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He'll make a man out of you, Lynel support thread!

Some Beedrill

Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2017
Behind you
There is a significant lack of non triforce wielders in Smash, and the debate comes down to which character reoccurs enough to be worthy and have a unique move set. That really only leaves Impa and Tingle, but whoever said we couldn't use the enemies. Most of the time people would think a Bokoblin would be choose, but I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

One of the oldest enemies in Zelda is the Lynel, which is human/horse hybrid that breathes fire balls. In Breath of the Wild it revamped it heavily so that it could do more stuff. This is where the character design would probably come from, like a sword/heavy weapons guy. Plus, we haven't had a heavy sword user yet (unless you count Ganondorf). He could sort of be like a heavier Link with a mix of Ganondorf and Bowser. I do have a few ideas for specials and attacks to.

Specials: The neutral special could be Lynel using electric arrows. With his massive height it would encourage charging them for a shorter amount of time at the cost of a slower speed, which practically balances the electricity damage. Side B could be a chargeable fire ball that acts like how they do in the old games. Down B could have hime slam a Mighty Lynel Crusher down and have fire form around him. It would be chargeable for a greater circle of fire. The Up B could have him just grab an octo ballon and fly up until it pops or he lets go. For a different final smash, the Lynel could roar and have everyone in a certain distance get staised for a few seconds while Lynel goes to town on them.

Attacks: I have less ideas here, but still some. The Smash Attacks could use the three different weapon types. The dash attack could have him doing his dash in the Lynel fights, and maybe could be charged. The rapid jab could be Link's charged spear attack in BotW.
I think that Lynel could be an interesting character that may get into Smash someday, but we could help him get in sooner!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2011
Vineland, New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 2027 5431 0731
I think he would be a cool character to have. He could be the height of bowser so he's not going through platforms, and have run speed second only to Sonic.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
It's no Vaati, but this would be really cool.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It's no Impa, and indeed it would be a cool concept. I would like the Lynels to return to upcoming Zelda games. And if they do, why not be in Smash? Because we already have Piranha Plants and all. And it would sort of solve the 'there's no viable Zelda character that's reocurring besides Impa / Tingle' thing. Which is okay, but I still wouldn't have Impa, but I could be content with that because a Lynel is sick as ****. I'd play them as well.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311

This works to?

However, I don't see it as likely unless they make a Hyrule Warriors 2, and have Impa use the Giant Blade yet again.
I don't think Impa should get her own spot at this point- we have seen 'echoes' vary so differently from their base (Chrom and especially Ken), that an Impa echo for Sheik that has Ganondorf's smash attacks with a sword, seems perfect to me.

And that could make Room For Lynel. Why not. If it's free. Or bundled with Impa echo.

The big problem I have with Hyrule in Smash is in fact the lack of species. It's why somehow adding four champions or an updated Young Link with the masks would have done a lot for the how the series is seen.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
Over There
Honestly man, I just want a heavy sword character and more Zelda characters, so why not have both.
This is such a good idea! It's a real 'WHAT THE F***' character and one that is subtly very popular amongst the Zelda community - think Piranha plant but very prominent recently and probably a very surprising yet welcome addition thanks to BotW. They've quickly become infamous for their difficulty and the amount of social media around them at the time was intense.

I'd honestly be happy for a Lynel to be put in before a main/secondary character from the Zelda series - there definitely needs to be another Zelda rep and I can see this one causing some insane reactions.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Yeah, I support. Lynel would actually make sense in a surprise curveball twist similar to Wii Fit Trainer. If I'm not getting Ghirahim or BoTW Zelda, Lynel is my next pick.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Yeah, I support. Lynel would actually make sense in a surprise curveball twist similar to Wii Fit Trainer. If I'm not getting Ghirahim or BoTW Zelda, Lynel is my next pick.
Ahhhh I would despise BOTW Zelda. That's almost as bad as getting another Marth.

For me, the Champions were such an easy cosmetic change for BotW Link. It didn't happen. So....in light of us not getting more humanoid races, I'm all in on Lynel. He has replaced Vaati as my most wanted. (Though, I also thought Skull Kid could be an echo for Vaati).


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I absolutely support any off-kilter content from this masterpiece, and Lynel is such an ultimate pick from the otherwise sparsely populated world of Calamity Hyrule, I support!


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Ahhhh I would despise BOTW Zelda. That's almost as bad as getting another Marth.

For me, the Champions were such an easy cosmetic change for BotW Link. It didn't happen. So....in light of us not getting more humanoid races, I'm all in on Lynel. He has replaced Vaati as my most wanted. (Though, I also thought Skull Kid could be an echo for Vaati).
I have a terrible bias on the Champions, they are very BoTW specific while BoTW Zelda would represent outside of BoTW. Riju is beautiful asf and Sidon is plain likable, but yeah. Don't think we'll be seeing them again after the botw trilogy.
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