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Grimly Eats for Humanity?! - God Eater for Next Smash

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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015

Hi everyone! This is my first attempt in making a thread which will elaborate the chances of this particular character for the Next Smash, assuming a possibility occurs to where she could be considered; which will be explained below how exactly how she will be designed! I am excited to hear feedback and comments and I hope you come join me in the numerous possibilities of this character!


"So who is this character?"

This is Alisa Ilinichina Amiella. Alisa is a military trained soldier which in this series, is called a God Eater.

"What's a God Eater?"

God Eaters are military trained solders that specialize in combating powerful monsters called Aragami. They do so with God Arcs that consist of melee weapons with sufficient reach and projectile power that manipulates the distance between the God Eater and the Aragami. From the information ryuu seika ryuu seika provided in his post, they routinely switch between 3 types of weapon: Melee, Ranged and God Eater. Melee for close quarters, good range, good damage, good manoeuvrability. Ranged for laggy shots that either provoke the Aragami, or push them back into a better position. God Eater for big damage and recharging the ranged mode.

"What is this game's affliction to Nintendo?"
God Eater is mainly mainstream on the Playstation. However, it has also made appearances on the Nintendo 3DS. Project X Zone is a game that has included God Eater alongside a sequel and while there are only two crossover games, it is there nonetheless.

"How will this thread be broken down?"

Masahiro Sakurai has always looked for potential candidates that would work when constructing on the newest Smash. Particular factors he prioritized especially on were what they could bring, and what they do that sets them apart from other characters. Despite conspiracies that claim Sakurai made contradictions, missed on famous Nintendo characters or villains or over milked series, the character roster on Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS is designed how it was through hard and careful planning. The things that I will be focusing on is how this character will be unique, offer a new playstyle like none other, and having mechanics from their move sets that stay faithful to their original series.



"What would this character's move set like?"

A God Arc consists of two different weapons. A melee weapon, and a ranged gun. The melee weapon will core most of this character's move set regarding aerials, specials, tilts and ground moves. There are four different types of melee weapons for the God Arc; Sword, Lance, Hammer and Scythe. In this case, the melee weapon that I will choose is scythe just for the sake of more weapon variety, even though they would probably go for a sword (This is coming from with no absolute knowledge from the weapon of choice that the protagonists used in the manga or anime adaptation to decide the common weapon). The ranged gun will only have one purpose in one special move; consisting of two different types of projectiles. A laser bullet that pushes the opponent away, and a charged projectile that will be a much stronger version of the laser bullet.

"Can you expand on that?"

Let's just say in order for this move set to work, some of the moves will have to be similar. Particularly one from Corrin's because-


"You're telling me that one move is going to be composed particular some of Corrin's?"

That's right. One move is going to be composed of Corrin's. This is necessary for the niche to be implemented.

"Is there going to be at least a difference?"

A long range weapon would be hard to design because there are so many different laser bullet types in the game to consider, so to keep it basic, her projectile will knock the opponent away. However, it is technically possible that said bullet is one of the types that paralyzes an Aragami so in order to deviate it from Corrin's dragon shot, basically there will be two different types; a laser bullet that pushes the opponent back, and a stronger charged one that results from the God Arc bite.

"A stronger charged on that results from the God Arc bite?"

Let's call that a special move. When you get close to an opponent, your melee weapon will turn into a Gigantic Aragami mouth, which functions to bite the opponent and then absorb the power. Launching the projectile will also be inputted on a different special move as well to fire up the laser bullet. If for one you have successfully absorbed the opponent from that bite, it will substitute the laser bullet into a much stronger projectile that pushes the opponent much further. It will take longer start up however so be sure to launch it on a careful measure of distance. The whole point of this is to manipulate the distance between yourself and the opponent and as ryuu seika stated, bait opponents or innovate combo set-ups. However, it will also have a limit similar to it's gameplay perspective, so it won't be abused infinitely.

"So in other words, that will be the niche that you intend to add in Smash."

This is cited from Schnee117 Schnee117 - God Arcs (Gen 2 and onward) are comprised of a Melee weapon (Short Blade, Long Blade, Buster Blade, Charge Spear, Boost Hammer or Variant Scythe), a ranged weapon (Assault Gun, Blast Gun, Snipergun or Shotgun) and a Shield (Buckler, Shield or Tower).

The Devour mechanic is from charging a heavy attack so holding down the special button should result in a Devour which, if it hits, causes the God Eater to enter Burst mode meaning they gradually recover OP (used for firing the God Arc) and get greater mobility. In addition to burst they also gain special bullets which are generally a lot stronger and have unique properties to other bullets (piercing effect with gradual damage to the target as it passes through for example).

There's also the Blood Art mechanic which is where the Smash attacks and the Up/Down specials could come in. Blood Arts are basically stronger versions of regular attacks. Final Smash for most GE characters would be Blood Rage where all attributes are enhanced along with invincibility. Blood Arts especially get enhanced here. This is mainly for those in Gen 3 though so that limits it to members of the Blood Unit.



So let's say afterwards, you decided to conduct research on how this character would portray in Smash. You take it upon yourself to explore exactly how this idea would broaden. More questions arise.

Or that you're a veteran of the series. Looking carefully at this thread, questions arise that you don't understand from the decisions made in this thread. You also question some information provided as you may think they inaccurately represent the series faithfully.

Therefore, you come back to inquire more answers.

"So why choose Alisa over the God Eater Avatar?"
The Avatar is complicated. There are different protagonists in both the anime and manga adaptations of God Eater that carry through the same role as protagonists, interacting with the same characters after all. Personality would also prove to ambiguous in consideration for taunts, victory/lossing stances and what not. In the game, the character customization allows you to design your avatar with both male and female. The issue that Mencidant Bias further elaborated is the fact that the Avatar doesn't have a identity. In comparisons to other fighters because at least Robin and Corrin had one identity and appearance set. Even their names were unisexual for both genders, so it works in a way.

Alisa was given priority in this case because she made an appearance in a Project X Zone, so she's a strong candidate. There are other side characters that made debuts in that game too, however know that some characters that don't have the requirements to implement the move set intended to implement the niche of this series.

"Were there other arguments for other characters being chosen instead of Alisa?"

There were indeed. There have been valid arguments for other characters as well in terms of popularity. Despite this, I have confirmed from then on to choose this character as a representative. This will be expanded further in the Trophies Spoiler if you are interested in learning about them.

I overall choose Alisa over all of them because she has made multiple appearances in the media of games, novel and manga. All more than what the other characters have to offer. Recognizability is the first priority, and it so happens Alisa has the most.

"I also recently discovered a mod online of one of the characters. The modder from Gamebanana has decided to design Alisa as a substitute for Cloud. Will her showcase as a mod be an example of how this character's fighting statistics is going to be designed?"

In terms of frame data, strength and mobility? I have no means to determine exactly how the balance will be programmed. However, know that there are different weights of the blade, so in a hypothetical scenario if there are two characters whose god arc consist of two swords, the framedata and power will depend on the weight of that blade. Everything else will have to be up for the balance team.

Though I can understand why that substitute choice would be made. To begin, Alisa stars in God Eater 1 (15) and 2 (18), but her appearance changes as she grows older in those games. So an alternate costume of her older self would make sense and while that move set isn't entirely accurate to her gameplay abilities, I can see similarities enough.

"So why choose a unfamiliar series rather than a popular one?"
Super Smash Bros. has always been a series where it brings together iconic and legendary heroes of their series, and those who while being notable and well-known for their own respective franchise, remain unexplored and foreign from the eyes of a Nintendo player.

Even now with Smash 4 came out, new characters were introduced whose inclusion strike foreign to many players. This is a factor when I'm sure many (including myself) were choosing characters to go by, and I can't deny the Smash being a gateway for newer series to shine is a special tradition that Smash is remembered for. Because of Super Smash Bros, I was able to become a fan of the premium success of Fire Emblem, and now I have growing interest within the Xenoblade series as well!



Questions regarding possible competitive viability as I believe that would be up to a hypothetical balance team. I am also unqualified to speak of such either. If any comments are asked within a rude, disrespectful tone or repetitive, they will be ignored.

There were even some who provided helpful and constructive criticism who will be credited in the Contributors Spoiler. Thank you for taking your time to read through this thread and if you are still not convinced, please feel free to ask any questions and I will try my best to reply back. Or you could also post criticism on how you think this thread could be better.

There will be a moveset that I will develop in the process. While it has not been finalized, there were some who provided wonderful ideas below.

ryuu seika's idea
Jabs: Lance thrusts, good range but hit FAR better with the head.
Forward Tilt: A basic sword thrust.
Forward Smash: An overhead hammer slam.
Down Smash: A full circle sweep around the player's feet with the scythe.
And it just morphs into the required weapon as each move starts, presumably being gun as default for idle stance.

Neutral Special: Sniper Gun
Forward Special: Assault Gun
Up Special: Upward Blast Gun, Downward if airborne
Down Special: Shotgun, angled diagonally down if airborne

Smash Input: Goes into firing pose for that particular special but no bullets are used. Instead, the gun morphs into an Aragami head and attacks. These moves are chargeable but, aside from the neutral version, they can all be used without charging. Definitely slow. Gives gun charge based on damage caused.
Final Smash: Blood Arts "transformation" - New blood art specials, increased stats, reduced knockback, takes no damage.

This move set is based on the protagonist out of named characters' iconic attacks and have costumes heavily inspired by their designs. The intention of this is to limit representation one aspect of the series and features will still be defined. God Eaters excel at combating slow, heavy characters that don't change direction quickly and they do so with extreme adaptability, including of the very weapon they fight with.

Two ranged attacks. One small, Fox-like lasers to bait an approach. Not as safe as his but still quick enough. One larger hits with quick startup and long endlag, as well as enough knockback and shield push to get an opponent off you. May also have some recoil motion.

Unlike Fox's, though, these would not be infinite. The God Eater has a finite amount of blast energy, consumed a lot quicker by the big shots than the small. This can also be seen in the form of a minor damage reduction as energy gets low.

The charge can only be replenished by another special, the God Eater mode of the God Ark, where the character's weapon itself opens up to chomp down and chew their foe for big damage and a charge increase. It's short range but requires just a little distance between players, making it require a little setup to land. Especially as neither end of the move is fast. Generally it's meant to try and combo or mixup into this from basic melee attacks.

The owner of this move set has stated that this move set is no longer valid since it has been decided that one of the main characters will be chosen. Know that this idea was comprised purely of the God Eater Avatar originally.

Mendicant Bias
Mendicant has came up with an idea for a move set designed for Ciel. Basically, her God Arc is composed of a Short Blade, Sniper and Buckler. Her recovery would be the Silent Lotus.

The following pictures are provided below to show not an accurate or exact pose of how their trophies will be chosen, but to give an idea of such.

Alisa Ilinichina Amiella:

Picture currently finding...

Introduced in God Eater. Alisa Ilinichina Amiella is a fifteen year old New-Type God Eater who joined the Fenrir Russia Branch by Director Schicksal. She transferred to the Fenrir Far East Branch a year later. Though inexperienced, she has achieved exceptional scores in a combat stimulation. She is also subject to special therapy sessions daily. Her God Arc is a Long Blade Assault, so a New-Type Second Generation. Note that this information is mainly concentrated from her in the first game.

Ciel Alencon:

Introduced in God Eater 2. Ciel Alencon is a sixteen year old God Eater affiliated with a military organization called "Special Forces Blood," trained under the supervision of Blood Commander Julius Visconti. Her God Arc is a New-Type Third Generation; so composed of a Short Blade, Sniper Gun, and a Buckler Shield. She has made appearances in games such as God Eater 2, an expansion pack called God Eater 2 Rage Burst, Project X Zone 2: Brave New World, and in a manga adaptation called "God Eater -the 2nd break." This would make her a likely candidate in a scenario where I dismissed Alisa. If she were a second choice, her stats will be deviated in which she would be the faster but weaker God Eater based on God Arc in comparison to Alisa's.


A special regards to the members who have chosen their support for this thread:

1. ryuu seika
2. KeybladeSmasher​

Round of applause to those who provided constrictive criticism and assistance in conveying key information:

1. ryuu seika
2. Mendicant Bias​

A list of questions that I am unable to answer immediately as they invoke deep thinking but will be replied back:

6/30/2017 - Avatar was dropped due to a valid argument that could add controversies for design. As such, the avatar was scrapped for another character. Update priority was concentrated for Candidate Switch.

NOTE: This thread will continuously be edited with more questions that come into mind. Updates will be guaranteed.

Next Update will depend on the expectations for contributors and the questions of newcomers in this thread.
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
So I TLDR'ed a bit but I think I caught the important points. You're disregarding the anime (my main knowledge of the series) and focusing primarily on a weapon type that no other character uses, which I was sadly unaware was even in the game in question.

Consider this instead:

The God Eater is a melee fighter with good reach and just enough projectile power to manipulate the distance at which fights take place. They routinely switch between 3 types of weapon: Melee, Ranged and God Eater. Melee for close quarters, good range, good damage, good manoeuvrability. Ranged for laggy shots that either provoke the Aragami (literally "Angry Gods" BTW) or push them back into a better position. God Eater for big damage and recharging the ranged mode.

This is what defines a "God Eater". They excel at combating slow, heavy characters that don't change direction quickly and they do so with extreme adaptability, including of the very weapon they fight with. So why not take this to extremes? Why not use all 4 melee weapons, even if it isn't canon?
Different move, different weapon.

Two ranged attacks. One small, Fox-like lasers to bait an approach. Not as safe as his but still quick enough. One larger hits with quick startup and long endlag, as well as enough knockback and shield push to get an opponent off you. May also have some recoil motion.
Unlike Fox's, though, these would not be infinite. The God Eater has a finite amount of blast energy, consumed a lot quicker by the big shots than the small. This can also be seen in the form of a minor damage reduction as energy gets low.

The charge can only be replenished by another special, the God Eater mode of the God Ark, where the character's weapon itself opens up to chomp down and chew their foe for big damage and a charge increase. It's short range but requires just a little distance between players, making it require a little setup to land. Especially as neither end of the move is fast.
Generally it's best to try and combo or mixup into this from your basic melee attacks.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. It is true that I have disregarded important points in the anime because well to be honest, I haven't actually watched the anime. Nor have I read the manga either.

My best knowledge of this series comes from completing the first game, and playing only a little bit of its sequel. This doesn't make me look impressive in this thread, nor does this make thread any better either. So my apologies for the lack of sufficient information. I appreciate your information nonetheless.

However, there are some points in your post that I have particular concerns on though. So I'll go ahead and break them down.

This is what defines a "God Eater". They excel at combating slow, heavy characters that don't change direction quickly and they do so with extreme adaptability, including of the very weapon they fight with. So why not take this to extremes? Why not use all 4 melee weapons, even if it isn't canon?
Different move, different weapon
Here's a concern I have with that. Maybe this actually happened in the anime, or this could be a interesting mechanic that could be implemented, but isn't a God Arc typically composed of one melee weapon and one ranged gun? Because that's definitely how I remembered it in game. Maybe my memory's just foggy; I haven't played the game for a long time now.

I'm not opposed for this idea. I'm just not exactly sure how implementing four different melee weapons and guns would work in one move set.

Two ranged attacks. One small, Fox-like lasers to bait an approach. Not as safe as his but still quick enough. One larger hits with quick startup and long endlag, as well as enough knockback and shield push to get an opponent off you. May also have some recoil motion.
Unlike Fox's, though, these would not be infinite. The God Eater has a finite amount of blast energy, consumed a lot quicker by the big shots than the small. This can also be seen in the form of a minor damage reduction as energy gets low.
Well this definitely is explained a lot better than my attempt to write down the niche, I definitely can't deny that. The fact that there is a finite amount of blast energy makes sense as there is a limit to the ranged gun.

I do see opening ideas however, so I'll definitely take in your information for consideration and use it to better structure this thread. I hope that's okay with you of course. They also do give a better idea of how the moves can be better balanced after all.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Maybe this actually happened in the anime, or this could be a interesting mechanic that could be implemented, but isn't a God Arc typically composed of one melee weapon and one ranged gun? Because that's definitely how I remembered it in game. Maybe my memory's just foggy; I haven't played the game for a long time now.
Why not use all 4 melee weapons, even if it isn't canon?
Different move, different weapon.
It was never a part of the series (at least to my knowledge), just an on-theme extension of the weapon's morphing powers to avoid leaving anything out.

I'm not opposed for this idea. I'm just not exactly sure how implementing four different melee weapons and guns would work in one move set.
Each melee weapon has a different gun associated with it? Is that necessary? Surely just one would do?

My thoughts are that one special would be the bite and one or two specials would be the shots (depending on if they need to be separate moves or one can just be a smash input of the other). That leaves one or two specials and the entire rest of the moveset to utilise the other weapons.

I cannot, however, say what their use would be as I do not have the same familiarity with the game(s) as you do. Here's an example, though, just based on the weapons themselves and not their canon use:

Jabs - Lance thrusts, good range but hit FAR better with the head.
Forward Tilt - A basic sword thrust.
Forward Smash - An overhead hammer slam.
Down Smash - A full circle sweep around the player's feet with the scythe.
And it just morphs into the required weapon as each move starts, presumably being gun as default for idle stance.

These example moves feel too static, mind you.

Feel free to use anything I contribute.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
God Arcs (Gen 2 and onward) are comprised of a Melee weapon (Short Blade, Long Blade, Buster Blade, Charge Spear, Boost Hammer or Variant Scythe), a ranged weapon (Assault Gun, Blast Gun, Snipergun or Shotgun) and a Shield (Buckler, Shield or Tower).

The Devour mechanic is from charging a heavy attack so holding down the special button should result in a Devour which, if it hits, causes the God Eater to enter Burst mode meaning they gradually recover OP (used for firing the God Arc) and get greater mobility. In addition to burst they also gain special bullets which are generally a lot stronger and have unique properties to other bullets (piercing effect with gradual damage to the target as it passes through for example).

There's also the Blood Art mechanic which is where I feel the Smash attacks and the Up/Down specials come in. Blood Arts are basically stronger versions of regular attacks. Final Smash for most GE characters would be Blood Rage where all attributes are enhanced along with invincibility. Blood Arts especially get enhanced here. This is mainly for those in Gen 3 though so that limits it to members of the Blood Unit.

The issue with the God Eater protagonist is that they're far too customisable to really have a set identity in the games (I doubt they'll use the Anime/Manga character names). I feel that we'd probably get Alisa, Lindow or Ciel as a God Eater character due to being characters with set weapons and designs on top of being really popular amongst the fanbase and having set abilities due to them having set weapons. That and those three (plus Soma and Nana) were in the PXZ games.

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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I probably worded that wrong but it mainly just me being concerned with how four different weapon types are going to be implemented within one moveset. And well yeah, one gun is necessary since it's just only going to feature the laser and the shot when absorbed from the opponent (in this case). The moveset idea seems like it might be able to become somewhat possible at all.

Not a bad idea for Blood Art mechanic to be featured as a final smash. To be honest, if someone out of the blue were to ask me exactly how their final smash is going to go about, then this would take longer than I thought (and even then I probably should've worked on this more than just posting it here). That idea is acceptable enough, so thank you Schnee117 Schnee117 for that!

And well yeah, the more I think about the character choice, the more I realize how even more complicated designing the Protagonist would be. True it is factual that some of the side characters from the series have made appearances in Project X Zone rather than the protagonist, so realistically Nintendo would have to use a character who made an appearance within the Nintendo game after all.

Though it's also the fact that if I do include one of the side characters, there will be counter arguments as to why I didn't add the Protagonist instead since those characters are what get in the first place. Oh well, I'll reconsider it since there's videos of their moveset showcase.

I suppose it's time to edit some revisions here and there.

Edit: On second thought, I should think more over about the questions I had prepared. I starting to seem sure that's exactly what the audience don't want to know atm.
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
So what I'm getting from this is:

Neutral Special: Sniper Gun
Forward Special: Assault Gun
Up Special: Upward Blast Gun, Downward if airborne
Down Special: Shotgun, angled diagonally down if airborne

Smash Input: Goes into firing pose for that particular special but no bullets are used. Instead, the gun morphs into an Aragami head and attacks. These moves are chargeable but, aside from the neutral version, they can all be used without charging. Definitely slow. Gives gun charge based on damage caused.

Final Smash: Blood Arts "transformation" - New blood art specials, increased stats, reduced knockback, takes no damage.

And, as for protagonist vs named character, why not build a moveset for the protagonist out of named characters' iconic attacks and have costumes heavily inspired by their designs. This way you're not limited to representing one aspect of the series but you still get more defined features.
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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Thats soon going to change, but to my knowledge Somas God Arc is only a giant sword. I don't know about him in the sequel or Project X, but from the first game his God Arc can't shift into a gun if I recall. I don't know too much about Ciel yet. But even if I didn't choose the generic protagonist, I'd probably pick Alisa over Ciel in terms of recognizability.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Soma just keeps his Buster Blade and Tower Shield. He's locked into being an Old Type unless what happened to Lindow happens to him in future.
Ciel get's all the Gen 3 stuff as a member of Blood. Specifically a Short Blade, Sniper and Buckler in addition to her Intuition ability (I don't see how it'd work in Smash, it just tells her info on the targets) and Silent Lotus (good recovery move choice).



Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Yeah but nonetheless I still want it to be a character who has all three arsenals available in a God Arc. I don't want people to just see the character as another swordsman but with unique powers and abilities (even if it may not be the case) if I do pick Soma. Whatever abilities and powers he may have after the first game is beyond me, but I'll go for someone else (for now at least). Though I could consider Ciel as a candidate since I do recall she has all three.

Then it's decided! The customizable protagonist will be dropped in favor for someone else!

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
Yeah but nonetheless I still want it to be a character who has all three arsenals available in a God Arc. I don't want people to just see the character as another swordsman but with unique powers and abilities (even if it may not be the case) if I do pick Soma. Whatever abilities and powers he may have after the first game is beyond me, but I'll go for someone else (for now at least). Though I could consider Ciel as a candidate since I do recall she has all three.

Then it's decided! The customizable protagonist will be dropped in favor for someone else!
Ciel's also quite popular as a character in general.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I know; I didn't say I wouldn't consider her. I acknowledge the fact that her popularity's existent which makes her a strong candidate. But even if I didn't pick Ciel, I could at the very least include her in a Trophies section to which I'm about to add at the moment.

In the next update I'm working at right now, what would you like to see featured? I'm asking because I don't want you to have to research content of the series which is suppose to be my responsibility in this thread.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
So we're going with Alisa as we head on?

I will reiterate that I do not see the weapon type restrictions that come with a non-avatar character as a good thing here but, of all the characters to choose, Alisa would be my preferred one. She was one of the most prominent anime characters and the first one to showcase the third form of the god arc.

She was introduced as a majorly important character and, IIRC, stayed relevant right to the end.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I agree with your opinion! Thank you for your feedback, and I will add you to the supporter list if that is completely fine (which I am confidently sure is the case). Alisa is truthfully one of my favourite characters (top 5) of all the video games I've played, so I was happy and excited to showcase her as well.

I suppose if you do want that move set of yours to be scrapped, I suppose I could re-edit just to eliminate it.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
I like the character but feel her design is a bit problematic for Smash Bros. She seems too sexualized and seems to be an underage girl. Yes we know Bayo is sexualized but she keeps it at a minimum in Smash and is an "aged" adult woman.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
She's only underage in GE1 which yeah, big yikes there, hated that part of that game.
Not a fan of her not getting a proper top in future titles either. The other option would probably be Lindow I guess.



Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
Oof it feels awkward receiving updates from this thread after not touching it for months now. :lol:

Anyways, there isn't anything I can think of regarding Alisa's design. I did look up what she looked like in GE2 and that mobile Resonant Ops. While both games states she becomes an adult, neither of those designs are huge improvements.

I replaced the avatar (originally the candidate) with Alisa so Lindow's a reasonable option. If everyone else is cool with Lindow, I'll agree to drop Alisa in favor of him as the candidate for this thread.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Again, I do not hate Alisa but... you know. Well they are all good characters, still I doubt they will get in...
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