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ESAM's ZP Monthlies 8/6/11 Will You Leave Your Chao...Forever?


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
I heard some of you guys went to Bellante's today D:

I wanna gooooo after this finishes. I've never heard of/had them before

2link121: I hope we go to that pizza place
2link121: I love pizza
Jazz Pantherr: Bellante's is AMAZING.
2link121: how many times have you been there?
Jazz Pantherr: Like 5
Jazz Pantherr: And I leave with cumstains on my pants
Jazz Pantherr: all the time




Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
where did u get the 1 from? my post time had NO 1 in it lolwtf

my fav pizza places are

la torreta
del vechio's


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
but ur post time number was 2:54 which had possibilities of 213 in it which i showed

but 3:06???wtfff

none of those integers can EVER give me 213 : [


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
but what is funny 2link is that he RANDOMLY puts in a 1 there for lolz. i think...i think hes ******** o.o


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Where are the numbers from mine that you subtracted coming from? lol
from your post time number 2:54...all of them were used.

u tried 3:06...and put in a 1 in there for no reason.i kept it REAL by using ur ACTUAL post time.

now n!gga let me show u how its done now now

you dont just put numbers in places where they cant outta be

that **** is fo variables fool

now if u were to make that 1 into a fancy shmancy italicizerd "I" then maybe we can work with it

but then u gotta admit tho yup that there squiggly "I" thinger magig aint welcome in dis here parts

now you got a problem.

you now got a 1, a variable and a whole buncher confuzzld peopulz

what are we gon doooooo bout dis here yehuh


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida

from your post time number 2:54...all of them were used.

U tried 3:06...and put in a 1 in there for no reason.i kept it real by using ur actual post time.

Now n!gga let me show u how its done now now

you dont just put numbers in places where they cant outta be

that **** is fo variables fool

now if u were to make that 1 into a fancy shmancy italicizerd i then maybe we can work with it

but then u gotta admit tho yup that there squiggly i thinger magig aint welcome in dis here parts

now you got a problem.

You now got a 1, a variable and a whole buncher confuzzld peopulz

what are we gon doooooo bout dis here yehuh
tldr. **** **** ****


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dolor justo, interdum eu ullamcorper vel, ultrices vitae neque. Aenean cursus mollis mollis. Maecenas aliquam odio et elit suscipit pulvinar. Ut consectetur tortor sit amet lorem commodo pretium non ut ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc nec arcu tellus, id rhoncus magna. Phasellus erat urna, rhoncus sit amet aliquet nec, interdum ac leo. Phasellus ut tellus augue, vel gravida magna. Donec neque ante, consequat id pulvinar at, accumsan pellentesque libero. Etiam sem metus, vulputate ut blandit sed, vulputate at enim.

Ut porttitor arcu vel est facilisis lacinia. Cras ultricies dapibus sem eu consequat. Morbi sapien nisi, vulputate eu blandit vitae, dignissim eget elit. Praesent mollis massa eget urna bibendum a tempor nunc iaculis. Etiam auctor sem vitae metus pretium bibendum sollicitudin nunc luctus. Nulla a turpis nec ipsum tristique auctor. Nunc pretium tellus eu odio tincidunt blandit ultrices eros varius. Praesent tellus diam, pretium eget volutpat quis, sagittis non mi. Suspendisse potenti. Ut interdum, magna vitae cursus accumsan, est lectus pulvinar felis, eu scelerisque risus elit ac orci. Curabitur ac ipsum sem. In dictum neque et orci lobortis tristique. Nam volutpat pulvinar egestas. Duis mollis sem eget neque placerat vitae mattis nulla blandit. Donec non odio non nibh semper aliquam a et dui. Pellentesque vitae sapien orci. Curabitur aliquet, libero sed eleifend placerat, ligula elit egestas arcu, sit amet pellentesque leo mi quis purus.

Pellentesque luctus ullamcorper nulla, vitae semper justo ornare sit amet. Vestibulum purus nunc, consectetur placerat consequat eu, lobortis et orci. Nulla dui sem, tempor a tempor tincidunt, venenatis eget orci. Vivamus id felis metus, ac tincidunt diam. Ut vitae lacus sit amet mi vulputate faucibus quis in magna. Cras urna metus, varius eget feugiat vel, convallis a massa. Donec viverra, justo vel elementum interdum, dui justo tincidunt nibh, in auctor nulla tortor quis magna. Integer semper tincidunt sem eu congue. In ac orci nec mauris luctus semper. Aenean vel orci in risus posuere ornare ac eget urna. Quisque blandit viverra sapien varius pellentesque. Maecenas vulputate, justo a dictum luctus, felis lacus rutrum turpis, sed lobortis nulla orci nec sem. Curabitur viverra scelerisque aliquet. Morbi mattis mattis nibh, quis imperdiet mi tincidunt at.

Ut eget ipsum et ante malesuada tristique eu et erat. Sed nisl lectus, aliquam a pharetra sed, dignissim in ligula. Quisque feugiat massa sed mi semper fermentum. Nam quis lectus eu eros volutpat malesuada vel sed tellus. Aliquam et orci sed elit ultrices euismod. Etiam dictum dapibus eros a sollicitudin. Cras mollis risus id enim aliquam sed dignissim tortor feugiat. Curabitur vehicula dictum hendrerit. Fusce rhoncus arcu eu nulla sagittis bibendum. Nunc orci orci, consequat vitae tincidunt ut, pulvinar et justo. Cras at magna tristique sem imperdiet laoreet et eu enim. Vivamus sollicitudin rhoncus neque, quis facilisis est tempus ut. Donec molestie pellentesque ipsum eget adipiscing. Integer nisi leo, aliquet non laoreet vel, faucibus at neque. Vivamus aliquam adipiscing imperdiet.

Fusce pharetra est sagittis tellus blandit scelerisque. Pellentesque molestie posuere feugiat. In nec libero justo, a sodales lacus. Phasellus vitae nulla eu lectus eleifend viverra eget id augue. Aliquam non tellus eget turpis pulvinar dignissim. Phasellus venenatis porta eleifend. Pellentesque commodo vulputate convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel tortor sit amet turpis aliquet rhoncus. Curabitur eget arcu et nibh vehicula tincidunt quis eu orci. Vivamus nec ultrices purus.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
make sure everyone knows xaltis. i want my attention wh
re syndrome to be so out of whack that ill make dc look like a joke. YEA LES DO EEET
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