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Do you think Brawl will live up to its expectation?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2007

double period?

PERIOD SQUARED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

See, SSBM could have been the best game ever for me - almost everything about the game is awesome. But there aren't any good smashers near me, so I rarely have a human opponent (only possible opponent I have is my younger brother, who usually doesn't want to play :\).
With SSBB's online multiplayer, I'll finally have human opponents, making it possibly the best game ever.
Exactly, EXACTLY my situation. If i was patient enough to have written y i cant b dissipointed by brawl regardless of any lack of content (asumeing the game play was not f'd up) this is what i would have writtenenenenennen...


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
whats spore?

anyways, i think that brawl will be good.....

im predicting that its battle system will be not as epic as the Melee one(including exploits,physics and advanced techs), but the extra options in the form of online multiplayer games and the tons of other features... will make brawl more enjoyable overall.

Im hope im wrong about the gameplay... but lets face it..... it doenst matter if sakurai did it in purpouse or not... Melee was a beast.

Im just crossing fingers now.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Brawl's already set to destroy our expectations....and then some...with it's AWSONESS!!!!

Look what we go so far:

-Meta f***ing Knight as a newcomer
-Pit joins from the cult classic Kid Icarus
-Zero Suit Samus is ready to Brawl
-Wario farts his way on screen
-Solid mother f***ing Snake has joined the Brawl miraculously, becoming the heaviest impacting newcomer since Marth and Roy, and introduces the series to 3rd party characters.
-Ike joins the Brawl.
-the Pokémon Trainer with his three trusty Pokémon are ready to Brawl
-Diddy Kong is prepared to **** you mother f***ers with his awsome f***ing peanut guns and jetpack
-Lucas has joined the Brawl, and is ready to fight. And bring a small taste of Japan-only (which means he's a f***ing wimp) and psychic power!
-Sonic the Hedgehog, the most desired character ever has dashed away from a distance, and is ready to party, and run over this Brawl!
-the self proclaimed ruler of Dream Land, King Dedede is ready for the fight with his swallowing, hammer, and army summoning powers!
-Mario has returned, and is ready to Brawl, and he takes with him the incredible FLUUD into battle to VICTORY (SMS is awsome)!
-Link returns with a new Twilight Princess model, new weapons, more range, more speed, and diffrent flavor.
-Kirby returns more balanced then ever, with his signature power stealing abilities.
-Pikachu has returned one last time, with it's electric powers.
-Samus Aran is ready to Brawl, with her power suit, arm cannon, missles, grapple beam, among other things.
-Fox McCloud returns fresh and new, with a much diffrent flavor.
-Zelda has returned, better then ever, and is prepared to open a can of woop a**.
-Bowser is back, and graphically amazing. Bowser finally looks like worthy of the title King Koopa, and is ready to take on any foe.
-Donkey Kong returns with tons of graphic detail (though from what we can tell he isn't so good, and you can see his nipples! :laugh:)
-Yoshi is back with a cute cartoony like Yoshi's Story flavor, and with improved jumping.
-Peach is back, looking better then ever, and is ready to BRAWL!
-the Ice Climbers (looking cute, crazily realistic, and amazing) are back, and are as ready as ever to team and DESTROY YOU!
-Potentially more 3rd party characters! *cough* Mega Man tocomplete my life*cough*
-Lots of newcomers to go!
-new pyshics.
-It isn't Melee 2.0 or Super Smash Bros. 3. IT'S F***ING BRAWL!
-"The game is fun" -what everyone at E for All said.
-Four Types of Controls.
-Devastating New Final Smash attacks.
-Several non-playable characters enter the fray with the Assist Trophy, such as Little Mac, Lyn, and Samurai Goroh.
-Moving and shooting, and it's little but important impact on the game.
-Hold down A to continue doing tons of super fast moves.
-Footstool Jumping
-Tether recovery having more range.
-Glding, adding new layers to the game.
-Personal Entries Returning.
-three taunts.
-Every character has at least 6 or 7 alternate "looks" with color swabs and alternate costumes.
-Stickers as a new collectable
-More trophies then in Melee, as trophies return.
-Special Brawl, and it's possibilities.
-Taking photos is easier.
-The Home-Run contest returns, with multiplayer and online.
-Target Smash has mutiplayer, and potentially online play.
-Infinite stages with stage builder. Make whatever the f*** you want with this.
-Classic mode is back, with a new twist.
-Customizable control schemes.
-Event Matches return.
-Co-op Event Matches for the first time.
-the Coin Launcher adding the the uniqueness of the game and series.
-catch trophies Pokémon style with the trophy stand.
-Face bosses for the first time.
-Fight bosses over again.
-Adventure mode returns, but in the Subspace Emissary. The first real story mode, with tons of depth, detail, and fun!
-Fight tons of enemies and a common enemy in this customizable story, with heroes, villians, anti-heroes, and so on, all with a unique story as worlds collide!
-Co-op story mode.
-Play the game online!
-Play the game online with Brawl friends!
-Play the game online with random people in "With anyone".
-View matches online, with "Spectator Mode". Even bet on who you think will win!
-Share Pictures, Stages you built/have, and so on with online.
-Submit a stage a day to Nintendo that you've built. You can download a stage a day for the rest of your LIFE!
-Melee stages return, but this time they are VERY NUMEROUS!
-Play awsome new stages, from moving down to up, transforming, warping, side scrolling, and flipping/inversing stages, as well as basic ones. Even ones with lava, weather effects, and whatnot
-Most items return, and all are useful and have multiple uses.
-New basic items that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, abilities, specialalities, and uses!
-Pokjéballs and Pokéball Pokémon return, with tons of new and old stages!
-New pyshics that is INSANE, with more fun in store!
-Tech of the ground, walls, and NOW ROOFS! Talk about amazing! :)
-Tons of neat techniques, such as L-cancelling, tripping, wavelanding, Edge Hugging, teching and so on either join the Brawl, or return for a first or second time.
-You can now crawl, adding a few intresting new layers to the gmae.
-Tons of music tracks from several Nintendo and 3rd party worlds.
-Multiple musical scores for EVERY STAGE! :)
-Play the game you want! It's fun!
-At least three companies focusing mainly on this game, including HAL,Sora, and the mysterious "The Studio".
-Over a DOZEN companies are helping work on this game-Sora, HAL Laboratories, the Pokémon Company, Cero, "The Studio", Nintendo, Intelligent Games, SEGA, the Sonic Team, Koonami Digital Entertainment, Kojima Productions, Game Freak, APE Inc., Creatures Inc., SHIGESATO IWATA, and possibly MORE! :)

And stop spectating if we will have more exploits. Sakurai himself said there are exploits. And have any of you played the f***ing game, because I know only a few people played the demo, and that will be unlike the real game. We already have all but like three techs back, and AT LEAST 5 new ones. That's more exploits then Melee so far from a demo. When we actually play the game, I can guarentee we'll find AT LEAST TWELVE MORE! Yes, I guarentee it. No need to talk like elitist-know it alls, now is there, when none of you have played the actual f***ing game. It will rock, as it's been worked on 4 months longer then Melee, and with at least 3 times the manpower. This is one of those few games that appeal to all of us! :)


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
whats spore?
It's a new game from the creator of The Sims.. It's been a while since I've been looking into it but I remember it being about creating organisms and planets and stuff.

Yeah... You can search for yourself if you're interested.

(OT: It's coming out soon? Wow. I remember when it was first announced.)

Anyways, I stand behind saying it will disappoint. Maybe not in too much, but at least a little bit.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
The way adventure mode works will make or break the game for me.

So far it looks great.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
SSBB will be something of legend.

Perfect? Doubtful. Like PitforREV said there's so many things I would've added, but Brawl is already jam-packed with AAAmazing things that would keep me occupied for years to come.

I predict massive disappointment with the roster, but then again with hopefuls fighting and bickering, it's bound to disappoint someone.

If it's anywhere as good as Melee, I will hype it among my college to hell and back, and let the world know that Brawl is here--it's time to D-D-D-DUEL!

Oh, and 1000 posts for me! WHOO HOO!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
It's a new game from the creator of The Sims.. It's been a while since I've been looking into it but I remember it being about creating organisms and planets and stuff.

Yeah... You can search for yourself if you're interested.

(OT: It's coming out soon? Wow. I remember when it was first announced.)

Anyways, I stand behind saying it will disappoint. Maybe not in too much, but at least a little bit.
ah ok... ill search for it, i like the sims a little... but well to say that it will be better than the action packed brawl.. well...

mmmm i think like you, the expectations for brawl are practicallly sky high.... nothing better than melee will do...and i think that unavoidable there will be some aspects in which melee will be better. Maybe it will dissapoint a little.... lets just think that our dissapointment will be at the beggining because of the differences... but later on we willl get the hang of it....


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2007
Burning Geno's ugly face.
(OT: It's coming out soon? Wow. I remember when it was first announced.)
Off-Topic- March.

On- Topic- Brawl will almost definitely live up to expectations. Except for those who believe Geno is in.

ah ok... ill search for it, i like the sims a little... but well to say that it will be better than the action packed brawl.. well...
Off-Topic- Watch the 35 minute youtube vid.

Wii enthusiast

Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
People who played it at E for All said it was great.

I don't see how it can possibly fail.
alot of them said the gameplay was different though like everyone said that it was A LOT slower than melee
to me that makes it sound like it will suck
and i don't even know any of the advanced techniques like wavedashing and l-cancelling
well i know them but i can't actually do them and plus i rarely ever fight a human opponent where it would actually be effective


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Well, for me at least, Melee lived up to the hype. So, although it will be incredibly difficult for Brawl, I think it's possible.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2007
Brawl did blow up my expectations a long time ago...It's just too awsome.
The new characters are all really awsome, the stages are pretty cool, Subspace emissary 4-stocked my brain, things like the Coin-Launcher are very neat and the details are AMAZING!!
It's really sad that the europeans and other Pal regions will get it much later.
(again sorry for any typos or wrong grammer or whatsoever...new year--> I'm German-->I'm drunk-->very....Funny??? posts?? ^^' )


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
It's a new game from the creator of The Sims.. It's been a while since I've been looking into it but I remember it being about creating organisms and planets and stuff.

Yeah... You can search for yourself if you're interested.

(OT: It's coming out soon? Wow. I remember when it was first announced.)

Anyways, I stand behind saying it will disappoint. Maybe not in too much, but at least a little bit.
It will only fail character-wise in the sense that some characters that are very popular won't be playable. IE: Ness, Samurai Goroh, Waluigi, and Little Mac. But other then that-it won't disappoint. Who cares though, we're getting a big roster, so that's all that matters. It will only fail in that aspect, and elsewhere it will MORE THEN succeed. We'll all get characters we want in the game, and some won't make it, but that isn't a big of a deal. We're getting over 40 characters, and character roster size is the biggest reason for the delay (so says the President of Nintendo).

(not aimed at who I'm quoting, just generalizing) This isn't Melee 1.5 (you don't even want Melee 2.0, you just want everything "the same") like you a ton of you want, it's a new f***ing game. Wait until you people play it, and then talk. And how will it fail to begin with=??? It is going to sell at least 8 to 10 million units, guarenteed. It's got more s*** in it then any other game in history. MORE MUSIC, MORE STAGES, MORE PLAYABLE (balanced) CHARACTERS, MORE FEATURES, MORE TECHNIQUES! We found OVER 6 at new techniques E for All, we already have more then Melee, and we're going to get A LOT MORE! Until we get the game, this is just pointless n00by speculation, PERIOD! We can't complain about what we haven't played.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
The roster will disappoint many, including myself because my expectations are high, yet the gameplay will make up for it. In other words, everything but the roster will live up to the hype.
IMO the roster has already lived up to the hype, and any new characters that get revealed are bonus!

I do expect the whole "Krystal, Geno, Ridley" thing in respect to Sakurai's poll. (Not because I personally care about them.)


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
It will only fail character-wise in the sense that some characters that are very popular won't be playable. IE: Ness, Samurai Goroh, Waluigi, and Little Mac. But other then that-it won't disappoint. Who cares though, we're getting a big roster, so that's all that matters. It will only fail in that aspect, and elsewhere it will MORE THEN succeed. We'll all get characters we want in the game, and some won't make it, but that isn't a big of a deal. We're getting over 40 characters, and character roster size is the biggest reason for the delay (so says the President of Nintendo).

(not aimed at who I'm quoting, just generalizing) This isn't Melee 1.5 (you don't even want Melee 2.0, you just want everything "the same") like you a ton of you want, it's a new f***ing game. Wait until you people play it, and then talk. And how will it fail to begin with=??? It is going to sell at least 8 to 10 million units, guarenteed. It's got more s*** in it then any other game in history. MORE MUSIC, MORE STAGES, MORE PLAYABLE (balanced) CHARACTERS, MORE FEATURES, MORE TECHNIQUES! We found OVER 6 at new techniques E for All, we already have more then Melee, and we're going to get A LOT MORE! Until we get the game, this is just pointless n00by speculation, PERIOD! We can't complain about what we haven't played.
Not to flame or start any kind of argument, but where exactly have you read that we're getting over 40 characters? I like to think we are, but we can't be sure without concrete evidence.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
New Jersey
There will always be some people dissappointed, but I think most everyone will be happy and love the game. No doubt it will last me years of playtime like melee.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2007
It will for sure live up to the hype, and be super awesome.

It should win GOTY 2008, take that MGS4 fanboys! :)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
brawl wont live up to the hype;)

if the demos amazing the only way it could suck is if they totally changed the whole game and added naruto
why the do you feel like bashing anime all of the sudden. anime never did anything to u. If it was so bad why is it on japanese prime time


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
*Game Awards Givien out on 2008*
Game of the Year is...........
Super Smash Bros Brawl!!!!!

Take a guess


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
Of course it will be amazing, my expectations though? Well, actually, I actually have zero expectations for Brawl. Every one of them have been fulfilled already XD. I don't even care if we have only the 23 characters confirmed is the final roster! Ever since they added Online, Stage Builder, Story Mode(A.K.A. Subspace Emissary. Seriously, I've always wanted a story with worlds colliding.), and don't forget, Sonic! I have to say, the only update I would a bit of a quarter of the way expect is a Mii. That would probably be the best move for Brawl to give it as much awesomeness as possible, although this may not happen, so my hopes are the farthest thing away from high. This game rocks already. I don't know how people could expect so much more when the game is possibly the best already.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Um...I guess it would be a disappointment if there were a small amount of characers, I would expect somewhere from 36-42.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
No, it won't. There will be outrages on all forums because "X ISN'T IN, AND X IS! NOW I'M NOT GOING TO BUY THE GAME *SOB*". Other than that, I don't know. I think we'll be playing this for a long time again, like Melee.
Well I wont be going crazy over **** like that.

Because so far everyone I want has made it.

I be a bit diasappointed if Ridley, Isaac or even Krystal ended up as assist trophies or if Marth got cut. But I could still live with it and move on.

I got Sonic, I got King Dedede, I got Pit, I got Metaknight, I got Snake I got MArio, Link and so forth. And Capatain Falcon will return. He's probably just gone secret again that's all.

Also Stage Builder, Wi-fi, SSE, Trophies, Multiplayer Mayhem, Co-op modes, Event Matches, My Music, In depth Tournament modes, etc, etc, what is there to be disappointed about?

I know BRawl will live up to expectations, the fact that I still have to wait after Feb 10th is what's klling me the most. Hopefully getting Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn could ease my pain.


Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2007
In Feburary 11th
Iono nowadays it seems like Sakurai has gone all out with everything besides the core.

The actual characters.
Alot of characters got nerfed and some even got removed (WHY NESS WHY!!!!!)

But for me I dont really care as long as Sakurai delivers a character I can love and a grow with. Then will I believe that Brawl has completley fullfilled all my Nintendo needs for this generation.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
In response to Rominati, I still have minor hope for Ness (at least with a new moveset).

If he doesn't have a new moveset, I'm afraid that he will have probably been cut.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
even if the subspace is awful, online sucks, and nothing else goes right (which wont be the case), we know for sure brawl will be a game with new characters, stages, items, and graphics to make ssb brand new all over again. thats the main draw of this game, and thats the reason brawl cannot fail. this game is going to be awesome anyway you slice it.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
I'm expecting an alternate SSBM.
Same basic idea, but with many small details changed. The whole style of fighting will be Smash Bros-style, but unlike Melee's - wavedashing/shffling will no longer be as important as it was in SSBM (in fact, wavedashing was taken out. Not sure about shffling).
So, we'll just have to get used to it some and we'll have a different Melee, with some additions - more characters, more stages....but most importantly, online multiplayer.

You could not be more wrong. I can see that you know nothing about Super smash Brothers, and especially Brawl. Melee was done on a short notice first off, it was good, but it could have been much better. Sakurai saw this and thats what he wanted to do in Brawl, the production also took much longer. He addressed any problems in Melee, and he didn't even fully take out wavedashing, he replaced, and I don't know about you, but I would rather have something like wavdashing then nothing. They have online, and that alone separates it from Melee with a pretty big gap in the middle. They added 3rd party characters (which isn't that much but it still is new), they made a stage builder. They added tons of new characters, and stages. They replaced some Melee stuff (Lottery-Coin Launcher), and added totally new features (stickers). Melee also only had an adventure that lasted about 20 minutes, while the new Subspace Emissary lasts 10 hours. Sure go ahead and say Brawl is just like Melee, a tweaked Melee you could say, but it isn't , it is a much better game, and your missing out if you think Melee is just as good and you don't need to bother buying Brawl. Brawl is good enough to live up to it's up, but whether it does isn't my choice. But still saying Brawl IS melee is one of the most groundless opinion Iv'e ever heard.
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