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Help against advanced mario player.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
this guy is pro but hes also my friend, i need a way to beat him its hard when i try to edge guard him he would use his coin attack and get back onto the ledge. He combos well doing alot of damage and when i try to go punch for punch his would be stronger. Any tips or advice also i need help on short hopping better like a more accurate way, lastly when he spams his fireballs i use mach tornado and when im out of it he like does a up smash then im like dead. I need help a.s.a.p i lose like 1-2 stocks against him which is not an option xD.

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
Posting a vid would help much more to give help.

Mario doesnt have the best recoveries so chasing him off the stage is key. A few Dairs or other airs after hes been knocked off is sure death for a Mario. Dont be afraid when chasing opponents off the stage, Mach tornado gives you more than enough recovery to come back, unless you are far below the stage.

MK has decent range on Mario. Try too keep as much distance as possible but still be able to hit him with your sword. This is a great way to deal damage and still be safe from his attacks. When using Mach Tornado, especially if they are shielding it, try to move away from your opponent near the end of the attack to keep yourself as safe as possible.

This is one of my vids that shows this very well.
try looking at my other vids for more tips

As for short hopping. I dont know what you have been told but it is simply lightly taping the jump button. When I first seen short hopping in melee, I too thought that it was impossible for people to do that, but after a day or two in training mode I got it down.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Bussey, Iowa!
Keep your spacing like everyone else is saying. Metaknight has better range. Also, don't forget that his up B can be a big help in getting people out of your way. It has some nice knockback and is pretty quick. Hope that helps.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Highland Falls, NY
Main thing: Keep your distance. Meta Knight has a good range with his sword. Also, try to use mindgames (Dashing him after, then backing off, shorthopping). Also, make sure to finish opponents, even when they are off the stage.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2007
Probably brawling
The thing with Meta is, you can't go punch for punch. I like to play total offense, with any character. However, when I'm losing, I play more defensively. I'd assume you're doing that, but my diagnosis is Mario's playstyle, and your friend's ability to exploit it. Fighting level 9 Marios would probably work for you. My friend, a good Pit, beat me maybe 50% of the time, so by fighting level 9 Pits, he lost more. Also, get out of the "I'm going to lose" mindset if you haven't. I don't like fighting Mario either.

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
The thing with Meta is, you can't go punch for punch. I like to play total offense, with any character. However, when I'm losing, I play more defensively. I'd assume you're doing that, but my diagnosis is Mario's playstyle, and your friend's ability to exploit it. Fighting level 9 Marios would probably work for you. My friend, a good Pit, beat me maybe 50% of the time, so by fighting level 9 Pits, he lost more. Also, get out of the "I'm going to lose" mindset if you haven't. I don't like fighting Mario either.
I think fighting lvl 9 CPU's are only good for a warm-up. They can't react, most of the time they dont fully shield your attacks. Cant use mind games on them.
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