I'm a n0b as well so I've got a question, how can you get good at short hopping? I can barely do it properly when I want to and ,obviously, I full hop instead.
I posted something on that earlier in the thread. I think it is on page one or two.
Best thing I find to break bad habits is to sacrifice the stock every time you do whatever you're trying to for example, I have 8 younger siblings who don't play competitively in the slightest, so they foster my bad habits. Recently I realized I was using dash attack way too much, so every time I dash attacked instead of shffled a nair or some other means of approach I suicided. It sucks to even come close to losing to my 4yr old brother, when I'm not trying to that is, so it motivates me to break those habits.
I forgot to mention the sacrificing a stock thing in an earlier post. I think an important thing to do if you plan on sacrificing a stock is to be mindful of intention. For example, if you especially full hop -> naired at your previous shffl attempt, you may end up dash attacking if you don't press the jump button quite hard enough or graze it without pressing it down. However, if you had the FULL INTENTION of shffling and its not something you know you SHOULD HAVE done instead (hindsight is 20:20), then I see no problem in keeping the stock if you had a technical flub. At that point it was not a 'Damn I goofed' error, it is a 'Oops, I meant to do...' thing. I don't know, sacrificing a stock seems fine, but especially if rolling is the problem, it is sometimes done when trying to wavedash especially early on. At that point it is less of a habit problem and more of a technical consistency problem.
What works for dash attacks, in my opinion, cannot work as well with rolls. Sometimes a person will roll and it was a good option. There are good rolls in Smash, but it is terrible to do too often. I think if you punish rolling by sacrificing a stock, it will encourage NEVER rolling, which is usually a bad plan. Until you can know when a roll was good or bad, it is best not to punish it too hard, just be able to recognize the ****ty rolls. As long as you actively try to fix them, I see no reason to take a stock.
That said, for dash attacks, it is a better idea, but dash attacks are really character specific. Sheik will want to dash attack more than most other characters, but over-doing it is still bad.