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Help against Pikachu


Smash Rookie
Aug 24, 2007
Athens, GA
What is the best way to handle Pikachu? My friend plays Pika and all he does is spam his projectile and then when i get close either shield grab me or down smash. Also what is the best way to get back on the stage once knocked off so that I avoid his down b attack? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
i have a lot of trouble against pika too. just try to keep on him and dont let him camp you. if you get him with the f tilt combo just keeping hitting him up in the air.
for recovering back to the stage against his up b you can just airdodge it. if not you have 5 jumps so just use them carefully to dodge it then get back. also you can just quickly glide onto the edge. i dunno if you mean he's jumping off the edge and using it to edgeguard or if he's standing on the stage and using it.. if he's standing on the stage just grab the ledge.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2008
Well, I own level 9(purely) but Pikachu actually IS more difficult then the others.

Projectile: Either do a sidestep or mach tornado to either evade or neutralize the projectile.

Thunder(DownB): theres alot of option here. First, a good way is to start a mach tornado before entering the stage again. This will neutralize the attack and you will not be damaged. Another thing is that you aeriel dodge it. Or, the technique I use, do a downB(teleport) and direct it to the stage when your on the same horizontal level as pikachu and make it land behind him, this causes Pikachu to fly off the stage. If you miss, Pikachu will still have some lag and that opens a small attack to you.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
The way hes throwing you makes me think you arnt spaceing propperly.....remember he does have a sword with alot of range dont get close enough to be thrown.....but stay close enough not to get spammed.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
what i do against my friend is to try to get him to come to me.

Jump over his thunder shocks and use the mach tornado to close the distance and get some hits in.

when he gets close to you SH d-air.

also try to shield his smashes. His down smash specifically and punish him with your own downsmash.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
You should be reflecting that Thunder attack so that it hurts Pikachu when it comes down! Oh wait...only Falco can do that easily.

Ok, air dodge it instead then. I once hit an unsuspecting Pikachu when she used thunder and watched as I seemed to be carried by it down to her without being hurt. What actually happened was that I airdodged straight down towards her and then smacked her away. I think I have it on video somewhere. Thunder is very predictable and very easy to dodge. It's a good edgeguarder but should be obsolete against Meta Knight.

Since you should probably have more than just one option. Try approaching the ledge from below and using Shuttle Loop to hit Pika at the same time as recovering. Just be careful to time it right so you don't Shuttle Loop into the Thunder attack. There are plenty of other options, but these are probably your best.
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