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Get Ready for Vydran's Character Roster Predictions!! (updated Frequently!)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007

15) Yoshi

He seems happy to be here.

Yoshi's new Up-B has been talked about throughout the forum and beyond. Whether or not this makes Yoshi a worse character is certainly still to be determined. This dinosaur has the capability of being great, and horrible, depending on how you use him. BTW, is anyone else confused as to the sex/sexuality of this creature?
What is his new up-B attack, Yoshi ownes..... I agree with Smash It Up! Boshi as an Alternative costume would own for life.

My fave newcomber Diddy Kong


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2007
Tetra and sukapon... Not going to happen, and if they get in over MUCH more deserving characters I will be sad. Are they impossible? Hell no, its sakurai. Are they likely/in? God I hope not.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Okay, big one for last.

1. You're right. There are definitely characters that would also be cool to see get in this game like Vaati or Zant. Why did I choose Tetra? Because she represents that Cel-Shade style and has the capability of adopting Sheik's moveset, making her transition into this game very easy for producers. Maybe making a moveset for Vaati or Zant would be easier than I'm making it out to be. But honestly, how could you argue that they're more deserving than Tetra, without incorporating some form of opinion?

2. Does the large amount of 3rd party characters scare you too? It's the biggest weakness of my list, I believe. But going on the argument that there's only 4 third party candidates, I truly believe that big nintendo names, names that can't be associated without the word "Nintendo" close by (like Bomberman and Megaman) have earned a spot on this roster, for this game that pits Nintendo characters against one another.

3. It does lack representation in that area. I've been considering Isaac and Ray for #40. Isaac is the frontrunner so far, with his popular demand on this thread.

4. Good statistics. You've done your homework. K. Rool is an intriguing option for a character spot on this roster. But 1. We already have our scaley badguy in the form of Bowser and 2. We already have three (four?) bigger heavweights, with 3 of them possibly being badguys (Wario?, Bowser, Dedede). When are we going to have too many of those physically heavier, slower fighter type badguys in this game?

5. Takamaru and Sukapon, while they may be exclusive to Japan, have appeared on Sakurai's poll multiple times. This hardly makes them obscure. Sakurai has shown that he's not afraid to put Japan-only characters into this game. (G&W being considered for #40)

6. Now here's an original badguy. Claus is a top two contender (so far) for that last spot. I've come up with little argument against why he shouldn't be on this list.
1. I dont really feel strongly on this issue so i'll let others argue over Tetra.

2. I like the idea of third party characters but not if your roster is limited to 40 places. If there was around 44 places then im all for 4 3rd characters.

3. Fair enough.

4. Thats the thing. Unlike Bowser and King Dedede, in his boss battles K Rool is always shown to be suprisings agile. I would imagine he would play like a middle weight character. A lot of people think we need more villains so his inclusion is a plus if he fights differently to exsisting ones.

5. Im all for Sukapon and im constantly undecided about Takamaru but again if you limiting the roster to 40 then its quite unlikely both will get in. Sakurai said he wanted to try and limit Japanese only characters. Considering Claus is likely and we have Lucas its a bit radical to have both Sukapon and Takamaru. Their likely but probably not in the top 40.

6. Claus is awesome. That is all.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
But if I take off Tetra, we'll have nothing to talk about! =P

I'll consider it....maaaybe.
Yeah , Besides shiek is most likely back with zelda anyways , She got her costume design leaked and there was a video at the end where it said the "dadadadada" Noise that zelda makes , I Don't see why they would replace the perfectally unique combo >_< , Anyhow your doing a good job at the list , Or you could just have WW Link Share the spot with her O:.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Ok I may be fighting a losing battle with this one but....

I think Vivian from Paper mario deserves 40.

She's female, she's unique, she was on sakurais poll.

and if you want further convincing theres a Thread I made supporting her complete with moveset too.

I honestly didn't know much about Vivian until I read that post. Thank you for informing me.

I will at least say that I'll consider her being number 40. Her argument is very similar to my argument with Tetra. I might decide to group the two of them together, or make her number 40. I can't guarantee a spot on this list, but boy does it open the door to possibilities.

I'll be back in a couple of hours to respond to everything else. This just caught my eye.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
You're holding out the stupid 40th spot to keep this thread alive, it's pathetic, just put a character there already.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
You're holding out the stupid 40th spot to keep this thread alive, it's pathetic, just put a character there already.
Call it what you will, but I don't see you trying to make threads. Anti-Sukapon thread? Get over it, kid.

I will fill in the #40 slot on Wednesday. I meant to fill it by today, but the race between Claus and Isaac is too close to call.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Call it what you will, but I don't see you trying to make thread. Anti-Sukapon thread? Get over it, kid.

I will fill in the #40 slot on Wednesday. I meant to fill it by today, but the race between Claus and Isaac is too close to call.
Just put both and take tetra or bomberman or so @_@ ? Seriously claus is moar deserving den some of the others , I Think you should just AT LEAST Put one now (CLAUS.) And put isaac later...<_<...Or Just take tetra out and put shiek with zelda as "Probable" Since i doubt we will get what essentiall is 3 zelda's , Would Zelda-Shiek-Tetra make any sence :dizzy: ? No , That's worse then PT... I Really think you should either do one of two things.
1.Take out tetra (A lot of people aren't liking her there <_<.) And put in isaac and claus.
2.Put in more slots for Paper mario Isaac Claus (If you put in those 3 that makes 42 slots , With 4 going to Third party's 38 nintendo characters is "Formidable") Which is what i think you should do , Besides i'm excited to see slot 40! :p.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Maybe he didn't see or he's probably busy. Still, I'm wondering the same myself.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
here are some characters you need to add to your roster,
1. pico- fzero nedds another rep, he is one of the original 4 racers, sure samari goroh isn't playable, but that is because he is a sword fighter(too many sword fighters), he is not human, he has better moveset potential than both samari goroh and black shadow, one of the most memorable f-zero characters, and he is awsome!

2. balloon fighter-retro characer, had elements in this game and last game, was going to be a playable character in n64? and melee, but got replaced,would fit into brawl eaisily, great moveset, very popular game for the nes, perfect wtf charater


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2007
Washington D.C.
Hey guys--

Sorry, I was supposed to put up #40 two days ago, but college's being a b*tch and I didn't have the time.

It's updated now though. Check out who's currently the leader for #40!
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