No, just after a few games playing with what I'd consider "the best Lux I've personally played with" I've noticed that the ABSOLUTELY 100% most effective way to play her is poke/support.
You can't poke with long cooldowns, but likewise you can't burst with low AP. Then again, her burst isn't spectacular, so you've gotta build her according to her strengths.
****riel- please stop being a **** in your posts to absolutely everyone ever. There's a reason you were banned from TL
Oh, so you're saying the best Lux you've ever played with had an understanding and build of her that was EXACTLY the same as mine? A mere 980 ELO scrub? Please Dekar, since it's so easy to gain rank in a meta no one cares about, please explain to me why you were wrong to begin with. I'd love to hear it.
Flaming dumb people aside: Virgilijus, every post I make is a subtle attempt to promote discussion. Most people however aren't intelligent enough to pick up on it. Which is why I was banned from TL. Which is also why I do it, to personally distinguish the smart from the dumb.
Personal plugs aside; Lux. I've already written posts about how I build her and some of my theorycrafting on her. I've done a lot of testing prompted by this thread to ensure I have the absolute correct information so I can disprove dumb people who think they know more about this game than I do simply because I trolled my ELO to below 1k.
Basically there are 3 ways to build Lux. 1 is novelty and bad, the other is niche and fills a specific role, and the other is good.
Novelty build is early sheen (or sheen at all for that matter). It's not good. It's a cute way to do early/mid-game DPS and does nothing else. Lichbane isn't that good and unless you can snipe some kills with Sheen procs you won't have enough gold to itemize into a proper AP/CDR build.
The niche role is DC first. This does one thing and one thing only: It gives you a lot of damage in the mid-game. You can get a DC by 17-22 minutes, and will give you around 230 AP. This is a viable niche build, because mid-game damage is something that is extremely important in this game (and something overlooked by pretty much everyone). The downside is that you won't have the mana, cdr, or utility towards the late-game that a proper build would do.
I haven't played Lux in a while. I find that once I get very good with a support hero I'm let down by not being able to find someone who can play a carry on a level that can keep up with my support, so I usually jump to carries or simpler roles (Veigar is pretty fun). However my personal build keeps these things in mind:
-Tear is necessary to maintain spell output mid/late-game.
-CDR early game can be hard to work with due to mana issues.
-DFG is good.
-CDR Runes are horrible.
-Mejai's is inconsistent.
-RAges is horrible.
-Ionian boots are core, and gave Lux the flexibility in itemization and rune/mastery specs she needed.
-Ghost is pointless
-Flash is core
-Teleport is good. I really like running teleport. It also gives you an incredible early-game counter gank, due to your shield and CC
There're more points I have, but I can't remember them.
Avarice quints
Crit reds
MP5/lvl yellows
AP/lvl blues
If harass is strong, a second dring + boots1
Else boots1 + kage
tear if you're being spammy with shield + e, otherwise codex then tear
At any point before this you can finish boots2 if you feel you need the ms/cdr/have money to burn
Pew pew lasers. Also, 1 point in Q at level 4 and don't touch it again. Could also get it at level 3 depending. Open shield first.
[Edit] With the new Mana Regen changes all of this might be subject to change. Veigar was playable due to Locket, then was rendered complete garbage when it was removed. Now with the Mana Regen changes, Veigar is viable again because he can open dshield. Something similar might be applicable to Lux, I don't know.