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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
After having just read the chapter (A Sluggish Memory), Lord Voldemort, learning of his Muggle parentage, went to the Riddle house where he killed Tom Sr. and then killed his grandparents for good measure with Morfin's wand. Nothing is mentioned of a wife, but either she died, left him, or he was visiting if he was married.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Hmm... maybe he didn't remarry. I'm still on GoF though, so it'll be a while before I'm sure.

Yup. 10 days. I'm not even sure I want to see OotP before reading DH, I mean, the movies just seem to ruin my thoughts and memories of the books.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I am averaging 100+ pages a day. So I should be done my final Harry Potter book by Thursday or Friday depending if I decide to pace myself. So I will be without a book for two weeks (I don't want to start anything new and yadda yadda yadda.)

These people I know claimed it's been confirmed that there will be a **** in HP 7. I can't find this anywhere.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Yeah, I have to read something like 166 pages a day if I want to finish re-reading in time. Not too bad, but I feel some pressure.

Trust me, if ANYTHING about HP7 was confirmed, I would know it. I'm an HP nerd- I check sites like almost as much as I come here.

mask man

Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2007
I am averaging 100+ pages a day. So I should be done my final Harry Potter book by Thursday or Friday depending if I decide to pace myself. So I will be without a book for two weeks (I don't want to start anything new and yadda yadda yadda.)

These people I know claimed it's been confirmed that there will be a **** in HP 7. I can't find this anywhere.
i hope its true,though i doubt it.
lets cross our fingures and hope its a girl.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Why do you hope it's true?

I really hope you aren't THAT messed up. Jo would never include a vivid description anyways.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Of course it isn't true. Rowling writes these books for children so unless she is completely wacko, this isn't going to happen.

But lets hope it's Dobby.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
If there is a ****, I'd say Tonks. Though, in all honesty, that's ****ing messed up for a Harry Potter book.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Checked from Muggle Net, they have nothing about that ****


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Ten more days until the release ^^. I've loved this series so much and i'm sad it will be ending. It's good that her last book is her favorite because that will make it that much better. There is a lot left to pack in one book. 4-5 Horcruxes, two deaths + whoever else dies and a lot more.

Was anyone else swayed by
for awhile?
They had me but JKR said he really is dead.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I figured it was a red herring. My friends hate the books and are trying to spoil the last one since I started reading them 2 months ago. ****ing *******s.

mask man

Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2007
well there are some things that point to dombledore being dead but being revived in the near futer.i doubt these.

Sir Nels the Slayer

Smash Cadet
Jun 10, 2007
Tucson, AZ
Here are my theories on what happened in Book 6 when....
Dumbledore got fragged by Snape.

If you read the description of that scene(page 596), it says that Dumbledore is "blasted in the air". The rest of the description ("hanging suspended" and "falling slowly") is probably due to Harry's perception, twisting it into slow-motion version of Dumbledore falling very rapidly, due to shock.

Avada Kedavra has never produced a force of this kind in the past, so why would it now? Note that when the Riddle family was found dead in their home in Book 4, there was no evidence of physical injury to be found, meaning they were killed by Avada Kedavra. Dumbledore would've recieved more than some bruises from that fall...

I think that IF Dumbledore is dead at all, he was not killed by the Unforgivable Curse. Snape may have been incapable of producing it, as it has been previously described to only work when the caster has great hatred, rage towards the victim, along with a twisted sense of humor (humor at the pain and death of others, of course).

He may have said the words, but silently cast another spell that produces the same light effects as AK. It may have been two separate silent spells (one that produced the light, the other produced the great force). That would explain the physical reaction Dumbledore has to the spell itself.

This leads me to believe one of two possibilities:

1. Snape killed Dumbledore, but not by AK. It was a different spell, or combination of spells. He died from serious battering to his already poisoned, weak body.
2. Snape created a pretty light show for Harry as he was watching, and sent Dumbledore hurling out the window alive. There was plenty of time for Dumbledore to create a convincing decoy of his body, hide himself somehow, perhaps run out into the forest until he was able to Apparate.

But yeah, other than that, I'm greatly anticipating Book 7, and my sister and I are going to have a Harry Potter party the night before the book is released.

EDIT: My theories are wrapped in spoilers so people who haven't read the books wont be enlightened, unless they REALLY want to be.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Those are decent theories, but I am going to stick with at least
Dumbledore being dead, whether or not Snape did it out of good will

500 posts ^^ Smash Apprentice


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2006
Conway, Arkansas UCA
Couple quick questions

JK said a real sleuth would know where Sirius's bike is, anyone know?

Which classmate
will become a teacher, she said not Ron or Hermione though?

Anyone have a guess at the eye color thing?

Is Harry going to become a stronger wizard before he fights Voldermort?
At the end of HBP Snape just really tore him up. He predicted everything and countered it
. Harry really has to step up his dark arts to have chance at killing Voldermort.

Anyone disappointed about
no quidditch
in DH?

IMO the movie sucked if you read the books. Too much was left out/changed. If you haven't read the books, then they are good.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Dumbledore is dead, and I've always believed he was dead. Snape would've died if he didn't kill him from the Unbreakable Vow. Sir Nels the Slayer, your first theory is possible, but the second one is, no offense, ludicrous.

Now, the only things I stand firm in when it comes to that scene is that Dumbledore died, Snape killed him, and Dumbledore was begging for his death- for Snape to kill him.

However, just because I browse around HP sites frequently, I found a theory that I posted earlier in this topic:

Me said:
As for Snape, I read a theory called stoppered death that is actually quite interesting. It may sound a little far-fetched from my description, but if you actually read it, it makes a lot of sense. It basically says Dumbledore made a fatal error in destroying the ring horcrux. If it were not for dumbledores quick wits and Snapes skill with potions, (it mentions this in the book, that Snape helped cure dumbledore when his hand got pwned.) he would've died.

The theory says that (as in Hermiones words) "there are some ancient curses that can't be cured, some poisons that have no antidote". It says that Snape essentially created a potion to stopper the death of Dumbledore. The potion was supposed to last the full year so that Dumbledore could settle his affairs and teach Harry everything he needed to know. It is believed, however, that the potion Dumbledore drank in the cave with Harry loosened the stopper, and he felt that his death was near.

What happened next is a little harder to believe. Snape essentially pulled the stopper up in the tower when Dumbledore died. The theory also has an explanation of how Snape was able to use the AK, but I forget.

What makes me half believe in this is that Dumbledore wouldn't have has Snape commit murder in such a brutal sense. It is, in fact, tearing the soul in two. This way, Snape obeys his unbreakable vow, but doesn't really "murder" dumbledore.
Just a thought, I'd give it a 25% chance of being true.

Anyways, what do you guys think of the headmasters portrits? Will Dumbledore actually be able to give Harry advice through that? Something about it seems wrong.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
That's actually a really good theory. I like it


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
We haven't been given enough info about the portraits to be able to know whether the portraits themselves still retain the memories of the owners; So DD may or may not be able to help him through it. At the very least, Harry can still talk to him. *shrugs*

Me and some other guys on HPANA.com (Harry Potter Automatic News Aggregator) were having some intense debate about some pretty ridiculous things, partly why I was trying to tell them they were all being stupid. There's an 18 page thread on whether or not Harry is a squib, I'm fighting that at the moment. >>


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
For GaW's theory. If you are correct, it seems like the Sorcerer's Stone would have made a return then, huh? Maybe that Nick Finnel guy helps out.

And Harry is a terrible wizard. I expect Voldemort to get teamed up on by five wizards because there's no way Harry, or anyone else, could beat him one on one. Well, unless something stupid like the power of love appears and increases Harry's life points.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I think I would shoot myself.

Anyways, I thought the elixer made from the Sorcerer's Stone just stopped you from aging. I didn't think it would save you life if you got shot in the head or poisoned. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I think I would shoot myself.

Anyways, I thought the elixer made from the Sorcerer's Stone just stopped you from aging. I didn't think it would save you life if you got shot in the head or poisoned. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
In the chapter Horcruxes, Harry asks Dumbledore this exact thing, to which he replies that Voldemort doesn't want to be dependent on anything and that taking the potion ceases aging but he can still die. He wanted the Sorcerer's Stone so he could gain a body and make more Horcruxes.

I just finished Book 6 and wow, what a downer. I predict Book 7 won't have Hogwarts in it much. Snape killing Dumbledore was so fishy. For one, he never touched any of the Order as he ran upstairs. Another, he never actually attacked Harry when Harry was firing at him, he just taunted him and deflected spells. I think he's true motives will come to light.

Anyone thing that Book 7 will either suck badly (worst than Hannibal) or be amazing? I need to cut myself off from the internet soon.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
I really hope Hogwarts at least OPENS. I mean, that's what defines Harry Potter, the school, not the people. At least I think so. I will still enjoy the book if Harry doesn't go back peranently, but if the school doesn't even open or Harry doesn't even visit, I dunno.

I guess I will still love it, I mean, if Jo said it was her favorite, has to be at least good.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The book has so much to accomplish in one book. Harry stated point-blank that he is not going back if it opens because he must fight Voldemort. This will explain why Hermione and Ron won't be becoming teachers (something I think we are supposed to assume) as they too won't be returning.

In Book 7, the following MUST be accomplished for me to satisfied:
  1. Fleur and Bill's Wedding
  2. The search for and destruction of the 4 Horcruxes.
  3. The resolution to the conflict between Malfoy and Harry
  4. The resolution to the conflict between Snape and Harry/Dumbledore
  5. The Order of the Phoenix strengthening and round up the last death eaters
  6. Hogwart's Issue
  7. The final fight(s) between Voldemort and Harry

That doesn't sound like much at all once you type it all out. Three - four of them can be done without 1-2 chapters each (Wedding, Horcruxes, Hogwart's, and maybe Voldemort) but the rest will take slow building to end them. It should be really interesting.


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Well, think of all the things we're supposed to learn, too.

-Harry's parents, specifically how Lily's eyes are relevant.
-Why some people turn into ghosts, and other do not.
-What happened that night and the next day at Godric's Hallow.
-What Godric's Hallow really IS.
-We're supposed to learn more about Dumbledore's past. ( and we'll more than likely meet Aberforth)
-The properties of Horcruxes.
-What the remaining Horcruxes are.

Something tells me Harry is going to learn most of this stuff from Aberforth. (Who, by the way, was in the OotP movie, [the hogs head barman]). He was accompanied by a goat.

Anyways, Aberforth and Kreature are going to play bigger roles that you would think, IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2005
Planet Earth
Don't forget...

Wormtail's life debt to Harry
What is behind the veil in the Dept. of Mysteries
What is behind the locked door in that same place..

...It's my speculation that the final fight will happen in the Department of Mysteries. I feel sure that the contents of whatever is behind the locked door in the Department (Dumbledore said it was 'love' in OoTP, but that's very abstract), is something Harry will use against Voldemort. And then Harry will somehow manage to send Voldemort through the death veil. (perhaps Voldemort will understand what "love" is by means of the locked door room, and send himself through the Veil).

Besides, I don't think Harry will use the AK. . . he's not evil, although we do see him using the Cruciatus Curse when he REALLY feels hatred (against Bellatrix Lestrange for killing Sirius Black, and Snape when he killed Dumbledore). However, in those instances, he does not use the Curse to the fullest extent because he never knew how, until Bellatrix tells him that he needs to "mean his curses," or to have a strong feeling of hatred and desire to inflict pain on the victim. But those are clearly exceptions.

Lol, just my prediction.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Well, think of all the things we're supposed to learn, too.

-Harry's parents, specifically how Lily's eyes are relevant.
-Why some people turn into ghosts, and other do not. - This was explained in book 5 by Nearly Headless Nick. He claimed he feared death and didn't want to go.
-What happened that night and the next day at Godric's Hallow.
-What Godric's Hallow really IS. - Wasn't it where Godric Gryffindor's grave?
-We're supposed to learn more about Dumbledore's past. ( and we'll more than likely meet Aberforth)
-The properties of Horcruxes.
-What the remaining Horcruxes are.
A few were answered. Lily's eyes may or may not be revealed but it's an interesting concept if it is for sure.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2006
Conway, Arkansas UCA
In the chapter Horcruxes, Harry asks Dumbledore this exact thing, to which he replies that Voldemort doesn't want to be dependent on anything and that taking the potion ceases aging but he can still die. He wanted the Sorcerer's Stone so he could gain a body and make more Horcruxes.

I just finished Book 6 and wow, what a downer. I predict Book 7 won't have Hogwarts in it much. Snape killing Dumbledore was so fishy. For one, he never touched any of the Order as he ran upstairs. Another, he never actually attacked Harry when Harry was firing at him, he just taunted him and deflected spells. I think he's true motives will come to light.

Anyone thing that Book 7 will either suck badly (worst than Hannibal) or be amazing? I need to cut myself off from the internet soon.
Snape said that they couldn't kill Harry because the Dark Lord wants him for himself. The other death eaters listened to him, so it is obviously true. Voldermort doesn't want Harry dead, unless he kills him.

JK said that Harry's mother's eye color will be important in DH. She also said we would learn more about Harry's parents and a little about his grandparents. And some about Dumbledore's family.

I want snape to be bad, but I have a gut feeling that he will turn out to be good. No way that Dumbledore was 100% sure about Snape's loyalty, and Snape really turns out to be bad.

She also said that Sirius will return, but she didn't specify in what form. Probably as a ghost, or in a picture or something.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2005
Planet Earth
Why some people turn into ghosts, and other do not. - This was explained in book 5 by Nearly Headless Nick. He claimed he feared death and didn't want to go.
I'm pretty sure J.K. said though, that this will be further clarified in the last book. The 'ghost point' ..can not only be develeoped for our self-knowledge but for the develeopment of the plot as well... like would Voldemort, if he were to die in the hands of Harry, choose to turn into a ghost? On the other hand, it is unlikely that Harry would do this, wanting to be with his parents and relations, who are all figures Harry saw in the Mirror of Erised.

What Godric's Hallow really IS. - Wasn't it where Godric Gryffindor's grave?
Now, I don't know if this is a typo on Mr. GAW's part, but it's "Godric's Hollow" not "Hallow," however the fact that this is part of the last book title. As far as the book goes, there is no reference to Godric's Hollow being special, other than that Lord Voldemort killed Harry's parents there.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2006
Conway, Arkansas UCA
Ok, so after some thinking, I decided that it will be unlikely for Neville to become a teacher.

-He hasn't taken/passed his N.E.W.T.S.
-They need a Transfiguration teacher, and Defense against the Dark Arts (not Herbology)
-Plus I think Neville will have a more important role

It has to be someone older, maybe someone that graduated in another book. Not really sure who, but I think not Neville. What do you guys think?


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Nobody thought he would become a Herbology teacher RIGHT after he graduates, just sometime in his life.

But I dunno, I'm really looking forward to that chapter Jo said would explain what everybody ends up doing with their lives.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Yea, the epilogue. She said she wrote it years ago (before book 5 it sounded like) because 1 character got a reprieve and two more died. Pretty neat overall really.

Am I the only one that hates how they made Harry or Neville the chosen one? I thought it made it way too ambiguous, and they tried to rectify it by saying "Harry is chosen because he's marked."


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
YES! I thought the exact same thing. If Harry is the chosen one then why the heck did Rowling even bring Neville up in the first place? What a useless thing to do. If Neville is the chosen one, it would be completely out of the blue (kinda), and it would feel horribly tacked on. I cant see her writing herself out of this situation.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I didn't have a problem with it at all. All that it said was that it could have been Harry or Neville, as they both fit the prophecy, but Voldemort thought that Harry would be the more dangerous, and so he attacked Harry. Neville has nothing left to do with it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2005
Planet Earth
It would be VERY interesting to see if Neville has a crucial role in the last book.. But there is nothing significant about him, although he did have a chance to become important with the prophecy.. but this is only if Voldemort marked him as his equal..


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2006
Conway, Arkansas UCA
OK, I was thinking that someone would become a teacher next year. I wasn't thinking in the future. That makes sense to me then. That still means that there will be two new teachers next year with McGonagal as Headmistress. That is of course if the school re-opens, which i'm pretty sure it will.

So seriously, does anyone have a problem with how "weak" of a wizard Harry is? I hope that someone teachers him something, because there is no way that he can do what needs to be done, with his current level of skill. Even if he does get lots of help, which I'm sure he will. Especially from Ron, Hermione, and Fawks.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2005
Planet Earth
Well, I'm pretty sure it is inevitable that the school will re-open... considering that the books are numbered in increasing order of the school year (i.e. Year 1, Year 2, Year 3...Year 7). It's just a matter of whether Harry will decide to attend school, or not. Now don't jump to the conclusion that McGonagal will be Headmistress, since that's not set it stone yet. :p

It's interesting that you bring up the matter of who's gonna teach Harry, because his mentor Dumbledore is dead ...but Dumbledore claimed that he taught Harry everything he needs to know. But should we accept this on its surface? Maybe Dumbledore is expecting (in death) that Harry should seek a further source of advice. If this is true, then Dumbledore was clearly the foundation of what Harry needs to know before proceeding to Voldemort.

"His current level of skill" is kinda vague. Err.. what kind of skill? Magicial skill? Dumbledore confirmed to Harry that he has a power that the Dark Lord knows not, which is love. Love is a very abstract thing, of course, so who's gonna help Harry understand what this really is? Let's rule out Snape here, he's definitely not coming back, with the Aurors trying to find him for obvious reasons - plus Harry hates him. No, I don't think the answer lies with any of the present Hogwarts teachers... he's probably going to learn through his quest. He will uncover things as he tries to find the remaining Horcruxes. NOT that he won't get help though, he definitely will, and I agree with Sargent_Peach that Fawkes is a definite must among his friends.

Hmm.. I was thinking along the lines of Dumbledore's standalone behavior during his final years.. (I'm not trying to imply that he was losing his marbles :p) Remember how one day Marvolo Gaunt's Ring was on Dumbledore's table, and the next it was not? I wonder what Dumbledore did with the ring. He obviously destoryed the piece of soul the Horcrux contained, but why is he not telling Harry how? Surely the answer is not too delicate for Harry's precious ears. :p


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I'm confused about why everyone is constantly saying he's a weak wizard. I haven't read the books in a while, but from what I remember, he was bad at school, yet was good at everything practical. I mean, he performed an amazing patronus charm at age 13, fought voldemort, fought off death eaters twice, almost killed Malfoy, can speak parsletongue, resisted two imperius curses, and has done all that other magic stuff.
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