Get your own SSBM footage! (Step by step buide)
Since the videography section is out, people are posting their issues here. I've noticed that most of them was about something related with "getting his own SSBM footage". That's why today, I start writting a guide to get your own footage!
Of course, it's stil not a complete guide, you guys will have to help me getting more information =). I'll try to make it as complete as possible so everyone will be able to be helped here.
1. Capturing from a TV to a computer
- Capture Card
- Digital Camera
2. The video editors: Beginners and advanced
- Window Movie Maker (Beginners)
- Adobe Premiere Pro 7 (Advanced)
3. Encoding (compressing): Beginners and advanced
4. host your video.
1. Capturing from a TV to a computer with a Capture Card.
How to get it.
You can get a Capture Card at any electronic shop. They are about $50 to $100.
Note: keep the receipt, if your capture card doesn't work on your computer. It should work though.
What does it looks like?
That's what looks like a capture card.
How to plug it into my computer?
Open your computer. You know the holes behind your computer hidden by a metallic rectangle? remove one of those rectangles, your capture card goes there. Then, plug the card into your slot PCI. (I don't know what is that, anyway my friend told me it's beige. He also said to NOT use the slot PCI for the 3d card.) Next is to screw down the protection part. Once everything is done, you can start your computer, and install your capture card with the CD who came in the same box as the capture card.
Thanks to Matthieu Savard who made this part.
Once it's installed:
Record directly to the computer:
On your capture card, you should have at least a yellow port for a 3 colours cable OR a port for a cable. Instead of plugging your gamecube to the TV, plug it into your card!
Note: 90% of the capture cards are laggying too much to be played directly into the computer.
Record from a VHS to your computer:
Once you have recorded some matches into a cassette, you can plug your VHS into your computer with the help of a cable like one of these:
Capturing from a TV to your computer with a digital camera:
Sorry, I never tried that thing. if you have the informations, please PM me.
Most of the capture cards and the digital cameras have to be configured, each of them has a different configuration, sorry for that.
Congratulation! now You have a capture card working into computer, ready to record some footage!
2. The video editors (beginners)
- Window Movie Maker 2 (WMM2)
Window Movie Maker is a really simple program for everyone who is beginner at video editing. It's only problem is the fact it crash AT least every 30 mins. I suggest you to save every 5 - 10 steps you do with that program.
How to get it.
A lot of people already have it installed into their computer, but for those who don't have it, here's the link:
How to use it.
Open Window Movie Maker.
Before you start anything, take a look if your timeline looks like that:
like the image says, if you see this kind of timeline, just click on the "show timeline" button.
Drag a video or a clip of your choice in the big white part.
Drag the clip into the white part, drop it into the timeline section.
The timeline section is what you really care about. If you put 2 clips into the timeline section, your new video will be those 2 clips in the same video in the order you put them, in the timeline section.
If you only want a specific part of your clip:
Select the specific place where you want your video cut, then click on the "cut the current clip" at the right of the window.
Then, select the clip you DON'T want, and delete it with the right click or with the delete button on your keyboard.
The rest can be found by yourself with the help of the buttons at the left of the window, or by right-clicking. Don't forget that you can also put musics on your video by proceeding the same way, there's a section in the timeline decictated for musics anyway (It's right under the audio of your clip). Don't forget to mute your clip, otherwise you'll have both the music of the vid and your own music playing at the same time.
Once you're done, you can jump over the "how to use adobe premiere pro 7" to see the "encoding" for beginners.
- Adobe premiere pro 7 (advanced)
Note: I am not an expert at using Adobe Premiere Pro 7. I know the basics but I can't really give more information than what's written down here.
How to get it:
Buy it
how to use it:
Once you started it, it asks you if you want to create a new project or if you want to open a project. Obviously, you want to create a new project.
Then you have a new window appearing. "Available Presets". This window is to choose if you want a high / medium quality full / wide screen. I choose normal quality full screen. Then, give a name to your project.
Now that you're done with that, you can begin to work on your video.
Drag the video of your choice, and drop it in the window at the left
Now that you chose your video, drag it again and drop it into the timeline.
Note: if your video size (on the right screen) is only half the normal size, it's because of it's extention / quality. I suggest you to compress it (differently if you already did) with Window Movie Maker, then put the new clip into Adobe Premiere. It should be Ok now.
Not like WMM2, you can put your video anywhere in the timeline. You can also cut your clip with the "Razor Tool" at the left of your window.
You have a lot more possible effects available comparatively to WMM2. They are available at the top left of the window.
If your effect is a "transition", you have to drop it at the end of a clip.
You can edit your effect with the effects control panel at the top middle of the screen.
You can zoom in and out of your timeline with the button at the bottom right of your window.
To add a text / title / credit:
Click on "file" at the top of the window. Then select "new" and then "title"
Then, put a text of your choice.
Once you're done, you have to click "File" again, and then "Save as". Give a name to your text.
Now, you'll notice that your new text / tile / credit is NOT into your timeline. You have to drag and drop your new title into the timeline as if it was a video.
Note: if your video is in the second line of the timeline (it's called "video 2"), you have to put your title on an upper line of the timeline. Otherwise, your title will not appear (it will be under your current video).
The rest can be found by yourself, good luck!
Once you're done with your video (save it before you do anything else...)
First, click somewhere into your timeline (don't click on a clip though)
Next, Click on "File", then choose "Export". Now you have the choice between "Movie", "Frame" and "Audio".
- "Movie" is to get your whole movie exported.
- "Frame" is to get an image of your movie, It will export the frame you selected
- "Audio" is to get the audio of your video.
since you want your whole video exported, click on "Movie".
Choose a name for your movie, and select a place you want it exported into your computer. I usually choose to export it on my desktop.
If you have done everything correctly, it should be exporting now. The last thing you have to do, once it's fully exported, is to compress it.
Casual problem hapenning:
When you open your project or just click on it from minimize, and you get an annoying popup asking "where is the file "xxxxx"?
You have this popup window because you moved one of the file you imported into Adobe. Now, it can't find it. You have three choices:
1. Select the file's new position manually
2. Put your file at the same place it was before
3. Delete the imported file at the left if you didn't want this requested file anymore into your movie.
Encoding: Beginners
Windows Movie Maker 2 is the best way to compress your video if you're a beginner.
If you don't have it, go back and read the "2. The video editors (beginners)"
Once all your video is in the timeline ready for compressing, click on the button at the right "Save to my computer"
It asks you the name you want for your file, then it asks you where do you want your video once it's compressed.
Click Next. Now you can choose the size you want for your video. Click "show more choices..." and then "other settings"
Now you can choose your quality.
Poor quality: "Video for Broadband (150kbps)"
Medium quality: "Video for broadband (340kbps)"
Higher quality: "Video for broadband (512kbps)"
High quality: "Video for local playback (1.5mbps)"
Click Next, and voilà!
Encoding: Advanced
Virtual Dub is what you're searching for. It's quite a hard program to deal with, but if you only want to compress, it becomes really simple.
How to get it.
Necessary plugin:
Install Vdub, then put the plugin into the "Plugin" file (in the VDub folder)
Right click on the plugin, then click "Install".
Restart your computer.
Now you are ready to use VDub!
Open "VirtualDub".
Drag the uncompressed video into the VDub window.
NOTE: Vdub doesn't accept a lot of extensions, like the WMP one. Sorry for that... (It mostly only accept the .AVI files)
- Low quality
(Soon available)
- Normal quality: (Sorry, I only have those informations for now. More to come.)
- Click on "Video". Select "compression..."
- Select the "DivX 6.0 Codec"
You have to configure it. Click on "configure".
The only thing you have to change is the kbit/s. Change it to 416 kbit/s.
Make sure you want it "Balanced" (click the thin slot "Codec").
Click OK.
- Once you're done with video, click "Audio".
- Select "Full processing mode".
- Click audio again, go to "conversion"
change it to 22050Hz
click OK.
- Click on audio for the 3rd time, select "Compression".
You'll have about 15 options, choose "Lame MP3"
If you don't see anything, check "Show all formats"
Choose this one:
22050kHz, 64kbps CBR, Stereo 8KB/s
(It's REALLY important to choose this specific option.)
click OK.
- High quality
(Soon available)
Now that you chose the quality of your video, click on "File". Select "Save as AVI"
Give a name to your compressed video, choose it's emplacement.
4. Host your video
(Almost everyone use "Rapidshare" or "Youtube)
I hope this guide helped you, if you got a problem somewhere, post here, I'll gladly help you.
Since the videography section is out, people are posting their issues here. I've noticed that most of them was about something related with "getting his own SSBM footage". That's why today, I start writting a guide to get your own footage!
Of course, it's stil not a complete guide, you guys will have to help me getting more information =). I'll try to make it as complete as possible so everyone will be able to be helped here.
1. Capturing from a TV to a computer
- Capture Card
- Digital Camera
2. The video editors: Beginners and advanced
- Window Movie Maker (Beginners)
- Adobe Premiere Pro 7 (Advanced)
3. Encoding (compressing): Beginners and advanced
4. host your video.
1. Capturing from a TV to a computer with a Capture Card.
How to get it.
You can get a Capture Card at any electronic shop. They are about $50 to $100.
Note: keep the receipt, if your capture card doesn't work on your computer. It should work though.
What does it looks like?
That's what looks like a capture card.
How to plug it into my computer?
Open your computer. You know the holes behind your computer hidden by a metallic rectangle? remove one of those rectangles, your capture card goes there. Then, plug the card into your slot PCI. (I don't know what is that, anyway my friend told me it's beige. He also said to NOT use the slot PCI for the 3d card.) Next is to screw down the protection part. Once everything is done, you can start your computer, and install your capture card with the CD who came in the same box as the capture card.
Thanks to Matthieu Savard who made this part.
Once it's installed:
Record directly to the computer:
On your capture card, you should have at least a yellow port for a 3 colours cable OR a port for a cable. Instead of plugging your gamecube to the TV, plug it into your card!
Note: 90% of the capture cards are laggying too much to be played directly into the computer.
Record from a VHS to your computer:
Once you have recorded some matches into a cassette, you can plug your VHS into your computer with the help of a cable like one of these:
Capturing from a TV to your computer with a digital camera:
Sorry, I never tried that thing. if you have the informations, please PM me.
Most of the capture cards and the digital cameras have to be configured, each of them has a different configuration, sorry for that.
Congratulation! now You have a capture card working into computer, ready to record some footage!
2. The video editors (beginners)
- Window Movie Maker 2 (WMM2)
Window Movie Maker is a really simple program for everyone who is beginner at video editing. It's only problem is the fact it crash AT least every 30 mins. I suggest you to save every 5 - 10 steps you do with that program.
How to get it.
A lot of people already have it installed into their computer, but for those who don't have it, here's the link:
How to use it.
Open Window Movie Maker.
Before you start anything, take a look if your timeline looks like that:
like the image says, if you see this kind of timeline, just click on the "show timeline" button.
Drag a video or a clip of your choice in the big white part.
Drag the clip into the white part, drop it into the timeline section.
The timeline section is what you really care about. If you put 2 clips into the timeline section, your new video will be those 2 clips in the same video in the order you put them, in the timeline section.
If you only want a specific part of your clip:
Select the specific place where you want your video cut, then click on the "cut the current clip" at the right of the window.
Then, select the clip you DON'T want, and delete it with the right click or with the delete button on your keyboard.
The rest can be found by yourself with the help of the buttons at the left of the window, or by right-clicking. Don't forget that you can also put musics on your video by proceeding the same way, there's a section in the timeline decictated for musics anyway (It's right under the audio of your clip). Don't forget to mute your clip, otherwise you'll have both the music of the vid and your own music playing at the same time.
Once you're done, you can jump over the "how to use adobe premiere pro 7" to see the "encoding" for beginners.
- Adobe premiere pro 7 (advanced)
Note: I am not an expert at using Adobe Premiere Pro 7. I know the basics but I can't really give more information than what's written down here.
How to get it:
Buy it

how to use it:
Once you started it, it asks you if you want to create a new project or if you want to open a project. Obviously, you want to create a new project.
Then you have a new window appearing. "Available Presets". This window is to choose if you want a high / medium quality full / wide screen. I choose normal quality full screen. Then, give a name to your project.
Now that you're done with that, you can begin to work on your video.
Drag the video of your choice, and drop it in the window at the left
Now that you chose your video, drag it again and drop it into the timeline.
Note: if your video size (on the right screen) is only half the normal size, it's because of it's extention / quality. I suggest you to compress it (differently if you already did) with Window Movie Maker, then put the new clip into Adobe Premiere. It should be Ok now.
Not like WMM2, you can put your video anywhere in the timeline. You can also cut your clip with the "Razor Tool" at the left of your window.
You have a lot more possible effects available comparatively to WMM2. They are available at the top left of the window.
If your effect is a "transition", you have to drop it at the end of a clip.
You can edit your effect with the effects control panel at the top middle of the screen.
You can zoom in and out of your timeline with the button at the bottom right of your window.
To add a text / title / credit:
Click on "file" at the top of the window. Then select "new" and then "title"
Then, put a text of your choice.
Once you're done, you have to click "File" again, and then "Save as". Give a name to your text.
Now, you'll notice that your new text / tile / credit is NOT into your timeline. You have to drag and drop your new title into the timeline as if it was a video.
Note: if your video is in the second line of the timeline (it's called "video 2"), you have to put your title on an upper line of the timeline. Otherwise, your title will not appear (it will be under your current video).
The rest can be found by yourself, good luck!
Once you're done with your video (save it before you do anything else...)
First, click somewhere into your timeline (don't click on a clip though)
Next, Click on "File", then choose "Export". Now you have the choice between "Movie", "Frame" and "Audio".
- "Movie" is to get your whole movie exported.
- "Frame" is to get an image of your movie, It will export the frame you selected
- "Audio" is to get the audio of your video.
since you want your whole video exported, click on "Movie".
Choose a name for your movie, and select a place you want it exported into your computer. I usually choose to export it on my desktop.
If you have done everything correctly, it should be exporting now. The last thing you have to do, once it's fully exported, is to compress it.
Casual problem hapenning:
When you open your project or just click on it from minimize, and you get an annoying popup asking "where is the file "xxxxx"?
You have this popup window because you moved one of the file you imported into Adobe. Now, it can't find it. You have three choices:
1. Select the file's new position manually
2. Put your file at the same place it was before
3. Delete the imported file at the left if you didn't want this requested file anymore into your movie.
Encoding: Beginners
Windows Movie Maker 2 is the best way to compress your video if you're a beginner.
If you don't have it, go back and read the "2. The video editors (beginners)"
Once all your video is in the timeline ready for compressing, click on the button at the right "Save to my computer"
It asks you the name you want for your file, then it asks you where do you want your video once it's compressed.
Click Next. Now you can choose the size you want for your video. Click "show more choices..." and then "other settings"
Now you can choose your quality.
Poor quality: "Video for Broadband (150kbps)"
Medium quality: "Video for broadband (340kbps)"
Higher quality: "Video for broadband (512kbps)"
High quality: "Video for local playback (1.5mbps)"
Click Next, and voilà!
Encoding: Advanced
Virtual Dub is what you're searching for. It's quite a hard program to deal with, but if you only want to compress, it becomes really simple.
How to get it.
Necessary plugin:
Install Vdub, then put the plugin into the "Plugin" file (in the VDub folder)
Right click on the plugin, then click "Install".
Restart your computer.
Now you are ready to use VDub!
Open "VirtualDub".
Drag the uncompressed video into the VDub window.
NOTE: Vdub doesn't accept a lot of extensions, like the WMP one. Sorry for that... (It mostly only accept the .AVI files)
- Low quality
(Soon available)
- Normal quality: (Sorry, I only have those informations for now. More to come.)
- Click on "Video". Select "compression..."
- Select the "DivX 6.0 Codec"
You have to configure it. Click on "configure".
The only thing you have to change is the kbit/s. Change it to 416 kbit/s.
Make sure you want it "Balanced" (click the thin slot "Codec").
Click OK.
- Once you're done with video, click "Audio".
- Select "Full processing mode".
- Click audio again, go to "conversion"
change it to 22050Hz
click OK.
- Click on audio for the 3rd time, select "Compression".
You'll have about 15 options, choose "Lame MP3"
If you don't see anything, check "Show all formats"
Choose this one:
22050kHz, 64kbps CBR, Stereo 8KB/s
(It's REALLY important to choose this specific option.)
click OK.
- High quality
(Soon available)
Now that you chose the quality of your video, click on "File". Select "Save as AVI"
Give a name to your compressed video, choose it's emplacement.
4. Host your video
(Almost everyone use "Rapidshare" or "Youtube)
I hope this guide helped you, if you got a problem somewhere, post here, I'll gladly help you.