Smash Journeyman
I just started to make some combo vids not long ago and DK SmAsH is the first! I'd only been playing DK for a couple months when I made the video and he's so much **** fun he's one of my mains now... I wanted to make another DK video before i moved to baltimore so i made DK SmAsH 2 in a hurry from a couple hours of footage so i don't think it's that great of a combo vid, but it's fun to watch... hope you all enjoy it and if anyone out there plays in baltimore let me know!! i need to find some smash players up here!!
DK SmAsH -
DK SmAsH 2 -
and i need to find a site to put on downloadable versions anyone know a good place to do that at?
DK SmAsH -
DK SmAsH 2 -
and i need to find a site to put on downloadable versions anyone know a good place to do that at?