Saw Zoso playin Jman at Apex, Zoso is really good, anyway.
RIM - ZoSo (Fox) vs Tichinde925 (Marth) - 2
You keep Dance Blading, I think your trying to reset fox (Stop him from moving for a second) but it's just not working on him. Instead of DBing in air Fair instead.You also keep airdodging alot.You REALLY need to grab. The grab game is so important especially with Marth on spacies. (I never played Zoso so IDK if you can grab him, maybe thats why your not throwing out grabs.) You should dash dance a lot more. Zoso is approaching you a lot. If fox approaches in this MU Marth can really mess him up. Zoso is approaching with shine though (Whitch fox should do) so that's also probably why your not punishing him as much. If he's being aggressive, be defensive. If he's shooting lasers and being defensive then you must be aggressive.
2:06 nice DashDance grab. You Uthrow (which is good) and then you nair (Which is the mistake) you should be able to Uthrow spacies to 28-31%. (I heard they can get out earlier if they don't DI and shine, but im not sure)
2:13 you Uthrow>Fthrow That was a good choice, you always want to throw your opponent off stage when you can. Always put them in the worse possible situation. I guess it would have been better to Fthrow him the first time, becaus he could have DI'ed to the right and mayhaps have gotten away.
2:23 you get a grab but throw him towards the middle of the stage instead of off, which would have been a edgeguard opportunity.
You should be spacing a lot more, throwing out Fairs, dash dancing, making sure he is missing you. Also Fair OoS.
@ 0:34 you try and reverse dolphin slash (I think its a good move) but Zoso is at too low of a % for that to do any real knockback. Since there are also no platforms on this stage he can get to you faster. Which Zoso see's as your mistake and his opportunity he then Shine>Uthrow>Bair>Utilt>Bair's you.
That's what I see. I know Zoso is very good so some of the stuff I've mentioned may not work on him. But I hope I helped in some way, goodluck <3
@Dart - Your Marth is amazing, so fast and smart. I would say just oay attention to when your opponent is being aggressive and punish him. I only watched (The fox match) You had an amazing 3 stock lead and he almost brought it back. I know he was shooting lasers at you, forcing you to approach, but towards the end he was just trying to do anything to bring it back. I need to take notes from you <3