GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
I don't know if this has been discovered yet, it works with Ness and Bowser. I discovered it about 3 months ago.
if you run off the a platform or edge at the begging of your dash and forward B off of it towards the center of the stage or platform as soon as Ness leaves the ground the forward B will cancel and act like ness just let go the ledge(on a platform ness will face towards it and his momentum will cancel
The only real use I see for it is mind games on platforms because you completely reverse your direction
Oh also, on yoshis, you can do it and then double jump cancel back onto the stage to get a small wave land effect.
if you run off the a platform or edge at the begging of your dash and forward B off of it towards the center of the stage or platform as soon as Ness leaves the ground the forward B will cancel and act like ness just let go the ledge(on a platform ness will face towards it and his momentum will cancel
The only real use I see for it is mind games on platforms because you completely reverse your direction
Oh also, on yoshis, you can do it and then double jump cancel back onto the stage to get a small wave land effect.