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ESAM's ZP Monthlies 8/6/11 Will You Leave Your Chao...Forever?


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2009
Miami, FL
Yeah polt lol ESAM is mean :( Lolololol yo lade IF seibrik don't go to apex wanna ****?



Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Ey I never slack in dubs. Only in singles cause I'm bad at being patient when I don't have a teammate on the screen. Look at who I've teamed with and the results and tell me I been slacking in dubs :glare:


I just keep it real Keith you've always been inconsistent, plus you're not someone I can practice regularly.

dnt ever put gdx on blast or imma slice u like a crab

What made you put lucario that high, bc he gets stronger basically? Pika, fox, g-dub (up-smash trio) seem pretty close too.
Spammable super disjointed hitboxes that have to be powershielded to punish and will eventually kill at absurd percents, Anubis strategy is borderline broken, GaW bucket strategy. The characters that **** Lucario **** him because they're able to focus pressure on him but reading rolls and random smashes etc is really hard in dubs. When he's at high percent he can just camp and spam Fsmash plus has a grab kill. Nothing not amazing about him.

Yeah polt lol ESAM is mean :( Lolololol yo lade IF seibrik don't go to apex wanna ****?

I won't know until much later. I'm gonna aim to go but I'd prefer teaming with Lies or Cashflow if I can get either of them to go by then. I'll prolly know in November ish and if not then Im down to team :cool:


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Inconsistent singles results has nothing to do with dubs results.

But whatever. If I remain inconsistent in singles ill make sure to be very consistent against you


Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
i like how halberd prides himself on people's views of him, then doesn't mind being a complete **** when someones asking him to team

talking about consistancies


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Inconsistent singles results has nothing to do with dubs results.

But whatever. If I remain inconsistent in singles ill make sure to be very consistent against you

If the GDX from back in the day comes back, I'd like you to prove me wrong. But being completely honest Orlando has fallen off and is a shadow of what it used to be. You guys may still practice/enter tournaments but I don't see anywhere near the dedication I see in Tampa every Thursday and that's what bothers me. I'm gonna be the one to be blunt about it because I dont see anyone else being honest... You're a smart player, I'm not dissing you personally, but I see a gap between where you are and where you could be...

i like how halberd prides himself on people's views of him, then doesn't mind being a complete **** when someones asking him to team

talking about consistancies
Being a complete ****? I'm keeping it real. For a national tourney like Apex 2012 I don't want to team with someone who doesn't have their complete heart in the game. For example, my brother watches videos, studies Diddy techs and practices regularly. He's dedicated. People like Ryder I met from scratch, and they worked their ***** off to become good players. If I'm not teaming with a given top player then I'm gonna team with someone who really puts time into the game.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL

Would I count as someone who's dedicated to you Lade?
Absolutely, but most of SFL is dedicated and most of CFL isnt. I try my hardest to motivate people in Tampa (as well as encourage CFL to come to our fests so I can give people 1 on 1 attention) so when I see people not doing well because they dont care it really upsets me.

I'm sorry for coming off as condescending Keith but it is what it is. Almost everyone in SFL. I see 2D-Jeff and Solo putting in more work than most of yall. Not calling out everyone but if you've been slacking I'm sure you're aware. And I know that life/work gets in the way I'm saying if you're not gonna be motivated to practice I'm not gonna feel comfortable teaming with you...


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
motivated to practice? I definitely practice brawl, when i can

Unfortunately you are right when work gets in the way. I work 11:30am-8pm Monday-Friday every week (next level full time job tip, to keep the haters out). my off days are the weekend, since my job isnt even open on weekends. The only times i can come to a tampa smashfest are days when i have to ask for a day off of work, and if they allow me the day off, use my vacation time, or take it unpaid (I have alot of bills to pay so hell no to taking an unpaid day to play smash. My vacation time is limited so i cant take too many off with all the OOS tourneys i go to)

I practice brawl when i can that works around my schedule. Also unfortunately, no one else can usually work with that schedule. The only person that can happens to be hrnut when he is off of work, since he is randomly off on weekdays unlike myself. And we can't play on every single day he has off. That pretty much turns out to be once, maybe twice a week, for possibly 2-3 hours per time. Wifi itself can eat a **** cause its terrible. I watch videos sometimes but i find most high level vids of my characters boring to watch. The only other time i can play brawl is, at the tourney itself, or on the weekend period

Then again, i play brawl for an entirely different reason than most. I play to make friends, compete, have fun, travel to different places cause i ****ing LOVE traveling , and take it at an enthuasist/hobby level, all while styling on people, because in the end, this is all that smash is to me. It isnt something Im looking to make a profit from money wise. It isnt something that I don't want to have fun doing or being involved in during one of my two off days. If i wanted to make profit while not having fun on a saturday, id get another job instead.

btw, i asked my job on monday if i could get off this thursday to finally make it to a tampa smashfest, before your rude remarks earlier today, in case you wanted any kind of justification that I want to practice this game..not like I need to show you any. I'll find out tomorrow if they'll let me have thursday off, then if they do i'll come to a tampa smashfest the one time ever i'll probably be able to. Because job > smash in all scenarios, and I got far too many bills to not work and practice so some guy can feel like his time isnt wasted teaming with someone whos not into the game as much as some other kids in high school (i <3 jeff and solomon so much )

Maybe i cant be mad at you though...its like being mad at a kid. They're too young to understand what they've done wrong. You'll understand when youre older son :awesome:


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2009
Miami, FL
I barely play lol only tournaments and when I'm at seibriks sooo I must not be dedicated :p Lolololol blah I wanna get better



Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Absolutely, but most of SFL is dedicated and most of CFL isnt. I try my hardest to motivate people in Tampa (as well as encourage CFL to come to our fests so I can give people 1 on 1 attention) so when I see people not doing well because they dont care it really upsets me.

I'm sorry for coming off as condescending Keith but it is what it is. Almost everyone in SFL. I see 2D-Jeff and Solo putting in more work than most of yall. Not calling out everyone but if you've been slacking I'm sure you're aware. And I know that life/work gets in the way I'm saying if you're not gonna be motivated to practice I'm not gonna feel comfortable teaming with you...

I really do wanna get better. Hopefully I will.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
looooooool just saw the post. i <3 MVD and his logic to ending arguments

"look at me im a distraction. laugh at me cause im the best!"

all bromo :awesome:

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
Then again, i play brawl for an entirely different reason than most. I play to make friends, compete, have fun, travel to different places cause i ****ing LOVE traveling , and take it at an enthuasist/hobby level, all while styling on people, because in the end, this is all that smash is to me. It isnt something Im looking to make a profit from money wise. It isnt something that I don't want to have fun doing or being involved in during one of my two off days. If i wanted to make profit while not having fun on a saturday, id get another job instead.

This is the whole reason i play. I love driving to new areas and making friends. Infact, 95% of the friends i have in Orlando are smashers. that 5% being this girl Cheniene. i LOVE driving so much, it's so fun. I'm never going to be good enough to make LEGIT money off of this game. This game is about having fun, making friends, and stylin'.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
motivated to practice? I definitely practice brawl, when i can

Unfortunately you are right when work gets in the way. I work 11:30am-8pm Monday-Friday every week (next level full time job tip, to keep the haters out). my off days are the weekend, since my job isnt even open on weekends. The only times i can come to a tampa smashfest are days when i have to ask for a day off of work, and if they allow me the day off, use my vacation time, or take it unpaid (I have alot of bills to pay so hell no to taking an unpaid day to play smash. My vacation time is limited so i cant take too many off with all the OOS tourneys i go to)

I practice brawl when i can that works around my schedule. Also unfortunately, no one else can usually work with that schedule. The only person that can happens to be hrnut when he is off of work, since he is randomly off on weekdays unlike myself. And we can't play on every single day he has off. That pretty much turns out to be once, maybe twice a week, for possibly 2-3 hours per time. Wifi itself can eat a **** cause its terrible. I watch videos sometimes but i find most high level vids of my characters boring to watch. The only other time i can play brawl is, at the tourney itself, or on the weekend period

Then again, i play brawl for an entirely different reason than most. I play to make friends, compete, have fun, travel to different places cause i ****ing LOVE traveling , and take it at an enthuasist/hobby level, all while styling on people, because in the end, this is all that smash is to me. It isnt something Im looking to make a profit from money wise. It isnt something that I don't want to have fun doing or being involved in during one of my two off days. If i wanted to make profit while not having fun on a saturday, id get another job instead.

btw, i asked my job on monday if i could get off this thursday to finally make it to a tampa smashfest, before your rude remarks earlier today, in case you wanted any kind of justification that I want to practice this game..not like I need to show you any. I'll find out tomorrow if they'll let me have thursday off, then if they do i'll come to a tampa smashfest the one time ever i'll probably be able to. Because job > smash in all scenarios, and I got far too many bills to not work and practice so some guy can feel like his time isnt wasted teaming with someone whos not into the game as much as some other kids in high school (i <3 jeff and solomon so much )

Maybe i cant be mad at you though...its like being mad at a kid. They're too young to understand what they've done wrong. You'll understand when youre older son :awesome:
Look, I really dont wanna turn this into something serious... But my point still stands. We don't play this game for the same reason, or put equal time/dedication into the game. I'd be happy to team with you even for CEO if I wasn't already planning something big already, but for a huge national tournament with Japan and Europe coming I'd wanna team with someone who's already godlike or someone who I can practice with for hours every Thursday up until that point. I know there are people who would reject teaming with me at a national and I understand why.

Keep in mind, you've traveled to plenty of nationals. It's nothing special for you. However for every few nationals I go to it's a rare opportunity to make an impact on the scene, so I wanna do the most work possible whenever I actually get a chance to go out of state...


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
just so i can say something for the sake of it cuz its amazing to talk **** on a random thread especially esams thread i feel obligated to turn this thread into a florida social as well :3


im dedicated to learning, my passion is for learning, im dedicated to passion? not likely.
im passionated about learning, im learning to be dedicated, im passionated about being dedicated? more likely.

i like smash. i cant help it. the psychological part of smash is so ****ing interesting to me that, i do what it takes to understand the whys and hows. some things i cant accept without true premises, there are however a few things ive come across along the way that are things i have accepted and those are just a few circumstances im still inexperienced in to know the true claim of it.

anyway im from sfl, im dedicated, it doesnt mean cfl isnt dedicated. not to bash cfl, but some players are meant to lead, some are meant to follow, some are meant to teach, others are forever potmoney.

its a vague version of an indian caste system. it takes REAL hairy man balls to jump a tier and in that requires actual sweat/blood. some ppl are spoiled in the sense that they are raised in a "tier" where all they know is "top level play" while some fall behind and only know "im the best on the block" mentality etc etcetc

also the most important thing about this is that MVD is the best and you can never ever claim another claim about it. that is all. MVD is da bess. nuff said. you cant prove it wrong.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
GDX: "Want to team?"
Halberd: "No thank you. You don't practice like you used to."
GDX: [Johns] "I don't practice and you're a jerk." [Condescension]
Halberd: [Backpedal: Child Gloves Mode]


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
GDX: "Want to team?"
Halberd: "No thank you. You don't practice like you used to."
GDX: [Johns] "I don't practice and you're a jerk." [Condescension]
Halberd: [Backpedal: Child Gloves Mode]
hey! my condescension is more like
GDX: [Johns] "I don't practice as much as I'd like, and you're a jerk." [Condescension]

but whatever, Ive stated my points youve stated yours. No reason to really bicker endlessly about it. because we are men. thats not what we do

(just try not to sound like a **** when you're "keeping it real" to someone next time, be it me or someone else)

and btw...



Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Orlando, FL
Absolutely, but most of SFL is dedicated and most of CFL isnt. I try my hardest to motivate people in Tampa (as well as encourage CFL to come to our fests so I can give people 1 on 1 attention) so when I see people not doing well because they dont care it really upsets me.
Just to make sure we're clear, and I know your intent is good Lade, but...

By 1 on 1 attention, do you mean just constantly playing against me(and ****** me) and not telling me what I'm doing wrong? I can get that from HRnut all day, lmao (at least HRnut from back in the day, I think he's more into giving pointers and stuff now)

I just remember sitting there, being told how bad me and CFL are, and playing you and Lies for a good 2 hours (to which you made me play Lies like I didn't know how to fight Wario, which is actually one of my -best- matchups)

Just trying to get some understanding.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
some are meant to lead some are meant to follow...there are no bad students only bad teachers, etc etc insert good line here



Smash Master
Sep 20, 2009
Just to make sure we're clear, and I know your intent is good Lade, but...

By 1 on 1 attention, do you mean just constantly playing against me(and ****** me) and not telling me what I'm doing wrong? I can get that from HRnut all day, lmao (at least HRnut from back in the day, I think he's more into giving pointers and stuff now)

I just remember sitting there, being told how bad me and CFL are, and playing you and Lies for a good 2 hours (to which you made me play Lies like I didn't know how to fight Wario, which is actually one of my -best- matchups)

Just trying to get some understanding.
Lies was supposed to be getting experience.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Orlando, FL
Lies was supposed to be getting experience.
That's not how it was implied when I was there. I played Lade one match, to which he insinuated that I didn't know the Wario matchup/CFL sucks/We should be better/etc, and then he introduced Lies to me in a "He can teach you how to fight Wario" sort of way.

Trust me, I could be a language major if I really wanted to be. I know what was implied and what I heard.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Just to make sure we're clear, and I know your intent is good Lade, but...

By 1 on 1 attention, do you mean just constantly playing against me(and ****** me) and not telling me what I'm doing wrong? I can get that from HRnut all day, lmao (at least HRnut from back in the day, I think he's more into giving pointers and stuff now)

I just remember sitting there, being told how bad me and CFL are, and playing you and Lies for a good 2 hours (to which you made me play Lies like I didn't know how to fight Wario, which is actually one of my -best- matchups)

Just trying to get some understanding.
Lies was supposed to be getting experience.
I was trying to teach Lies the Sheik matchup by playing Wario against you and having him watch. That's definitely a matchup that you know well, but I was focusing on teaching him. Plus Ed was coaching you during all of the matches, which is the main reason I didn't bother. He'd know better than I would ;)

I wasn't implying that playing Lies would teach you the wario matchup, I was implying that he would be good practice. I didn't wanna introduce him as some "underling of mine" or something rofl I wanted you to see him as a legit opponent, which is why I handled that the way I did...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Orlando, FL
I was trying to teach Lies the Sheik matchup by playing Wario against you and having him watch. That's definitely a matchup that you know well, but I was focusing on teaching him. Plus Ed was coaching you during all of the matches, which is the main reason I didn't bother. He'd know better than I would ;)
I don't mind getting help from well-versed players regardless. There's a large gap between you and I, so any help from someone like you is worth at least listening to.

I appreciate the vouch for me knowing the matchup though (Solo practice did a lot for me, lol)

Edit: It just seemed sort of condescending I guess when you introduced him to me because it was right after you were talking about how bad CFL was, lol. My bad though; My misunderstanding.
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