What is the most obnoxious Irelia hard MU in lane? I want something that gives her the peepee from Level 1 to Level 18.
Mundo is really obnoxious vs Irelia. Tanky Runes, heavy spec into defensive tree. I have Crit Reds, move quints, armor yellows, mr blues. Standard. I think that gives 344 movespeed without boots?
Start E (99 AD at level one with decent crit chance, scary ****), get Q and W by level 3.
Whenever she jumps in, run at her like a maniac.
If she fights, EW and fight out your E timing, then retreat and watch for cleaver opportunities during retreat.
If she goes to attack you after E ends, run away while she runs in and watch for cleaver opportunities, then pop E again and hit her in the face while you chase her *** out.
If she runs away:
Easy cleaver and massive EW damage while you run alongside her all the way to her tower.
You just put her outside of the creeps. Zone until she jumps in again.
Oh, and when you engage her, always try and stand between her and her tower between your AA's and your cleavers so she has to run around you. Disrupting her movement path is hilarious.
Hit 6 and regen more health every minute than she can do in damage.
Farmed Mundo and starved Irelia.
Mundo has like 103+ AD with .6ish AS, 40 Magic Damage per Second, and minimum 80 Magic Damage cleavers + 2.5 second 30%(?) slow on a 4(?) second cooldown at level 3. His early game is ********. Take advantage. Oh, and in 1v1 melee fights, it is ALWAYS advantageous to back up a little after each AA. W fire aura is a decent size, so you can burn the opponent while your AA resets, while preventing them from getting in extra AA's and extending how much time they spend fighting you. This is even easier to do during cleaver slows. And, if they try to chase you and AA, it sets up really easy cleavers. Melee kiting is nothing new, but remembering to do it with a character like Mundo can be hard.