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Eor's Hellhouse Mafia - Night 2 (totally cancelled)


Jul 1, 2007
I realize that, and as I said, I'm trying to make the best of what left I can do.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
It's statements like these that cause me to explain my situation. You guys keep spending time on wondering how I can make sense, and wondering if I'm lying or not; and when I try and explain to you why I'm not a lier, you just get even more pissed off and tell me to STFU.

By explaining myself I'm safe from being lynched, therefor safe from hurting part of the town. Surely, not hurting the town is a good enough of a reason to reveal my role (since you people don't even bother to believe me otherwise).
A while ago you were ready to die, but now that it is actually near you are hesitating. You say that living would help the town, even though you could potentially become a puppet just like Mr. Lombardi has a chance of becoming one. You say, "you townies" as if you were a part of something else, and then you say that you're part of the town, as if you're constantly switching back and forth just to satisfy your needs. You've shown a lot of weakness, a bad choice for Leonidas indeed, enough so that I at least don't much care for what you have to say anymore regardless.

Why not just wait to be killed by the mafia(seeing as how you are the most likely target) and do us all some good?

****, why can't we edit? T.T
So we can't change are arguments and ideas if we are proven wrong. We aren't allowed to change the history of the game.


Jul 1, 2007
A while ago you were ready to die, but now that it is actually near you are hesitating. You say that living would help the town, even though you could potentially become a puppet just like Mr. Lombardi has a chance of becoming one. You say, "you townies" as if you were a part of something else, and then you say that you're part of the town, as if you're constantly switching back and forth just to satisfy your needs. You've shown a lot of weakness, a bad choice for Leonidas indeed, enough so that I at least don't much care for what you have to say anymore regardless.
I was hoping to die, but not now since my role has been revealed. I realize that it's my own fault that my plan got screwed, but I didn't see any other choice since you guys demanded explanation for my actions. I was trying to lure the Mafia in, but that's completely ruined now.

The only way left for me to help out the town, is to stay alive and not be lynched.
As I've said, if I'm lynched, then the town will most likely pay for it. However, if the Mafia still do target me, then I'm still all for that. Though, it's more unlikely now.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
You've jumped the gun, that's right, you didn't even have 5 votes on you.

It wouldn't be fair to continue arguing with you by myself, as 1) you asked for my opinion, I gave it to you, and yet since I didn't say what you wanted me to, you're hesitating more than ever.

2) I'm not sure whether or not you'll come to a decision if I continue, so I'd say it's best that you follow my original advice and wait for others to post.

I don't see why anyone other than the mafia actually would want you to reveal your role, unless they have some grand scheme.


Jul 1, 2007
Lombardi, I've said that plenty of times before.
Why jump to suspicion now?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ender, Ive been playing mafia games for a year and a half now. I know quite well the time requirements of the game. I also know that after break, my time will increase a ton as I wont have to prepare for london anymore. Its just right now isnt that great of a time for me. No I have no intention of dropping out as I like these quite a lot.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Ok so my suspicions right now are as follows

Camo-Man- Excessive Lurking, a self-vote, and then instantly takes it off and apologizes when someone takes it the slightest bit seriously. He also has made a few weird posts here and there that have just rang funny to me.

DiamondFalcon- Also excessive lurking, as well as an interesting post earlier on that mentioned something along the lines of so what if we lose a couple townies, i could go dig it up afterwards.

OWM- Starting to get more active, but i'm still rather suspicious of the unorthodox playstyle.

Smashbot- Really stupid and unorthodox

unvote: lombardi i believe
Vote: Camo-Man


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Okay... first thing. Think about the title of this game. This is

Hellhouse mafia

This means that there is a possibility that bad characters are actually town and good characters, like Jesus, are the mafia because they would make up the minority.

Secondly, role/name claim will only give mafia extra information because it is very unlikely the alignment of roles will be easily distinguished.

Thirdly, some people need to play smarter.

Fourthly, although I haven't watched 300, King Leonardos or something seems to have a high chance of being independent because he took a small faction of Spartans to fight a bigger empire. There is a definite possibility and it cannot be ignored. Egruntz's actions could very well have allowed him to ride through the game unhindered to victory if he is indeed an independent.

Pythag said:
...can we kill smashbot yet?
My my... Someone's in a rush. ^_^

Vote: Pythag

This is by far the scummiest action I've seen in the game so far. Asking a simple question to kill someone leaves him two possible openings:
1) people agree with him and smashbot gets lynched, resulting in one less person to stand in his way, and possibly the mafia's way
2) people disagree with him and he can just shrug it off as a "joke"

Even right now he's pushing for the lynch of smashbot because he did that one stupid move, which is the second out of three (I think) posts in the game. =/

The evidence for that is in the following quote.

Pythag said:
Scummy? whatever.
I don't think Lombardi is mafia, and I just think egruntz is being stupid.
Smashbotz hasn't really done anything whatsoever, aside from notify us of his uncle's birthday, and verify the uselessness of his posts.
I have the biggest problem with him than anyone else.
I wish everyone else to understand this as well.
Now for my own defense. I've been voted for so far by spam and Kevin. spam said he hates self-voters and he votes me. I'm okay with that. I don't really like self-voters myself. I just felt like trying it at the time. :p

Kevin, on the other hand, says I lurk, self-vote, and apologize and take off, along with a couple weird posts. I did self vote, and I did apologize because I didn't know spam was so irritated by self voters, and now I'm going to fill you in on the rest of the stuff. It only takes 3 words.

I'm in school.

Easy, huh? So unlike many people, I cannot get online everyday and therefore I end up doing what seems like lurking. However, if you think this is bad, in Trigun and other games I was only posting during the weekends. So be grateful. >:O

And anyone who's played mafia with me before can vouch most of my posts are fluff and contain hardly any good info. This is a rarity and you all should read it a second time cuz you probably will not get a chance like this again.

Hope that clears stuff up.

<3 said:
If <3 asks questions no one will answer right?
btw, you're wrong. Answer'd =D Lol, this is the "not serious" section of my post.

spam master said:
Ok here is the problem, none of the evidence being presented against any of the suspects if definitively mafia motivated. everything thats been presented could just be the fact that person is an idiot.

If I was gonna present evidence I would have said how egruntz constantly flip-flops between refer to himself as part of the town and as a seperate entity based on his tenses.

But, the thing is that none of the arguments are powerful enough to do anything.

Contrary to the ideas of <3, whos stance on this topic leads me to believe that he does not normally play competitive sports or strategy based games, I believe that the way that the majority of people are playing is simply going to be ineffective in prosecuting and lynching mafia.

If everyone just spurts out their suspicions as soon as they notice something, if that suspicion is a blatant and telling mistake (an exceptional rarity), by the time you have accumulated enough small slip-ups to effect a lynch, your ideas will be played out and stale. If a mafia member has days or even hours to make up an excuse for a previous action before you present more evidence you are effectively back at square one.

In sports the key to winning or any sort of intellectual game, the only way to win as an individual against a unified and organized force is to suprise and trick that force. In everything from chess to rugby to risk, if you give a superior force time to organize and think up a restiance you will fail.

I encourage those without a system to use my method of accusation. Ony my computer in a folder called mafia and within that folder I have four sections: not suspicious, suspicious, mafia, and independent. Amongst those four sections is an indivdual file for each person in this game. As I read anything that I find suspicious I copy down and paste into that persons article, I also record who they have voted for, who they have defended, and who they have attacked without voting or initiated an attack on.

When, and only when I feel I have enough information on that person to place them in the mafia or independent folder to commence attempts totrick them into making a revealing mistake, and although I may feel like I have enough information to justify my own vote and the vote of the town, I wait until I can get a keystone point, that will prevent the mafia from defending my suspuct beofre my arument can get off the ground for fear of themselves failing and after their fellows lynch it being traced back to them.

Also, I encourage people to remember something. Ultra detailed examintation of every post in long qoute string reply's serves only two purposes. The first is too drive away those who might not be as comited to the game as the poster (an unfortunate but neccesary evil). And, to make everyone keenyl aware that their post will be scrutinized, which only hurts the town. The should be able to tell a good mafia, who won't normally make mistakes that will give himself away, by how carefully he posts and how calculated his opinions are, but with the subconcious thought that evrything you write is being watched, this air of censoreship has started showing up in every single post (save the posts of the *******). Gigantic posts are good eeryone once in a while to sumarise maybe a whole day or to present a large scale well thought out argument against one person, so next time you feel like making a gigantic post remember, brevity if the soul of wit.
olol, read the bolded part. XD Follow your own rule geez.

btw, spam, please don't start sounding all uppity and calling people ******* and idiots just cuz you have a file for everybody that's sorted and all that. >_> It's not cool.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Okay... first thing. Think about the title of this game. This is

Hellhouse mafia

This means that there is a possibility that bad characters are actually town and good characters, like Jesus, are the mafia because they would make up the minority.
I really don't see the connection between the name "Hellhouse Mafia" and historically good being evil / historically evil being good. To me, it simply seems as though you needed support for your theory, and just picked something "obvious", like the name.

Hopefully you can clear up that connection for me.

@ <3: I apologize. Ask your questions again, and I will answer them.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
KevinM does.

And if they are voting for me because they want me out...

Then they aren't using logic properly. They should vote for me because I seem scummy, not because I'm "annoying."

ONE day of sugar high freedom does not make a man mafia.


Oct 28, 2001
Remember, Eor didn't even come up with the name, he took it after I suggested it, which was after he came up with all the roles (save one, since Eor doesn't know the difference between 29 and 30) and he wanted a name that described the chaos of the game, in that it contains characters from numerous unrelated sources. It has nothing to do with good/evil inversion. Although it is possible that some evil guys are town and vice versa, I've been thinking that since the beginning.

I also don't think there's anything inherently independent about Leonidas. He didn't take a bunch of guys to fight an invasion from another culture because he hated cultures in general, and would just as son destroy the Greeks if he had the chance. He was firmly on the side of the Greeks, and in 300, that would make him town-aligned.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
@smashbot: Please stop being annoying, it's not funny and you are only pissing people off. If you want people to stop being mad at you then start posting things that are not useless or at least post something that is funny.

After managing to catch up, I have to say that I am very suspicious of egruntz but I am not forsure if I want to vote on him yet. so for now FOS egruntz

Sorry for my inactivity, I have been sick with a sore throat and a terrible headache.:urg:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
@KevinM: I have been inactive, I know, but I try to come and read up whenever I can and make a post whenever I have something to say. I'm sure I post more than a couple of others, but I know it's not as much as I should. I guess I'm just not as excited about this game as others. I don't know what you're talking about me saying we could lose some townies, because I don't remember saying anything like it... maybe you got me confused with someone else.

Anyways, concerning egruntz, I'm inclined to believe that if he is Leonidas, then he is town. Leonidas and the 300 weren't there to kill all the enemy. They were there to commit suicide and take down as many as they could with them. If this is egruntz claim, it makes complete sense. Now he hasn't said that he was Leonidas for sure yet, but it would be a pretty solid one, aside from the fact that he could have just bluffed it since he knew it was in the game. He made a mistake in telling everyone, including the mafia, all this, because it sure would have helped to take one of them down that easily.

About the name, I think hellhouse was meant as a synonym to pandemonium, but not so far as to change general alliances. I bet Eor used some more powerful/unique roles that, along with the characters being generally well-known "awesome" characters, will make the nights real chaotic events. Who knows what's gonna happen?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Just a thought guys. ^_~

But I still wanna hear from the people with their votes on me. >_>

And I forgot this last time, but

*joins the long post club... again*


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Long posts don't involve huge chunks of quotes from other people, we've gone over this before.

School is not a viable reason for me to take off my vote at this time, as i'm in school and i have at least a small amount of time to check out whats going on at least once a couple days.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
And since when have I been gone a couple of days not counting the time before my first post?

And that is considered a REALLY long post cuz it came from me. Most people know I post small stuff that's usually unrelated

btw, WINTER BREAK YES!!! At last. What sucks is that my Bio teacher assigned a project on the last day of school. -_-


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
Um... yeah. Of the posts I have read of yours, which I think are all of them, they all strike me as real scummy and its almost always stuffs like this. so yeah.
read this as my vote on GameFreak but dont actually count it yet Eor

haha wtf man? i really hate the word "scummy". it bothers me.

and my statement was merely a shot at the stupidity of some of my fellow townies. yes i want them to live.

and how are my other posts "scummy"? please enlighten me, sir.

pretty sure aside from shots at smash bot being random, Ive just questioned <3 about his posts. scummy? nah.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
@KevinM: I have been inactive, I know, but I try to come and read up whenever I can and make a post whenever I have something to say. I'm sure I post more than a couple of others, but I know it's not as much as I should. I guess I'm just not as excited about this game as others. I don't know what you're talking about me saying we could lose some townies, because I don't remember saying anything like it... maybe you got me confused with someone else.

Anyways, concerning egruntz, I'm inclined to believe that if he is Leonidas, then he is town. Leonidas and the 300 weren't there to kill all the enemy. They were there to commit suicide and take down as many as they could with them. If this is egruntz claim, it makes complete sense. Now he hasn't said that he was Leonidas for sure yet, but it would be a pretty solid one, aside from the fact that he could have just bluffed it since he knew it was in the game. He made a mistake in telling everyone, including the mafia, all this, because it sure would have helped to take one of them down that easily.

About the name, I think hellhouse was meant as a synonym to pandemonium, but not so far as to change general alliances. I bet Eor used some more powerful/unique roles that, along with the characters being generally well-known "awesome" characters, will make the nights real chaotic events. Who knows what's gonna happen?

Last time I checked, the Spartans didn't commit suicide just to take someone down. They were just willing to die for their own people. It still means that could be a Leonidas though.

What I'm wondering is...

Why exactaly are we assuming examples that Eor gave on the first page on roles arent just normal Mafia roles, but unique effects?

Anywho... the whole "hellhouse" name idea must have been used for the roles (if there is roles like Jesus) to create chaos for the game to make the game alot more interesting I guess. Like, if someone has a double role, like in Night you can heal, Dark you can vote. And some Mafia can have their usual properties but it would fit their roles.

I'm still sticking with FOS with egruntz, because if he is Leonidas, he could be independant, as the Spartans were to live freely and continue their people, doing whatever they please in the process in order to make a name for themselves and to keep their people alive. Also, for all we know, egruntz could be role-claiming. Because he seemed to have blurted the whole "sparta" thing later back in the game out of sheer randomness. You all know how popular the whole Sparta jokes are. What I warn to you guys is, if we say something about a role or relates to it, we shouldn't just hop right onto the Role-Claim Express. Something could happen.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Defjam requested a replacement. Wikipedia is replacing Defjam, starting immediatly. Welcome Wikipedia!


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
haha wtf man? i really hate the word "scummy". it bothers me.
Yeah, i dunno what scummy is, I dont like eet either. I like to use the word suspicious or strange.

also i wont be able to post for most of the weekend, although probably on sunday.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I don't really think that "suspicious" and "scummy" are synonyms.

I use suspicious to mean any player who acts strange, or is attracting a lot of attention to himself. I use scummy when I think a player is acting in a way that a mafia member would act.

For example, I find <3 very suspicious, but I don't find him all that scummy right now. I'm watching him closely, because I find him suspicious, but I'm not going after him for a lynch, because I don't find him scummy.

So, for me, the two words have very different meanings.

And, you know, I really don't have anything to say at this point that's relevant to the game. I think I've really run dry.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Seriously people, its starting to piss me off. Stop drawing conclusions from the name of the game. Eor didn't even come up with the name -- If I remember correctly, tmw_redcell did. So please, stop telling me that Jesus is Mafia and Satan would be Town simply because of the name. I'm not so ignorant as to say that historically good guys will ALWAYS be pro-town, but because it hasn't been proven, I'm going to stick with my gut and say that Eor would have made good characters town and bad characters mafia.

And I'm going to say, again, that Leonidas wouldn't be independent, but he would be pro-town. This comes from my own deep understanding of the Battle of Thermopylae, the character of a "King", which Leonidas was, and the claims that Egruntz has made.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
I already agreed that the name doesn't mean anything... how was I supposed to know Eor didn't come up with the name himself beforehand?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
its in this very thread, i believe.

you don't want to look like you haven't been reading over the thread, do you? ;)


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year
Alright, meant to do this earlier, but here are some thoughts:

Egruntz: I don't think he is independent. He wouldn't have drawn so much attention to himself if he was.

<3: Just has alot of ideas and is playing weird. I would keep an eye on him though.

Gamefreak (Or whoever made the comment about killing townies): I don't think anyone would be that obvious about it if they were mafia.

Smashbot: Doesn't seem scummy to me, but it could be some kind of n00bish strategy to post unhelpfully random junk so that you would seem innocent (Lol).

Anyway, those were just some things I wanted to throw out there.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
Make sense I guess.. well.... lets follow views with myself aswell.

egruntz: He seems independant.. if the people are true about him being Leonidas.. Leonidas seemed willing to do anything for his people like in the History books.. making a big name for himself but also making himself seem like a moron to face the Persians. Time will tell.

<3: Still very odd being the only one to speak in 3rd person. And to the fact the whole role claiming buisness pretty much somehow started from <3.

Smashbot: Random.. very random. He seems to almost want himself to get killed regardless of role. Suspicions will further.

Lombardi: Not much do say. He seems to say alot about role-claiming and whatnot, but I'd only leave a FOS like most people on here.

Thats what I believe has happened thus far.
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