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Etrian Ricochet Odyssey - Game over! What awaits at the end of the Labyrinth...?


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Forest's Entrance - Abandon hope, all ye who pass this point

Growing tall and proud above the city of Rimbalza is the world tree, Yggdrasil. Deep within the great tree is...

...Yeah, yeah, you get the idea, right? Big tree with a maze inside, full of monsters with endlessly innovative ways to kill you, and you're here to fight your way through it and claim eternal fame and glory. Right?

Well, kind of. But that's not exactly the case here. Yeah, there's a tree, and a labyrinth, and it's really dangerous, and anyone who reaches the end will go down in the history books.

But in here, the monsters aren't the real threat. Here, apparently the reward is so great, that guilds have taken to fighting each other to ensure they're the only ones that can claim the prize.

With all the FOEs (short for "****ing Overpowered Enemy") roaming about, you'd think they'd be more concerned with defending themselves against those, but...

Whatever. Like many others before you, you find yourself at the gates of Rimbalza, enticed by the promise of fame and fortune, and not at all deterred by the fact that you're probably going to be hung, drawn, quartered, poisoned, shot, and chargrilled by many angry mobs of explorers. Lots of times.

...Are you sure you won't reconsider? No? Fine then. Your funerals. Don't say I didn't warn you. Off you go. Glory awaits. Maybe. Probably not, though.


Explorers' Guild - You mean people are actually signing up for this?

More explorers? You guys are nuts-- Er, I mean... Welcome, newcomers!

This is the Explorers' Guild. If you're looking to get murdered-- er, explore the Labyrinth, this is the place to start.

Here, you can recruit adventurers into your party, and team up with them to tackle the Labyrinth, while trying not to get yourselves killed. Due to the increased risks of exploring the Labyrinth these days, however, we've decided to limit exploring parties to three people - no more, and no less.

Somehow, we've got a group of budding vic-- explorers already waiting for someone to pick them for their guild. Why don't you have a look and see who takes your fancy? Pick three people, and sign them up here. I'll be waiting...


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
David Bowie said:
Why now, when I finally understand myself and others, should I die? What a **** game. Is there no one with whom you could revise the rules?
== Game start ==
  1. Each player starts with 9 HP. Which sounds like a lot, but you'll see why shortly.
  2. Each player also starts with 10 entals (money).
  3. Before the game starts, you can pick three classes with which to form your party. Each class has its own Active skills, Passive skills, and TP (Technique Points, needed to use Active skills).
  4. Send your selections to me in a PM before the game starts. If you don't send them in in time, you get three classes chosen at random.
  5. You can name your characters, pick/draw portraits for them, write their life stories, whatever you like. Or not, if you prefer.

== Phase gameplay ==
  1. Phases last for 23 hours (starting at 10pm GMT and ending at 9pm GMT the following day), followed by a 1-hour "dawn phase" during which results are calculated.
  2. You must submit actions in your role PM before the end of the phase. Actions submitted during dawn phase won't be counted.
  3. During the phase, you can talk in the thread or in PMs. You can create PMs between yourself and any other player to form informal alliances. Any PMs created for the game must include the host (that's me! Moydow Moydow ).
  4. Each phase, you can use either one standard action, or one Active skill. Standard actions are listed below; Active skills are unique to each class.
  5. Unless stated otherwise, Active skills target one player, and can't target yourself.
  6. Passive skills, as the name implies, activate automatically if their condition is met.
  7. You can also perform one item action per phase - this means either buying an item, using one you already own, or sending money to another player.
  8. Each phase, one special item will be up for grabs! Vote in the thread for whoever you want to get the item, by posting Vote: <player>. Votes are locked in on being cast, and can't be undone or changed. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the phase gets the item. If there's a draw, the RNG decides who gets it from the drawn players.
  9. At the end of a phase, standard actions are revealed openly in the thread, Active skills are revealed semi-anonymously (class name is shown, but not player), item actions are revealed anonymously, and players' HP totals are announced.

== Victory conditions ==
  1. If there are two players remaining, they have the opportunity to declare a truce, and share the victory. To do this, both players must submit Truce as their standard action.
  2. If there is one player remaining, they and they alone win the game.
  3. If no players survive to the end, nobody wins. In the Labyrinth, you win or you die.

== Standard actions ==
These are the standard Ricochet actions. Once per phase, you can choose to use either one of these, or an Active skill.

  • Shoot: <player>: Deals 1 HP damage to a single chosen target.
  • Shoot: Self: Reflects shots and incoming Active skills back at your attacker(s); reflected attacks deal half of their original damage, including any additional effects. If you aren't targeted by anyone, however, you suffer 1 HP damage! So be careful about using this recklessly.
  • Shoot: Air: Don't shoot or defend anyone. Deals no damage and leaves you open to attack, but you also don't run the risk of having your attack turned back on you. However, attacks against you that pierce reflection will fail if you shoot air. This occurs by default if you don't submit any action (unless you are paralysed).
  • Defend: <player>: Defend another player to reduce the damage they suffer by 1 HP. Has a 2-phase cooldown after use. You can't defend yourself.

== Classes ==
There are 10 classes to choose from, each with their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. You can pick any three you like - but only one of each. Pick your party carefully!


Holy knights sworn to guard others with their lives. Their shields are invaluable tools for surviving the Labyrinth.
Weapons: Swords, Shields
Defence specialists of the front line.

Protectors are all about tanking damage with their shields. Ricochet isn't. But Protectors are still pretty tanky, so having one around might help you live longer. Or they might not.

Starts with 13 TP

== Passive skills ==
  • Heal Guard: Your Protector gains TP equal to all damage you incur.

== Active skills ==
  • Bravery's Gift (4 TP): Redirects all attacks targeting another player into yourself. Damage you take while using this is reduced by 50%.
  • Shield Rush (9 TP): Deals 2 HP damage. Pierces reflection. Damage you take while using this is reduced by 50%.


Healers who treat the party's wounds. Their combat skill is limited, but they are highly useful regardless.
Special Skill: Healing
Curative specialists best placed on the back line.

Medics are plenty useful here. Either help yourself live longer, or heal someone so they're indebted to you. But Medics are also frail, so they just as easily might not help you live longer. Can you finish a game like this?

Starts with 11 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Focus: If you suffer no damage in a phase, your Medic recovers 1 TP.

== Active skills ==
  • CPR (4 TP): If your target suffers mortal damage while targeted by this, they survive with 2 HP. Can target yourself.
  • Caduceus (9 TP): Deals 2 HP damage that pierces reflection.
  • Immunize (15 TP): Reduces elemental damage by 90% for 1 phase. Except it's broken, so it actually affects all damage.


Those skilled at melee combat with swords or axes. They are well-balanced, with a variety of weapons and armour.
Weapons: Swords, Axes
Well-balanced fighters on the front line.

They of the unpronounceable name are back. Did you know Landsknechte were actually German mercenary soldiers most prominent in the 15th and 16th centuries? Maybe now you can figure out how to pronounce it.

Starts with 9 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Landshark: Every time someone spells the word "Landsknecht" incorrectly, or calls them anything other than a Landsknecht, in either the thread or PMs, all Landsknechte (except any owned by that person) gain 2 TP each. Starts counting as soon as the game thread is posted.

== Active skills ==
  • Strike Chaser (7 TP): The next time you attack someone with an Active skill, you can also deal a shot to a different player dealing 1 HP damage, which pierces reflection.
  • Stunning Smash (5 TP): Deals 2 HP damage. Can target two people if you made a "<EO character> for Smash" support post in the thread during the previous phase. Why? Because imagine how stunned Smashboards will be when the Protector gets announced for DLC and you get to say you called it.

Dark Hunter

Their long whips are useful in weakening their foes. Proper use of a Dark Hunter greatly expands your options in battle.
Weapons: Whips, Swords
Special attackers who shine on the front line.

Dark Hunters specialise in tying up their enemies and whipping them until they bend to their will. What? No, it's not like that. How dare you think such things? They're perfectly wholesome and NOT to be sullied by people like you.

Starts with 11 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Wrath's Might: Every turn where you have 3 HP or less, your normal shots deal +1 damage, and your Dark Hunter gains 1 TP.

== Active skills ==
  • Drain Bite (5 TP): Deals 2 HP damage. Restores your own health by 1 HP.
  • Bait (6 TP): For 2 phases, if you suffer damage, deals 1 HP damage to your attacker(s).
  • Viper (4 TP): Deals 1 HP damage. Poisons the target for 2 phases.
    • Poison: Deals 1 HP damage for every phase you suffer from it - but if you shoot yourself successfully while poisoned, you suffer no damage and reflected damage is increased by 1 HP.


Foreign masters of the art of bushido. They see death as part of life, and so neglect defence in favour of offence.
Weapon: Katana
Vigorous attackers on the front line.

It's not about the winning, or the taking part, it's just about being able to slash a real human body. If this describes you, the Ronin is your best friend. They'll deal lots of damage really quickly, but also die pretty quick too if you're not careful.

Starts with 12 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Dead Law: Your standard attacks deal 2 HP damage, but in return you receive 1 HP extra damage if you are attacked. Has no effect on self or air shots.

== Stance skills ==
Use these together with a standard action. You can use these for free in the phase following a successful air shot. If you use Drawing or Clear Stance after an air shot, you gain 1 TP.
  • Upper Stance (5 TP): +1 to damage dealt and received.
  • Drawing Stance (4 TP): You can attack two players in one phase.
  • Clear Stance (3 TP): Failed self shots incur no damage.


Versatile bearers of firearms. Able to attack, bind, and heal according to the situation.
Weapon: Gun
Long-range attackers of the back line.

Hey, they've got an actual skill called Ricochet! It's not an instant win button, but it is pretty strong. Not to mention they use guns. They're practically made for this game.

Starts with 14 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Cover Fire: On a successful self shot, you recover X-1 HP, and your Gunner gains X+1 TP (where X is equal to the number of people who targeted you).

== Active skills ==
  • Double Strike (4 TP): Deals 1 HP damage to two players.
  • Ricochet (15 TP): Hits three targets for 1 HP damage. Pierces reflection. Nullifies all non-piercing attacks targeting you in this phase.


Those of royal blood from kingdoms large and small. Their orders raise morale to turn the tide.
Special Skill: Order
Supporting combatants on either line.

Just like in real life, a Sovereign has the power to make peace and cement alliances, or drop Ad Nihilo on some losers and wipe entire countries off the map. Which path will you take with them?

Starts with 22 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Royal Veil: If you are shot by a player you previously used Attack/Guard Order on, the shot is reflected automatically, and your Sovereign gains 2 TP. Activates only once per player, even if you later use Attack/Guard Order on them again.

== Active skills ==
  • Attack Order (4 TP): Increases the damage of the target's standard attacks by 1 HP for 2 phases.
  • Guard Order (4 TP): Decreases damage taken by the target by 1 HP per hit for 2 phases.
  • Ad Nihilo (14 TP): Deals 3 HP damage to all players you have used Attack/Guard Order on. Disables Royal Veil permanently.


They hide in the shadows and use the art of ninpo, the advanced practice of which can create duplicates.
Special Skill: Ninpo
Special attackers who work on either line.

Tagen Battou can one-shot the post-game superboss of Etrian Odyssey III. Enough said, right? It takes a while to set up, but hits like a dozen trucks when it goes off. They've got other solid options too.

Starts with 6 TP

== Passive skills ==
  • Karuwaza: Every time you shoot air successfully, your Ninja and clones gain 3 TP each.
  • Nikudan: If you suffer 3 HP or more damage in a single phase while using Kagerou, the clone being created dies, but they will inflict 1 HP damage on the person who dealt the most damage to them.

== Active skills ==
  • Izuna (2 TP): Deals 1 HP damage. Next phase, the target can't act, but also can't suffer any damage.
  • Kumogakure (4 TP): Deals 1 HP damage to yourself. For the following 2 turns, all non-piercing attacks targeting you will fail. Cannot be used if your current HP is 3 or lower. Does not protect you if you use Kagerou.
  • Kagerou (6 TP): Creates a Ninja clone and adds them to your party. If successful, you recover 3 TP afterwards.
  • Tagen Battou: Deals (2 x number of clones) damage to one player. Kills all of your active clones and disables Kagerou permanently. 3 clones: Pierces reflection. 4 clones: Hits two players, and cannot be blocked or reflected by any means. 5 clones: You win the game immediately (play continues to determine second place).


A race of casters from unnamed lands. Their circles inflict crippling effects, and can be released to attack or heal.
Special Skill: Magic Circles
Weakening specialists on the back line.

You can trip people up pretty badly with effective use of Circles. They're especially useful if you like mindgames and can predict who's likely to do what. Or you can just blow them up for some damage.

Starts with 17 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Circle Boon: If a Circle expires naturally (without being triggered by another player or dismissed by you), your Arcanist recovers the TP spent to cast it, plus 1.

== Circle skills ==
Circles may target three players and are active for the phases during and immediately after they are used, or until they take effect. If those players perform the action associated with the Circle, they will suffer its effects. You can have one Circle active at a time.
  • Snare Circle (2 TP): Blocks players attempting to defend others.
  • Chaos Circle (7 TP): Players attempting to shoot themselves will instead hit another random target with a shot that pierces reflection.
  • Hood Circle (6 TP): Blocks players attempting to use skills with a TP cost.

== Active skill ==
  • Dismiss Blast (4 TP): If you used a Circle skill in the previous phase, dismisses that Circle to deal 1 HP damage to each player targeted by it.


Manipulators of miasma. They weaken foes with it, then use scythes to cut them down.
Weapon: Scythe
Ailment attackers of the front line.

These guys use scythes. That's probably reason enough for some people to use them, but what about normal people like you? They can rack up some pretty heavy damage with ailments, so maybe that'll convince you instead.

Starts with 13 TP

== Passive skill ==
  • Judgement: If you are shot while using a Harbinger's Active skill, your Harbinger steals 2 TP each from your attacker(s). Does not activate if you reflect shots by shooting yourself.

== Active skills ==
  • Toxic Reap (4 TP): Deals 1 HP damage. Poisons the target for 2 phases.
    • Poison: Deals 1 HP damage for every phase you suffer from it - but if you shoot yourself successfully while poisoned, you suffer no damage and reflected damage is increased by 1 HP.
  • Temporal Shroud (9 TP): Attacks targeting you are reflected and deal +1 damage.

== Items ==
Each player starts with 10 en. If a player dies, whoever dealt the most damage to them during the phase of their death gets all of their money!

Once per phase, you can choose to either buy an item, or use one you own. Alternatively, you can choose to send money to another player.

  • Medica (5 en): Restores 2 HP. Limited to 1 per player.
  • Amrita (5 en): Restores 3 TP to one character. Limited to 2 per player. Cannot be used in the same turn as an action with a TP cost.
  • Theriaca (2 en): Passively nullifies the effects of poison once.
  • Bravant (5 en): Boosts the damage of your normal attacks by 1 HP for 2 phases.
  • Stonard (5 en): Reduces the damage you suffer by 1 HP per hit for 2 phases.
  • Grimoire Stone (8 en): If you are struck by an Active skill, this item will passively negate and absorb it, allowing you to use it one time yourself. If struck by multiple, you can choose one to absorb, but will be hit by the others. Limited to 1 per player.
  • Ariadne Thread (9 en): You exit the dungeon, negating all actions targeting you for a single phase. You cannot take any other action while using this. Limited to 1 per player.
  • Send Money: <player>: Send some money to another player. You can't send more than you have currently, obviously.

  1. Removed Imperials and Dragoons, they were complicated and (in the former case) didn't really do anything not covered elsewhere. I might or might not end up reworking them, but there's probably enough to be getting on with anyway.
  2. Dropped most of the bind/ailment stuff, but some effects remain on some skills. Should hopefully make things a bit easier to digest.
  3. Most characters now only have 2-3 skills.
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Engrave thy name below to sign up:
  1. Maven89 Maven89 - 0/9 HP - Party: Medic, Ronin, Dark Hunter
  2. Shishœ - 0/9 HP - Party: Ronin, Ninja, Harbinger
  3. BarDulL BarDulL - 0/9 HP - Party: Landsknecht, Sovereign, Arcanist
  4. UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin - 2/9 HP
  5. Alice Phantasma Alice Phantasma - 0/9 HP - Party: Protector, Arcanist, Gunner
  6. #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu - 0/9 HP - Party: Landsknecht, Ronin, Ninja
  7. Ura Ura - 0/9 HP - Party: Protector, Medic, Gunner
  8. Z25 Z25 - 0/9 HP - Party: Ninja, Dark Hunter, Harbinger
  9. Fire Emblemier Fire Emblemier - 0/9 HP - Party: Ronin, Gunner, Medic
  10. Pokechu Pokechu - 4.5/9 HP
  11. Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa - 0/9 HP - Party: Ninja, Arcanist, Sovereign
  12. KickleCubiclist KickleCubiclist - 0/9 HP - Party: Landsknecht, Arcanist, Harbinger
  13. giraffelasergun giraffelasergun - 7.9/9 HP


Floor Jumps:
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Deleted member

I'm in regardless but even I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of mechanics and info


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I'm in regardless but even I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of mechanics and info
It used to be even more complicated than this, too, I have a pretty long list of stuff that got scrapped in the end. I wanted it to feel as much like one of the actual games as possible, and probably let my imagination run away with me a bit too much. :p I'm not sure how much more I can drop from this without needing to rework the whole thing.

Which I might end up doing anyway, because there really is a lot of stuff in there. I'll probably wake up tomorrow and want to rewrite the whole thing. :p
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
This might or might not be a good idea, but I started changing some stuff that I felt wasn't really useful. I might try and condense some things that seem a bit too complicated, too, particularly the whole bind/ailment stuff. I'll list updates in the rules post for transparency.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I went and reworked some of the skills. Dropped the bind/ailment stuff almost completely, but there are still two characters who get to use poison since I thought it might be interesting, with how it works here (you take 1 damage each phase you're poisoned, but if you shoot yourself successfully, you don't take damage and instead the reflected shots get stronger). Most characters also now only have 2 skills, 3 at most (with one or two exceptions). So that should hopefully make it a little easier to figure everything out. :p

If you already sent in character picks and this makes you change your mind about any of them, you can still change your mind right up until the game starts.

also maybe I should start tagging people so we get more players in here


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
ok I guess I have to do the obligatory "everyone is here" tag post
Pokechu Pokechu @GoldenYuiitusin KickleCubiclist KickleCubiclist Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa giraffelasergun giraffelasergun #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Ura Ura Fire Emblemier Fire Emblemier Z25 Z25 Disfunkshunal Disfunkshunal Opossum Opossum praline praline @a dozen other people I'm forgetting

Don't be put off by the flavour, it's still just Ricochet. Ricochet is cool, right? Especially if you like lots of dumb power roles. :p
maybe I should have included the mafia-like elements I was going to do, to get more people interested

You should have called it Etrian Ricochet Odyssey Nexus to capitalize on the upcoming release. That would really get people moving.
But it was always called that. Did you actually read the title?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
ok I guess I have to do the obligatory "everyone is here" tag post
Pokechu Pokechu @GoldenYuiitusin KickleCubiclist KickleCubiclist Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa giraffelasergun giraffelasergun #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Ura Ura Fire Emblemier Fire Emblemier Z25 Z25 Disfunkshunal Disfunkshunal Opossum Opossum praline praline @a dozen other people I'm forgetting

Don't be put off by the flavour, it's still just Ricochet. Ricochet is cool, right? Especially if you like lots of dumb power roles. :p
maybe I should have included the mafia-like elements I was going to do, to get more people interested

But it was always called that. Did you actually read the title?
Well I haven't played Mafia in a long time so maybe I outta step out of hiatus. I'll sign up.

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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
ok I guess I have to do the obligatory "everyone is here" tag post
Pokechu Pokechu @GoldenYuiitusin KickleCubiclist KickleCubiclist Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa giraffelasergun giraffelasergun #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu Ura Ura Fire Emblemier Fire Emblemier Z25 Z25 Disfunkshunal Disfunkshunal Opossum Opossum praline praline @a dozen other people I'm forgetting

Don't be put off by the flavour, it's still just Ricochet. Ricochet is cool, right? Especially if you like lots of dumb power roles. :p
maybe I should have included the mafia-like elements I was going to do, to get more people interested

But it was always called that. Did you actually read the title?
Been awhile so sure I’ll join


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Well I haven't played Mafia in a long time so maybe I outta step out of hiatus. I'll sign up.

Been awhile so sure I’ll join
I don't think either of you have played Ricochet here before, and the rules post is a bit dense and probably not newcomer friendly, so I'll give a quick run through what to expect. (Might be useful for other people too.)

Ricochet has less focus on diplomacy compared to Mafia; there are no lynches or opposing factions, and you don't need to pay as much attention to the game since there's less effort involved in working out who's with or against you. You can take part as much or as little as you like; nobody will yell at you for being inactive (probably). It essentially starts out as a free-for-all, but you can send PMs and form alliances with other players if you want, and work together to share the victory at the end (or stab them in the back and hog the glory yourself :p ).

Instead the main focus is on the "triangle" of actions - shoot other players to damage them, shoot yourself to attempt to deflect incoming attacks (but if it fails you injure yourself), or shoot air, which doesn't attack anyone, but also means you can't have your shot turned back on you. There's also the fourth option of defending another player, which causes them to suffer less damage if they get hit. Everyone starts with 9 HP, and the goal is to be the last player standing.

Stuff specific to this game is in the rules post, but the main thing is being able to pick classes - basically you get to pick your own power roles. :p You can have a look at what's on offer and pick the ones that sound the most broken, or just let the RNG decide if you're not sure (has anyone actually bothered to look at them yet?). There are also items that you can pick up to boost your strength or survivability.

If it sounds complicated, don't worry too much about it. You can get surprisingly far in this game by pulling a Luigi and doing absolutely nothing. :p Most things should make sense as the game goes along, anyway.

Alice Phantasma

Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2018
You can also win the game by putting all your actions into random number generators and win that way. I've known people who do that.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Back in my day, we didn't have no Richochet. We didn't have games where you could shoot people for fun and get away with it. In my day, that was called prison. And we liked it

You kids have it so easy.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
We have 11 people now, so I can probably run with that. Would be cool if we could get a couple more names in, though someone tag more people

We'll start on Thursday (31st January) at 10pm GMT (5pm EST/2pm PST/8pm BRST/if you live somewhere else do the maths yourself).
Phases run for 23 hours because I'm using the hour from 9-10 to work out the results (it says this in the rules post, but nobody read that so whatever).


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
Moydow Moydow use your Moy Moy alt account to play the game

the rules never stated that the host can't also play,,, no one will know it's u ;)


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
giraffelasergun giraffelasergun


due to my incessant meddling, Moy will NOT be playing the game

This means we only have one target... Shish... we can do this hunny ;-)

I will also add another husband into the mix, if I have your blessing

#HBC | marshy #HBC | marshy play with me ;((((((((((((


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
who else shall be one of my husbands....

Holder of the Heel Holder of the Heel ! You haven't played Richochet before. Please try it! It might be fun! Also who'd you vote for in CYL? I think you play FEH, right? I'm team Anna for life! I will NOT relent until I have a BRIGADE of Brave Anna's... :)

hmm.... who else is worthy....

ranmaru ranmaru I haven't seen you play anything! We might be strangers but I'm down to clown if you know what I mean ;-) KIDDING LOL but it'd be really cool if you signed up!

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
But it was always called that. Did you actually read the title?
Ah, my bad. But see, if you had named it Kingdom Ricochet Hearts III, you would have gotten my full attention.

Instead, I'll be hydraing with giraffelasergun giraffelasergun for this game. We are Eeyore's Nobody. However, please leave GLG in the player list with no mention of me at all, and don't include me in any messages or other communication. I trust that GLG will lead us to my well-deserved moral victory.
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Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Ah, my bad. But see, if you had named it Kingdom Ricochet Hearts III, you would have gotten my full attention.

Instead, I'll be hydraing with giraffelasergun giraffelasergun for this game. We are Eeyore's Nobody. However, please leave GLG in the player list with no mention of me at all, and don't include me in any messages or other communication. I trust that GLG will lead us to my well-deserved moral victory.
Thanks for noticing me, Nabe bear.
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