount..I feel like my samus is better then my fox but I can beat more people with fox because he is a better character. I play Marth ocassionally.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2006
fountain of dreamz
I started out playing marth, and found out about his dblfair so i learned that and just stuck withh him haha. Now i main him an trying to practice fox an c.falcon for my 2ndaries.
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