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is laughing at you
May 4, 2005


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It's cool, I needed it for an extra credit essay that was due tonight...hella PROcrastination and still got it done, albeit it was mostly bull****.



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Yo OS real talk lets Hydra in the next not experimental small and I really want to just try and walk each other through the thought processes we have. I think we both could grow from it plus we get to bro it out :D


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Getting married in about 11 hours. Catch ya guys later.

And OS, I've kinda skimmed DN mafia, but I'll try to get back to you kinda soon. No promises on how soon



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Yo OS real talk lets Hydra in the next not experimental small and I really want to just try and walk each other through the thought processes we have. I think we both could grow from it plus we get to bro it out :D
I'm not an indie anymore, you don't have to worry about me killing you. :B

but sure

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Going to a campfire getting drunk and hanging out in Milwaukee is pretty damn chill.

Thank god for phone auto correct.

BTW OS, we should role scum again together.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I don't think that I have it within me to play another game of mafia. In order for me to feel good about a game, I want to put in serious manpower so I can say that I really, you know, played the game. But the thing is, that's not the only thing I want. I want people to have some sense of mutual enjoyment that, "Hey this was a really fun game and I had a good time because we put time into this thing."

But when you look at the reality of the situation, I mean, if you're part of the losing faction or even the winning faction, you know that there were some elements of the win or defeat that weren't entirely satisfiable to your own taste. This non-counting the fact that there are likely people who also have similar regrets about the play presented in the game and decisions made. And you know what happens after a game, we start a new game. A new score where we reset the timer to zero and we start it up all over again. Is there really some intrinsic enjoyment people get out of harassing afk and moot players from becoming relevant, because I frankly don't derive too much fun from playing the part of warden gestapo or doing mafia parenting. In fact, it sucks. A lot. And with all the suck that goes on in a day, I don't know if I can put a leash on not lashing out at the people in this community who I genuinely like and respect to certain extents.

For me, mafia is the thing you play to get familiar with the people you play with and make friends. Not the thing that you do to potentially jeopardize the relationship with the people you've familiarized yourself with. And frankly, I don't know if I'm man enough to not let myself get emotional with all the **** I eat on a daily basis from the people around me. Bottom line is the game isn't much of a game to me. If I'm going to spend hours into reading and typing, you know, I want to make people happy. Tons of people happy. Hell when I mock something like an awful post, I hope to God that the person who wrote the original piece of **** is laughing with me. I just don't want to feel some smug sense of satisfaction alone or at the expense of fifteen other people being in various stages of johns. And you know what, I don't get that vibe where everyone can be as straight as possible and say, "Damn that was a ****ing good game. Absolutely no regrets." Mafia just seems like a game that wasn't constructed for maximizing happiness. And I don't know. It just seems discouraging as all hell.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Mafia is brain chess, Acrostic. There are no pieces. YOU are a piece. I am a piece.

Whatever moves those pieces is something that can be used effectively, as long as it is within the rules. It's understandable not to like mafia, but to say 'mafia is all about being friendly' or 'mafia is about making friends' and then say you get emotional playing mafia, well, that can't work together.

Emotions move people. That's how most people think. Logic rarely works; people don't trust it as much as their gut. You WILL have a persona that follows you around. You can let other people create it, or you can create one yourself.

People thought I was a mafia genius (the alignment, not game) very early on even though I won my first mafia game by just waiting out an inactive at the end. I had some good plays but it wasn't fantastic. But the way I presented it was; people assumed I was some awesome mafia and afterwards I was treated as such. I used it. Still do.

You can do it too. It helps take emotion out of the situation. You think me, Evan, is like Overswarm in real life? Not a chance. Overswarm isn't real. He's a persona. People attack Overswarm all the time. Evan doesn't care because he made him up. More importantly, the people attacking Overswarm don't actually hate him or even think ill of him. They just want influence over his playerslot and emotion-based attacks and comments help with that.

You don't have to like it, but you SHOULD understand.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Mafia is brain chess, Acrostic. There are no pieces. YOU are a piece. I am a piece.

Whatever moves those pieces is something that can be used effectively, as long as it is within the rules. It's understandable not to like mafia, but to say 'mafia is all about being friendly' or 'mafia is about making friends' and then say you get emotional playing mafia, well, that can't work together.

Emotions move people. That's how most people think. Logic rarely works; people don't trust it as much as their gut. You WILL have a persona that follows you around. You can let other people create it, or you can create one yourself.

People thought I was a mafia genius (the alignment, not game) very early on even though I won my first mafia game by just waiting out an inactive at the end. I had some good plays but it wasn't fantastic. But the way I presented it was; people assumed I was some awesome mafia and afterwards I was treated as such. I used it. Still do.

You can do it too. It helps take emotion out of the situation. You think me, Evan, is like Overswarm in real life? Not a chance. Overswarm isn't real. He's a persona. People attack Overswarm all the time. Evan doesn't care because he made him up. More importantly, the people attacking Overswarm don't actually hate him or even think ill of him. They just want influence over his playerslot and emotion-based attacks and comments help with that.

You don't have to like it, but you SHOULD understand.
I understand that to a certain extent. But I don't understand how you can get enjoyment from "Overswarm" winning, if you're not "Overswarm." I can see how playing a persona is fun and also gives you some sense of reward when you do win on it. But isn't it suffocating? If "Overswarm" is a persona aren't there times that you feel your play becomes artificial, stifling, and constricted? Is that the type of feeling you want to come off when you play a game? You see I don't get that. I get playing a character or keeping to a theme, but I don't see how anyone can derive adequate enjoyment by conscientiously divorcing some personal aspect of themself from the field of play for the time and thought put into the game.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Going to a campfire getting drunk and hanging out in Milwaukee is pretty damn chill.

Thank god for phone auto correct.

BTW OS, we should role scum again together.

Wow. A drunk post, and there was only ONE misspelled word.

Acrostic, have you ever created anything amazing?

If not, imagine how God feels when someone does something cool. Why didn't God just do it himself?
Note: God doesn't have to exist. Assume he does for the point of my question; his actual existence is irrelevant.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I don't know if I can put a leash on not lashing out at the people in this community who I genuinely like and respect to certain extents.

I've yelled at so, so, so so so, so many people, so so many times. I remember I yelled for ages to Roxy about what a ******* stupidhead he was in one game and we ended up bein big ol' bros not long thereafter.

I think it just kind of is a general understanding that there are no hard feelings about stuff unless otherwise specified, which is why people can take turns calling each other ******* for like six hours in a game and then chill on skype for another six later the same day like nothing happened. I actually think that is by far one of the coolest things about DGames as a community.

but yeah I feel ya, my initial retirement was brought out in the first place as a reaction to that things had become more annoyance and almost no fun, turning me into a crotchety old man on his internet porch. Stay away from my Gran Torino you goddamn gooks.

Unretiring as a hydra-only player, however, has been a good decision. Uh, so far, anyway. Ryker's semi-frequent disappearances in Mass Effect caused a few headaches but for the most part I was removed enough from the constant stresses of in-thread gameplay that everything was a lot more laid back and chill for me, and having someone to yell at on skype to get all the meanness outta your system is awesomely therapeutic, while doing so in a thread is a pretty thankless and ineffectual exercise. I think you might want to consider that as an option.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
and re: "making people happy"

That's not how it works, but that doesn't mean it has an inherent hostility or ought to be damaging your impressions of other people. Mafia is a competitive game. Think of sports. Sports are inherently competitive. People want to crush and ruinate their opponent. How happy do you think the Steelers were for mah boiz in 2011 after the Superbowl? I'd wager "venomously the opposite" is around the best way to describe their "happiness". But that doesn't mean they will have regretted playing the game, don't respect the skill of those that defeated them, or bear ill will against them as a result -- only the mistakes, personal weaknesses, and other such circumstances that led to the unfavorable outcome.

And what happened when fall of 2011 rolled around? Did the Steelers uproot and give up, because the training and battles were so hard and ultimately fruitless? Cease to exist? Hell naw. Kickoff weekend began, and they played a game. Life goes on.

If you really have trouble divorcing the two ideas, and two manners of interactions, then okay. I can see not wanting to continue. But that's not a problem with the game, or anything else of its kin, it's just human nature and competition at their most typical. It's just a whole other sphere of human interaction.

And this doesn't mean that there's an intrinsic war-like aspect to it that means you can't forge new camaraderie by way of the game, it just means that you're not looking at things correctly. You don't make new friends on DGames by playing mafia -- you make new friends on DGames because you play mafia. Or played. Whatever the case may be.

I still remember talking to marshy during "The Fog", after he'd gotten in a fight with a pair of lovers in the town named Anthony and Erica, played by Lombo and Wikipedia. Marshy (Deputy Laugher) was arresting them, and decided to get really, really smug about it. Then Anthony/Lombo freed himself and proceeded to beat the unholy **** out of him, forcing him to use his firearm to regain control of the in-game fight.

Half an hour later we were talking about it and marshy was laughing his *** off about how the whole thing had transpired and how hard he'd gotten his butt kicked by the little asian civil engineer. And then after that, he did better, and that exchange of smugness and ingame fisticuffs never entered into his interactions with Lombo ever again for as long as Lombo was a DGamer.

I consider this similar to MMA fighters and boxers hugging after a hell of a bout. There was a winner and a loser, and not only that, they sure as hell didn't step in there to make friends. They got in the ring to beat the **** out of the other guy. But then one guy raises his arms after the refs make the call, and the whole dynamic changes. Hell, even during a fight one time, Fedor went up against that huge Asian guy that is probably related to jungle, and converted a strike attempt into a hold so awesome he was dangling off the dude's arm and it's a total miracle it didn't snap like a twig. The round ends and they exchange a brofist before they go to their corners -- an acknowledgment of how awesome it was.

Sportsmanship, dawg. It is the tether.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EE, you make me feel better about my rage-induced spasms I have sometimes. How I play in Mafia is kind of a persona for me. I'm not nearly that angry about things and I certainly wouldn't get in your face for disagreeing or start flipping tables and calling you scum. Nah. I'd like to feel that our mafia personas are much more different than who we are, or at least how I see it.

Not saying I suddenly become a whole different being when I play mafia. Just I let my competitive side out and put aside differences for the sake of the game.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
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get on it DGames :p

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Mafia is brainchess but OS is a pawn and decides it's a legal move to pretend he's a knight and jumps two spaces forward and one to the left.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Mafia is brainchess but OS is a pawn and decides it's a legal move to pretend he's a knight and jumps two spaces forward and one to the left.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I typically play to my normal persona, except I put out a more hardheaded/brutish approach on purpose so as to not be so easily swayed. This is a bit of a double edged sword though.

IDK, I like mafia. It's great for developing a backbone, a vocabulary, argumentative skills, social interaction skills, confidence, probably other things I'm not thinking of right now. Oh yeah, totes helps you build character too.

[COLLAPSE="oh snap is that what i think it is"]

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I can't play to my actual persona at all anymore. In mafia I get angry over everything, IRL hardly anything makes me angry. Don't know when it happened either because back when I was good at mafia I was totally cold-blooded.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I can't play to my actual persona at all anymore. In mafia I get angry over everything, IRL hardly anything makes me angry. Don't know when it happened either because back when I was good at mafia I was totally cold-blooded.

You answered your own question. You got emotional and started being bad at mafia.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Regarding mafia personas, I'm way more shouty than I am IRL. In fact, in arguments, I'm clear and usually quiet and calm. I don't like shouting. But y'all are just so darn stupid sometimes that I can't help it.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Laundry's quiet as **** IRL.

I don't know how I contrast to my in-game.

Laundry, Ryker, BSL, opinion?
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