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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I've spent 4 dollars a month playing this game since Season 1. :applejack:
I'm so jealous. I thought you said $4 overall. :(

I feel like I got played after they introduced hextech crafting. Free skins, free champions.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
it's really just free **** you already own.
Hextech crafting enables you to earn skins and champions by just playing games. It's only mitigated by Riot spacing out the rewards over time, however it's a really positive incentive to keep playing. This is especially convenient when you have the option of converting something you don't want into essence so you can purchase something that you are looking at. It's a really big change by Riot and I think it's a positive addition to their freemium model in contrast to their negative controls in the game e.g. the report system

I don't see how it's just a system that gives you things you already own when I don't own a lot of things I've obtained from hextech crafting.

The only negative aspect is that they are tying too many things to their automated tier ranking system and some people are putting way too much stock in it. If you're on a losing team and your tanks have been conditioned to not die on the front lines because it'll reduce their tier then they literally will not set up an engage under tower even if they are a traditional tower eater like Alistar. Just wrapped up a game where Lissandra went 8/1/8 and yet still refuse to make big impact plays for a large majority of the game. The issue was exacerbated with the dynamic queue as mid lane, top lane, and jungle were all a 3-man pre-made who never visited bot and just played subpar the entire game until we rotated to mid lane and top. It probably could have been a bigger issue if we didn't roll up bot lane so hard that I could 1 v. 1 duel a jungle Udyr as support Leona.
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Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Hextech crafting enables you to earn skins
and champions by just playing games. It's only mitigated by Riot spacing out the rewards over time, however it's a really positive incentive to keep playing. This is especially convenient when you have the option of converting something you don't want into essence so you can purchase something that you are looking at. It's a really big change by Riot and I think it's a positive addition to their freemium model in contrast to their negative controls in the game e.g. the report system

I don't see how it's just a system that gives you things you already own when I don't own a lot of things I've obtained from hextech crafting.

The only negative aspect is that they are tying too many things to their automated tier ranking system and some people are putting way too much stock in it. If you're on a losing team and your tanks have been conditioned to not die on the front lines because it'll reduce their tier then they literally will not set up an engage under tower even if they are a traditional tower eater like Alistar. Just wrapped up a game where Lissandra went 8/1/8 and yet still refuse to make big impact plays for a large majority of the game. The issue was exacerbated with the dynamic queue as mid lane, top lane, and jungle were all a 3-man pre-made who never visited bot and just played subpar the entire game until we rotated to mid lane and top. It probably could have been a bigger issue if we didn't roll up bot lane so hard that I could 1 v. 1 duel a jungle Udyr as support Leona.
if you already own all the champions one essence type and set of shards has no value.
if you already own every skin you want to use, the other has no value either.
the only useful thing i can get from the system is hextech annie and summoner icons.

taric rework is super fabulous
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
The Taric visual update looks flamboyant.
But his VO is underwhelming and is missing the old charming tone.
But his kit is really fun and opens up a lot of different builds (ardent censer inc).
But it's actually so good that he's going to become 100% pick/ban cancer with release Thresh levels of bull****.

That rework is such an emotional rollercoaster.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
That feel when you get Yorick in ARAM and everyone tries to tell you he's not good

I also had 3 times the deaths I had as kills.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
I'm pretty sure that in order to deal 331k damage over 22 minutes, you'd need to deal 15k damage per minutes which, if the average champ has 1k500 hp means 10 kills/min. over 22 minutes that's more than 200 kills.

TL;DR what the **** happened in that game and what part of the game did you break ? Also Cait, the heck is up with her damage.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I spammed the **** out of ghouls and went in HARD with my ult clone constantly.

Yorick does a lot of damage, and due to basically having a Morde ghost, tons of sustain/MS, a second health bar, and Kayle ults all keeping me up in fights, that damage happened.

EDIT: It was actually 25 mins, not 22
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Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I just played with the worst Yas I've ever seen. Bot was crushing it (I was 0/0/8 as supp) and this Yas fed their Brand 6 kills early, then refused to mark out MIA when the Brand went to gank other lanes three times in a row (top once, bot twice). At that point I had to start marking his MIAs, but after a couple more deaths from Yas, a failed gank, and even more deaths from Yas, the game was pretty much over. The Brand snowballed and ended up going 25/3 (Yas was 2/18/4), and this is the first time in a while that I've gotten more kills than a mid as supp.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Spak Spak He's a new player e.g. this is his first season. Probably spent all his IP on champions so he could start playing ranked. Put it into context, you've played a total of 405 ranked games since Season 4 and your win/loss is 11 wins, 10 losses. Assuming this is his first account, roudro123 has played only 14 ranked games beginning this season and their win/loss is 1 win, 13 losses. Yasuo is his highest win rate champion because he has managed to win a game with him for a win ratio of 20%. This is their rune page setup:

They were laning against someone who has been playing ranked since Season 1 who actually has a full rune page. Considering this season alone the Brand has played roughly 50 more games than your Yasuo this season alone:



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak Spak He's a new player e.g. this is his first season. Probably spent all his IP on champions so he could start playing ranked. Put it into context, you've played a total of 405 ranked games since Season 4 and your win/loss is 11 wins, 10 losses. Assuming this is his first account, roudro123 has played only 14 ranked games beginning this season and their win/loss is 1 win, 13 losses. Yasuo is his highest win rate champion because he has managed to win a game with him for a win ratio of 20%. This is their rune page setup:

They were laning against someone who has been playing ranked since Season 1 who actually has a full rune page. Considering this season alone the Brand has played roughly 50 more games than your Yasuo this season alone:

I never bothered to look up his level of experience... I woulda thought he could figure out that he should get some runes before going ranked with a 7% winrate.

EDIT: Also, I just remembered that the required wins to get to 30 has been drastically decreased this season. He probably didn't have as much pre-ranked experience as anybody else in that game, compounded with the fact he used all of his gold for champs to rush ranked.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I never bothered to look up his level of experience... I woulda thought he could figure out that he should get some runes before going ranked with a 7% winrate. EDIT: Also, I just remembered that the required wins to get to 30 has been drastically decreased this season. He probably didn't have as much pre-ranked experience as anybody else in that game, compounded with the fact he used all of his gold for champs to rush ranked.
He's the norm, not the exception. When I started this game I was awful and noticed that I always had the worst stat line. So I read that you shouldn't play ranked until you at least had two full rune pages. When I started to queue into ranked I thought I was 'prepared' because I had played enough games to have all the necessary champions and two full pages of runes. However, I was gravely mistaken. I was carried in two of the promos that I won by getting the same Lee Sin jungle smurf and managed to somehow pull of a third win in my ten game promo series. I was automatically placed into Silver V with only ten games of ranked being played. It didn't take me long to get dropped down to Bronze V where I stayed for around 100-150 games before I realized that I wasn't actually trying to win, but merely trying to play so I wasn't losing.

The problem with the beginner system has more to do with initial elo placing than people getting boosted through dynamic queue. New players are given a very high MMR which is not necessarily deserved and they are a big liability in a lot of games. This is not to complain that climbing is "hard" or "impossible" however placing new players into silver divisions has always deprived lower elo of the chance to have a type of "fair" match making and I think would stymie the "blame-game" culture, "I report you" culture that is integral in current ranked games.

The analogy in the opening thread about each individual hand being exemplary of a game of Poker is true, with the caveat that it is possible for you to be the Joker in each and every game if you are marginally higher than the other players in the game. I've seen higher elo players do dirty, dirty things in low elo and absolutely gain a massive dominance without needing to mention to flame or rage. It's not even players who are factors above the rest, but when you introduce a gold elo player into bronze or a plat level player into gold you notice that they have can and often have a catastrophic influence on the game as a whole that is hard to contain.

It's just that when you look at K/D/A that's a very macro and larger picture statistic the higher you get. Someone in silver will look at total damage to champions over a K/D/A and still that's a very inaccurate and biased statistic. When you begin to look at matchups, minor behaviors in laning phase, gank patterns, and ward control then you begin to start explaining how a game is actually playing out and how to address symptoms like a bad K/D/A or a low total damage implementation on enemy champions.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I'm not insinuating that you made any of the comment I addressed. But it's something I've always wanted to get off my chest. As someone who is interested more in the statistical and match making side of the game, I've always been interested in whether the games I've played can be considered "fair" through varying perspectives. My fascination with match making is actually why I still like following League threads more so than actually playing the game.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
That sadness when I realize that Caitlyn is the only adc I can play confidently. I guess Jinx too, but she's not all that good right now. I may have to go ahead and just buy Jhin so I can have another adc with long range.


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Jinx is ok when she snowballs, but so is Twitch and other immobile champs.
Twitch is better though, not even joking. Until the buff to Jinx's rocket attack speed she's not better than Twitch or even Varus.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
No order, Cait Lucian Sivir Twitch Kalista HM: Ezreal Jhin

Hurricane is good so a lot of champs that can use it is good in SoloQ, so Ashe Trist and Jinx can kinda be in there too. Sivir lucian ez and jhin there cause utility safe or strong early and lategame.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Yo do people ever max w-e-q on Grag

I was just labbing and it seems better if you gank/fight a lot as opposed to farming. Q is his lowest damaging ability if you don't let it brew (which you often don't against champs) and the other two abilities don't have many costs. It still has the utility of the slow with just one point in it.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
The adc meta was a month or so ago when you had Quinn top, Corki mid and Graves jungle. It was ok.

What isn't ok is the dynamic queue + autofill combo that riot is trying to pull off.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Quinn top wasn't really an ADC and it lasted a very short time (plus it was more than a month ago)
Corki mid was pretty annoying but that was also many months back when it happened, that one I won't argue. basically was a 2nd ADC and not entirely poke oriented like Varus for example.

Graves isn't an ADC either, he's a bruiser jungler at this point. Even though he's being picked less and less due to his playstyle being very easy to figure out. He'll farm out forever and somehow get fed midgame.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
My boyfriend just hit Gold. This makes me happy.

He's still trying to get me to play more ranked (I did my placement games and then a few other games afterwards and then just completely stopped ranked). I just kinda have no interest. It seems like too much work because of how many games you have to play to climb, and I'd rather keep league as a game instead of turning it into a job.



Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
My boyfriend just hit Gold. This makes me happy.

He's still trying to get me to play more ranked (I did my placement games and then a few other games afterwards and then just completely stopped ranked). I just kinda have no interest. It seems like too much work because of how many games you have to play to climb, and I'd rather keep league as a game instead of turning it into a job.

You can play ranked and not worry about climbing. I play very infrequently these days and I'm not concerned with climbing. But I still prefer to play ranked for the role select system and that the games will have more intensity because something is on the line.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
User was warned for this post
You can play ranked and not worry about climbing. I play very infrequently these days and I'm not concerned with climbing. But I still prefer to play ranked for the role select system and that the games will have more intensity because something is on the line.
I'm surprised your reading comprehension is still lower than a third graders.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I'm surprised your reading comprehension is still lower than a third graders.
She said that she's not interested in ranked because it takes too many games to climb. I explained that there's value to the ranked system aside from wanting to climb.

If you can't understand that then I'm not the one with poor reading comprehension.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Dre89 Dre89 You explained that he shouldn't be worried about climbing, completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't like the amount of games he has to play. Nothing he typed was with regards to personal performance, nerves, or how the games actually pan out. And no, I don't like correcting you. But I honestly don't understand how you function in real life given the amount of exposure I've had to your responses over the years.

Also silver is almost like inverse bronze, where the more LP I climb, it seems the deeper I go into the depths of crappy pre-mades, afk teammates, and AD Soraka top.

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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre89 Dre89 You explained that he shouldn't be worried about climbing, completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't like the amount of games he has to play. Nothing he typed was with regards to personal performance, nerves, or how the games actually pan out. And no, I don't like correcting you. But I honestly don't understand how you function in real life given the amount of exposure I've had to your responses over the years.

Also silver is almost like inverse bronze, where the more LP I climb, it seems the deeper I go into the depths of crappy pre-mades, afk teammates, and AD Soraka top.

Wtf are you talking about lol

No one ever said anything about performance. I have no idea how you got that from what I said.

She said she doesn't like how many games she has to play. As in, how many games you need to climb. I said that you can enjoy ranked games for reasons other than climbing. Meaning that you can enjoy ranked games without having to play a lot.

I don't understand what the problem is?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
The problem is that your reading comprehension is lower than a third grader's which amazingly hasn't changed since I saw your initial posts in Debate Hall. Pretty much the last time I'm going to comment on it. I just never knew someone for a span of more than half a decade continue to deny a problem that has been brought up by others multiple times. To a moderator looking at this, look I'm sorry. But I can't help it. I've seen this guy post for years and have tolerated it more or less. I'm just flabbergasted at how little someone can change over the years.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
The problem is that your reading comprehension is lower than a third grader's which amazingly hasn't changed since I saw your initial posts in Debate Hall. Pretty much the last time I'm going to comment on it. I just never knew someone for a span of more than half a decade continue to deny a problem that has been brought up by others multiple times. To a moderator looking at this, look I'm sorry. But I can't help it. I've seen this guy post for years and have tolerated it more or less. I'm just flabbergasted at how little someone can change over the years.
If I've made a mistake, then explain what it is. But don't start talk about performance and other stuff I've never mentioned.

Explain how saying that there's value in ranked aside from wanting to climb to someone who is turned off ranked because of how many games they have to play is wrong. Explain how this demonstrates I have the reading comprehension of a three year old. If you can't do it then don't start throwing around insults.
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