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DK's Match-Up Chart thread

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
As part of the Melee Match-Up Chart thread, I've created a thread for each character board to split up discussion. Currently the Melee chart is based on a collaborative opinion on each match-up, while we're going to slowly move towards spreading the discussion.

For now, the Melee Match-Up Chart will represent both sides of what the boards think, so for example, the Fox boards and the Falco boards will both have their respective opinions listed on the chart, so (for example) Fox may be 50:50, while Falco may be 55:45. This will be similar to Rajam's style for the current Brawl chart, which seems to be working well and staying accurate. Perhaps afterward, we can try to trim things down to one value for each match-up, but that will be a step in the future.

Currently, there is no order in which to discuss match-ups, but I may guide them if needed.

This topic is for DK's match-ups. The format is the standard 0-100 (including 5s). Any opinions are helpful and appreciated, and once there's a consensus for a match-up, I'll add it to the match-up chart.


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I wrote this up during Unknown/KK/Canada's Match-up thread. I might have changed my opinion after gaining more knowledge of some characters. I'll edit my post at a later time if it's necessary. I also wrote this assuming the old MBR ruleset where stages like Corneria and Jungle Japes were legal. Lol.

slight note: I have very little competitive experience against some of the lower tier/less common characters. There ARE some good low tier players in my region/area I've played (IC's, Ganon, Link, Y. Link, Mario, so I'll try to give as much information as I can, unless I already agree with the number there. :p)

DK vs. Sheik.
Donkey Kong has some options against Sheik, however based on range, speed, damage, priority, etc. the Sheik should not have many problems vs. DK, especially when you take a look at the tech-chasing in this match-up. DK can't really combo a Sheik with good DI, and can only get 2 or 3 hits out of an upthrow (his typical combo starter). DK has problems edgeguarding Sheik; much like most characters, he has to grab the ledge and try to force the player onto the stage so he can ledgehog/ledgedash -> punishment, but he can't really do much at all in time to punish Sheik landing on the stage. Sheik can pressure a Donkey Kong's shield whether they're lightshielding or shield-shifting or whatever, and get a grab that leads into the aforementioned tech-chasing that isn't difficult to do and is very hard to mess up. Sheik's combos and edgeguarding is brutal against DK, getting 3+ hits even with good DI (and needle edgeguarding is so stupid vs. DK w/ his terrible vertical recovery it isn't even funny -_-).
Sheik's on-stage game owns DK's and DK's recovery is far more gimpable in this match-up than Sheik's. The only reason I do well vs. Sheiks (or any other char, really) is because of match-up experience lol.

This match-up can either be 30-70 or 35-65, but 30-70 is more accurate IMO. It's DK's second worst match-up due to gayness.

DK vs. Fox.
Fox is really gay. Like here... :( But DK has some options... his edgeguarding options[/url] are actually pretty good against Fox, as he can b-air his Firefox, dtilt his Fox Illusion, and then "Sho-guard" (using up-b to edgeguard). Too many people are like "DK ***** FOX LOOK AT BUM VS. M2K," (including M2K....) when if you actually look at that match Bum loses even after a sick combo on the first stock, due to M2K being M2K. And then of course there are stupid stages like Green Greens, Corneria, and Pokéfloats that don't help DK out in this match-up at all. You can watch sets like Bum vs. M2K or Jman (even back in like 2007 when Jman wasn't all too good, and I'm not ****-talking Jman or anything cuz he said that himself when I mentioned those sets to him LOL) to see the obvious crap that DK has to put up with in this match-up. The escapable 0-death on one or two stages in this matchup doesn't do much at all to help Donkey Kong, especially when you take into account the fact that Fox is easily the most difficult character to grab, and that DK isn't exactly the best when it comes to grabbing haha (bad shield).

30-70 IMO. Fox is pretty gay.

DK vs. Falco.
IMO, this is worse than currently.Pew pew lasers completely shut down any attempt at approaching (which is basically bair or DD grab), and DK has like the worst shield in the game, then Falco hits you and then keeps hitting you until you're dead. His down-air is also stupid for ****** DK's recovery. Falco's pillaring is very effective against DK, and the only option DK really has vs. a Falco pillaring his shield is Up-B out of shield w/ superb timing, and that's if the Falco is sloppy in his tech skill.
Watching sets like Bum vs. PC Chris show that even an amazing DK is at the complete mercy of a Falco with good laser control and technical skill. Take a look at this match (or match 3 of the set). PC Chris is in complete control, despite his (obvious, as no one freaking uses DK) inexperience in the match-up. There are some pretty funny things in this match-up, and DK has some options, but it's pretty one-sided. DK has a chance if the Falco doesn't play really lamely with laser spam, but with laser spam and stuff considered this match-up really bad. D:

25-75 IMO. It's DK's worst match-up in the game.

DK vs. Marth.
An odd matchup. It's like 90% spacing (as per usual w/ Marth). DK has to space superbly with back-air/forward-tilt if he wants to have a chance and Marth just has to space with [entire moveset]. Marth definitely has more speed and range than DK, giving him more options against DK and his edgegaurding is pretty stupid vs. DK due to his terrible vertical recovery. DK's edgeguarding options are actually pretty good against Marth, though. His downtilt owns Marth's recovery, though, since Marth doesn't get much horizontal recovery w/ his up-b. DK can also up-b offstage or bair.
Basically, Marth can make more out of his opportunities that DK can.
35-65 would be an accurate representation of this match-up, all things cosidered.

DK vs. Jigglypuff.
DK's huge and gets rested and he can't combo Jiggs very well and has trouble killing her. DK can dthrow cg a bit or dthrow -> giant punch if the opponent doesn't DI properly, but I guess this is considering the opponent knows the match-up well enough to avoid that.

40-60 or 35-65.

DK vs. Captain Falcon.
darkrain lived around here until he moved to Texas (D=) so I know this match-up pretty well... DK doesn't have near as many setups for his combos as Falcon does, and Falcon's combos work pretty rapefully regardless of DI because DK is so huge. Both characters can edgeguard eachother pretty well (bair falcon if he's recovering high, dtilt if he's sweestpotting; dair just about kills DK's recovery since it's bad lol). Falcon's dash dance is just so good... and he combos like no other.

35-65 or 40-60.

DK vs. Peach.
DK can't approach easily because of turnip control and float cancel'd aerials, can't combo well because of Peach's nair, can't edgeguard well because of Peach, etc.
This match-up is kind of annoying...

40-60 or 45-55.

DK vs. Ganondorf.
A lot about spacing. Kinda reminds me of AOB vs. Eddie from way back... lol. But yeah pretty close to even. I think DK has to know more about the match-up to win than Ganon does, though, but that's just Ganon. And this match-up chart is considering both players know the match-up well, so... yeah. :p


DK vs. Samus.
DK can't combo Samus well and the match-up comes down to DK's bair haha. I played ihavespaceballs a bit in friendlies and I didn't do very well. -_- I could say that that was because he has DK experience (he told me that when we were playing, idk) and I don't have much Samus experience. Thinking about Super Theory Bros. though this match-up should be pretty even, or slightly in Samus' favor.


DK vs. Doctor Mario.
IMO, this match-up is pretty even. I haven't had much trouble against Doc's. It's usually pretty close or I just win. *shrug* I've never played a Doc that knew the match-up well. I think it's even, and I main DK and secondary Fox and Doc, so.... yeah.


DK vs. Ice Climbers.
I think that IC's chaingrab/wobble makes this 40-60 or worse... DK's grab combos don't work until it's too late to matter, but DK can just bair camp pretty well. There's a decent IC's I play often in my area but I don't really have much experience outside of that. I'd say 40-60.


DK vs. Luigi.
match-up is dumb. weegee can move a lot faster.


DK vs. Mario.
see Doc


DK vs. Pikachu.
I've played N64 a lot with my DK and it's usually pretty even.


DK vs. Link.
Link has a decent projectile game. DK can combo pretty well. Link can too. It's difficult to ascertain exactly why it's slightly in DK's favor, though I've played a few Link's around here and I usually win. I also played Mango's Link a bit in friendlies and we went pretty evenly XD.


DK vs. Young Link.
I'd say this is about even, actually. Young Link's projectile game is really good against DK and he can't just bair because bombs hit him through Bair. There's a really beastly Y. Link in my area and we go about even, as he's really good w/ projectiles. That's just my view, though. Could just be we know eachother's playstyles well.


DK vs. Mr. Game & Watch.
Battle of the crappy shields!
I don't have much experience w/ good G&W's other than Chexr's, which I did't get to play much haha. I don't see G&W having much options. There are some funny things w/ port priority though. If DK cargo dthrow's a G&W w/ a port that's higher (e.g. p1 dk p2-4 g&w) G&W just slides accross the ground. XD okay now I'm just rambling. =P.


DK vs. Zelda.
Zelda has a really good down-b!
I used to think this was more in DK's favor, like 70-30, but lately after realizing some of Zelda's spacing shenanigans I think she has a better chance, even after exploring DK more.


DK vs. Bowser. Current:
I dunno about this one... I don't see DK having too many more options than Bowser does, other than the upair juggling. And Bowser's recovery rofl. I don't have enough experience in this match-up to say anything really though. If I had to put a number to it...


DK vs. Mewtwo.
I don't have enough experience in this match-up to say much. Here's what Taj told me about it:
Taj278 said:
I think M2 vs. DK is kinda like a less severe version of the Ganon vs. M2 match-up. I'd say something like 55-45 or 60-40 DK's favor. DK is one of the tougher characters in the game to up throw, but you can't outspace M2 indefinitely anymore like you could get away with in 04-05.

Even though DK is heavy and equally tough to kill vertically, building percentage isn't quite as difficult because he is decent combo food for M2. M2 can also slightly dictate which direction DK is going to face for approaches, but DK still has the range and priority advantage through aerials and his grab range isn't too much worse than M2's.
IMO it's 60-40.

DK vs. Roy.0
I don't think it's this bad. MEXICAN played Sethlon in a bunch of friendlies (not recorded AFAIK), and while he won the majority of them, it wasn't ****. I'd say it's more 65-35 or 70-30. DK's upthrow upair antics work but Roy can combo DK pretty well, too. I dunno, I don't have much experience in this matchup (again lol).


DK vs. Ness.
Yeah, basically... Ness sucks rofl.


DK vs. Yoshi.
Yoshi's annoying. I just bair him a lot.


DK vs. Kirby.
I dunno. Kirby just sucks.


DK vs. Pichu.
Pichu sucks.



Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
DK's edgeguard on Sheik is fantastic loooool

But yeah everything else about him in the matchup is pretty much garbage looool


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Dk vs Samus is Dk's favor or even. Depends on how the Samus places, if anything.

Me, Mexican, and ihavespaceballs have said enough on this imo.

Me and Mexican have both had no trouble with good Samus players, but ihavespaceballs was the one Samus that gave Mexican problems (matches went even). If you watch his Samus... you'll see that no one else is like him xD

Everything else.... hmm.

Falco could be 80-20.

Puff is 55-45.

Sheik is 80-20 if you have tech skill like M2K xD

Me, Mex, PKM, and AoB had a long talk about DK vs Marth back when this forum was semi active. We said it was even... Mexican lead the convo since he plays with KDJ and beat Taj and M2K. To this day... I'd say Marth doesn't have anything over a 60-40 advantage.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
From my experience, I'd have to say Zelda vs DK is 50:50 But this is such a rare match up. i guess I could be wrong. It's just kinda easy to shield poke a DK's shield with a sweet spot kick. Although you guys got more speed than Zelda, kick range and her N-air's ability to poke your shield, also her great out of shield options makes it dangerous to hit her shield w/o perfect spacing. Kick out of shield, and nayru's love out of shield cover great horizontal distance.

But I also know Zelda needs to not approach either, I've seen what DK's UP+B out of shield can do and Zelda's short hop (first kick) puts her right in range for it. so if Zelda does miss the shield poke(hopefully you all spam light shield unless you're sure it won't poke and you want less shield lag) She will get pwned. Her weight doesn't leave her in combos for too long, But with platforms and say yoshi's story you could chase her forever >.> probably kill her really low with a few gross up+air's toward the ceiling. You guys have a strong up air, and zelda has a crappy down air.

So as long as Zelda stays above you, you'll ****. But horizontal wise. Zelda has your number imo.

So I wanna say 50:50

But I'm alright with 55:45 in DK's Favor. I just feel like 60:40 is pushing it. I believe zelda and DK have enough on eachother. It's all up to the player's skill. and since top DK's don't meet top Zelda's very often. It's hard to say.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Unless you use DK or Zelda, you're theorycrafting. Hopefully you do use one of those two.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Then I can see his point. IMO it's about 60-40 or 55-45. 5 point differences usually just mean a difference in interpretation of the point system.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
Just noticed this thread and I disagree with a lot of stuff but it's 3:30 in the morning and i'm too tired to type. lol. Btw, NJ, you must have me mixed up with someone else because i've never played KDJ in my life. lol....Blah...will come back and read this thread more thoroughly when i get some sleep. Goodnight everybody =D lol


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
Ok, so in my opinion, this is how each matchup is. Just ask me if you want me to tell you my reasoning for each.

Sheik is 35-65 or 30-70. I am leaning more toward the former.
Falco is 30-70.
Fox is 40-60 on some stages, 35-65 on some, and roughly 45-55 on final d.
Marth is 40-60....maybe better. maybe 45-55.
Jiggs is about 45-55.
Captain Falcon is 40-60, i'd say 50-50 on final d.
Peach is 40-60.
Ganon is 40-60.
samus is 55-45.
Doc is about 50-50, or like....49-51 in doc's favor. lol.
IC's is 40-60.
Luigi is 65-35.
Mario is 55-45.
Pikachu is idk....i'm going to call it 50-50 until i play like axe or something. lol
Link is 55-45.
Y.link is about the same... i think...lol. yeah...i'll just go with 55-45
G&W is i'm going to assume 60-40.
Zelda is 70-30
Bowser is like....75-25..seriously, you shouldn't be losing to bowser.
M2 against taj is 40-60, any other M2, its 60-40
Roy is at least 70-30. Sethlon is the best roy i've played, but I beat him every time.
Ness is surprisingly difficult. I'd say 55-45. DK can't approach ness.
Yoshi is 65-35?
Kirby is 75-25?
Pichu is 99.9-3.2. I know, it's just weird. lol

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Sheik 35-65, 30-70
Falcon 40-60?
Peach 40-60?
Doc 50-50
ICs 40-60
Jigglypuff 45-55?
Pikachu 50-50?
Link 55-45
Mr.G&W 60-40?
Yoshi 65-35?

I'll update the non-? ones, and the others if you guys agree with them.

Does PKMVodka ever post on the DK boards?

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
I'll just be doing these ones then:

Doc 50-50
ICs 40-60
Link 55-45

If other DKs disagree, we can change them later.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
I disagree with a number of Mexican's matchups. But then people will ride his nuts because he's the only actual DK main, so I guess just accept them.
No disrespect, but I think that the fact that I'm a DK main makes me more likely to know the matchups way better than a non-DK main, unless of course you main the opposite character in a certain matchup, but that only works in one scenario though obviously. And besides, those are just my opinion, I'd never try to pass them off as fact. I also have a lot of faith in the big monkey and I hate people johnning about DK's matchups. I used to do it constantly, but i'm tired of doing so and i'd rather just get better and beat people no matter how the matchup goes. If Axe/Taj/Scorpion Master can do it, then so can I.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I maintain that the reason Game & Watch/DK/Young Link/a lot of characters don't have an AXE, Taj, or Scorp is because we simply don't have many really high level players at this game and most of the ones we do have gravitate towards Falco, Fox, etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2006
Hiding from La Migra
I maintain that the reason Game & Watch/DK/Young Link/a lot of characters don't have an AXE, Taj, or Scorp is because we simply don't have many really high level players at this game and most of the ones we do have gravitate towards Falco, Fox, etc.
It's always been a kinda goal of mine before to be the best DK player out there, but I never really did enough to try and meet that goal. Lately, I've been stepping up my game and I'm determined now to be the next godly low-tier user. Captain Jack was the original, Bum had his turn, now I'm going to take up that mantle. Just watch me, I'll make a name for DK again


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Ok, so in my opinion, this is how each matchup is. Just ask me if you want me to tell you my reasoning for each.

Sheik is 35-65 or 30-70. I am leaning more toward the former.
Falco is 30-70.
Fox is 40-60 on some stages, 35-65 on some, and roughly 45-55 on final d.
Marth is 40-60....maybe better. maybe 45-55.
Jiggs is about 45-55.
Captain Falcon is 40-60, i'd say 50-50 on final d.
Peach is 40-60.
Ganon is 40-60.
samus is 55-45.
Doc is about 50-50, or like....49-51 in doc's favor. lol.
IC's is 40-60.
Luigi is 65-35.
Mario is 55-45.
Pikachu is idk....i'm going to call it 50-50 until i play like axe or something. lol
Link is 55-45.
Y.link is about the same... i think...lol. yeah...i'll just go with 55-45
G&W is i'm going to assume 60-40.
Zelda is 70-30
Bowser is like....75-25..seriously, you shouldn't be losing to bowser.
M2 against taj is 40-60, any other M2, its 60-40
Roy is at least 70-30. Sethlon is the best roy i've played, but I beat him every time.
Ness is surprisingly difficult. I'd say 55-45. DK can't approach ness.
Yoshi is 65-35?
Kirby is 75-25?
Pichu is 99.9-3.2. I know, it's just weird. lol
I like a lot of these numbers. They're mostly roughly within 5 points of my opinions.


fox = 35
jiggs = 40 (maybe 35). Easy rests are kinda gay
CF = 35
samus = 50
doc = 45
mario = 45
pika = 40
roy = 80
ness = 65
pichu = 70 (kinda leaning toward 65 now. Maybe even 60). I learned some random **** with pichu recently


Smash Ace
Jan 25, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
yeaaah. but its even worse for the mario players. remember DK ***** them even more with
ledgegrabbed invinvibility + bair or up b. It wrecks them. the numbers are even higher on DKs favor.

Spank That Dill

Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2009
Columbia, SC / Augusta, GA
could you talk about the DK/Peach match up a little more? I'm trying to pick up DK, and I know a few tricksies I can do to the spacies and Sheik since all my friends play those characters, but there's also a Peach player around here that gives me some trouble.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2004
Mahopac, NY
Heres my opinions (similar to Mexican's now that I look at it):

Sheik: 30/70 - 25/75. **** matchup, not many approaches vs sheik, nor extensive combos. Plus you get outpriot

Falco: 30/70 25/75 another **** match up; you can do more against falco when you get the chance, but thats easier said than done. The matchup basically relies on the falco messing up and you capitalizing on it...

Fox: 40/60 (50/50 on FD) Fox is a tough matchup for everyone, and he can manhandle DK easily, but the same applies vice versa.
Marth: 40/60 Like Mexican said, it's all about spacing. Marth doesn't have really strong combos on DK and most of his damage involves repeated grabs. DK can challenge his range though.

Jiggs: 40/60 an awkward matchup, I don't really know where to begin. DK is a big target and can be comboed into rests easily if you get caught by an up tilit or up air, although he can limit her crouch game since he can grab her from it. Down throw is effective in this matchup and your giant punch is essential., at low percents DKcan punish her aerials with cc downsmash.

Captain Falcon: 40:60, I find this matchup difficult because falcon can **** the living **** out of Monk with extensive combos(Playing Hax isn't pretty). DK can combo him well also similar to fox althought most of killing him involves edguarding.

Peach: 35/65 This might be 40/60 also, this match up is heavily reliant on spacing as well. Peach can deal huge damage quickly if you leave yourself open or get outpriotitized, or whiff an attack (Oh **** I stepped on her dress!) Edgeguarding is difficult too althought Peach can get killed off the ceiling easily from a grab.

Ganon: 45/55 or 50/50 a pretty even match up, both characters can punish eachother well, as well as edgegaurd the crap out of eachother easily. Strong bad had a good point about the dk needing to know more about the matchup to win though.
samus: 45/55 or 50/50, Neither character can kill eachother easily, so the matchup involvles alot of single hit/ 2 hit combos on one another.

Doc 50/50, doc can combo and pressure dk well if he gets in range, the problem with that is dk's superior range in the matchup

IC's: 35:65 pr 40:60a difficult matchup. It's difficult to avoid getting grabbed when both climbers are together, and a grab leads to alot of damage or a kill. This matchup is mostly one of patience and looking for openings.

Luigi: 45:55 Luigi is slippery and can barely be comboed. B-air is your best friend here.

Mario: 60/40, similar to doc only mario has the can't kill syndrome. His edgeguarding is much less effective mainly due to the b-air which has a more upward trajectory than doc's which lets dk come home easier.

Pikachu : 50/50 or 45/55, both characters can combo eachother decently well, what dk has in range pikachu has in superior speed,

Link: 50/50 : projectiles are hassle as with links' n-air but manageable, you can combo well from a grab and often times gimp his recovery with an up b.

Y.link 45/55 Similar to link only his younger ego has an easier time spamming and it is more difficult to hit/combo him.

G&W: 60/40 or 65/35, G&W's disjointed hitboxes can allow him to get in on dk but his paper weight terrible defenses (shield/rolls etc.) make him a sorry victim for huge hits and cambos.

Zelda: 60/40? I really don't have experience in this.

Murt: 75/25 An easy match up for dk, his superior mobility let him approach/combo bowser very well. Bowser has a difficult time edgegurading dk and that is one of his main assets in most matchups.

Mewtwo: 60/40 I'm assuming. I played TaJ a few games years ago but no other mewtwo I've played can give me a truely accurate opinion.

Roy: 70/30, DK can cc many of roys attacks to fair percents and punch well from a grab or other things. Not to mention Roy has to hit dk a million times to actually kill him too.

Ness: 55:45, or 60:40 an awkard matchup. Ness can approach dk well and can rack up damage also (F-air tears up his shield and beats out many of his attacks plus can lead into other moves), Ness' main fall comes in killing dk though (and his crap recovery), he needs to rely on a homerun or back throw (if he can get a grab with those stuby arms at high percent) even a b-air won't kill until after 150 on most stages.

Yoshi: 60:40 Yosh has some fair combos and sheild pressure/decent edgeguarding on Dk, although it is diffult for him to approach, he can get gimped easily too the Crack (sweet spot up B) breaks his jump at low percents.

Kirby: 75:25 Kirb can't get in on ths matchup, nor kill effectively at all.

Pichu : 75: 25 See Kirb. Pichu is a little better at actually killing Dk however, Pichu's edgeguarding on dk is pretty good (f-tilt f-smash beat dk's up b) Pichu dies ridiculously early and gets comboed pretty bad too.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
could you talk about the DK/Peach match up a little more? I'm trying to pick up DK, and I know a few tricksies I can do to the spacies and Sheik since all my friends play those characters, but there's also a Peach player around here that gives me some trouble.
Learn to adapt to your opponent's playstyle. Really. I can go on about DK's bair, dtilt, uthrow uair, and Up-B all day, but nothing will help you better than learning to understand your opponent and being able to change your gameplan accordingly.
When you approach with a bair, make note of what he does. If he does it more than once, there's a good chance he'll do it again. Capitalize on it.
When you're just dash dancing around, pay attention to his response. Does he pick a turnip and aimlessly throw it at you immediately, does he pick a turnip and then start dash dancing like he should, does he pick a turnip, dash dance, and then try to float cancel a fair or nair at you? Your opponent is your professor at all times, and you take notes. You take notes during the test. The test is as difficult as your opponent is good. Your opponent gives you the questions and you give your response. If you get a C on the test, you might be able to beat your opponent if they're using Falco. If you get a D, you might be able to beat Marth or Fox player. If you get an F, you should probably get better.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2014
Has anyone got any experience playing against good Pikachus?
There's a really good one in my region, I haven't yet been able to beat him with my DK. Couple of games with Fox, but not DK yet.

The matchup seems to be DK getting batted around by 3% up airs until he eventually dies.
It seems that you have to have good crouch cancelling to win, since he's not one you can trade in the air with, due to disjoints on the tail.

It's not too far from playing against a spacie, but what's horrible about it is that once you do actually win neutral, you don't get a free stock.

It's a matchup that it seems you have to be good at crouch cancelling with, and not just crouch cancelling into a grab, since he can cross you up quite well.


Smash Rookie
Jan 2, 2015
Los Angeles
I have a little experience with the pikachu matchup, and i honestly like it. its probably not in dks favor but it feels close to me. I've played a few games with axe and socals local pikachu player, eric, whose taken a game off lucky. i play the neutral like its against a spacie, but with a larger focus on taking center stage. dont fight at the ledge, cause your gimp food. you might be able to challenge nair with a good read and a well spaced back air, but i havent sunk enough time into the mu to know. also unless your opponents godly at no impact landing with pikachu, its not to hard to punish theyre recovery on stage.
to kill, just abuse your setups, cause they still work theyre just not as free as spacies. thankfully pikachu dies super early.
remember pikachu is a hit and run character. nair is her main way of dealing damage, up airs are to get you into a dangerous position.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Charge punch as much as you can.

Never approach, try to Bair camp.

CC grab and CC Dsmash.
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