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Falco vs Meta Knight> Anyone know an effective strategy?


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2008
San Francisco
So my friend has recently picked up Meta Knight. My main is Falco. I'm an RA in the college dorms and I'm putting on a competition with prizes etc in a couple weeks. My friend and I will both be competing.

My friend loves to spam the neutral B; the Mach Tornado. Anyone know any effective way to counter this as Falco? I know the reflector works at semi-close range, and the blaster at far, but he's hard to hit.

thanks in advance!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2008
Toronto, Canada
mk's just ******** .....
after the neutralB theres lag so avoid getting hit by it if you can .... and punish your friend during his lag frames.... i like to chain them to the edge > reflect > spike .... always fun to do and since mk's a little floaty in the air it makes it much easier to spike
aside from that i dont really see a way around mk's attacks....... just break your friends fingers if need be XD


Smash Apprentice
Dec 30, 2007
Spam lasers until he approaches you, then just avoid the b until it's over, and punish the lag.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Honestly there's not a lot falco can do, Even the answers they gave aren't gonna work. Your lasers mean nothing while MK is in Mach tornado. and if he stays near the ground there's very little ending lag, and if you get hit by mach tornado, the hitstun makes up for the lag. Shine is your only option, followed by a up throw. In the air you force MK to not to use mach tornado then you have to get some lasers in and deal some damage with maybe a Dair combo.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Pits of Heaven
this is where the MK hate spawns. Like the guy above me stated, there isn't a hell of a lot Falco can do for himself against that tornado. You kind of have to rely on the other player making a mistake. Draw him close to you with your laser or just keep dodging him, while keeping him on your tail and do your best to keep him close, but not close enough to hit. Then once he pauses after the nader' is done. You do what i call "chuck and pray"...you simply rush in on him and keep him aerial.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Orange County
just shield and roll out of it. but on a personal note, how do you beat a metaknight when his moves are faster than yours. i mean i've beaten some metaknights but the win ratio is like 30% to the other 70. cause metaknights moves are all 1 frame which is rediculous in contrast to falcos where his moves take forever to come out *sigh* i hate MK


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2008
Meta-Knight users seem to worship the Shuttle Loop. Because of this it is vastly important for you to be able to predict when your opponent is going to throw it. Airdodging this attack leaves Meta-Knight wide open to attack, and you should punish your opponent appropriately. This will be helpful with any character vs. MK, but for Falco specifically, you have to play defensively, which is not exactly something Falco players are known for doing. Nevertheless, you must play defensively. First of all, realize that it is nearly impossible for Falco to take MK off the edge. MK owns the air, so don't pursue him off the stage. Also, try to avoid being predictable in your edgehogging because any MK user that is worth anything will spike you off the ledge with the shuttle loop. Finally, keep in mind that many of MK moves allow his to go through you, making him somewhat difficult to shield grab. (Especially his dash attack) All in all, MK can be beaten, but Falco definitely has his work cut out for him.


Smash Rookie
Apr 20, 2007
In my experience, bairs seem to challenge metaknight's priority in his attacks.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
mk's just ******** .....
after the neutralB theres lag so avoid getting hit by it if you can .... and punish your friend during his lag frames.... i like to chain them to the edge > reflect > spike .... always fun to do and since mk's a little floaty in the air it makes it much easier to spike
aside from that i dont really see a way around mk's attacks....... just break your friends fingers if need be XD
Falco's chaingrab however doesn't last very long at all against MK (to 36% i believe) also because of his floaty properties

Elemental Knight

Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2006
Urbana, IL
Part of the problem with the chaingrab too is that it brings you in near where there's a lot less that you can do against the Mach Tornado. I hate that move oh-so-much.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2007
St. Catharines, Ontario
So my friend has recently picked up Meta Knight. My main is Falco. I'm an RA in the college dorms and I'm putting on a competition with prizes etc in a couple weeks. My friend and I will both be competing.

My friend loves to spam the neutral B; the Mach Tornado. Anyone know any effective way to counter this as Falco? I know the reflector works at semi-close range, and the blaster at far, but he's hard to hit.

thanks in advance!
The lasers are the best thing I can think of... Just full jump and triple laser, one should probably hit.

Also try side+b... its got decent priority but i don't know if it will work... just an idea to try

idea 2: run?!?!


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I think it's Falco worst match-up. So hard to punish Metaknight since he has like, 0 lag.

Therefore, it's hard to get in a grab on him. Either way, you must try to get in that grab for that free 0-55%/off stage spike, it's the best thing Falco has going for him.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
It is not falco's worst match up. It's actually one of his middle matches. You need to get that metaknight very aggressive by spamming the hell out of him(this makes him not want to tornado) and shield grab him when he comes to attack you. Falco's down air spike has more priority than metaknight's up-b. Short hop over the ledge and spike above the ledge and laugh when he up-b's into it. Falco's forward air(probably the only use for it) has priority over the glide attack. As Falco, you make metaknight use moves he doesn't want to use and then you punish him hard.

Edit: Learn to short hop and double laser with one above the ground and one close to the ground.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Though this isn't Falco-specific, and I bet you probably already know it, I have to say that the most important thing when facing a Metaknight is to shield, shield, shield. His over-B and neutral B will almost always catch you if you try spot or roll dodging, so just shielding straight through them works best. Also I very much agree with what one person said about avoiding shuttle loop. It really only comes by suffering at a MK's hands, but eventually you'll learn the perfect time to airdodge the inevitable shuttle loop. Though even after you dodge that you can't let your gaurd down for that ****able glide attack! (ARGH!)

Anyway. Even though Falco seems helpless against MKs B-moves, it's sad, but he's got a lot more going for him than other characters do concerning resisting those moves... I honestly ended up maining Falco (as opposed to no main) because of a troublesome Metaknight. Maybe there were better choices, but too late now, I guess...

Ah, one last tip for this excessively long post. Watch out for his dash attack, because it consistently places him on the other side of you, meaning if you react instinctively and grab/attack in front of you like you might with most any other character, you'll get hurt.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2008
I havent tested, but it seems like down B and short hopped lasers would work well to stop his combos.

Just don't get caught and keep a decent distance, and you should be fine.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
western pa
Nair eats right through the tornado, but I think it takes some timing. Not sure. Other than that, it's just hard to hit meta. He's fast, his moves have very high priority and his dsmash out of the shield is insane. Falco's nair eats through the majority of his moves, so thats a good way to rack up damage until you can get a forward or up smash to kill.


Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2008
Orlando, FL
Nair eats right through the tornado, but I think it takes some timing. Not sure. Other than that, it's just hard to hit meta. He's fast, his moves have very high priority and his dsmash out of the shield is insane. Falco's nair eats through the majority of his moves, so thats a good way to rack up damage until you can get a forward or up smash to kill.
/agree 100%
Other than that, just keep away from it :ohwell:

And as an MK player, I can say that Im not not very fond if the Mach Tornado spammers. They make all of us good MK players look like were just using some broken character that takes 0 skill to play. I use it only when necessary just to prove that all of us arn't total noobs.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2008
Meta-Knight users seem to worship the Shuttle Loop. Because of this it is vastly important for you to be able to predict when your opponent is going to throw it. Airdodging this attack leaves Meta-Knight wide open to attack, and you should punish your opponent appropriately. This will be helpful with any character vs. MK, but for Falco specifically, you have to play defensively, which is not exactly something Falco players are known for doing. Nevertheless, you must play defensively. First of all, realize that it is nearly impossible for Falco to take MK off the edge. MK owns the air, so don't pursue him off the stage. Also, try to avoid being predictable in your edgehogging because any MK user that is worth anything will spike you off the ledge with the shuttle loop. Finally, keep in mind that many of MK moves allow his to go through you, making him somewhat difficult to shield grab. (Especially his dash attack) All in all, MK can be beaten, but Falco definitely has his work cut out for him.
im a metaknight user and when *******s arial doge my up b i just either fly under the final destination stage or just glide bacl down to safety,it is barely punishable as i always use it for combos in the air.mk is basically gliding at the same speed of running therefore falco still needs to hit the ground and then chase after him,seems like theres no punishment there,to me my hardest opponent are snake and ike...thats it.falco is easy to kill,especially in the air as hes tryimg to recover,=b


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
What will help is to play defensively, even if it is against all of your instincts. Laser spam to keep him off you and throw the shine in his face if he tries to close in, follow up with an attack if you can. another that should work is to put MK in the air above the stage, he comes down very slowly, and Falco goes up really quickly. Depending on the situation, you may want to use B-air for its lightning fast come-out time, range and knockback. Also use U-air to finish, D-air if MK gets below. Falco's kicks have some range on them and remarkably high priority, both in the air and on the ground (specifically his F-tilt). MK may have a sword, but its a teeny tiny sword on practically nonexistent arms, you're not fighting Marth, Link or Ike at all here. use your longer limbs to your advantage.
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