I disagree with that whole Adventures-and-Assault-SUCKED-man-remove-them-from-existence thing. Sure, they had their flaws, but they were still good games (Adventures had one of the worst endings in videogame history and Assault was one of the shortest games ever played, but it was to be expected, after all, it was a shooter, and shooters don't have much of a story, though you have to admit, the whole Aparoid thing was cool, especially the ending!) But anyway, Wolf and Scales would be interesting additions, and look out and mind what you say: I'M A SCALES FANBOY HERE, DEMANDING JUSTICE FOR THE MISSING FIGHT BETWEEN FOX AND HIM!!! But meh, Wolf would do nicely. LOL!
Oh, and don't expect candies and chocolate from Nintendo. They think differently and KNOW both games are considered canon. They MIGHT be included in Brawl, therefore Miyamoto-san begs to differ.