nat pagle
Smash Ace
Those things most likely happened as damage control to keep members of the vocal minority (such as yourself) from flooding hate messages and incessant *****ing remarks. In our PC society, with the internet and all of its glory, the immature people who take everything as a personal insult (as if anyone cared enough to make a true personal insult like that) are given entirely too much control over these things. It is pathetic that Kobe got fined for that.
I see it as being respectful towards others and actually taking the initiative not to use words based off of gay slurs to describe something negative. Out of all the vocabulary in the English language, why do you think people chose to equate gay or ****** with a negative? Because back in the day, homophobia was rampant and it was acceptable to relate homosexuality with a description of something negative.
Kobe got fined for it because he said it on a huge platform where millions of people can see. And saying something that controversial in the NBA WILL get you fined. Just like cursing during a press conference or doing something out of line. If you want everyone to shut up and not show that they don't approve of using gay slurs, fine then. But people are still going to disagree with you, they have the right to free speech and telling you how they feel.
Edit: Here's a Reddit discussion about using ******. Lots for, against, and in the middle on the subject.******/
Probably one of the best opinions I saw there:
Well, people do use the term as a way to be offensive towards the LGBT community. And if you didn't think it could be offensive, then why is there a need to ask us if it is offensive? And if it is offensive, why use the term? I will agree that language is fluid and that ****** may not be what it used to be. But not everyone is on the same page.
Personally, I'm not offended and I probably wouldn't care if people used the term if not for something called closeted teenagers. There are people who are not comfortable with their sexuality yet. They do not yet have the ability to see that the term may not mean something offensive. What they hear is a critique of something they are still questioning and dreading about. And ****** isn't really followed by, "I don't mean it in that way." So, you have youth, who are already depressed about the situation, hearing their friends use a word that has been used as a derogatory word towards gay people on a constant basis. Not to mention the term gay gets thrown around as stupid.
Basically, I'm not worried about the gay community being offended by words. It is made up of out and proud people who mostly know how to put up with **** and discern real hatred. My concern is over those who don't have a voice, who possibly hate themselves for what they are, and only see a community of peers who are more than willing to justify homophobic language. And to suggest that a troubled teenager coming to terms with a sexuality that is openly debated against on television and in their classrooms should be able to determine that a peer using the word "******" is someone who is actually supportive is a sign of negligence towards the gay youth of our country.