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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I think Nunu is decent AP top. New visionary keeps him in lane much longer AP top. I'd imagine he'd do well against bruisers top lane.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Dphat are you just gonna be a d**k for the remainder of the time this thread is around?

I mean it used to be funny but now its just like unwarranted.

I swear if anyone else has an opinion in this thread thats even remotely different from Mogwai/S2J/Jpak/you then it has to be the WORSE THING EVER SAID.

I mean you've never really came at me before but thats because I just stopped posting in this thread for help or guidance anyway because all it leads to is you n****s belittling everyone who isn't 2k elo.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
The guy even state that nunu has difficulty farming and his trading is okay to good so how does that make him a good laner?
Regardless I do think Nunu is okay top, and with the buff he rarely runs out of mana and hard to push out. I wish people would state WHY they think such and such is true rather then stating opinions with no backing.
Also regardless of how stupid your question were I always answered them TKbro so don't spew bull****. Like I said before don't like reading my post then just block me.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
He said he doesn't lose trades. and a lot of AP mids have Difficulty farming compared to the likes of Morgana or Malz but they are still considered good in lane.

either way this isn't that big of a deal. that was a stupid statement on his part but every post you've posted looks like


I mean a call out here and there I get that but maybe some type of explanation as to why whatever said person said is bad would be a little more reasonable/helpful.

Edit: and yeah nunu isn't a horrible mid but he isn't great btw Jazriel. I mean someone can just play aggro from level 1-5 and you'd probably be severly behind. (at least thats what I do when I know i have range advantage.)


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Putting Nunu mid is asking to get destroyed. You know that most AP mids can farm like crazy with relative ease? And I'm 100% sure he would lose trades to EVERY MID, regardless I think Jaz was talking about Nunu top and even then he's mediocre. Cool he can stay in lane due to free spells and Q, to bad he'll probably be poked to death by kennen/nidalee so he can't farm freely, and if he tries to trade with such bruisers like riven/darius/lee sin or anyone with a gap closer he'll probably lose horribly.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Wait, does the trade consist of E, W, 3-4 auto-attacks, and then consume after visionary kicks in?


1.) E on visionary. No mana cost.
2.) W buff. Mana not refunded.
3.) Hit the dude as much as possible.
4.) Consume on your next visionary.

I think he can probably trade well with that unless I'm missing something.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
So he E then goes into auto attack range? I'll list some scenarios where he'll completely lose the trade.
Goes into range to snowball Riven, Riven E towards him stuns and auto attack (here he's already taken 100-150 damage). And from there he loses the trade.
Another scenario, he goes to E darius, darius Qs then follows up by dragging him in (his E is 550 range iirc), and he gets another auto attack and Q, He loses the trade there as well.
If he lanes against Nidalee, nidalee Auto attack he goes to snowball she walks in brush and auto attack again and gets away scotch free. IIRC nidalee auto attack range = nunu snow ball range. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Sure he looks good on paper but in actuality he would get bodied by most bruisers.
I see nunu as the ap equivalent of gangplank but with longer cds.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Playing with friends of friends sucks and I have similar ****ty experiences to that. In fact, I kind hate playing with my actual friends now, too. Solo queue is fun.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Wait, but your scenarios aren't taking into consideration his consume. Essentially, he'll be recovering a majority of the trade damage at no mana cost and his initial slow will be without mana cost as well. This sounds like this would be good against mana-dependent top laners because he'll be able to do this trade more often (essentially when his Visionary comes up and after the CD's) while keeping a healthy HP pool.

GP is different because his mana pool gets ***** after a QEW combination so he can only maintain those trades a few times in lane before being mana starved.

But this is theory talk.

Edit: I've finally gotten over my solo-queue QQ'ing. I treat it like a game where I have to carry horrible scrubs. Stupidity is expected and a loss is more than likely imminent.


Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2012
Guelph, Ontario
Bottom. Give up all early game objectives that matter (dragon, control of two lanes, ability of ranged dps to farm) if you lose bot. Top only matters a bit for baron.
Kinda. Keeping enemy top up while you're zoning the other player is great. It forces them to last hit under turret, and if your top laner can harass well while under enemy turret (Renek, Irel, Jarvan, Udyr, Vladimir, Rumble, **** it, just about everyone) it forces them to lose a ton of CS and makes the CS gap even bigger. It also draws the enemy jungle and mid to top, which splits their team.

The only real advantages of taking their top are the fatty gold bonus, baron pressure (which is negligible. By the time teams are prepping to baron, around 25 minutes, that one turret ain't gonna save anyone) and allowing you to gank mid and counterjungle. The biggest problem is it makes it harder to keep zoning them, since if you keep pushing them in with top-outer gone, you become SUPER vulnerable to mid-jungle triganks, which most top laners honestly can't get away from or 1v3... If you take top too early, you allow them to freeze the lane in their territory, and pretty much let them farm back into the game, which can be disastrous depending on which champion they are.

tl;dr; top turret sucks, take it quickly if you want to gank or cj or give bonus gold, otherwise keep it up if you're winning lane because it costs them a ton of cs and wastes their mid/jungle's time pressuring you.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

Basically, if you're an assassin/roam type solo-top like Akali then take out the tower whenever you can. But if you're Nasus just farm. Push to their tower? Take their jungle. Took their jungle? Take your jungle. By then the wave should be refreshed.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Funny I find it that I enjoy league more when I do play with friends regardless of their skill level. I feel no pressure to win when I que up with friends where as in solo que it's all about winning.
Same with me, but sometimes I encounter people who are super uptight about the game and yell at me or yell at other people and that is quite unpleasant. Plus, playing with friends usually involves skype, and I get more frequent FPS drops when I'm playing on Skype :c


Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2012
Guelph, Ontario
maybe your friends SUCK DCK

much rather play norms w/ homies than play solo que all day

don't try too hard to win when you play with friends. Showing off by picking your main and curbstomping is one thing, but consistently playing your hardest to win every match is a really good way to stop having fun with this stupid ****ty game I hate.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Alright, I decided to set a date for an swf inhouse. One week from today its going down. I would make it sooner but I'm on vacation w/ family till next monday. So here it is, Tuesday July 17th at 9:30 central time. Be in the swf chat and I will invite you to a custom game. Be there or be a feeder...or both.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
Has anyone ad carry Jayce yet? I want to know if it works
That's how I've been playing him, heres what I wrote before you posted this

Yea I've been playing a bit of jayce today. I just build him straight AD, like you would with Kayle.

you can throw E down in front of you and switch forms for mobility around the map

throw down your combos in one form then switch to the other form and blow all those cooldowns for maximum trading, basically.

My opinion is that he is very under powered played as an AD carry. His 500 range + no escape means that he is the most unsafe carry in the game (not counting twitch). And hanging in the back with him and poking doesn't do much for the team because his Q is high CD and doesn't do much too much damage, especially without E.

Maybe someone will find a way to fit him in the meta but I don't see it. His laning is good vs some champions but tanky bruisers/ ppl w/ gap closers **** him because of the range. He can do good in some situations botlane too.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
@Okuser is that really how you build Kayle tho?

I thought she scaled off AS too?

I haven't had a consistent Kayle build since I picked her up but if I was going like full AD it usually ends up being dblade x2 -> brutalizer -> IE

but then again I still have no idea what I'm trying to accomplish with her anyway. hell some of my builds have been like

boot pots -> Malady -> sorc shoes -> Madreds


Boots pots -> brutalizer -> wits -> gunblade.



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I have yet to play Jayce top, but Ive played him both adc bot and jungle and liked both.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Funny I find it that I enjoy league more when I do play with friends regardless of their skill level. I feel no pressure to win when I que up with friends where as in solo que it's all about winning.
Really? because I seem to recall you raging HARD when I went AP Miss Fortune.



Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
i just got a singed penta kill by running around like a ****** in the middle of their team

best champion ever


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Nepean, ON
When I said Nunu as a solo lane was good and then pointed out his flaws I thought it was obvious I was making the observation that middle was a bad fit for him and that top nunu, which I haven't had a chance to play yet, will probably be a very strong lane for him.

Destroying terrible players mid with Nunu because he wins every trade and his difficulty farming is offset by the fact the the opponent can't farm at all doesn't mean he's all of a sudden amazing mid.

His melee range as well as the fact that consume pushes makes him very prone to jungler ganks.

I was simply commenting on the fact that I tried solo lane nunu and it worked quite well. Athene's is very good on him as his skills have very high mana costs and rather short cooldowns.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008

Which outer turret is a bigger deal to lose, top or bottom?
If I had to choose one, I'd probably say bottom. AD gets less farm, support getting global gold is very good map control way stronger, much easier dragons.

By the time baron control becomes a problem, top tower can go down very easily.

i recommend taric as everyone's first support

he's really good, a lot of fun and easy AS ****KKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I personally think he is the best support after all the raka/janna nerfs.

I hate how inconsistent ranked is. Everytime I go on a 8+ winning streak in ranked, I know Riot is about to punish me with the biggest r-tards to make up for it so I go back down. I had a support ahri because some guy randomly picked a mid last pick instead of support and we barely lost (and he only dealt 50k damage in the whole game as LB mid) and then I had a support nunu in my lane who after 35 minutes still only had boots 1 and philosophers stone. And I got out cs'd because he was one of those supports who feels like they can't actually cause a loss but we had no lane presence because of him. RAGE!!!!

why do you do this to me riot
That's what dodging is for

it helps a lot tbh i get much less troll games

Charge speed increased to 1050 at all ranks from 650/750/850/950/1050
Wow that's cool about the missle speed, I never knew it did that. I personally think it won't change him much (he'll still be good/bad for the same reasons) but it's nice to have. By the time you have rank 5 E I highly doubt you want to charge into anybody to start a fight. He'll still be relatively squishy.

QUESTION: for my jungling masteries i have 21 in defense. Currently i have 2 points in Indomitable for -2 damage taken and 1 point in Honor Guard for 0.5% damage reduction. Should I get rid of the two points for a flat 1.5% damage reduction?

or hell, should I just forgo both for the +gold on kill/assist mastery?
Indomitable is one of the best masteries in the game, you're blocking 2 damage every time you get hit by a minion. Go into a custom game and count how many times they hit you, then multiply it by 2 to find out how much Indomitable is helping you.

Then try to estimate how much damage you took (missing health + hp pots used) and calculate 1.5% of that. Honor Guard will mitigate an amount that is generally considered useless compared to Indomitable. Same reason why Havoc in the offense tree isn't taken.

Lane Nunu seems pretty good. Athenes and then build tanky ap. He has a hard time farming, but from what I've seen he can't really lose trades.
Lane Nunu has been played for awhile and really the only thing that makes it better now is the decreased Visionary requirement. The reason stuff like that works is because of sustain, Nunu has insane sustain that nobody can match, that's why he wins lane (similar to why lane Taric works, lane Sona, etc).

But when it comes to teamfights he's generally lackluster save for a perfect ultimate. Think of it like Teemo or possibly Nidalee.. except he pushes super slow.

If anything his jungle got buffed much bigger.

My question is- is he better as a bruiser (wits end triforce) or as AP? I can't see the usefulness of Athenes on him... He already gets free spells and doesn't have mana issues.

I feel no pressure to win when I que up with friends where as in solo que it's all about winning.
That's one of the very few reasons I like solo queue =)

They try very hard to win.. to the point where they will sleep with peoples moms and offer free game uninstallations to anyone who is making it difficult for them to win.

My opinion is that he is very under powered played as an AD carry. His 500 range + no escape means that he is the most unsafe carry in the game (not counting twitch). And hanging in the back with him and poking doesn't do much for the team because his Q is high CD and doesn't do much too much damage, especially without E.

Maybe someone will find a way to fit him in the meta but I don't see it. His laning is good vs some champions but tanky bruisers/ ppl w/ gap closers **** him because of the range. He can do good in some situations botlane too.
jayce has no escape? wtf he has gate speed, then his transformation speed, and then a knockback, and a jump with a slow in case anyone shows up behind him. He's really hard to gank -_-

He seems to be VERY strong top lane from what i've seen, because his whole combo does a ton of damage and costs so little mana, not to mention he gets mana back from his attacks.

As a ranged AD not so much, because of his 500 range as you said and no easy way to harass them without getting into melee range. If you are mindful of his ranged Q then it's hard for him to trade back, unless he wants to all-in by jumping on them in melee range.

Most ADs have a way to harass over minions, Jayce kinda falls prey to this and doesn't have a solid answer back. This is why I'd say he's weak as AD

Also in teamfights it's really hard for him to build standard IE/PD. He'll do so little damage if he doesn't use his melee form- and if he does he's super squishy with that build (u wouldn't jump in with trist/corki into their whole team).
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