And yet it's exactly this type of ostrich "head in the ground" behavior and denial that makes things escalate. It's a forum. It's a place where you post content publicly. The delusional "theories" will be judged just like you judged my post.There are consequences to posting things... And I say theories here rather generously, we all know a lot of people don't theorize out of facts but out of sheer feelings, which is in no way how theories work. So it's a thing to want and support a character, it's another to post about it relentlessly with nothing to back such fervent obstinate denial when a character gets costumed.
I guess this thread does have merits with how it can bring a community together. It's just sad that a lot of people on here make a cut difference between insiders and outsiders, and push for that Utopian idea that all the bad comes from elsewhere... In the end we're all Smash fans, mostly all wanting a larger roster with our favorites. There's no need to hold Geno or any other character over a higher pedestal, even less so just due to thread size.
I never said theories couldn’t be judged, but people could do so respectfully.
Yes, some users could cause issues in the other thread and some of us probably saw stuff as “evidence” just because we thought it looked like it out of sheer hope/wanting Geno, but I think most of us aren’t doing what you’re suggesting. There were people who acted hostile to others over theories and other stuff without the theorist having to say anything but their theory/prediction or whatever else. Some people would make fun of us and other crap, treating us as a crazed cult.
But yeah, not all the bad was from elsewhere tbh. We really should’ve calmed down over trolls; heck a few people had a few others go at ‘em when they were genuine, and some hostile posts over the simplest things :S Some users did also take the “outsider/insider” approach unfortunately, though tbh I don’t blame the people who only got mad at those whom started off hostile and stuff in the first place...
Anyway, some of us also don’t think there’s good evidence or theories etc. since he’s been costumed, making him seem unlikely. There’s no harm in discussing stuff like maybe a third pass or a bonus, however, and if some people still think he could still happen this pass despite the costume, let ‘em; who cares lol, nothing worth throwing mud over. Why do we need “consequences” for videogame speculation posts, aside from any replies in general as consequences? Since when was that a bad thing? No matter how much of a stretch or “delusional” something is, no need to treat the person who made it as stupid and an outcast; not like they’re harming anybody ._.