it's baloo, the reason i chose this avatar was because in class today we did an activity today that was discussing life today and how we are almost prisoners to technology and trying to improve our lives through working. (believe me i'm not against technology at all, im a super geek when it comes to computers). during this activity for one of the questions we watched the "bare necessities" song from the movie Jungle book and the purpose was to explain that a lot of people are using their present lives to make their future lives better and not much people live to appreciate the fact that they are alive in the present and that most people (in america) already have the bare necessities to live their lives, but they keep striving for that "better" life. i thought this lesson was very influential and i'll think about that when life has its downs. (gosh i kinda typed this unorganized, i hope you guys understand my point)
and plus i remember watching that movie a lot as a kid. baloo <3